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I Love Dragons

Sign-ups for Quick Fix 51, I Love Dragons, are now open! The game is a sequel to the events of I Hate Dragons, a five-minute read which can be found on Brandon’s website (https://www.brandonsanderson.com/i-hate-dragons/). I will be stealing some worldbuilding lore for the write-ups from the extended version too, but players only need to read the short version. There will be spoilers for the story in this game and they will not be marked.

This game is designed for 12 or more players. Scaling up is easy, but please be conscious of your ability to meaningfully contribute.

I’m your GM. Our fabulous IM for this game will be @Devotary of Spontaneity!

Premise: It was a sunny day when Skip’s luck finally ran out. As such, the hunting party was afforded an excellent view of the carnage when he, Master Johnson, Caliber the accountant, and every other named character from the story were devoured by a dragon. When the beast finally flew off, all that was left of them was Master Johnson’s crossbow and a single bolt. As night falls, you, the hunting party, sit around the campfire deciding what to do.

Someone [The Crossbowman] will need to carry the crossbow. Without a leader, that will have to be decided the democratic way. Most of the group [The Village Faction] is eager to continue their work and avenge Master Johnson’s death, however, no one can remember who the other party members with a knack for attracting dragons are. And strangely, none of them [The Eliminator Faction] are coming forward to volunteer to be the bait tomorrow. The best thing to do then is to push people out one-by-one to see if the dragons eat them.

Rules: In this 12 or more-player game, there are an appropriate amount of Dragon Bait [Eliminator] individuals. They know each other from their secret weekly Grammar Club meetings that Skip used to lead. They can whisper to each other [via their shared Google doc.] while the group discusses plans for which individual to offer up as bait the next day [Village vote]. Everyone else is too suspicious of each other to cooperate like that [PMs are closed]. In the interests of self-preservation, the Dragon Bait group may secretly eliminate one player at the end of each cycle, except for the first. They will win if they come to outnumber the Hunting Party [Villagers]. The Hunting Party wins when the last of the Dragon Bait is convinced to do their duty [exed].

At the end of the first cycle (and only then), one player will be elected Crossbowman. Votes for this (and this only) are cast through GM PMs. The total number of votes each player receives will be revealed in Cycle Two but the identity of each voter will remain secret. The Crossbowman may bonk people with their weapon in self-defense, so they become immune to attacks from the Dragon Bait [Eliminator attacks on them have no effect] for the rest of the game and is given the ability to shoot one (and only one) party member. When they submit that action through their GM PM, the result will be revealed at the beginning of the next cycle. Their victim’s vote will be removed from the tally as the order of operations is Crossbowman Kill, Hunting Party Vote, Dragon Bait Kill. All kills will be announced as the type they are alongside an identification of what faction the person belonged to.

Players who are inactive for an entire cycle will be replaced. (Note: this is an update from the previous activity filter, which allowed for two full cycles of inactivity before removal.)

All ties will be decided randomly. There is no vote minimum. 

There are three Secret Elements to this game. You’ll know them when you see them because they will be labelled in big bold letters 'Secret'. They do not affect any player’s ability to remain alive or take actions.

Cycles are 24 hours long. Roll-over will occur at 11am EST (GMT -5). This game will begin on Monday, March 1st at 11am.

Housekeeping Requests:

-Please refrain from calling the Crossbowman the Archer.

-Please remember to green out any previous votes before casting another one. Please also refrain from writing names in red (or green) if you are not voting for them.

-Once gameplay has begun, please @ me if you have any questions. I only receive email notifications for pings.

-You may not directly quote your GM PMs, only summarize text from them.

Player List:


1. @Gears as Seba

2. @Matrim's Dice as pikS

3. @Quintessential as Jillian Glade

4. @Random Bystander as a random bystander

5. @Shard of Reading 

6. @The Unknown Order as Burt

7. @Dannex

8. @Ashbringer as Faleast

9. @Experience

10. @Flyingbooks as Hop

11. @Illwei 

12. @TJ Shade







1. Can we decide not to elect a Crossbowman D1? You may choose not to submit a vote. If no votes are submitted, no one gets the role. But even if everyone abstains except for one person, the role will go to the person voted for

2. Can I vote for myself to become the Crossbowman? Yes. 

3. Is the feminine version of Crossbowman going to be Crossbowoman or Crossbowwoman? Both of those look wrong so I'll probably change the name to The Arbalist if a women is elected to the role.

4. Can the Crossbowman shoot themselves? Yes, but I don't recommend it. When the Crossbowman is killed for any reason, the crossbow is removed from the game, even if they have yet to kill anyone. 

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Edited by Elandera
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7 hours ago, Random Bystander said:

I'll join as myself, random bystander.




35 minutes ago, The Unknown Order said:

Can we decide to not elect a Crossbow man d1?

You can certainly try. Individuals may choose not to submit a vote. If no one submits a vote for who should be the crossbowman, no one gets it. 

Edited by Archer
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17 minutes ago, Experience Animation said:

I'll sign up. 

Can you vote for yourself when electing a Crossbow man?

You may always vote for yourself. The Crossbowman may also shoot themselves, if they so choose. In that case, they die, and the crossbow is removed from the game. 

And just to clarify, if there's twelve players and eleven submit something to the effect of 'I think no one should be Crossbowman', but the twelfth submits 'Person X should be it', Person X will be given the crossbow.  

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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

I'd be interested to spec, but I'm burned out from two intense games back to back and have my hands full. Sign me up for a spec doc?

So...you'd be interested to spec, but also are too burnt out, but also want the spec doc? :P

Anyway, sign me up as a spectator as well. As much as I wish I could join this game, probably wouldn't be smart to play two games at once during school. :P 

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59 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

So...you'd be interested to spec, but also are too burnt out, but also want the spec doc? :P


Old man brain. I meant play :P Too burned out to play, too many things on my plate, but sure I can spec >>

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 @Gears @Matrim's Dice@Quintessential  @Random Bystander @Shard of Reading @The Unknown Order @Dannex @Ashbringer @Experience Animation @Flyingbooks @Experience

Sorry for the pings. Two things:

-Reminder that QF51 begins in about 22 hours (hype). I'd have liked to have had at least 12 people, but because this is a pretty simple ruleset, it works with 10, or any number really. I'll RNG the eliminators tomorrow, shortly before we start. 

-I've updated the activity filter. You will now be replaced after a single cycle of activity. Since we have a small group playing, this game will be short. Being out for two full cycles is probably equivalent to missing half the game. If there's going to be a reason you'll miss a day, let me know and we'll work something out.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! 

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