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Everything posted by Harrycrapper

  1. Although it likely isn't comforting, there are also things that Brandon says he will never reveal, like what happens when someone goes in to The Beyond. It's something I think all authors do because sometimes the question is more compelling than the answer.
  2. Though I'm similarly not sure Kelsier would fit various parts of the prophecy, the whole bearing the future of the world on his arms could be in some way referencing his scars.
  3. Rysn. She seemed really petulant in WoK, stupid in WoR, and too self pitying in OB. But, I like her in Dawnshard and what little we got of her in RoW.
  4. For my own sanity as an audiobook listener, I go with whatever the narrator does. Get's kinda hairy when the narrators contradict how they pronounced it in earlier books, but it doesn't happen super often. I do like the in universe explanation above where the nobles would pronounce it Kel-see-ay but the Ska say Kel-see-er.
  5. Most people don't pronounce it Kel-see-ay. The audiobook narrators pronounce it like the other one you had, Kel-see-er. I feel like I remember Brandon saying it was supposed to be Kel-see-ay, but I'm not 100% on that. It might have also been a joke if it's real.
  6. I think you're looking at it the wrong way. What Hoid and Odium do are two different ways of using Fortune. Odium uses it to see the possible futures and tries to plot a course to his desired result. I think Hoid lets Fortune guide him and has faith that what it guides him towards is his desired goal. Atium is somewhat of a balance between the two where it both shows you the future and gives you the ability to process that quick enough to achieve the best result. Though it is still influenced by Ruin and guides the user to kill people if they're in a combat situation.
  7. I don't think any of the solutions that require a magic system from another planet are what Brandon means by "much more modern ways of doing this." That gives me the impression that it's some sort of technological advancement. Though I don't really see any way this could be done without some sort of biological component.
  8. So, I think this is answered in part by a particular part of Gavilar's biography that Shallan was studying. I don't remember the exact wording but it mentioned someone hearing a Listener humming to a Rhythm and then encountering another Listener picking up the "song" exactly where the other one was at. So, it seems to me that all of the Rhythms are constantly playing and they pick it up wherever it is currently at, they don't start from some sort of beginning point to the Rhythm. Otherwise, it would be no different than the Singers/Listeners just collectively knowing a bunch of songs. The very word "attune" to the Rhythms implies that it exists apart from the Singers/Listeners, therefore it is just continually playing. I think of it kind of like a radio station; it's always there and doesn't start over just because you "(a)tuned in."
  9. I could be wrong, but I believe they said they were going to touch up some portions of it to make it more visually cohesive. I'm not sure how far they would go, but I imagine at least the last portion of volume 2 would be redone to better match the overall style. I hope they give some attention to volume 1 as well though, it's kinda rough.
  10. Ah, I wasn't sure whether or not you had seen the order descriptions put out with the quiz, here's the link to all the descriptions on Brandon's website: https://www.brandonsanderson.com/the-ten-orders-of-knights-radiant/ I recommend reading through that before continuing here. We've only seen the Oaths sworn for half the orders so far and Lightweavers are the special ones that don't really help when theorizing other Order's Oaths. Also, our only firsthand example of Lightweavers is Shallan who is basically useless when theorizing about almost anything outside of trying to figure out her past. But, each of the other Orders' Second Ideal we've seen contains the phrase associated with each Order. Windrunners: I will protect - Kaladin: I will protect those who cannot protect themselves. Skybreakers: I will seek justice - Szeth: I will seek justice, to let it guide me, until I find a more perfect Ideal. Edgedancers: I will remember - Lift: I will remember those who have been forgotten. Bondsmith: I will unite - Dalinar: I will unite instead of divide. I will bring men together. Willshapers: I will seek freedom - Venli: I will seek freedom for those in bondage. So, the first part of the Second Ideal seems to be more or less set in stone. It's likely synonyms could be used for some of the words, especially considering they might not all be in the same language, but the general idea of it seems to always be the same for each person with respect to their Order. I think the following Ideals start to get more personal to the Radiant, though that likely varies based on the Order as well. For example, Kaladin's Third Ideal is "I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right" and Teft's is "I will protect those I hate, even if the one I hate is myself" while Lopen's is "I've got to protect people, you know? Even from myself." So, there's definitely variation, but there's also a theme. That's why (and I'm not trying to offend) I don't think any of your Ideals apply to Jasnah, they don't have anything to do with her potential, which is the theme of the Elsecaller Oaths. They're more about objectivity, which just seems more like a Truthwatcher thing based on their order description on that page linked earlier. The Elsecallers are definitely going to have variation, as each person has potential for different things. Potential can also mean a couple of different things. It could be a more general sense of potential for specific attributes, in Jasnah's case scholorship, ruling/politics. It could also be the potential to do something; much like Taravangian asked Cultivation to give him the "capacity to save humanity" one of Jasnah's Ideals could be about reaching the potential to save humanity from extinction via Voidbringer. It could also be a combination of the two where the Second and Third Ideal are more about her attributes while similar to the Skybreakers having a "crusade" Ideal, the Elsecallers have a specific goal to achieve for their Fourth Ideal.
  11. Yea, like @Elegy said, the second oath is way too close to a Truthwatcher Oath for comfort. The order description from the quiz does say that the Elsecallers' Oaths are more specifically tailored to the individual, but that doesn't mean they can be anything, they will still have a theme. Only the Lightweavers Oaths were described as not requiring specific words. It's also important to note that while the Skybreakers' Third and Fourth Ideal are determined by the individual, the Second is more general and in the instance we've seen it, included the phrase on the order descriptions from the quiz. But seriously, if you were theorizing on the Truthwatcher Oaths, the ones presented would fit quite well. They're all about seeking truth and making sure people know about it. But the question of what is objective truth is difficult and they wanted to be very careful about how knowledge was disseminated and make sure people in power weren't abusing their people. These all fit quite well with that.
  12. I suppose that depends on how you interpret "arrival of Shards." I think she's referencing the Shattering of Adonalsium and I'm not sure it makes sense for it to be otherwise. First, she doesn't specify planets, she says places. Second, I'm not sure why she would conflate Scadrians who were literally created by Shards with Rosharans who just migrated from one planet to another within the same system. Third, this would imply that all of the other Shard worlds have humans who got there before the Shard which implies either they travelled there without the aid of the Shards or were created by Adonalsium before the Shattering. There's a lot of mystery to the exodus from Yolen, so it's not easy to confirm anything one way or the other there. It's ironically the same situation with the WoB in the OP, it depends on how you interpret a specific phrase.
  13. Where is there confirmation of that?
  14. Yea, that's a good point. They have to practice with the Honorblades somehow.
  15. Yea, it all comes down to what he was referring to when he said "It is the case on Nalthis." He could be referring to either people being born with more Investiture or the people being born with more Investiture because they were created by Shards. This WoB might clear this up, he has confirmed you have to be born on Nalthis to be born with Breath. The follow up scenario does seem to indicate it's genetic as having Nalthian parents could result in a child born with Breath even off planet. If he didn't answer that last one with "Mmmhmm" I'd say this conclusive, but I honestly have no idea what that is supposed to mean without actually hearing it.
  16. I could see an Overwatch-like Mistborn game with various twinborn combinations(no compounders for obvious reasons) in lieu of heroes with specific abilities.
  17. I was going to say something pretty similar. The Heralds are worshiped as Ideals by most of the people on Roshar. The Heralds believe that they are terrible people for the actions they took to end the Desolations while the people worship them for it. So it's a struggle between how they view themselves and how people view them. Though I think all the torture and the longer than mortal lifespan has an effect as well along with some of the other factors mentioned.
  18. This question to Brandon wasn't worded carefully enough. Brandon has answered similarly in the past to similar questions and has said that his definition of children is loose. Spren can also have children as I think Syl explained it seems they just go find a random chunk of Investiture and in some way shape it into a spren. Heralds are basically spren and can do the same thing. Here's a couple of times people asked along similar lines: So, Brandon has avoided confirming whether a Herald could get physically pregnant, which means whether they can or not could play into future events in some way. Or Brandon could be trolling, he does that sometimes. But, someone needs to ask if they are capable of ordinary human pregnancy if they want an answer for this(or find out if it's RAFO territory). I feel like someone has, but couldn't find anything in the Arcanum.
  19. I was going through the new WoBs from Jordancon and was planning on doing a post pursuant to the WoB about Hemalurgic spikes: The WoB itself doesn't have much to do with this, but I included it for anyone who might want to know which one I'm referring to. I decided to go look at the list of known Kandra Blessings and one in particular struck me: One of the plot threads set up for book 5 was Kaladin being tasked with curing the Heralds' madness and it seems like a daunting task. Brandon has said that the Heralds' madness is magical in nature, or rather caused by factors that were only possible because of magic. So, it stands to reason that something magical is needed to fix it. Hoid has avoided a similar fate somehow by using Breath, but it seemed more like a preventative measure than something that would just fix the Heralds. It's possible that the madness could be cured with a Divine Breath, but there's only one of those on Roshar and it seems to me that more than one Herald needs to be cured. I have doubts that we're going to see Hemalurgic spikes play that significant a role in Stormlight, though Brandon did intend for Hemalurgy to be used throughout the Cosmere, so it is possible. There are two possible ways I see of accomplishing this with the magic systems common to Roshar. First, the less likely one which is taking the Heralds to The Nightwatcher/Cultivation. I find that less likely because if Cultivation was going to help them, I feel she would have in the intervening 4000 years. If I recall correctly, she's pretty mad at them and neither her nor The Nightwatcher would likely appear to them if they went to the valley. It would be more likely if The Nightwatcher was bonded to someone, the respective Bondsmith might be able to convince her to help fix them. The second and more likely method would be some sort of fabrial. The possibilities are pretty open ended for this one. It could be something similar to Navani's Painrial, but would likely need a Voidspren or Corrupted spren. There are so many unknown spren of those varieties that I feel it would be the most likely place for a spren that can mimic this mechanic.
  20. Interesting. Per the Arcanum Unbounded essays, only two worlds have human life that was created post Shattering if I recall how that was worded correctly. I figured the second was from a world we hadn't seen yet, but he very much seems to indicate that Nalthis is the other one. Unless he's referring to people being born with an inherent amount of Investiture, hard to say without actually hearing the emphasis on certain words.
  21. I get this kind of sentiment for George RR Martin and Patrick Rothfuss. But, Brandon puts out Cosmere content on a pretty regular basis, he's much better than the aforementioned authors in that regard. For anyone who loves reading, it's wise to have a few authors like Brandon in your rotation that put out books on a yearly basis to make waiting for books that take multiple years bearable.
  22. From what I can tell, the presence of someone with futuresight impairs their ability to see the future correctly, not the ability in general. The impact of that person depends on who they interact with, how far they can see, and what they decide to do with the information. With Renarin, he seems to be able to see decently far. He reacted pretty early in OB when Dalinar commented on Odium having a champion with 9 shadows. So Renarin is going to have more of an effect than someone with Atium who can only see a few seconds into the future. Electrum is said to work similarly to Atium per: So, I don't think it's going to have a huge impact on Preservation/Harmony unless the person using it is a fulcrum for important events and even then it's limited. As for the Regals/Odium, I think because it comes from him, he can factor it into his futuresight(and that also might be the case for other Shards). Because Odium's Investiture is fueling the visions, he can see them and factor in what that person will do given what they see. But with Renarin, he's using Stormlight, so Odium doesn't even know it's happening. Maybe that's not it, but there's no way the the Regals and Moelach are impacting Odium's futuresight. Otherwise, like you, I can't see a logical reason Odium would allow people on his own side to have abilities that prevent him from using one his most valuable tools.
  23. I'd say one of the likelier candidates for hoarding Blades is Nale. He does provide Heleran with a set that no one recognized. Not sure how many he has, but it's a non-zero amount.
  24. Also worth noting is the volume of deadeyes that gathered around Lasting Integrity leading up to the trial. Either there's a massive cache of Blades hiding somewhere on Roshar or some of the deadeyes only exist in the cognitive realm.
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