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Fifth of Daybreak

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Everything posted by Fifth of Daybreak

  1. I... I'll never be an airsick lowlander. Maybe alaii'iku can be a higher up rep level so I can get some Rock love in? (I may or may not have listened to Michael Kramer say his name on repeat back in WoK until my lowlander tongue could pronounce it.)
  2. If I were 40 years older my children would have a wrongful death lawsuit on their hands and I wouldn't get to finish the series.
  3. From what I understand Nohadon and the in-world Way of Kings were responsible for shaping the Oaths. That's what gives the impression that the first Ideal is less malleable than they are. The philosophies presented in those parables aren't incredibly varied in their interpretations in my opinion.
  4. "Update on your pre-order of Oathbringer." Bah. Bah. Bah. *Flips table in pre-release insanity and bills Amazon for the damages*
  5. Double pun should get double upvotes. Why cruel world!?!?!?!
  6. Not to toot my own horn too much, but there's a lot of discussion on a thread I made to discuss that over here. Take a look and see what you think, and if you think of anything we missed please jump right on in! Welcome to the Shard!
  7. I meant more real-world equivalent. For instance, intentional medicare fraud since I'm in a private ambulance company. Even if I was kept in the dark, if I found out about it, it would be a spoiler for me. I think it would come down to individual viewpoints here. I kind of feel as though the Knights Radiant are separate departments in the same organization. To quote the source material, "...the thumb might think it has very little in common with the pinky. But with Proper perspective, it is realized that the fingers are part of something larger. That indeed, they are One."
  8. @Ammanas I actually sang the first verse of this to my buddy this morning while we were gaming. He's not as hyped for it and is waiting until the weekend or later.
  9. Someday... I'm sorry Also, just pointing out re: Shipping and this thread. If you bring up something to complain about it, it's basically just introducing that topic into the thread to be taken over. Careful how you wield double edged sword my friends. (Stick haters be warned )
  10. That's pretty well implied in this scenario. I broke @Steeldancer trying to think about it.
  11. The ending story arc is Shallan learning to love herself again. Audio cue audience "awww." Lights fade to black. End Scene.
  12. Keanu Reeves https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lake_House_(film)
  13. I will forever be grateful to Brandon for the ability to quote this line.
  14. If that's the case, it's only because Radiant doesn't have opinions on things she hasn't deliberated on beforehand. Give Veil a chance.
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