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Everything posted by Blightsong

  1. Just because scholars might know about the planets doesn't mean it is anywhere near common knowledge, or that it is something often thought about. It surely is, because they do have a cognitive representation, but it makes way more sense for that representation to be small than for it to be large. We have WoB that the Oathpact still functioned in some capacity, thus it wasn't fully broken as you suggest. Regardless of WoB, it is evident in the fact that Odium wasn't able to invade Roshar. Also, we really don't know enough about the Oathpact to say for sure that Taln by himself can't do a sufficient job compared to all 10 heralds. I mean, he held out for 4,500 years. That is a longer gap between desolations than any time previous (by the best guess of the people who've worked on the Cosmere timeline, which is a pretty good one). I also want to point out that the Ten Essenses most likely arent based in actual Realmatics or science. Khriss says as much in the ars Arcanum. I like the effort and thought put into this post. I've had similar thoughts regarding the gas giants. Brandon has said that there is something bigger going on in relation to them.
  2. Think of it like this, the sun doesn't move in the sky but when someone moves the sun will change position in the sky. If you tape a sheet of paper to your ceiling it won't move, but if you do you have to look in a different direction to see it. Daylanders can use this to tell where they are in relation to other places.
  3. A few points to consider. Why would something named after a Herald gain a large cognitive representation just because people think about what they are named after. If a building is named after Kelsier, does is it thought about more in general because Kelsier is worshiped, or does it only get thought of by people that know that the building exists? I think you shouldkeep in mind that the populace of Roshar as a whole probably dont know too much about astrology. Also, the oathpact wasn't completely broken, Taln still kept Odium trapped for thousands of years.
  4. This is a common theory, but not a commonly accepted fact. We have no WoB. We do have WoB, although, that Hoid said Adonalsium because he suspected that Dalinat had a similar level of knowledge about the Cosmere as Gavilar, and that he was checking his suspicions.
  5. We recently got WoB that the scholars have some level of fame throughout the worldhopping community for being pioneers of exploring Realmatics, and they got around the Cosmere themselves, so I wouldn't be too surprised if Hoid had ran into them. As for the theory, I've seen others like it before but I've always thought that we have too small a sample size for me to be convinced of this just yet, but I think with what we do know it's a reasonable theory. The thing that turns me away the most is that Kaladin had effectively mastered Gravitation while only on his 2nd oath, while Shallan was technically on her 3rd during most of WoR and still couldn't Soulcast a dead stick (although a possible world hopping one at that /s). It just seems discordant to me. I think this just comes down to practice, and availability of use. It seems to me that Shallan hasn't mastered transformation because it is a hard thing to practice compared to lightweaving. Similarly, Lift didn't have many dead friends around to resurrect a bunch (although she did use regrowth to grow some plants, so she was using that surge in some capacity). It also seems to me that this kind of thing would have been revealed to us by now, one way or another, but I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  6. I'm a little confused about what you're trying to get at with your conclusion.
  7. Some advice I like to give newbies; if you want to know more about the Cosmere check out Theoryland. It contains almost all of the information Brandon has given us on his books and the Cosmere.
  8. I'm partial to Sharder, and it's the one I see used most.
  9. I think there was an old thread, buts it hasnt been commented on in awhile. If your at the signing, post anything interesting that is said
  10. I think people associate Cultivation with nature too much in the context of the shard. The Shards all seem to be abstract ideals, and Cultivation in the sense of agriculture seems too worldly. The more abstract definition for Cultivation is 'refinement' and i think this fits better with what we have seen on Roshar, especially with surgebinding. My ideas for dishardic intent are: Cultivation+Odium=Corruption Cultivation+Ruin=Destruction Cultivation+Endowment=Philanthropy Ambition+Ruin=Ruthlessness Ambition+Autonomy=Greed Ambition+Dominion=Conquest Autonomy+Cultivation=Reform Autonomy+Devotion=Egocentricity Autonomy+Honor=Decorum, Dignity Autonomy+Endowment=Sacrifice Autonomy+Ruin=Deprivation Endowment+Honor=Inspiration Endowment+Odium=Contamination I'll probavaly post more tomorrow, its getting late.
  11. Brandon has confirmed that this happened because metals are keys to investiture. What wax and Kel saw glowing were invested objects. Also, Brandon has said that the Bands of Mourning are magnitudes less invested than Nightblood.
  12. I don't see why it would be a RAFO unless the answer is "neither*.
  13. Yea, it was also in AU, we know that Dominion and Devotion had a polarized relationship.
  14. Probably Pat Rothfuss' Sympathy. It allowed for so much cleverness in the main character's problem solving.
  15. This WoB suggests that Investiture is different from what makes up the spiritual realm.
  16. I agree with @BlackYeti here. Unless Khriss is lying to us here I'm pretty sure Identity is of the Spiritual realm.
  17. I've been focusing on this topic a lot for some theories of mine. What are your guy's thoughts on how connection works, what identity is, and the like.
  18. Yea, despite not being computer related, Nightblood basically is an artificial intelligence.
  19. Brandon and his team have been working on draft 2 and draft 1 simultaneously, so I doubt it was an error.
  20. So it seems Brandon is on to draft 3!
  21. Generally, Sanderson works under the pretense that the books he writes are translated from whatever fantasy language to English. Dayside is just the most comprehensive translation for 'side of the planet where the sun is up'.
  22. Sentience is self awareness and thought outside of instinct, which many animals do not possess.
  23. It's simple to deduce that the measurement of a spren's physical form affects its Cognitive self. Since there is no actual physical reaction between the spren and the measurer it must be a cognitive interaction. Besides, what is the Cognitive realm if not the refelction of how the physical realm is perceived and understood.
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