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Personality Types


What is your personality type?  

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  1. 1. What is your personality type?

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Y'all, come take this test and see what you get. It describes you and others with your personality test. It actually got me SPOT ON!


I am an INTJ, otherwise known as an Architect. People with my personality type are Mark Zuckerburg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Michelle Obama, and Vladimir Lenin.

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hmm... I act two different ways online and irl. My online personality is more Entertainer, but irl I got Advocate, which I feel is spot on. I think I'm a mix of the two, which is weird because they're so different, but it's true.

Edited by Vapor
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OH MY GOSH when it said I was more introverted than extroverted I was like, "What? Heck no!" But this sentence is me!: 

Adventurers seem unpredictable, even to their close friends and loved ones.

Despite all this, Adventurers are definitely Introverts, surprising their friends further when they step out of the spotlight to be by themselves to recharge.


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9 minutes ago, DramaQueen said:



OH MY GOSH when it said I was more introverted than extroverted I was like, "What? Heck no!" But this sentence is me!: 

Adventurers seem unpredictable, even to their close friends and loved ones.

Despite all this, Adventurers are definitely Introverts, surprising their friends further when they step out of the spotlight to be by themselves to recharge.


Oooh that's the same that my sister got. Cool!

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Ive taken it like 6 times in the past year and I always get ESFP. So, I guess that’s what I am! The first time I read it I thought it was off but the more I’ve thought about it, it’s actually really accurate. I’ll be doing something and I just think “oohhhhhh yep okay that makes sense now I do do that”

Edited by Hentient
I’m just struggling
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I’m an INFJ

Not everything about the personality type fits me perfectly, but there are definitely some parts that I read and go “ohhh, that makes sense!” 

Also, there just so happen to be 16 personalities, and we all know 16 is an important number in the cosmere. Is Preservation trying to send us a message? 

Edited by The Awakened Salad
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Edit: Sike, I put the wrong option. I’m a ENF-J, not and ENT-J. Sorry Fox, we’re not actually the same type.

Also I’m a type 7 on the Enneagram. How about you guys?

Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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20 minutes ago, The Awakened Salad said:

Also, there just so happen to be 16 personalities, and we all know 16 is an important number in the cosmere. Is Preservation trying to send us a message? 

Definitely. We need to get one of each personality, then we'll be able to complete whatever Preservation's goal is.

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34 minutes ago, ElectrumSavant said:

It's funny how INFPs and INTPs are some of the more rare personalities, only 3-5% of the general population, but with this sample they are the most popular choices.

Well, those personality types tend to be people who are more introverted and like to read. 17th Shard is kind of a place for readers and I don't think anyone would contradict me saying that the majority of us are introverts.

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Just for fun, I went through and clicked the middle one on everything. So this one is the most neutral possible. 
Adventurer ISFP-A/ISFP-T

”I change during the course of a day, I wake and I’m one person, and when I go to sleep I know for certain I’m somebody else.”

I’ll go actually do it now. 

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I got Logician, INTP-T

Mind, 37% Extraverted  63% Introverted
Energy, 70% Intuitive  30% Observant
Nature, 63% Thinking  37% Feeling
Tactics, 33% Judging  67% Prospecting
Identity 42% Assertive  58% Turbulent

My reaction to reading the description too see how accurate it is: 

“The Logician personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population,”

Cool I’m rare, I’d hate to be labeled common. 

“which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being “common”. 

........witchcraft. This is witchcraft. What the actual crap. 

EDIT: I’ve been reading more about this, and it really is spot on, but I feel like I’m more empathetic than it says Logicians are. However, I’m definitely not an INFP, a Mediator. That would be an empathetic Logician, as the only difference is changing Thinking to Feeling. INTP -> INFP. But I’ve read about Mediators and that’s definitely not me. I’m definitely not more Feeling than Thinking, but I’m also not all Thinking and no Feeling. Not cold and incapable of understanding emotion, as it kinda says Logicians are.

Logistician is eerily close to me too, and that doesn’t even make sense, it’s 2 categories different. Observant rather than Intuitive and Judging rather than Prospecting. But the “Stubborn, sometimes Insensitive, Blame themselves, Create order” aspects of a Logistician match me pretty good. 

Edited by Danex
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1 hour ago, Danex said:

I got Logician, INTP-T

Mind, 37% Extraverted  63% Introverted
Energy, 70% Intuitive  30% Observant
Nature, 63% Thinking  37% Feeling
Tactics, 33% Judging  67% Prospecting
Identity 42% Assertive  58% Turbulent

My reaction to reading the description too see how accurate it is: 

“The Logician personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population,”

Cool I’m rare, I’d hate to be labeled common. 

“which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being “common”. 

........witchcraft. This is witchcraft. What the actual crap. 

EDIT: I’ve been reading more about this, and it really is spot on, but I feel like I’m more empathetic than it says Logicians are. However, I’m definitely not an INFP, a Mediator. That would be an empathetic Logician, as the only difference is changing Thinking to Feeling. INTP -> INFP. But I’ve read about Mediators and that’s definitely not me. I’m definitely not more Feeling than Thinking, but I’m also not all Thinking and no Feeling. Not cold and incapable of understanding emotion, as it kinda says Logicians are.

Logistician is eerily close to me too, and that doesn’t even make sense, it’s 2 categories different. Observant rather than Intuitive and Judging rather than Prospecting. But the “Stubborn, sometimes Insensitive, Blame themselves, Create order” aspects of a Logistician match me pretty good. 

Hey, you're like me.

I'd like to point out that actually, all of the personality types except for the Sentinels (Blues) are rare. 100/16 is only 6.25 percent on average.

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56 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Hey, you're like me.

I'd like to point out that actually, all of the personality types except for the Sentinels (Blues) are rare. 100/16 is only 6.25 percent on average.

I was just about to say that.

Also, I am perfetcly balanced between INTP and INFP. When I gave the test this morning, it gave me INTP.

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