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Fifth of Daybreak

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Fifth of Daybreak last won the day on December 5 2017

Fifth of Daybreak had the most liked content!

About Fifth of Daybreak

  • Birthday 03/09/1991

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  • Member Title
    Narrator of the Lost Legends of Scadrial Mistborn RPG Podcast
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  • Interests
    Board games, reading, writing, politics, spirited debate, general geek culture, role-playing games, performing, lots I'm sure I've missed!

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  1. Whoops, I forgot to link the last episode. Episode 25: Worst Case Scenario Episode 26: Coyote in the Hen House Today marks one year from our first episode published, and I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who has given us a shot and listened in. This has been a fantastic experience and I can't wait to share the next year of Mistborn fun with everyone as well
  2. A little late here, but the next episode is up! https://youtu.be/MVrt2kF0b7g
  3. Episode 4 of Season 1.5: 'For a Good Cause or Whatever' is now available!
  4. 'Super Gang,' the second episode of season 1.5 is now live! This is the first episode of the Third Octant Squeeze, come have some fun with us in the Alloy of Law era! You can find it on YouTube, iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts!
  5. We've got two episodes for you this week! 'Believe in My Poison' is a one shot set during the time of the Lord Ruler featuring cast members from both the old and new group, and then we have a special bonus round table discussion episode where the cast of season one reflect on the first sixteen episodes!
  6. Episode 15: 'Flamboyance and Excessive Display' is now live on YouTube iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts! We're also releasing the first episode of season 1.5 on the Discord server, so come join our growing community to get double your dose of Lost Legends this week! We will also be hosting an allomancy dice giveaway on the discord after the season ends next episode, so make sure you don't miss out! https://discord.gg/4vceQkM
  7. Episode 13: 'Make a Dark Exchange' is now live on iTunes, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts! Buckle up, we're really approaching the end of season one!
  8. Episode 11: 'Cards on the Table,' is now available! The Lost Legends answer a knock on the door and head out to show Alloy the bead of atium they've acquired.
  9. We're back again and on a mission to find Fluffles! This is one of my favorite episodes to date, so come check out Episode 9: Horse Monster' on YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. I've been having so much fun running this podcast and I'm very pleased with how it's turned out. If you haven't given us a chance yet but have been considering it, we're halfway throigh season 1 giving you a good chunk of episodes to decide if you like us or not.
  10. Back at it again with another episode! Episode 7: "Like a Real Ambush" is now available on YouTube, iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts!
  11. First off, as founder of the Church of the Stick thread, I love your username. I originally looked into SoundCloud for the RSS feed, but there was a lot of interfacing issues between iTunes and SoundCloud that were fairly frustrating trying to work around, and when I started comparing functionality and price point for the premium options we'd eventually have to take, I decided that PodBean was better suited for our uses. I looked into briefly right now, and it looks like there's no way to import an RSS to SoundCloud like in other podcast services. I'll look into it more later when I've got more time to put to the matter, but it looks like there's not a good way to use have SoundCloud mirror our episodes without using then as our primary podcast host. If I find out a way to do it, or if they accept outside RSS feeds in the future I'll be sure to let you know directly!
  12. Hey everyone, I goofed yesterday and made a mistake with file management and ended up missing part of the episode. The podcast file has been updated and if you downloaded before 9pm est yesterday you will need to redownload. There is also a new page for the YouTube video. The previous version was missing the cold open and intro music. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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