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Most of my other topic intros are fairly long, so let’s try and make this as short as possible. 

This is a chain game, similar to all my other game threads: Assign a CharacterAsk Anyone Anything, and Inverse Ask Anyone Anything. (Shameless self-plug WOOOOOOO!) I don’t expect this thread to go on very long, it’ll probably die in just a few days, but let’s make it a great few days. 

How to play: Someone gives you a scenario, you say the worst thing you could possibly say in that scenario (“worst” being most awkward, most inappropriate, most rude, whatever; as long as it’s funny. (and within 17th shard guidelines)), then give a scenario to the next person.

All scenarios must start with “What’s the worst thing to say”. Examples: 

What’s the worst thing to say to your Mother-In-Law?
What’s the worst thing to say at a high school dance?
What’s the worst thing to say when you rear-end someone’s car?

As you can see, there are numerous ways you could follow the phrase “What’s the worst thing to say”. You could do WTWTTS to a person, WTWTTS at a place, WTWTTS when something happens, whatever, as long as it makes sense, and gives the following person room to make something funny.

You can be as detailed as you want in your prompt or your response. Sometimes long rambling answers can be really funny, if they’re done right. You could create a whole awkward interaction between 2 characters or whatever. You don’t need to directly answer the question. The question is just a prompt, as long as the answer to the prompt is somewhere in your response, you’re good. You could open your response with some in-depth worldbuilding, you could write an entire book in your response, as long as somewhere in your book there’s an awkward scene where a character says something awkward that answers the prompt. 

Also, you can respond to an earlier prompt if you wish, just quote it so we know what you’re doing, and after that be sure to answer the latest prompt as well. Don’t forget to add your own prompt after you do all that.

I’d also like to encourage upvoting stuff, if someone posts something you chuckled at, show your appreciation, give them some of those wonderfully delicious internet points of uselessness! 

Well that wasn’t too long. Let’s get started. 

What’s the worst thing to say when someone asks you out on a date? 

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“How DARE you ask me to answer this question, you know STORMING well that this topic is very sensitive to me and my culture! I thought you were a good teacher!”

”Johnny, the question was a math problem.”

What’s the worst thing to say at a family reunion? 

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17 minutes ago, Danex said:

“How DARE you ask me to answer this question, you know STORMING well that this topic is very sensitive to me and my culture! I thought you were a good teacher!”

”Johnny, the question was a math problem.”

What’s the worst thing to say at a family reunion? 

What do you mean the food was for everyone?

What’s the worst thing to say when your friend asks to borrow a book?

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8 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

"Well, I can't decide which menu item would be the least disgusting. They all look retched."

What's the worst thing to say on the first day of your new job?

"Yo boss, when can I take a vacation?"

What's the worst thing to say if you are waiting in the doctor's office?

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"I was gonna tell them about the headache, sore throat, puss, vomiting, and everything else, but ya know, what if I'm just a pussy?"

*person sitting next to me slowly scoots away*

whats the worst thing to say to you're Uber driver? 

Ninjad I think? Sorry fillet. 

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4 minutes ago, I Used To Be A Fish said:

What's the worst thing you can say before you preform someone else's surgery?

"I'm so sorry", right as the anesthesia starts taking effect

What's the worst thing to say when you're asked about your profession

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7 minutes ago, I Used To Be A Fish said:

What's the worst thing you can say before you preform someone else's surgery?

"Luckily for you I'm not picky. Another doctor might have thought that being drunk is reason enough to skip a job."


"I think I should introduce you to my family now. My wife would love to have a friend." 

What's the worst thing you can say to interrupt a sermon in church? 

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1 hour ago, Eluvianii said:

What's the worst thing you can say to interrupt a sermon in church? 

You know, I was chatting with the devil the other day, and he was a lot more convincing than all this "righteous" stuff.

The worst thing you can say after watching a movie that made your date cry.

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8 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

You know, I was chatting with the devil the other day, and he was a lot more convincing than all this "righteous" stuff.

The worst thing you can say after watching a movie that made your date cry.

You know, I think that we should watch it again.

The worst thing you can say when boarding a bus

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You think Thats bad?? You should see the cut I got on my pinkie the other day, not pretty. 

The worst thing you could say while handing out free samples.

Sorry Luna

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4 minutes ago, Hentient said:

WTWTTS when you hear about a friend's terminal illness


”Yes Bob?”

”I have something to tell you. I was just diagnosed with terminal cancer. “

*joe gasps* “How long do you have?!”

”Maybe a few months. It’s okay Joe, I’ve made all the arrangements, I just want you to look aft-“

”Can I have your car?”


”Can I have your car? It’s not like you’ll need it.”

”Joe, this is serious! I’m dying!”

”Yeah whatever, can I have your car? I’ve always wanted your car.”

*sighhh* “Sure Joe, you can have my car. Anyway, I want you to look after my wife an-”

”Sweet, also, completely unrelated, but when do you think it’d be appropriate to try and hit on someone who was recently widowed? 2 days after her husband died? 3?”

*Bob stares at Joe incredulously*

”Oh right, duh. What am I thinking. I’m so sorry bob, that was insensitive. I gotta wait til after the funeral, don’t I?”

11 minutes ago, Hentient said:

The worst thing you could say while handing out free samples.

*handing out cups of smoothie*
“Oh gosh what is THAT?! It’s in the BLENDER! How many legs does it have?!?

11 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

WTWTTS when someone asks if you like their outfit?

I mean, it’s not horrible, but I’ve definitely seen better. Like on that Homeless man over there. 

3 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

The worst thing you could say when your parents ask you to shovel snow.

“I mean, I would, but-” runs away as fast as possible 

What’s the worst thing to say when a friend announces they’ve been engaged? 

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1 minute ago, I Used To Be A Fish said:

When you and her divorce, can I have second dibs?

WTWTTS When you're talking with the current president?

You know I could run the country better.

What’s the worst thing to say when you are stuck babysitting your sibling?


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