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Matrim Bloody Cauthon

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Everything posted by Matrim Bloody Cauthon

  1. well done captain Amen. indeed. what else would he mean?
  2. good she put sir. that's better than lord or king. but its still doesn't fit. your majesty please call me mat.
  3. other than cryptics do spren even understand puns?
  4. I still hold to it that it is her attitude.
  5. *raises ashandarei to shoulder* we wouldnt want to do something rash now would we. Your majesty the seanchan offer their support against the feather dusters.
  6. seanchan, tarabon, and ebou dar. just kidding the empress may she live forever rules those lands. My lords! My ladies -- And everybody else here NOT sitting on a cushion: Today, today, you find yourselves equals. For you are all equally blessed. For I have the pride, the privilege, nay, the pleasure Of introducing to you a Queen, sired by queens, A Queen who can trace her lineage back beyond Charlemagne. I first met her atop a mountain near Jerusalem, Praying to God, Asking His forgiveness, For the injuries done to her sister by her power. Next, she amazed me still further in Italy When she saved a frozen kingdom From the would-be insurrection Of her sisters dreadful fiance In Greece, she spent a year in silence Just to better understand the sound of a whisper. And so, without further gilding the lily, And with no more ado, I give to you the Seeker of Serenity, The Protector of Italian kingdoms. The Enforcer of our Lord God, The One -- The Only -- QUEEN ELSA STEELHEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Upvotes to the first person to reply with the reference.
  7. store health for 2 weeks to invite his Majesty to a barbecue. tap speed to capture said mosquitoes, give new command to annoy his Majesty, and give them back to his Majesty in a jar. tap memory to remember wheel of time quotes to use against his Majesty.
  8. I read the first 2 books of recluse but never went past that. I didn't like all of the character switching and the time periods being mixed up. maybe I will finish the series later.
  9. He pokes fun at wit's intelligence level. He understands Brandon's and Peter's cryptic hints. Odium apologized for bumping in to him. the lord ruler started a church after him.
  10. elantris has been checked out of the library for months. I am so frustrated that i cant find it at any of the libraries.
  11. what are the books/movies/tv shows that you like? mine is son of battles as my member title because I enjoy the wheel of time and it fits with my username. my signature is a funny quote by said character.
  12. store all of your AP World History knowledge in a metalmind and then throw it away the day before the test.
  13. spook is clubs nephew. he is also a tineye and gives vin the handkerchief.
  14. "'Courage to strengthen, Fire to blind. Music to dazzle. Iron to bind.'" "'And Matrim Cauthon to bloody even the odds.'"

  15. I personally think that it is awesome that you use high emperial/eastern street slang so often. trying to think of how to say something in that makes my head hurt.
  16. I did. my sisters said that there was a hilarious video clip at the end and made me wait ten minutes to get to it.
  17. not really. by the point that the avatar is elsa had already created the ice palace. therefore I believe that she was the awesome Ice Queen Elsa.
  18. the avatar is actually when Elsa is letting go, so your characterization is invalid.
  19. your assuming too much in assuming that this topic had a specific subject in the first place. also wow I am offline for a day and there are like 80 new posts I missed.
  20. honestly I don't know that reference. What is it?
  21. how dare you blame him. you murder a thread and then blame it on someone else? not cool.
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