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Everything posted by Landis963

  1. He can build up, if that construction can topple and take out two other things. Dulling hemalurgic pain so that his victim can continue to destroy should be child's play.
  2. As one very wise liespren once said, the mirror might be a good place to begin your search.
  3. Nothing, just fishing for things. Adonalsium's benevolence and anthropomorphism in particular.
  4. "The 17th Shard has taken to calling Adonalsium "Uncle Andy." How accurate a moniker is this?"
  5. 1. In several places, yes. (See: Sixth of the Dusk for one example of non-Shardic humans) 2. Don't know. 3. Probably. 4. Don't know, although I have a question in mind for GenCon that might shed some light.
  6. There's only two perpendicularities on Scadrial, both were drained by the end of WoA. The pits have the dual advantage of regrowing faster and being reliable enough to worldhoppers that infrastructure for ease of use was already in place (by WoB). Also, I suspect it's much easier to use the Pits by accident, than it is to use the Well under similar circumstances. As for Vin, I don't believe she's the type to take the time for that walk with the dead. Not when, as you said, there were bigger fish to fry in the Physical Realm.
  7. Hibiscus flowers with closed-in petals, like a crocus or a tulip. And of course, in every color under the sun and then some. That's my idea of them, anyway.
  8. Kinetic Investiture is the in-universe, fancy term for any Investiture that is being actively used. When Raoden's drawing an Aon, the glowy white lines are Kinetic Investiture.
  9. Given their interaction, and what Hoid knows of Kel's pre-death actions, Hoid could quite reasonably consider Kelsier a reckless psychopath.
  10. I wonder if Kassar is Rosharan or Nalthian. Also, I think I have enough evidence to piece together what happened on Elsric's first worldhop. When the Catacendre was happening, he'd probably taken refuge inside the Pits of Hathsin. Whatever remnants of the power had regrown over the year or two since Kelsier destroyed the Pits, coupled with Harmony's ascension, probably opened the door wide enough such that when Elsric wanted to escape the doom he was certain was coming, he was able to pass into the Cognitive Realm. However, he would have died there if not for other worldhoppers' prior preparations, namely the boats and the liquid Investiture needed to keep them afloat. So while he was taking refuge in one of those boats, and taking in the show of the Catacendre (as SH showed those changes were clearly visible to denizens of the Cognitive Realm), Harmony showed up.
  11. Speaking of "each and every furniture": Where did the accoutrements around the hearth come from? The vases, the dustpan, the folding screen? Also several other bits of furniture that materialize from the aether between the before and after pictures.
  12. Given what we know of shardblades, I suspect it would be difficult, bordering on impossible, to summon it at a distance from its owner. However, I suspect that the Radiants could pull tricks like that. (Being cagey because I don't know whether or not you've read WoR)
  13. I've said this before, but Cohesion reduces any non-Shard material to putty in your hands. The applications, in combat or otherwise, are numerous.
  14. Where's the option for "It was wrong, but I was cheering him on the entire time"?
  15. In that same vein... Mr. A because no one can spell "Adonalsium."
  16. Assuming, of course, that he hides it. It might be good political leverage to get the Shin on their side ("You gave a Shardblade to an exile and told him to obey anyone he meets? What were you thinking?").
  17. It is indeed beautiful. I love what you did with the wallpaper. However, something I immediately noticed: Shai's bed is in an inopportune spot for Zu to crash through it during Shai's escape attempt. (Or for Shai to "cower" behind it when Zu tries to kill her)
  18. The illustration with Gaotona? I presume you mean of the scene where Shai Forges the mural into the wall? (I seem to recall that said mural was "the last thing [Shai] wanted to do for the room.")
  19. I think the exact wording was more along the lines of him putting several Asian-esque cultures onto Sel which made it a rather good fit for Forging's inspiration.
  20. How about with an orange sun? (As opposed to a yellow sun, like Earth's) It sounds like my sky will be green.
  21. How dense does such an atmosphere need to be to affect a noticeable color change (e.g. from blue -> blue-green)? I ask because, as I learned in my "world with a year-long day" thread, a thick atmosphere is one of the things I'd need to regulate planetary temperatures during the night. EDIT: And how does that play with a dimmer sun than ours?
  22. Another instance of "Just Pick One": Day length is about half the year. I'm currently thinking the entire orbital period is 276 Earth days, which means 137 Earth days to go from dawn to dawn. Judging from the formulae on that webpage you cited, I need to solve for the sidereal day thusly: T[sidereal day]=(276*137)/(276+137)=37812/413=91.55 Earth days. I might change that up later, I'm not certain, really. And the orbital period itself changed multiple times (during the writing of the post) before I even got to the formula, so there we are. I'm still thinking only one moon though. Phases are basically useless because not only is the sun in the same position over multiple lunar orbits, but the moon itself is Invested enough to glow under its own power (Basically this is to allow plants a method of cheating their way through a 3-month night). I don't believe I'll need a second moon - it seems like it would be distracting, although I might resurrect the possibility of the moon having a moon.
  23. Theoretically there's some standing room or something, at least for the Q&As. I'm definitely going to be trying to attend both the Worldbuilding panels and both the signings, despite only getting tickets for one of the panels. EDIT: I will also be trying to attend the Q&A, because I want to ask my Dor questions. Just in case, however, I'd like to post them here for purposes of wordsmithing (and also if people can ask it in my stead if I cannot): "What percentage of notable features of Sel are accounted for in the Dor? [Cite Aon Aon and the Forging setting mark as two examples if necessary]" "When an Elantrian draws an Aon, what happens to the end result if an invalid line is included (e.g. if the Dakhor super speed rune was included)?" And lastly, if the answer is anything besides "it would fizzle immediately upon drawing the invalid line": "Would it be possible for, say, an Elantrian to make a 3-D model of Sel using only Dor-capable symbols, and if so, what would that accomplish?"
  24. IT EXPLAINS SO MUCH. Also, SO JEALOUS! (But not too too jealous because I know I'd have too difficult a time keeping to the NDA)
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