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Everything posted by Dahak

  1. I'm reasonably sure the order is reversed. He'll complete bonding her possibly with Dalinar's help (Bondsmithing involves Connection) and then that will revive her
  2. Didin't Nalan suggest that Ishar had told him that with Talanvast dead the Knights Radient/Surgebinders were capable of things they didn't used to be?
  3. If it isn't working it isn't working. It isn't like I'm not going to read everything he publishes so I'm in favour of him only publishing things he thinks are quality.
  4. Well, Yunno Scrya is known for a] that form and b] being a slightly less than completely legal interstellar extreme threat xenoarcheologist with an interest in man portable superweapons. Other than that him can't think of any mustelids who'd be interested. Maybe Kenjirou Isshiki while he was a plush toy sea otter.
  5. I suspect mink is Alethi for any small fur bearing mammal like chicken is their word for bird. So mustelids, rats, hamsters, cats, possibly even Jack Russel terriers are all mink.
  6. Somewhere around p77-78 just before Bluefinger takes her to the Godking's chambers for the first time. The quote is
  7. If she's the scout that was asking about if female Knights Radient got to fight I suspect she's looking to glow due to Stormlight.
  8. Because all new female characters are Liss, Pa'Alm, Shalash, Khriss or Vivenna. Khriss naturally has dark brown eyes and straight hair. Pa'Alm has whatever she's eaten. Shalash has glowing violet-white eyes without an epicentic fold, so even the eyedrops won't make her look alethi. Liss has, long dark hair, worn loose, and a plump, attractive figure that made her distinctive in all the right ways, which could fit Lynn. Since she has a Syhardblade though she presumably has lighteyes (but also has access to the darkening eyedrops). Other than Siri (Dark eyed) eye colour doesn't seemto be mentioned in Warbreaker and vivenna can change her hair colour magically.
  9. Those are where he plugs in various diffenent spren to access his Shardbelt's alternative Rider Armour Forms.
  10. I'm beginning to wonder if the Recreance involved a partial Desolation. The Mother of Midnight was complaing about having been captured.
  11. Ten Desolations possibly since we don't necesserily need a Herald to break to trigger the first since that could have been before the Oathpact (Otherwise one of the Heralds needs to break under Torture before they have a reason to undergo it) and then one breaks per interval.
  12. Dimensional Transition Field to bring the half of the tower we've seen and the other half into alignment. Buffered portals to ease Spren transition from Shadesmar. Defense Shields. Teleporters to deploy small numbers of knights. Heating Water and Air Conditioning. Giant Tactical and Strategic Holograms. Also Theatre Stagelighting and Scenery Holograms. Hardlight stairs down to somewhere people could walk to.
  13. I rather suspect Sazed had underground ducts for power and phone lines included in Elendel's civic planning. Possibly colocated with the water supply. We don't see any overhead powerlines in any of Wax's urban flight scenes (or any of the other descriptions) despite several of them occuring in areas with electric power. Likewise if they have telegraph they appear to bury the cables along side the tracks rather than put them on poles.
  14. Whereas this draft says even the bethrothal was delayed a painfully long time and the lowest point between something 31 and something 29 years ago is just over a year due to rounding. And Dalinar doesn't say he hates her, he instead gives a lot of evidence of being confused about their relationship and why it isn't like the Thrill. Love can take time and doesn't always come on a convenient schedule and you don't always realise it is developing. And that's without one of the angels of the god of hate trying ot rootkit his soul.
  15. One to three years since she first showed up 31 years ago and this was 29 years ago. Do I also need to remind you Dalinar is off his head on the Dark Side of the Force and is thus not necesserily a reliable witness, in a scene where the two of them have conflicting cultural behaviours.
  16. Magic A = Magic A. Just like Healing magic is similar in different systems so should shapechanging be. Or it is a Kandra and the heroes may never know. Currently I think it might be the Faceless but not normal Kandra that was in contact with the Set. TenSoon and Paalm are capable of improvising forms similar to other people (Pa'Alm did at least one person who didn't have an intact skull for example). MeeLann has that scene where she's discussing with the others what breast size she should have while changing them on the fly and the one where she forms mouths in her hands. While there probably aren't many Kandra of that skill level around we know some of the low generations weren't Sazed friendly, and there is suggestion of Kandra renegades before Final Empire. We don't actually know when Paalm started going rogue.
  17. He didn't love her yet. Love is rarely instant and usually takes time.
  18. IIRC At some point Dalinar went to Azir (I think that was the period Moashes Grandparents got ignored to death).Presumably he stopped off at the Nightwatcher on that excursion. He had to comission prayers and give money for the poor.
  19. Adolin claims his dislike of Amaran dates to before that. Elohkar uses the set Dalinar captured this week and lends out Gavilar's old set. Of course if they'd given the Plate and Blade to Jasnah things would be different. I was thinking the Invaders from Getta Robo Armageddon and Midnight Essences. Allomantic Electrum was my thought. Or Allomantic Gold. So did the Cryptics.
  20. Pretty much, though we do have Shinovar having a Scadrial/Yolen ecology to make that more frequent. Plus two to four human mass interplanetary migrations and several worldhoppers.
  21. Because all new female characters are Liss, Pa'Alm, Shalash, Khriss or Vivenna. Khriss naturally has dark brown eyes and straight hair. Pa'Alm has whatever she's eaten. Shalash has glowing violet-white eyes without an epicentic fold, so even the eyedrops won't make her look alethi. Liss has, long dark hair, worn loose, and a plump, attractive figure that made her distinctive in all the right ways, which doesn't seem to fit Ishnah. Other than Siri (Dark eyed) eye colour doesn't seemto be mentioned in Warbreaker and vivenna can change her hair colour magically.
  22. Elohkar doesn't. He was riding a warhorse called Vengance for the Chasmfiend hunt. One of the others is Highlord Hatham.
  23. IIRC The only boon or curse we've heard of that wasn't totally internal to the visitor was that set of carpets the farmer got.
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