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Long Game 75: Alethi Politics


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LG75: Alethi Politics

I fear the stakes are getting slowly higher. The Highprinces still talk amongst themselves, but the severity of the conversations increases by day. A true political war is brewing, and the water soon will spill over the rim of the bowl. We can only hope it has not been heated enough to scald everyone involved.

- Mishinah Bethab, wife of Highprince Bethab, 1173.7.4.2 

He’s nervous. Dalinar Kholin thought, glancing over at his nephew. Well, he ought to be.

They sat around a large wooden table, covered with a thin cloth divided into ten sections. Each section represented a princedom, marked with the appropriate colors and glyph. The other nine Highprinces, along with their various accomplices, were seated at their spot designated by the cloth. Dalinar thought it no accident that Sadeas lounged directly across from him, the other man’s pudgy but calculated gaze fixated on him.

The room was unusually quiet, but all knew that King Elhokar, Dalinar’s nephew, was ordained to begin the meeting. As usual, Elhokar was delaying his speaking as long as possible. The youth- Storms, he wasn’t really a youth, but he was to Dalinar- fiddled with the small golden buttons on his coat, avoiding eye contact with everyone who tried to create it. 

Eventually though, the meeting had to start, however much Elhokar wished it to not. Dalinar nudged his nephew softly, signaling that perhaps it was time to begin. Elhokar’s eyes flicked up, first at Dalinar, and then at the others, who all stared pointedly. Elhokar cleared his throat, and with his shaky voice the discussion was initiated.

*   *   *

A couple hours later, after many, many arguments, Elhokar slumped down in his chair as the Highprices stood. “I did terrible.”

Dalinar put a firm hand on the King’s shoulder. “You did not. You spoke well, and the propositions were stated clearly.”

Elhokar shook his head. “You did all the real talking, Uncle. The whole kingdom knows I’m a figurehead.”

Dalinar looked his nephew straight in the eyes. “You are the King, Elhokar. The throne is yours and yours only. I never wanted power.” Dalinar immediately cursed internally at his mistake. His phrasing implied that he had the political power in the room, and he knew it.

“But you have it anyway.” Elhokar confirmed. “Say what you want. They know it’s true.” He stood glumly and walked off. Dalinar frowned slightly as he disappeared around the corner. The King had been getting worse.

He glanced around the room, and noticed Sadeas watching him from behind the Bethabs, who idly chatted near the door, obviously looking for an excuse to examine Dalinar. He hadn’t missed Mishinah’s notetaking during the meeting.

When Sadeas caught Dalinar’s eyes, he glanced away, pretending he had been looking out the window the entire time. But Dalinar could see the small smile on his old friend’s lips. Storm that man. If only he and I could still agree.

Dalinar sighed, pushing past the Bethabs and avoiding Sadeas’ gaze. He needed a drink, after this afternoon’s events.

*   *   *

Welcome to LG75: Alethi Politics! I’m Matrim’s Dice, I’ll be your GM. @Devotary of Spontaneity will be the IM.

Below is the full ruleset, though it's also here in doc form if that's easier for you.

General Rules:

  • Cycles are divided into a Day and a Night, with Day turns being 48 hours long and Night turns being 24 hours long. 
  • There is a majority execution during the Day, with tied votes being decided through RNG.
  • PMs are closed unless opened through actions.
  • Each player is allotted one action per turn, which equals two per cycle. Actions include any role abilities, purchasing and using items from the marketplace, and the eliminator kill.
  • There is an inactivity filter of two cycles. If you do not post within this time frame you will be replaced with a pinch-hitter or removed from the game.



Dalinar’s Coalition: Standard village faction. Dalinar’s Coalition wins when all of Sadeas’ Influenced are dead. They have no group document and do not know each other’s identities.

Sadeas' Influenced: Standard eliminator faction. Sadeas’ Influenced win when they reach parity with the members of Dalinar’s Coalition, though King Elhokar must also be dead. They have a group doc to communicate in and a factional Night kill.



Faction Specific:

  • Dalinar Kholin: Each Day turn Dalinar may move any player’s exe vote. If Dalinar dies, any PMs are permanently shut down for the remainder of the game and no new ones can be created for the remainder of the game.
  • Torol Sadeas: Each Night turn Sadeas may target a player to learn their role. When targeting Dalinar they will get the result ‘Highprince’. When targeting Elhokar the scan will come back roleless.
  • Elhokar Kholin: Once every two cycles, Elhokar may self-protect. This action can be used during both the Day and Night turns, and will protect from both execution and any form of attacks.  If Elhokar dies, Sadeas’ Influenced are able to win once they reach parity with Dalinar’s Coalition.

Non-Faction Specific:

  • Bodyguard: Every Night turn, bodyguards can protect one player from all attacks.
  • Spokesperson: Every Day turn, a spokesperson can remove a vote from any player.
  • Spanreed Operator: Once per cycle, spanreed operators can open a PM between any two players. (Day/Night)
  • Assassin: Once per game, assassins may kill a player. If blocked, they retain the kill attempt. (Night)
  • Doorman: Once per cycle, doormen can block a player from taking an action. (Day/Night)



Highprince: There are ten Alethi Highprinces, and thus ten Highprince roles: Dalinar, Sadeas, Ruthar, Sebarial, Aldar, Roion, Bethab, Hatham, Thanadal, and Vamah.

  • Each Night cycle, an anonymous Highprince doc is opened or reopened for the ten Highprinces to converse in. The doc stays the same throughout the game, but during the Day the Highprinces are not permitted discussion. They gain access to it at the start of N1 and it is formatted like the Hemalurgist doc from LG71.
  • In this doc, along with open conversation, the Highprinces vote on an Event that takes place the following Day turn. The same Event cannot be triggered twice in a row, and each Event must be triggered before two events happen twice. (Ex: Highstorm can be triggered for a second time before Anarchy is triggered at all, but for Democracy! to be triggered a second time Anarchy must be triggered first.) If the Event vote is tied, Dalinar will anonymously decide which Event occurs. Any vote manipulation is ineffective for the Event vote.


  • Highstorm: Every player gains 3 spheres.
  • Anarchy: The next Day’s execution must be at least 50% majority to succeed.
  • Financial Crisis: No player may purchase anything from the marketplace for the duration of the cycle.
  • Democracy!: All items, with the exception of the knife, are at half-price for the duration of the cycle.
  • Political Vengeance: For the duration of the next two cycles, a tied execution vote will result in all parties being killed.



  • The marketplace is open every Night turn. Players may submit an action to buy items with their hard-earned spheres. 
  • Every third cycle (C3, C6, etc) there will be a Highstorm, which gives everyone 2 spheres.
  • Players will start with anywhere from 0 and 3 spheres.
  • If a player dies with any items in their possession, the items are made publicly known but are removed from the game.
  • Items are not passable between players.


  • Knife - 12 spheres: A single use item, players may use the knife to attempt to kill any player. (Night) 
  • Contract of Peace - 5 spheres: This item is automatically used after purchase. During the next Night turn, all kill attempts with the knife or from the Assassin will fail. All parties blocked will retain their item or attempt.
  • Legal Document - 6 spheres: A player with possession of a legal document can use it during any Night cycle, protecting a player from the next Day’s execution. This item is self-targetable. A player cannot be successfully targeted with the Legal Document in two consecutive cycles.
  • Slipped Note - 3 spheres: During the Day cycle, using the slipped note allows a player to cast an anonymous vote in their GM PM. This overrides any vote they have cast in-thread.
  • Armor - 7 spheres: After purchase, the player is protected from all attacks during the next Night turn.
  • Spy - 6 spheres: Targeting a player with the Spy will reveal the action they took that same turn.



Signups are open now, and will end in a little over a week on March 24, 2021, at 7am PST (GMT-7) 5pm PST (GMT-7). The game will begin soon afterwards, with the general rollover time being 8am 5pm, though my schedule is a bit unclear these next months so it may fluctuate slightly. If there are any changes I'll be sure to announce them.

Player List:

  1. @Gears - Roko the Basilisk
  2. @Random Bystander - the Random Bystander
  3. @Ashbringer - Faleast
  4. @Flyingbooks - TBD
  5. @Dannex
  6. @Quintessential - Lady Lumi Tominel
  7. @The Unknown Order - Obliteration
  8. @Araris Valerian - Ruthar
  9. @forget me not - Cara
  10. @Tani - Reva
  11. @Archer - Filico
  12. @StrikerEZ
  13. @Elandera
  14. @Illwei
  15. @Whysper
  16. @TJ Shade

Spectator List/Pinch-Hitter List:





  1. @Condensation
  2. @xinoehp512



Edited by Elandera
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Forgot to mention in the OP- because of the Highprince mechanic, this game has a minimum of about 15 players- I say that because technically it works with 10, but a.) That'd kind of be stupid and b.) 10-13 has a really small number of non-Highprinces and I want it higher than that. I don't expect to have to extend signups or anything like that- I mean c'mon, it's been like an hour- but I will if it becomes necessary. Thanks! :P

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I think for now, I'll just pinch hit, but I'll decide for sure before signups close. Depends on how the next week goes, both with seeing how much extra time I have and whether or not I'm still alive in the MR by this time next week. :P

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Hmm. I guess I'll sign up as Ruthar. Probably going to make things confusing, but at least I'll have a chance of having the same name as... myself.

I've also formulated a plan for this game that I will follow regardless of alignment. Since I did it all before the start of the game, it must be NAI, and therefore all of my actions this game are entirely immune to scrutiny. Some or all of this comment may have been made in jest, I take no responsibility for it being taken the wrong way.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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2 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

I've also formulated a plan for this game that I will follow regardless of alignment. Since I did it all before the start of the game, it must be NAI, and therefore all of my actions this game are entirely immune to scrutiny.

Sounds legit, I buy it.

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Reva wants to play. Because she can totally be in two places at once.


Edit: Question: Would it be super nasty if I were to reveal my MR49 role in here?

Edited by Tani
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47 minutes ago, Tani said:

Edit: Question: Would it be super nasty if I were to reveal my MR49 role in here?

Uh... yeah, don't do that. We're not supposed to talk about ongoing games outside of the game thread where other living players can see.

You can always RP as a Worldhopper from Scadrial, but don't start revealing things about one game in another's thread.

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So, remember how I said my schedule was a bit unclear? :P.

Rollover time is being moved later- the new rollover time will be 5pm PST (GMT-7). Signups will be slightly extended as a result. I'm editing the OP to include this. Thanks...

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