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esamitch last won the day on February 14 2017

esamitch had the most liked content!


About esamitch

  • Birthday 08/13/1996

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Trash Panda
  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    Art, Dancing, Writing, Reading (obviously!), Catholicism, Memes, and Arnold Palmer Half Iced Tea Half Lemonade

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  1. hope on the trends right away to stay relevant to the Millennials
  2. has this been done yet or
  3. Hello yes 911 I got retweeted by Brandon Sanderson and I'm having conniptions 

  4. I made Vin first, actually, but they view best as Kelsier on Vin's left I think.
  5. Having nothing to do in a digital art class clearly leads to dramatic Iconography-style portraits of your favorite mortals-made-legends.
  6. esamitch

    Aon Omi

    Hahaha awwwww I'm sorry! Well, with my sis already being a full-time mom to a toddler, and me in the thick of my spring semester at college, I guess we've just been a little bogged down!! But we've got lots more coming! And hopefully, with my school ending soon and her inspiration running wild, we'll crank out new stuff a bit faster in the future! Thank you so much for your compliment! It's very encouraging.
  7. esamitch

    Aon Omi

    Image created for my sister, @Tharatariel10 's newest Cosmere video!
  8. esamitch


    You should! I'd love to see more interpretations.
  9. esamitch

    Cosmere Trading Cards

    I thought it would be fun to keep Wit/Hoid separate from the rest of the cards!
  10. esamitch

    Stormlight Trading Cards

    The ones you've all been waiting for! Or so I'd like to think. Thank you all Shardlings who helped me find quotes and titles!
  11. esamitch

    Warbreaker Trading Cards

    Thanks to the Shardlings who helped me with quotes! Be sure to also look at the Mistborn, Stormlight, and Elantris cards!
  12. esamitch

    Mistborn Era I Trading Cards

    The project is complete! Thank you again to all the Shardlings who helped me with quotes. Be sure to check out the other trading cards: Mistborn Era II, Warbreaker, Stormlight, and Elantris!
  13. esamitch

    Mistborn Era II Trading Cards

    Sick of hearing of this project? Too bad. Be sure to check out the other cards: Era I, Stormlight, Warbreaker, Elantris. Thanks again to all the Shardlings who helped me with quotes!
  14. esamitch

    Elantris Trading Cards

    Finally finished that darn school project! Thank you to all you Shardlings who helped me find quotes.
  15. I have. Many characters do not have quotes, and if they do, they are either too short, full of spoilers, or they aren't actually things they have said aloud.
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