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Everything posted by Landis963

  1. I, also, will be abstaining from any and all spoilers until Oathbringer is released. I may even abstain longer, depending on when the audiobook comes out, and whether or not I read it in tandem with a friend of mine.
  2. Sazed had all sorts of "jewelry" serving as his metalminds. Rings, bracelets, several earrings, eyeglasses, etc. Despite that, they were still referred to as the "Bands of Harmony" in Era 2 Scadrial. ("Replicas of the Bands of Mourning and the Bands of Harmony" are on display in the network of caves Harmony made from the supply caverns and the Pits of Hathsin, as seen in SoS)
  3. I suspect a bouillabaisse, with extra lobster or crab, would be a good facsimile of Horneater stew. I kind of want to try chouta myself. That or Tashikki pancakes.
  4. In fairness, Kaladin's had several very shitty days. "Stuck in traffic" kind of seems like a first-world-problem, considering.
  5. If you like Stormlight more, you're getting more out than you put in.
  6. I'll read it in the store, and if I don't come away feeling disappointed, I'll buy it.
  7. Jon's death is not ambiguous. (He was stabbed Caesar style, that's not something you walk away from) What's ambiguous is Melisandre's ability and willingness to rez him.
  8. I see. If I remember correctly, by the end of A Dance With Dragons:
  9. Define "this point?" I think Sansa and Rickon are the only ones unaccounted for by your list.
  10. Didn't we have a thread like this already? Also Dishonored is clearly Cosmere. (It even has a Shard in residence!)
  11. I was shooting the breeze with a friend not on the Shard, and the discussion dipped into the signature Sanderson Avalanche. (Specifically, he'd just finished WoK, his first Cosmere book, and had noticed how often the perspective changed as the climax approached) My question for the Shard: What is Brandon's record for the greatest number of perspective changes in a single chapter? I suspect it is Elantris (spec. the chapter where Raoden figures out how to undo the Reod) with 5 different POVs. Is there a single chapter across all of Brandon's oeuvre that tops that?
  12. Like light through frosted glass, or something, I presume.
  13. He calls the stones of Urithiru "unhallowed", or unblessed. He's saying he's not penalized for walking on stone in Urithiru because it doesn't qualify for whatever reverence the Shin have for stone.
  14. I suspect that Sadeas was never "a decent bloke," and that it was Dalinar (and Dalinar alone) who changed. I'm looking forward to that, and to the Nightwatcher episode.
  15. "...At the expense of the other nine." Which would indicate that your first hypothesis is correct, and doesn't really match with the second one.
  16. I specifically asked about a hypothetical Shard of Tenacity, which logically would lend its magic to any random soul that didn't want to pass to the Beyond. Also, Ambition didn't die in the Threnodite System, according to Khriss. He was mortally wounded, but limped to another (as yet unknown) location before expiring.
  17. He wrote "Can I eat your lunch?" in my copy of Arcanum Unbounded. Which is annoying, because that's the copy I was going to give to my mother, who has only read Mistborn. So there's going to be some awkward explanation happening, and some spoilers because she'll need to read Edgedancer to make sense of that and she hasn't read one word of Stormlight and it's not the sort of thing she's into and arglefrargle grah. EDIT: Just remembered though, I did get a couple of WoBs during the signings that might be of interest to someone other than myself. These are highly paraphrased, as it's been a while. Q: Is the programming-esque nature of the Dor a product of the power being in the Cognitive Realm or is it for some other reason? A: A mixture of the Vessels' personalities, the fact that the power's in the Cognitive Realm, and the nature of Sel's focus. Q: Imagine a hypothetical Shard of Tenacity. What happens when the Vessel of that Shard dies? A: The magic will change drastically. Among other things, it would be very easy for practitioners of that magic to become Cognitive Shadows. [Note: This is not what I asked - I was hoping something along the lines of how the power itself would react to its Vessel dying - but this will be useful for my purposes nonetheless]
  18. Sahr Ngaujah (voice of Doomfist from Overwatch) might be a good fit. EDIT: admittedly, I don't know the rest of his career, so he might not be as good a fit.
  19. This is both entirely correct, and the reason I specified "usable Investiture." (I did assume that any Hemalurgy-induced Investiture loss would give the lost power to Ruin and not Preservation, but there's no evidence for that)
  20. Well, one would assume, but 1) Endowment has the power to spare (note that the power it takes to Return someone is roughly the amount of power it takes to provide 5000 babies with a single Breath) and 2) those Breaths naturally decay over time (as the express purpose of feeding Lightsong and co. Breaths of children is because they're stronger than those of adults). So not only is there a steady stream of Investiture returning to Endowment from every living person, there's also one booster-shot a week from every Returned still alive.
  21. Only Hemalurgy and Nightblood explicitly remove usable Investiture from the system. Otherwise it returns to the source, be it a Shard (as with Allomancy) or a practitioner (as with Feruchemy).
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