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Everything posted by DreamEternal

  1. Awesome! Also, your most primordial Realm being "tamed" Chaos is actualy very similar to the origins of my own Verse. Maybe I should start my own worldbuilding thread, if only to force me to fill some holes in my worldbuilding... On that note, what sensations and imagery does "Garden of Mirrors" invokes, as a name for said Universe?
  2. Most likely not. That person must have been mixing it up with the Death Rattles. The thrill is ancient, as far as we know, and if the fact Alethela was the nation dedicated to training soldiers is any indication, which is a big assumption, but not unreasonable, it predates the Last Desolation.
  3. He may have followed from very far. He somehow discovered Ym and Lift were surgebinders, so I don't think it is unreasonable for him to have some way of sensing the use of investiture, which would help keeping track of Szeth while hidden within or above the storm.
  4. "At times" is an understatment, but even then his beating up of Elhokar was everything but necessary, and while his hypocrisy in making him a puppet was more than understandable, and perhaps even necessary in the light of the on-going crisis, it was still hypocrisy. That is what I think will be either what kills Dalinar or what he must face before it does: his tendency to take all power to himself, to speak of sharing responsabilities and obeying codes, but assuming he is the only one that gets to dictate which are those.
  5. Honestly, replies like these feel like cheating to me.
  6. At the end of book one, after beating up Elhokar, he basically left implicit he was to obey him at all times, making him his puppet. All while telling him he wouldn't be a puppet to the likes of Sadeas, if I remember well. Delightfully hypocrital, Blackthorn. Meridas Amaram picks his friends well.
  7. It is not about there being someone worse. It about trying to understand how much can be traced to history and circunstances. If a big part of the alethi elite would kill innocent darkeyes for Shards with no remorse, then it can be said that their culture incentivates psychopatic backstabbing.And joining such supposition with the fact he at least feels guilty about it, it becomes easier to not see him as a complete monster, but only a weak man moved by forces outside of himself. But then, I may see him and most other villains this way because of my personal philosophy, which forbids all forms of hatred against others and the desire for retribution as a goal on itself, and my belief that most people are moved more by their circunstances than their natures.
  8. For not understanding what is the point of romance, or that is what I got from your posts. No offence, I also don't get what is the point of many things other people enjoy, even though romance is not one of then.
  9. Suddenly, my Verse's version of angels became much more similar to extremely advanced aliens working under a non-intervention policy and exploiting its loopholes, despite retaining their semi-divine nature. And many characters I still needed to develop further gained motivations linked to them as I found ancient alien shaped holes in their motivations and backstories. It is interesting, how by developing one faction or filling a hole in your worldbuilding many lose pieces rearrange themselves to make a more complete picture.
  10. Amaram also feels guilty for what he does, and for me it seemed that he was being pushed into it by Restares. I think he is much more pathetic and somewhat less evil than people generally think.
  11. @Botanica: After looking at ypur recent art, I feel compeled to ship Axies and Rysn
  12. The appearence and behavior of the characters allows a increase of 10% in their age. I don't get why you are so obsessed on such a small numbers of years. And I am almost sure the book says Lift is 14-15 years old. Or has been 10 years old for five years, as she sees it.
  13. Are you using Earth years? Because I am sure that at least in Rosharan years the ages are closer.
  14. I prefer Adolift for arc 2 ships between people who never met. I am still trying to find a Shallan ship I can stand, since I feel nothing for both Shalladin and Shadolin.
  15. Jasnah and Szeth!? I once heard of Jasnah and Amaram in a love/hate relationship, for the most assassination ladden love in Eastern Roshar.
  16. Discworld, I think. DEATH speaks in ALL CAPS like the Stormfather.
  17. It is not the only way. I could just stop arguing before things get too heated, but I can get quite hot-blooded when we start arguing, and this time he did try to walk away, in his angry and arrogant way, but I pushed the argument further because I felt I hadn't said my last word yet. But I know what you mean, and I plan to talk to my parents about this when he is not home. And it is not that it is infrenquent. It is that it used to happen, and it stopped happening, but I don't know if it could start again.
  18. Honestly, it has been many months since he last did that. It is just that I still remember it clearly enough to still feel worried when he gets angry. And we don't have many in common, so heated arguments between us aren't exactly rare. Especially with me being too stubborn to just pretend I agree with him.
  19. I just had a heated argument with my younger brother, and while it ended up rather peacefully, I am now feeling worried. It does not help that "peacefully" in this case means he left the room with an everstorm worth of anger on his head while reminding me I have no friends, instead of trying to choke me(or grab me by the neck in a way that resembles choking way too much for me to not panic) like he already tried other times I got him this angry. What makes it more worring to me is that my parents are not home, and despite I being the older sibling, he is considerably bigger than me. While I know he is no psychopath, and the anger will eventualy expire, I still feel that if things had gone wronger I would've ended up seriously injured, and he would too as I defended myself. While most of the time, I think we have a normal, if somewhat explosive, relationship, I often wonder that maybe things like that are a sign things are way unhealthier than I thought. And worst of all, I wonder if that is how I look to other people sometimes. I have a lot of buttons one should avoid to press, very often look angrier than I actualy am, am impulsive and sometimes literaly push others away, with more strenght than I intend, to when they counciously annoy me and stop me from walking away, making it look like I intended or didn't care about hurting them. This was a long and very personal post. I don't know how I feel about posting it here, and may even delete it if I feel it was a mistake sharing something so personal on the internet, so please don't quote it directly if you decide to answer.
  20. Well, the symbol for Empirium reminds me more of an stylised Aon than of a Metallic Arts symbol...
  21. No spoilers. The blood are her adventures with Wax&Wayne, that are quite... messy. The ink is her belief that statistical studies on crime are the way to make people permanently safer, not blazing guns and throwing fists around.
  22. I shipped it before it had fanart! It was even on my old sig...
  23. People thought they looked cute together, and maybe thought Renarin would act more like Kabsal if he opened up a bit, so they created an whole story in theur heads specially made to make them fit. Or in other words, what happens when you ship people who never met.
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