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Matrim Bloody Cauthon

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Everything posted by Matrim Bloody Cauthon

  1. How could you? you're a horrible person trying to murder a thread like that.
  2. stop it your making my head hurt. I hate that song and now I will never be able to get it out of my head. I hope you're happy. also you cant derail that which had no rail in the first place.
  3. aha but you are not mistborn. im not sure. but it is the most popular thread in the introduce yourself forum. it has the most replies of all of them.
  4. im definitely not going to any signing events if that were to ever happen
  5. you guys are hilarious I cant believe how funny you are.
  6. I have never had a pun made out of my username but people like kobold king who have read the wheel of time can call me a stubborn woolhead. which isn't true. at least not the the woolhead part. stubborn that i'll admit. and elsa I don't think it was the questions that made this thread popular. remember what I said earlier I think it is the attitude.
  7. I was confused by that as well but i figured that if she has only read Steelheart then she probably wouldn't know what the cosmere was either.
  8. the cosmere is the universe that most of Brandon's books take place in. hoid is in every one of these books. you can enjoy them separately because the cosmere relations are told in background.
  9. I bet they will. it was the highest grossing animated movie by Disney.
  10. no its rainy today. last week it was fairly warm though.
  11. Northern Utah. it was really fun to slide down the driveway on my feet. then I had to scrape it off because everyone in my family was falling down.
  12. when it is wet it is really easy to build stuff with but when Its dry it doesn't build well. yeah we get solid ice on the road quite often. there was one time when it rained and a couple of minutes after it stopped everything was frozen. people were sliding all over the place. lots of people fell down and got hurt.
  13. its cold and wet. sometimes its dry but not often.
  14. whats it like building a snowman out of paper?
  15. yeah the snow covers the streets but once in a while the snowplows comes through and clears off the roads. my sisters love the snow I really think that it is just not worth the cold. once in a while I can enjoy it but not often.
  16. I wont pretend to understand what it would be like to never have snow as I have lived in northern Utah my entire life or even pretend to like snow to be completely honest snow sucks. I have to shovel all winter long and its so cold. Utah has great snow for skiing and snowboarding etc. but I don't snowboard, ski or anything else to do with snow. I like it warm. snow all winter is horrible. once in a while it is fun but most of the time I hate it.
  17. Im still in high school so one day I woke up and looked at my alarm and jumped school started 10 minutes before and no one woke me up. I went upstairs and wondered where everyone was. luckily my mom came down and told me that school was canceled because of the snow. that was the only snow day I have ever had. it had snowed 18 inches overnight it was awesome.
  18. wow you guys need to get out more. I always find it weird when people haven't seen snow in real life. I live in Utah so I get a lot of snow. especially these last couple winters. i find it funny that California cancels school for an inch of snow. we don't cancel till there is over a foot. the last time school was canceled was for 18 inches of snow overnight.
  19. I have quite a few. great balance amazing hearing instantaneous turning ability when running I can avoid being seen/heard/found anywhere when I feel like it (this one is really useful) amazing memory for anything.
  20. there is only one other thread in the introduce yourself forum that is this popular. and that was a while ago.
  21. mine is fairly obvious to those of you that have read the wheel of time. the gathering storm was the first Brandon sanderson book that I read. Mat is by far my favorite character. so I took the quote from knife of dreams where tuon is saying that mat is her husband and she said "Bloody Matrim Cauthon is my husband" then I switched it around to Matrim bloody Cauthon which I think sounds better.
  22. I tend to agree the people on this site are awesome. also are you just going in and upvoting everything I post? everything I have put in this thread has been upvoted.
  23. he could only be killed by someone who wasn't afraid of him. my powers would be psychic, precog and enhanced reflexes. my weakness would be I could only be harmed by aluminum bullets have to go through the heart, shrapnel doesn't count. normal people would hate me because nothing escapes my notice, epics hate me because I am a reckoner and they don't know my weakness and no one makes aluminu bullets or guns. name would be psy-fi. my outfit would be a long leather duster my weapon of choice would be a recurve bow.
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