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Everything posted by DreamEternal

  1. Accidental downvote. Stupid smartphone.
  2. I will stop updating my worldbuilding thread for now, because ironically it is slowing down my writing, since I now have to deal with annotations in both english and portuguese.
  3. On Adolin's nickname, Shalkan's father was named Lyn. ...which is pronounced exactly the same way... :/
  4. I don't see why shardblades would delay the development of siege weapons, since those have a better chance of killing a shardbearer than throwing a hundred of soldiers at them.
  5. My personal beliefs are not... easily explained. In part because I am in a continuous process of finding them. That is not to say I am agnostic or atheistic or having a crysis of faith. I have a belief in the spiritual, even if it does not exactly correspond to any religion I know enough of to have an opinion. But the specifics of what I believe are vague, to say the least. So, in the end, I think I would classify myself as spiritual, but not religious, at least for the time being. EDIT: although Aryanath's explanation of hinduism does interest me, and I will research more on it. I feel that a flexible system of belief, that allowed me to seek pieces of truth and wisdow from various sources and fit them together, would align very well with my personal philosophies.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out he has a good enough excuse to be the exception to his rules.
  7. Playing Pillars of Eternity. While I brought the game not much after its release, and it was somewhat of a disappointment, after many patches fixing bugs, adding features and perfecting gameplay, I can say it is one of my favorite games.
  8. We only know he wanted to stop the coming of the True Desolation, and believed the surgebinding of Ym and Lift were arts that could return them. There may be a loophole that allows true Skybreakers to exist. I am not saying there is, but we can't make assumptions.
  9. We don't know enough of Nalan's motivation to be aware if there is any contradiction. As far as we know, he and his Skybreakers may all have spren and his shardblade may be Ishar's Honorblade.
  10. Why was gunpowder originaly developed in our world then? It was used for centuries before it became better at piercing armor than crossbows, and I doubt the people who made tge first firearms knew how it would change warfare long after their deaths.Plus, you can also use gunpowder to make cannons, wich I am quite sure are powerful enough to kill shardbearers, and due to being more compact and made of much less pieces than other siege weapons, are tge most pratical siege weaponry for a storm-ravaged planet were you must hide them from the wind every week. The reason there is no gunpowder in Roshar is most likely because they never found it, not because they found it useless.
  11. Technically, this one is not the Final Desolation, but the True Desolation. The Final Desolation was the one when the Heralds forsook the Oathpact, hoping they could stop the cicle. Apparently, they instead made the next Desolation worst.
  12. What about Lin? No one said we need to use the beggining of the name.
  13. You know, Jasnalan sounds like a ship that could work much better than Amarasnah, even if it is just as impossible. If Nalan is hunting surgebinders for a logical reason, not simply insanity, and for some reason decides to change plans, I could see him and Jasnah agreeing more often than both would like.
  14. I just realized how well Fly With The Black Swan, by Sonata Arctica, fits Vasher's darker side. I mean, look at some excerpts from the lyrics:
  15. And we all know Spren are never wrong, right? I mean, look at the Stormfather, what a wise and reasonable fellow!
  16. What about Elend Venture? He didn't beat his nephew into submission, did he?
  17. You are ignoring the fact that if the Knight is too weak to grow past the trauma and become a hero, they stay low-powered, and if they change their minds about the whole "oath" stuff, their best friend dies. Yeah, I'd rather be a mistborn, thank you.
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