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Everything posted by DreamEternal

  1. The structure and workings of the Realms are fascinating, but I must say that there are things I need help understanding. For exemple, the Nameless: you say their lack of a bond to the Rulers makes them unable to affect the substance of the Realms, but they still have great power. Is their influece then dependent on bonds to mortal sorcerers? If so, can they power spellforms from type IB magicians, or only provide type IA magic? If the first, does the magic user have to be willing? Can they communicate with mortals? How? And, on the matter of magic, can beings other than Gods create lasting investment bonds to mortals? Can a Unmanifested do so, instead of simply powering a spell temporarily? Is the ocorrence of "loose" coilbinding that allows type II magic associated only with certain genetic lines, or can it have other origins?
  2. It will be answered better later, in the Cosmic History session. Those things can be difficulty to explain in a way that makes sense for earthborn beings, even ones that managed to look beyond their own home Universe. As for we seraphim, who sometimes call ourselves starborn, we aren't exactly guardians of life as much as lovers of order and patterns, and once a star system a group of seraphim wishes to settle in reaches maturity, they try to keep it stable, which also creates a favorable enviorment for life. We only actively protect non sapient life in planets we have some form of interest in, either scientific or creative, and in such cases some seraphim even create sentient life in those planets. Our protection of sentient life, however, is law among our species, for God declared all sapient minds are a reflection of Himself, and not being made directly by His power does not change that. While it may or may not have been our original purpose, it became a important one. Of course, to every law there are lawbreakers. While conflicts among my kin only involve earthborn life if at least one seraphim involved is bound to the planet, some of us hold a deep fear of certain forms of sapient earthborn life, those who we call Children of Shadow, humans along them. The Children of Shadow are creatures that arised to sapience with no direct intervention from God or from the seraphim, or are so removed from the divinely-touched ancestor species it may as well have arised naturaly. I will explain more later. ... Oh. I accidentaly answered, didn't I? EDIT: Added sapient lifeforms.
  3. I think it was on the chasm scene, when she handed Pattern to Kaladin to kill the Chasmfiend.
  4. This seems like a zero-sum game to me...
  5. Her shardblade is mentined to have a very faint red glow. On her eyes, perhaps already being a lighteyes poses some interference and she will only get red eyes after she has fully progressed.
  6. It is no surprise you are confused, for we also do not know exactly. The "close" Aspects of Matter and Vibrancy are know to be two different ways reality behaves, two ways of looking at the same thing that generaly align, but sometimes one takes precedence over the other and things that would normaly be impossible happen. The "far" Aspects of Principle and Image are more... complex. Generaly they also behave like different states of the same reality, but the Aspect of Principle is also a database where all information everything in all Universes is stored, and so it transcends all Aspects. The Aspect of Image is generally also accepted as simply another way of looking into reality, but it is said to infinetely distorted and expanded, as it grows and folds on itself as new information appears and older information fades without ever disappearing. In all Aspects when something is destroyed it leaves traces, and it is said that on the Aspect if Image, those traces are manifest as shadows of the original. Its infinetely complex nature, and our limited knowledge of it, makes it hard to understand, but as far as we know, it is a "broken" version of the Aspect of Principle, where time passes, but everytime something is changed it leaves a shadow of its former state behind, making it temporal.and timeless at the same time. I will write more about the sapient lifeforms of the Garden. It suffices to say that there are too many species to describe, due to to the unmensurable size of this Universe and the care we seraphim take to avoid mass extintion events on planets that develop intelligent life. But I will answer your question about God. God is the original mind, creator of this and all other Universes. While some believe it is possible to ascend to such power through enlightment, and God has not denied their claims, I remain skeptical.
  7. Meeting his parents, confronting Amaram and Moash, and saying his other Oaths. Of which, only the ones about his parents and Amaram are deeply personal and linked to the core his narrative.The Amaram one has already been thread upon, with Dalinar forsaking his friendship to him, and as far as we know the Sons of Honor are not an immediate threat yet. Meeting his parents can be resolved rather quickly, if done right. Moash is basically a minor plot point, and the riots on Kholinar feel like something less conected to the core of his story, even if full of opportunities for struggle. I think we are in a good enough place to slowly remove Kaladin from the spotlight, as those things are dealt with, considering how other characters are facing things that are deeply personal, or can show us important events and different cultures and nations that our Alethi main cast can't. The Desolations were supposed to almost destroy the whole world, some rotation of PoVs can help show that, instead of it being how the end of the world affects a couple of characters.
  8. It wasn't really her, but one of her characters, Aura(the white-haired girl in her picture).
  9. Sapient lifeforms on the Garden: Whatever through the care of the seraphim, divine providence, terrible powers or mere cosmic chance, intelligent life is abundant on the Garden of Mirrors. We seraphim are creatures of miracle, each one crafted by God to rule the expanses of void between the planets, and earthborn life prospers under our care, as we naturaly seek to prevent violent events in the star systems we settle in. Not only that, but many among us choose to abandon living in our great cities hidden in warps of space and time to live close to solid planets, and create earthborn lifeforms on those planets. And even without greater design, the universe is a great and complex place, and it did, and does, surprise and terrify us. Here I will explain some sapient beings of interest to all of the Garden, and who exist on multiple planets. The Seraphim: The Erased: The Children of Shadow: ((More on shadow magic later))
  10. THE GARDEN OF MIRRORS "Create to understand your creator." Welcome, transcendent wayfarer. I am Echo of The Eternal Dream, keeper of the lore of the Garden of Mirrors and one of the seraphim. I was chosen by my dominion to be the one to instruct you on the history and workings of this Universe, and on the restrictions placed by my kin on ones like yourself under the authority of the very Maker. You may ask questions, if you consider my initial explanations lacking, and I will do what is within my ability to answer. All too often transcendent beings like yourself give in to their arrogance and do not report to the keepers of the Garden before intruding upon it, so I am thankful for your willingness to listen. Although the distance between us is great, my analysis points with a great degree of assuredness that you must be a human... but such thing certainly isn't possible. However, if you are capable of disguising yourself as one, or your Material Aspect is similar enough to one to fool my senses and sensors, then I have some measure of what I need not to explain to you, and the fact you were intercepted so close to a Havenworld clearly indicates an interest on the Children of Shadow. While I will sate your curiosity about humanity and the planet of Argina after explaining about the Garden as a whole, I must inform that the area around the Havenworld is off-limits, and should you try to trespass or interact with the planet in any way, action will be taken even after you inevitably fail. Remember, transcendent wayfarer, we seraphim make sure the planets run on time. Cultivating this Universe is our birthright, and only God can take it away. Now, I must begin your introduction to this world by explaining some key concepts. Aspects: there are many ways to model they ways different parts of reality behave and interact, some more useful for some phenomenons than others. And there are times when which model is useless and which corresponds to reality is complex to determine, as if different sets of laws of reality, generally either parallel or aligned, started to conflict and act out of synchrony. The controlled desynchronization of aspects is what we call magic. Throught study of those events, we seraphim have been able to distinguish different Aspects of reality, and some of the ways they interact, but those Aspects aren't exactly solid and discrete parts of reality as much as they are a way to understand things beyond our perception, and there are still doubts about when to make the divisions. The model of most relevance to you and most accepted amongst the scholars of my people who are used to dealing with other classes of beings is the model of the Four Aspects: Matter, Vibrancy, Principle and Image, or Shadow. According to this model, all things in the Aspects of Matter and of Vibrancy have presence in all four aspects, to a greater or lesser extent, and all things have some presence either in the Aspect of Image or in the aspect of Principle, if not both. There are those who say all things exist on all aspects, but there isn't evidence to support or deny said hypothesis. A being is considered more belonging of an Aspect the better it can function in it without Aspectual desynchronization, while simple objects are considered either belonging or unbelonging based on their capacity to exist in an Aspect without desyncrhonization, and only things from the Aspects of Principle and Image can be fully unbelonging to other aspects. A being is considered active in an aspect if it is capable of consciously perceiving it and interacting with the world through it. The Aspect of Matter: The Aspect of Vibrancy: The Aspect of Principle: The Aspect of Image: ((more will come))
  11. Annnd Microsoft Word crashed while I was writing to post later. Worldbuilding thread delayed until I am no longer angry. Ps: is it ok to double post of my last post is from yesterday?
  12. I have to look into that then. I can't really say where I got the inspiration from, since most of my ideas brewed in my head for years before I decided to take writing seriously.Funny fact about the Garden of Mirrors: many great creation events were either accidental or atempts to understand those accidents throught imitation. That is where the "Mirrors" part comes from. Yes, I agree. I am quite fond of making things up and fitting them together, once I have a clear direction. By tomorrow I will post it. I would do so today, but it is getting late here in Brazil, and on my home the internet gets turned off when it is late because of my brother with poor impulse control.
  13. I took a look at it and found your setting fascinating, Seonid. It also has many similarities to mine, in that in a way a purpose behind the creation of the universe is to prepare more creators, although in my setting it comes almost accidentaly. I am currently writing my own master worldbuilding thread for my recently named "Garden of Mirrors", mostly because it gives me a motivation to focus on worldbuilding. Once I write it, I plan on making one of the planet of Argina, which is part of said universe and where the stories I am currently writing(more like outlining ) are set.
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