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Everything posted by Blaze1616

  1. Well, if he is, make sure he leaves knowing who you are.
  2. There is a character limit. I don't know what it is though.
  3. The thing is, we're approaching being 9 hours ahead, and because Corvallis, as a thread, is open to new players who want to come in and RP a lot, the pace is a bit faster. Should we stop and wait, even now, it'd likely be a couple weeks to a month before they catch up (no disrespect!). Now, I'm down with waiting, so either decision is fine with me, but it is something we should consider, particularly during times when the posts are flying. As a mildly related note, I'll try to get a post up today or tomorrow, but it might have to wait until next week.
  4. I never got night Charlie's until I hit college, where the cafeteria was chalk full of sodium. Luckily you got to miss class, I got to climb four flights of stairs every time afterwards (I'd get one about every six months).
  5. So are we no longer concerned with keeping time with the other threads? I have a feeling that the recent hour jump puts us a fair bit ahead of the others already, but I know that the previous day's end was lined up between all the threads at the time.
  6. I meant it more in a way of a signal boost, not a power boost, i.e. Rao boosts the power, making the system function, while Ela boosts the signal, allowing it to function further away from the city. But your guess is as good as mine.
  7. Well considering Ela means Focus, it's possible that the giant Ela is what causes the city itself to glow, and potentially also acts as a "cell" tower for AonDor. It would help explain why AonDor is more powerful the closer to Elantris a practitioner is.
  8. I don't see why, Ditto is fairly useless in battle. It was a coolish idea, but only really works if Transform changes from a move to an ability so that it happens when Ditto enters battle, and not a turn later (which causes Ditto to eat an extra attack from the get go). So breeding is what Ditto is left with (and even then, you can't use Ditto for much if you're hardcore competitively breeding).
  9. Well the cover of the leatherbound has Aon Ela on it, so it could just be a super coincidence, but I doubt it. Edit: Source
  10. Well my limited knowledge was wrong anyways, it's not grandmother. Hah.
  11. It happens about once every other Question
  12. That fits Twilight, given what little knowledge I have regarding Jacob.
  13. How I felt at the end of the Arrow episode of the crossover:
  14. Right now we're in a state of limbo where there's no set task. Iconoclast has begun more attacks, Blossom is trying to figure out how to catch Insight, Buttercup will be dealing with said attacks while also dealing with the new High Epic in town (somehow), Bubbles I don't really know right now, Rainmaker is trying to relax for the day, Kenshin and Princess GOOD are occupied with their chat, Cornucopia and Atrophy are interrogating Ghouls, and Gelliton is still guarding the energy Epic whose name escapes me. Others whose roles are currently somewhat undefined: Jumpdrive, Chase, and a few other Epics that belong to some relatively inactive users. I apologize if I've forgotten anyone. I think we're waiting on me right now? How would you feel if Buttercup calls on Kenshin for help? Specifically to deal with Mestiv's character? Or would you prefer dealing with the Ghouls? I don't want to just barge into her and GOOD's talk though.
  15. You've won a trip down under the sea! Well...no you haven't, but it is your turn!
  16. A young girl sacrifices her most commonly used means of communication so that she may live in a different world.
  17. The simple method would be to ask author-specific questions of each of the others. Have one question per author in your post. This of course assumes you're familiar with the works of the other authors.
  18. It was started when Random Stuff IV was only at page 93. The new threads are only meant to keep pages from surpassing 100, and so new ones should be made when the old one hits page 100. Otherwise, making a new thread with the exact same purpose as an old thread is against the rules, with the obvious exceptions for newbies who don't know much better (like when they post a new thread asking a question that's been asked five times in the past). At least, I assume that's the reason. That would also then be the reason this thread was repurposed into the actual Random Stuff V, considering there is no point in having a second thread whose express purpose is to be attached into an identical thread.
  19. Personalizations generally mean "For Name," "Happy Birthday," and the like. You can also ask questions.
  20. If you're still looking for someone come the end of the month, let me know. Thanks to Cyber Monday I will, by then, be the proud owner of a new laptop, and as such will be able to sign on from home! Posting on the weekends, when needed, wouldn't be an issue anymore, and I could most likely keep up with the game
  21. Excellent! I was wondering if/when I'd have to hit the Trish part. You're up!
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