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Everything posted by Blaze1616

  1. *takes note for later* Seriously this sounds awesome, writing an irritable character because they can't scratch themselves. Yes please.
  2. The collab was really just to keep us from having short back and forth posts during the conversation. I'm down with whatever conversation you want to have. Jumdrive's the one being shot at, after all.
  3. He already sells book plates. There isn't any back and forth, however.
  4. You're forgetting: Pretty lady on television said it's true. Her books were published too. How could it be false? I think you're also forgetting how...not bright...many people are.
  5. Density? What are they made out of? Can someone just walk through them, or do they take up space?
  6. That is so awesome Lark! I hope the experience was super fulfilling for you (it was for me back in high school).
  7. How hot are these "stars"? What about density - are they simply light that gives off heat or do they have volume? For teleport: how small is small? What about clothing, or something being handled by another person?
  8. Yes, I saw that, but some people like having answers in their books. Particularly if the answer is a new piece of info. I guess my point is that it's a shame there's not some intermediate value ( say $12) that can be used for questions. Then the limericks, paragraphs, haiku, etc. can be the $20. That said this is the first time he's trying this, so it might change for the releases in the future.
  9. I agree, I'm happy he's managed to find a solution that will cut down on his time spent signing, while also helping those in need. That said, to jump from a $5 to a $20 donation nearly doubles the cost of the book just for the sake of getting a personalization aside from something short and sweet. If I didn't have something long for him to write, I'm not sure if $20 is worth an answer to a question, particularly if the book ends up saying RAFO in the end.
  10. So Brandon has announced a new way of getting the numbered edition of his new books personalized! Now, rather than just requesting the personalization when ordering the numbered copy, you pay more, but the leftover money all goes to charity (source). Does this bother you, particularly since any one wanting to ask a question has to pay the highest price ($28 for book, $20 donation)? I don't generally buy these numbered copies to begin with as I'd rather support by local bookstore, and getting my copies signed in an actual signing was far more fulfilling and memorable than having them arrive in the mail (still mad I didn't take Shadows Beneath to be signed a second time so that one of them was in person). But I know some people really like having the numbered copies, and was interested in the community's opinion on the matter.
  11. That would require a time sync. Not undoable, but would require you likely waiting to post until each thread reaches a certain point in time. For example, Corvallis is already into the afternoon, but say the Dalles might still be in the morning, meaning you'd have to wait until the Dalles reaches the afternoon before posting. Then when you make the shift back to Corvallis, you'd need to apply a time skip, having Converter do something between the time she would have arrived and when your post actually takes place. This is just an example, as I haven't caught up on the Dalles in a while.
  12. Not yet, I should probably do that. Though I suppose I could just move forward with Buttercup using her stubbornness to my advantage.
  13. 18th Shard and I are doing a collab for Jumpdrive/Broadcast, but I think he's forgotten about it...
  14. Yes. That's what it is after all. Wage negotiations use the term "negotiations" to sound fancy, but think about it; what does the potential hiree have to offer other than their decision to take the job? Nothing. They can't be like, "okay, but how about we make it 37k and I throw in an antique lamp?" No, it's the same as haggling. The company wants your acceptance in the same way that you want a salesman's product. Only, when haggling for wage, you're the one who wants the higher price. You're essentially on the opposite side of the negotiation, because what is a job hunt other than you offering your service/product until someone decides to buy it?
  15. It probably isn't very healthy given how much they might come to rely on this place (and more notably it's lack of in-person discussions), but I would say that it's better that those individuals have some place they can go to where they feel comfortable vs. having no place to go and drowning in their problems. That said, we also must realize that we're not a therapy website. We're an author's Official Fan Site, the one which he sends people to of his own accord. It's a tough line to walk, particularly when you appreciate the users that the first paragraph speaks of, but also understand the needs of the second paragraph.
  16. Always ask high; say...37k if the job posting didn't have an upper bound. If it did, ask for the max should they enter negotiations with you.But while asking high, have a secret amount you truly wish to make; say...31k. This way you have room for the company to lower you down, but you'll still be making enough that you feel you can live comfortably.
  17. Yeah, gold nanoparticles are currently in medical use to cure cancer. Their injections allow for localization, they manage to actually kill cancerous cells, and they do not harm the body. I took a class on nanotech and actually made a gold nanoparticle solution from scratch. I'm also credited as co-author on an academic paper about creating carbon nanowire with gold particles in the wiring to be used as a mesh for cancer treatments. It's cool stuff.
  18. This is actually terrifying. The victim subject would feel the electric shock of having ionized gold shot at them, but that would be it. Probably far less painful than an actual stabbing spike. Plus it could kill cancer!
  19. That feeling when you get a notification saying someone's posted in a thread you follow, but then you go to the thread and the post isn't there, because it was deleted.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edgedancer


      That time when you see a post but by the time you reply it has been deleted.

    3. Blaze1616


      That's actually never happened to me. I wonder what would happen if you quote the post...? That would be weird, especially since 17S doesn't include a filler of "This post has been deleted" or something of the like.

    4. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      You can quote posts that have been deleted, but trying to follow the quote link to the original source will take you to an error page.

  20. We just finished a large-ish conflict with the ghouls, so it's unknown when the next skirmish will go down.
  21. To replies since I started typing. Sorry for any potential ninjas. I disagree with your assessment, because they've also limited our downvote usage, and the limitation is far more strict than the upvote limitations. The current downvote quota is so low that users who approach downvotes like littlewilson has described can only adjust the upvote count on two posts a day. That's 1/5th the amount of upvotes. Suggesting that they have set rules for upvotes that are "as concrete as can be", but are not doing the same for downvotes is, quite simply, ludicrous. Heck, the amount of downvotes won't even allow me to issue them against a user who's particularly aggressive or offensive if said user makes more than 2 posts before a staff member intervenes (which is not uncommon in those situations), which is the method you employ for downvoting. In addition, I feel we've beaten the downvote issue to death. There have been a multitude of threads that were hijacked by the issue in the past, and the staff have continuously stated that downvotes can be used how each individual user wishes so long as there isn't abuse of the system. People who have abused the system have always been caught, and I can't think of a single time on 17S where such a user got away without some form of punishment or warning. You're allowed to have your own opinion, but just because you only downvote when you feel a post has offended you or was an attack on a friend does not mean that all downvotes you receive mean the same. Just because I think giving gift cards is lame because it's less useful than money, but also means you couldn't think of a single thing to give the individual, doesn't mean I get upset when others give me gift cards. They might not view it the same way I do.
  22. Welcome back! I hope my post with her actions wasn't too unbelievable for the character. Looking forward to your posts again!
  23. There has never been a truer truth spoken in this thread.
  24. Thanks for the info. Sorry for wasting your time, heh.
  25. Well we've known Hoid visiting the well is true. We've known that for a long time. As for Oversleep's question about the footprint specifically, I would say no? I'm not sure.
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