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Fifth of Daybreak

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Everything posted by Fifth of Daybreak

  1. You get a broken heart upvote (and clean floors apparently.)
  2. Can we vote on the name? I'm partial to Vivaladin.
  3. Doesn't fit the description. My guess is Vivenna has invested her own Blade. Probably not enough to fully awaken the sword, but enough to give it the kick it needs to cut through stone.
  4. It really, really seems like we're going that direction. It's not confirmed, but in my eyes everything but. The sentiments expressed there are so similar. It seem like at this point it would be stranger for him not to manifest as a Stoneward.
  5. I finished up. Going through, I made sure to highlight my favourite parts. I started highlighting all of the Wit parts so I just stopped there haha. Spoilered for obscene length. Elokhoar's scene was just so intense. I still can't find myself hating Moash. I'm so incredibly invested in his story, and this idea that Odium isn't just about hatred, but passionate emotion. I'm still looking forward to seeing more of this. Poor Kaladin. He tries so hard, but all of his work with Sah seems to have been for nothing. Another wound in his soul. It was nice to get back to Adolin's POV, and awesome to get some confirmation that he kept the knife, but it really seems like too little too late at this point. Is anything going to happen with Sadeas's death? King T is a Stoneward. Huh. So what order is Amaram going to end up being?
  7. I wanted to wait until the end of the part, but alas, I cannot. cognitive shadows and gentle-shards, I give you the greatest scene ever written. When I read the first line I literally whooped for joy and rested my hands on my chin and stared into the distance with a dopey smile on my face. By the end of the small sequence, I had tears in my eyes from laughter. Slay queen!
  8. This has made my reading experience so much better. There should be no reason I'm laughing at this so hard. On a more detail spoilery note. He'd hate this. Oh well.
  9. I'll wait a week. And here I thought the waiting torture was over after yesterday.
  10. Seriously. They must hate The Flash.
  11. This was my reaction when I finished reading the review.
  12. Another great part. Gonna do a quick rundown. Bridge Four viewpoints-didn't realize my life was incomplete until now. Moash's missing patch hit me in the guy first of his viewpoint chapters. I've gone from being least excited about him to most excited. Shallan and Jasnah's dynamic makes perfect sense. Now that Shallan has been disillusioned and we see Jasnah's pov, the curtain has fallen and Jasnah is no longer presented as the perfect Alethi princess. She's quickly falling out of favor with me and I love Brandon for that. As much as I identity with Jasnah, it's nice to finally round her out and highlight her flaws more. On that, Jasnah is obsessed with assassins. If she didn't reverse assassinate Kabsal then I'll eat Bashin's hat. Jasnah's childhood insanity? Family hurt her? Why must you tantalize like this Brandon? Rlain better fly by the end of the book. Lift is obsessed with butts huh? Someone's gonna have a kid by the end of the series... When I found out Dalinar didn't kill the child...my poor heart. He and Evi's relationship hurt my soul. I'm glad they had that one. Adolin is "he who was born into light." It fits. I bet Maxal loved those parts (refraining from tagging since I don't think she has a book yet. But Maxal, you got tiny Adolin ^.^) We've got a timeline for the desolations, even if it's suspect. I wish Pattern was more specific about the lies. Helaran was not bonded to a spren. Totally called it. Odium is the villain we deserve. Seriously, he's my new favorite. I read this review today, (minor spoilers) and it really cheesed me off, as they obviously don't have a real appreciation for the nuances Brandon has put in place here. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.avclub.com/brandon-sandersons-series-spanning-ambitions-burden-oat-1820346253/amp Basically, it argues that OB is bad because of the plot of Mistborn. Ruin parallels Odium too much and the skaa parallel the parshmen too much. Phaw. That's like saying the guy who wants to burn you house down and the guy who wants to murder you, bury you in the back yard and then live in your house are committing the same crime. Odium's scene with Dalinar was amazing. He hit so many different topics of discussion I've seen here on the forums in just a few paragraphs of dialogue. I'm so excited. Poo poo on the AV club.
  13. That's right, thanks for the correction. Didn't have the time to double check, but the little bit happening on the forums today and OB is keeping me sane during this hellshift. Been in a vehicle for the past twelve hours and have gone at least 400 miles today, and I'm only halfway through my shift
  14. My apologies, not able to read as closely as I'd like since I'm doing it between calls, but the concept is still the same, especially for a wood that's as light as balsa but as strong as heavier woods. I'm not saying they've created new fabrials, I'm saying the ancient fabrials it would make sense to have them designed to create different types of building materials. I'm possibly misunderstanding the WoB thinking back on how Shallan's soulcaster was supposed to work, but iirc it was supposed to be a rare more powerful one. Green wood is more flexible, but I'm more postulating that the essence form of the wood inherently contains sap. From my interpretation of the WoB an experienced Radiant soulcaster would be able to soulcast processed wooden planks ready for construction.
  15. @The One Who Connects You've definitely raised a lot of good points here (can't complain about organization until I'm home from work and back to my cpu tomorrow looks good on mobile like you said.) Mind if we table this discussion until I can read a little further in OB? I'm making what progress I can between calls today and am almost through part two and it definitely seems like we're getting lots of relevant information. If I haven't made a lot of progress end of the day tomorrow I'll come back to this topic at least do research on some of the points you've raised such as asking about spren and surges. (I think Pattern mentions it to Shallan when he suggests she should have her illusions speak for themselves. Something about sounds being related to the surge of illumination.)
  16. It could be that one of the Soulcasting fabrials is specifically keyed to Aluminum because of meta knowledge lost from before Aharietiam. This makes the most sense to me. The lack of flavor could just be that they are unable to soulcast anything but the most basic if grains and meats due to the constraints of fabrials. Having access to different types of building and tool materials makes sense, so putting resources into creating fabrials specifically to create specialized resources, such as aluminum and Makam makes sense, whereas the only reason to create better food is for luxury, which is not a big priority in war. The ars arcanum lists the base essence of pulp as "wood, plants, and moss." This implies to me, both with "pulp" and the living material that it is in it's more natural state and not refined, especially since it has to go through refininment at a lumber yard. This means it's not soulcast directly into useable slats of wood, but the raw lumber, which would still have sap. Unless the raw wood has already been dried and cured, it's going to have sap. This is what's called 'green wood.' It's actually a pretty good time of the year to go out and try to find a good example of this. You might be able to find some branches knocked down by a storm recently and compare it to old dead limbs, see how one looks how you would expect a dead limb to look, and the other will be springy and have a greenish tinge. The green wood will also smoke in a fire while dry wood will not produce as much smoke.
  17. It's a Teft quote. it directly follows the one where he describes the first ideals. Aside from Jasnah, Teft is the only one who is presented as knowledgeable on the subject on screen, and he tells us that the ideals were based off of the writings of a king that information leads us to believe is Nohadon. All of the stories that Dalinar quotes aren't as broadly cast as the stories that Hoid tells where there are multiple layers that can be picked apart depending on what's on the listeners mind. You can tell Nohadon had a philosophy he's trying to teach, and it's one that's a running theme throughout the IRL WoK as the Windrunners book: strength is a privilege to be used to help others, not a right to be used selfishly. I guess the more I think about it the less I think that the WoB about Machiavellian's has any bearing whatsoever on the orders or the first ideal. Until we get down to brass tax and start to specify, Brandon could come up with a thousand scenarios where they could fit into an order. All that person would have to do is justify the ends of getting a Radiants power through the means of being inscrutably dedicated to whatever ideals that order is drawn to. I hate the idea that we're throwing away two large set pieces in the form of Dalinar's vision and the in universe WoK, along with the only on-screen description of the basic foundation of the Knights Radiant's philosophy. It seems to me that the first ideal is that end, and the means each individual is willing to justify will determine to what order they belong.
  18. We also know from the first chapters where we are introduced to the Kholin's that Sadeas controls those forests, so it stands to reason. Aluminum is a named metal that is only created by Soulcasting. I think we can assume that Makam would exist somewhere else in the Cosmere which is why they are able to soulcast it, same with Aluminum. It's still a naturally occurring wood in universe, and so would still have sap in it's natural state, which it reverts to once it has been soulcast imo.
  19. The real issue is the housing. We'd need to find a way to make a sturdy enough inset for the shardrazor to hold the blade at the right distance from the skin to achieve the perfect cut. Then it's about moderating your pressure. As long as you don't push too hard that you're forcing your skin past the 'safe zone' the housing for the blade makes, it should theoretically be the perfect razor. You don't need any pressure at all. Put it on your face and pull downward, being careful not to push your malleable skin into danger, and your hair will be trimmed off.
  20. *Nervously glances to where my 'Scion of the Stick' title no longer sits under my picture* Hi there Church of the Stick thread...
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