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Everything posted by Blightsong

  1. You make some good points, but we really don't know if it was unanimous amongst any order.
  2. The most recent WoB on Gavilar is just that he was on the path to becoming a Bondsmith, not that he was further along then Dalinar. Easy mistake to make. It makes sense that Gavilar would have at least fpund out what was happening to him.
  3. I dont think we know if Gavilar was further along or not. Based on how wrong some of his beliefs were, and the fact that the stormfather was hesitant even to bond Dalinar, i would guess that he wasnt as far along.
  4. It wasnt unanimous we know via epigraphs that one of the orders didnt abandon their bond.
  5. I dont know, the Skybreakers dont seem corrupted. Nalan is crazy and is murdering people, but hes following the law. Radiants dont necessarily have to be good people.
  6. The radiants are generally good, sacrificing people but they are still people. Them keeping the bond wasnt necessary to humanity, they believed they had been successful in keeping bacl Odium. Yes they had to kill their spren, but in the face of literally an eternity of endless and unrelenting torture, I dont think its too outlandish to think that this could be the case. Just look at the heralds. They decided to abandon humanity, and they had reason to believe that doing so could end in the end of humanity. I think the thought of endless torture is more of a motivator than you think.
  7. Being tortured for millennia sounds pretty terrible.
  8. Are you talking about how there would be a lot of Spren, and that is why this would happen? It's kind of unclear from the op.
  9. Yeah, the spark of life seems to be the investiture that inhabits the complex, distinct, system that is a person's soul. Presumably it takes investiture to maintain that complexity. My guess is that this is why younger Nalthians have stronger breaths than older ones.
  10. What does that WoB have to do with entropy. As long as Nightblood dilutes or spreads around investiture then entropy is happening. Entropy has nothing to do with investiture being 'gone forever'. Entropy just means that systems move from a state of order to a state of disorder. Brandon has said that matter and energy are also, at their core, made of investiture, and they are entropic. It would make no sense for base investiture to not do so.
  11. Szeth goes about commiting horrible and numerous crimes, but Nalan believed him to be a perfect candidate. Brandon has said that Nale looks for people that can follow a personal code extremely well, and that code becoming the law seems to be a later developmwnt of the bond.
  12. Yeah, based on how the royal locks function, it would make sense that someone who thinks that they cannot use them would not be able to. I like the idea that everyone in the royal line has the locks, but because of the theoretical myth that they don't prevents them from manifesting it.
  13. Spren are not cognitive shadows, but both have their souls made of investiture. They are a similar state of being, but they are kind of like different species. My idea is that the bond imitates what ever the happens to the Heralds in forcing them to go to Braize. Arcanum Unbounded.
  14. Had this same thing pop into my head a few days ago. It doesnt really account for emotion or nature spren so i qrote it off, but i think the theory does have merit. Another thought i had that i liked more was that becoming a radiant requires a similar connection to what the Heralds have, and that upon death they become a cognitive shadow and are imprisoned on Braize to be tortured. We know that there are cognitive shadows on Braize, but no humans, and this explaination is one im proud of.
  15. I think we should be careful assuming things (that are pretty likely) are not the case simply because they haven't been mentioned.
  16. The vibe I got was that he was ok with his Skybreakers because he can control them, and make sure they don't do whatever it is that would bring another desolation.
  17. Do we know that Skyeels and Ryshadium don't have gemhearts?
  18. I think that's what he meant. As for possible things Hoid could've hypothetically been doing while on Braize; in one of the letters he mentions 'the element' and that he is keeping it close to him. Maybe this is some artifact from Braize in this scenario.
  19. As far as we know, they play a role in how Rosharan life forms symbiosis with Spren. Think of them as biological fabrials.
  20. I have been reading through the second mistborn series again recently and stumbled across some pretty good proof that Trell is Autonomy. When people talk about reasons for why Trell is Autonomy they often bring up evidence about how Bleeder said a lot of stuff about wanting to rid Elendel of the establishment and corruption present, but I haven't seen any one bring up stuff related to Miles. After finishing AoL I am more convinced than ever that Trell is Autonomy, and I have some quotes to prove as pretty good proof. In a Miles viewpoint chapter we get to see his thoughts, and he talks a bit about Trell. At one point he explains: "He was a man created to have a steady hand and an even steadier mind. Made by Trell, inspired by the Survivor, yet still weak." This doesn't really say anything about Autonomy, but in the same chapter, when he burns Allomantic gold he says: "But gold was not completely useless. Just mostly so. Upon burning it, Miles split. The change was visible only to his own senses, but for a moment, he was two people, two versions of himself. One was the man he had been. The angry lawkeeper, growing more bitter by the day. He wore a white duster over rugged clothing, with tinted spectacles to shade his eyes against the harsh sun. Dark hair kept short and greased back. No hat. He’d always hated those. The other man was the man he’d become. Dressed in the clothing of a city worker—buttoned shirt and suspenders over dirty trousers with fraying cuffs. He walked with a slouch. When had that begun? He could see through both pairs of eyes, think both sets of thoughts. He was two people at once, and each one loathed the other. The lawkeeper was intolerant, angry, and frustrated. He hated anything that broke with the strict order of the law, and meted out harsh punishments with no mercy. He had a special loathing for someone who had once followed the law, but had turned his back upon it. The robber, the Vanisher, hated that the lawkeeper let others choose his rules. There was really nothing sacred about the law. It was arbitrary, created by powerful men to help them hold power. The criminal knew that secretly, deep down, the lawkeeper understood this. He was severe toward criminals because he felt so impotent. Each day, life grew worse for the good people, the people who tried, and the laws did little to help them. He was like a man swatting mosquitoes while ignoring the gash in his leg, an artery open and throbbing gushes of blood onto the floor." From these two viewpoints, we see the man he could have been, a law keeper, like he was before involvement with the Set. We also see the actual Miles, and what he sees wrong with, essentially, what he was in the past. He says that he loathes that the 'lawkeeper' let other choose his rules in the past, and how he now hated anything that stuck to the law and punished others with no mercy. This is the exact rhetoric you would expect to hear from someone who was influenced by Autonomy. Judging by his comments about how he was heavily influenced by Trell, I don't think this is a coincidence, and that Trell is Autonomy. Let me know what you guys think!
  21. I dont think Brandon would include something that breaks physics for nostalgia's sake unless he could come up with a Realmatic explaination. I'm not saying it has the same orbital height of earth, im saying it may be much closer, by scale, than earth is to the sun (but obviously not inside of it). I dont doubt that a Shard is powerful enough to maintain a habitable climate on a planet in this circumstance, and its the only theory i can come up with to explain this without studying. Although my planetary physics is weak, I wouldnt be surprised if I am embarrassingly off the mark here as far as plausibility goes.
  22. I'm not sure, and the PDF that I used to read it doesn't have a find in page function. Look at the star chart for Taldain. The sun seems much closer to Taldain than is normal or reasonable. The star charts obviously aren't to scale, but my theory is that the sun is legitimately extremely close to Dayside, and that autonomy has altered the goldilock zone in some way to allow Taldain to be inhabitable.
  23. What I described is what Kenton describes in the prose version as well.
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