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Everything posted by Blaze1616

  1. Correct. The list could also pose power combinations that aren't allowed, such as more than one PI, though to be honest I can't think of other banned combinations.
  2. Also, I'd like to voice my opposition to people playing meta-Epics, in particular Assumers and, for lack of a better word, Cancelers. They are too powerful, and greatly upset the balance of the game. To pose an example, imagine either an Assumer or a Canceler with a PI that isn't resurrection, entering Astoria. Said Epic could, quite easily, waltz through the entire city and slowly but surely plant a bullet into the skull of every single Epic there. The ability to be immune to powers is already so powerful that someone having more than one PI is unheard of. To then allow a character to actively remove powers from characters is, in my opinion, way too strong an ability. The only way I would be even mildly comfortable with it is if the character was required to not have a PI, and even then their ability to kill Epics who don't know them/their power is off the charts. That said, Detectors and Copiers don't bother me, so long as the characters they are detecting/copying retain their powers.
  3. This is very accurate. This whole book was really just a prose comic book. Not that that's a bad thing though, I love me some comics. I liked the book. A lot. Even the ending. My biggest issues with the book are a lack of answers. From all my experience with Sanderson, when he closes a story, he closes them. Yes, he leaves us with some questions unanswered to set up for a sequel that he'll likely, maybe, write 12-20 years from now. But he's never teased us with something as big and juicy as everything about the alternate universes does, and that's not even mentioning the secrets about Calamity's people, the source of their powers, why it's their mission to bring destruction to those living in our universe(s), etc. To give us those gargantuan curiosities, but absolutely no answers, makes me feel like I'm missing something. Like an entire 50-100 pages of the book got ripped out somewhere around the start of Part Four. It's a very conflicting feeling, because I really enjoyed what I did read, but I've never finished a Sanderson novel and said to myself "is my copy missing something?"
  4. Well, and sneezes, now. I mostly escaped unscathed, except for Buttercup's healing, which I've noted will keep her from getting sick, which is apparently completely untrue. As for Voidus's twins, I think them secretly not being identical is an okay explanation. They might not even know it themselves. That said I don't know just how much it's been delved into (has their identical-ness been tested by an Epic or scientist?), but to retcon them into having felt pain whenever the other was using their powers seems...far fetched. As for redemption, I'll refrain from partaking since I don't plan for any of my characters to get redeemed, and that's assuming they survive. On possibility for explaining our variations from canon that occurred to me was that our game could be in an alternate reality from the trilogy, one in which Megan could tap into, but never did. It would allow us to explain the almost unbelievable odd accumulation of Epics in Oregon, some of the more troubling divergences from canon, and it will allow us to have a different reason for Oregon's destruction than Night's Sorrow, since we still know next to nothing about her. It also allows you all to use your own version of Obliteration. It might not be a perfect solution, but it could work.
  5. So long as you fighting them makes sense with what they were doing (for example, in Corvallis, fighting Mannequin doesn't make much sense unless you're trying to free Converter).
  6. As far as realism is concerned, I still think you're pushing the age thing. But if everyone else is okay with it then I won't be the stick in the mud.
  7. I didn't get nearly as much reading time as I'd have liked yesterday, so I still haven't finished Calamity. It's really hard not opening spoiler tags when I /really/ want to talk about the book!

  8. What are you talking about? Little wilson is talking about Sean Bean Astin, not Ben Affleck. I can see how you got confused due to Landis's post, but that's no reason to mock wilson with your sarcasm, particularly when it was your mistake that led to the misunderstanding. Edit: Wrote the wrong Sean, whoops...
  9. Yes, it was from a year ago during the Firefight signing tour.
  10. But that's my point. "Artificial" flavors taste like actual, naturally occurring things. They're only artificial in the way they are obtained. Also, waiting miserably for work to finish so I can go grab Calamity and start reading it...
  11. *sheepishly raises hand* I actually do like artificial banana flavor. Did you know that the flavor is based on an actual breed of banana that is very nearly extinct? (something similar is true for artificial grape, though concord grapes aren't as close to extinction)
  12. Yes, Brandon has said that the person writing the Ars Arcanum was either Hoid of a Seventeenth Shard member. He later said it was not Hoid. He later confirmed it was Khriss. Therefore Khriss is a member.
  13. My recommendation: let your boss know when you start looking for a new job. Letting them know now could lead to them hiring a replacement and firing you prior to you having a job set up for yourself (not sure if this is possible with Polish labor laws, but could happen here in the US). At the same time, letting them know as you start looking still gives them time to find someone new. As for training your replacement, that responsibility really isn't on you, but your employer, so if they do hire a replacement before you leave don't be opposed to training the newbie, but I wouldn't worry about it if you never get the chance. Above all else, do not tell them last minute unless you really aren't fond of them.
  14. I know I'll enjoy the movie. As a DC fan, I think it'll be impossible for me not to. But my biggest worry is that it'll be another DC flub, but instead of using too much CGI like Green Lantern, it'll go the path of their competitor's Fantastic Four (2005) and not do anything with the villain until the very end. They've shown us quite a bit of Lex in ads, but I've yet to see anything that would suggest the majority of the movie isn't focused around Batman fighting Superman. This is worrisome. From the trailers, I've got a feeling we're definitely looking at two fights between them; one where Batman gets trounced, so he retreats and researches the crap out of Supes until he stumbles upon Kryptonite, then the second fight where Superman gets trounced by the Kryptonite boosted Bats. This will likely then culminate in Lex taking advantage of the fighting to do some dastardly deeds, and either their shared desire to save humanity, or some exterior force such as Diana and/or Lois will get the two heroes to come to their senses and work together. Here's hoping its not quite as cookie cutter as that, but even if it is PLEASE involve Lex during the whole movie, and not an introduction in the beginning, followed by him missing for the middle 90%, and then the final showdown at the end. That formula always results in bad superhero movies.
  15. Yes, Hoid has a means to pass time without experiencing it fully. That doesn't mean he just jumped to 300 years later though.
  16. I have to concur, I'm not seeing any God modding at all. Character perception and reality are two different things, after all.
  17. DSC01 said everything I wanted to say about the new Flash. As for Arrow: Now where did I put that thing...? Uhh, AH! Here it is:
  18. That is some mad skillz. Particularly considering that DragonForce uses 2 guitarists to play those multiple guitar parts, and he's keeping up on his own.
  19. You should try Brandon's method; heavily plan the worldbuilding and character backgrounds, plan the major plot points, but not so much the minor ones, and then let the characters take it from there through discovery writing. The only downside is that this method falls flat if you don't truly understand your characters. You have to be able to get in their heads, and ignore your own opinions or feelings.
  20. The only two candidates I definitely do not want to see as President are Trump and Cruz. Trump because, well, I think you've laid it out fairly well. Cruz because he's too quick to react, to the point that it frightens me. We'd be at war with Iran right now, this very moment, if Cruz were President these last few months. He doesn't think before he acts, doesn't bother to get all the facts before reacting. It's terrifying to think about.
  21. In the prologue Vasher remarks as having Awakened other metal objects. A few select occasions is definitely more than one.
  22. But then why put so much extra Breaths into Nightblood than the other metals that Vasher's Awakened? Specifically to gain sentience? In which case how did Vasher come into contact with a SprenBlade rather than a DeadBlade which is far more likely? Or were the extra Breaths an attempt at getting the whole soul-cutting feature, and sentience came as an accident?
  23. No one in the office has heard anything regarding why he passed, and if they have they aren't sharing. But my company started a donation line for his son to go to college, which I thought was nice.
  24. Honestly, it works here because of the latency time between posts, as I know I often read a few posts back before a new post to get myself back into the right mindset. Most other online RPs often involve one post a day per user, if not more, and so OOC doesn't break the flow day-to-day because everything is fresh. Now, if you were to go back and read it all, there might be flow issues. Plus, remember that most forum websites don't give entire forums for an RP like the Reckoners has here, and having two different threads floating around the top 3 pages on a popular forum website can be difficult for players to keep track of, and so it's just easier for OOC to exist.
  25. Very subtle. I actually laughed out loud. Weirdpersonx nice intro. Just so you're aware of the entry standards, new immigrants are ushered into a viewing plaza where a video of Rainmaker welcomes everyone to Corvallis and lays out the ground rules (vanillas work for Epics, Epics get homes and servants, etc.). At this point Tunderspear will likely be given keys to his new home, as well as said home's location, which is where his servants will be waiting for him. At that point he'd be free to wander wherever (and you can of course skip this part, but then you'd be kind of homeless). And as Twi mentioned, OOC is a bit of a faux pa here in the Reckoners RP. Any OOC we want to portray to the other players we just post in the Question Threads. Most, if not all, of the players that started the Reckoners RP had never partaken in an online RP before, and so common practices such as OOC didn't take hold. It was a bit off-putting for me too when I first joined Fire Emblem, a SRPG video game series. The main character of the very first game (and subsequently the common mascot for the series) uses a Falchion as their special weapon. In a later sequel this character's descendants are still using the sword. You might know them if you play Super Smash Bros. (Marth and Lucina are the characters). The game series treats "Falchion" as the name of that specific sword, and not as a generic type of sword.
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