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Matrim Bloody Cauthon

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Everything posted by Matrim Bloody Cauthon

  1. Sorry gavilar. Gavilar is the alethi king in the stormlight archive.
  2. Probably im in mobile so i probably missed a lot of things.
  3. Im sorry but it never pays to underestimate your enemy. Look what happened to all of the forsaken. And gavilar.
  4. Sighs Why? I dont trust him with even just his head free.
  5. "A fade," mat breathed when the inkeeper had gone.
  6. i want to know more about him. because it says that he remembers the first acorn and the first rain. plus that if sauron regained the ring he would be the last one to fall.
  7. Welcome to the site. As for who i would date, im a married man. If it came down to it it would probably be marasi.
  8. In HoA when elend realises the mists are snapping people. And leads the seers into battle. In way of kings when kaladin goes to save dalinar. In the dragon reborn when mat fights gawyn and galad and stops them from doubting his abilities.
  9. We do know that he has or had a bead of lerasium. We dont know what he has done or will do with it.
  10. You dare to attack her majesty in her own seat of power. BT is right there are many who would defend her with their lives. My ashandarie would be quick to defend her from any threats. Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather. Fool i hope you realize that i am just playing a part.
  11. I live half an hour away from the comic con where he goes to occasionally but i didn't know it until a little while ago. but i was unable to go to the last one that he went to. one of my best friends met him and got his autograph. i was so mad.
  12. I got a barnes and noble gift card, a set of carbon arrows, and a skeleton watch.
  13. Vins Earring and when you found out the mists were breaking people. I guessed those a couple pages before they revealed them.
  14. me too. I hated him in that book. back off.
  15. WoT: Elayne, Egwene, Nynaeve they annoy me so much. Galad, Berelain and Elaida.
  16. I would just like a glass of mulled wine please.
  17. I read the hobbit loved it. Then i started to read lord of the rings but i had seen the movies before i read the books and just prefered the way the movies organized it. The books were good but I loved the movies.
  18. yep when he is describing pippin in the return of the king, after using the palantir.
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