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Mid-Range Game 44: Obligations


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It appears that I will die. As a cursory attempt at self-preservation, I shall vote Illwei because out of all the vote candidates, I find them the most suspicious. I would look for elims in the crowd of people who voted for me C1 but haven't C2. I somewhat less suspect the people who are genuinely pushing hard for my lynch as that would make them look very suspicious. However, do not write them off as village. They are simply marginally less suspicious. 

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36 minutes ago, Vapor said:

Yeah, sorry. I thought the game was going to end and so I voted on him.

Yeah okay after thinking about it this is pretty standard vapor behavior.

Araris  --  I was suspicious of something D1 wasn't I? - Null

Gears  --  Honestly I think Village because after thinking about it I would think that if someone were trying to use gear's method/theory/thing then they                                      wouldn't try to use it as an elim until at least two villager games I would think? I mean you can't control when you're an elim though so-

Silber  --  seems to be talking more than usual, not really contributing anything though

Matrim  --  Seems different then the last game- slight village

Stink  --  Scares me...

Sart  --  Something feels off

Sorana  --  Never played with her before but something feels off still.

Vapor  --  Standard vapor I guess...

Xino  --   Actually talking in thread - Slight Village

I'm having trouble focusing right now. Sorry if this is hard to read.

EDIT: Vapor 


Edited by Illwei
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19 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

xD oh yeah. I went on QF mode for a second there. Sorry about that. Feel free not to vote immediately...

You honestly just gave me half a heart attack. I was pretty sure I've got two times to post in a MR while sticking to my usual times on the shard...


Anyway I tried to sum up a little how I feel about people, although it's all subject to change, there isn't a lot to go off yet and while I did read some of the other games around here, I want to make up my own mind and instead of following someone else's meta reasoning.


Joe - active, but posts mostly with strategic planning (all of it pretty obvious to me), doesn't offer a lot of reads of their own, was the first to jump on Gears in C1 and pushes that lynch again (very, very slight elim)

Araris - created the tie, but claimed to trust Elk to resolve it in time, imo too obvious a move for an elim (slight village, but I'm not entirely sure yet)

Elkanah - offers good reasoning and I'm inclined to believe they got the timezones mixed up, reasoned that the elim's would profit from a lynch so by his own reasoning he acts like a villager (very, very slight village)

Gears - very active, posts analysis // very defensive the moment the first vote(s) were placed on him, rendered his own ploy useless by arguing a lot, the whole claiming in itself is in my eyes more harmful for the village although it does offer some fodder for discussion (very, very slight village)

Illwei - replies to others and offers reads and reasoning, but I have harder time to place them than I do with some others, although I don't have a good reason for that (neutral for now, will keep an eye on them)

Silber - nothing to go off (neutral)

Matrim - very active in thread, posts analysis and reasoning (slight village)

Stink - I'm a bit unsure what to make of their post, while I understand the reasoning, I do think it's a little more complicated than that, if only by the fact that Gears claimed both village and elim within two posts (neutral)

Sart - pushes for the Gears lynch to gain information, village reasoning, but not many posts to go off (neutral for now)

Vapor - doesn't offer a lot of reasoning behind their votes, nor anything else, I can't judge the 'this is their style part' at all, but the flimsy reasoning gives me a bad gut feeling (suspicious neutral - I'll keep an eye on them)

Xino - didn't post a lot so far, I can't judge his reasoning for their vote on Araris at all, didn't post again afterwards (suspicious neutral - will keep eye on them)


So I am still not really comfortable with a Gears lynch, although I do agree that we definitely need to lynch someone this cycle, we can't afford to loose another one. I have trouble to make my mind up whether to leave a vote on Gears as well or not, because while I know that we need the information, I would rather lynch someone else (see reasoning I offered earlier). But then, this is the second cycle we spend a lot of time discussing Gears and his claims, so I'm considering whether it would be better to solve the situation, so that we have more time to focus on someone else, especially given the fact that right now most are voting on him and I'm not sure if another lynch would be able to gain enough traction in the few hours left.

In short, I won't place a vote right now and will check back later to see if anybody posted. If not, then at least I gained some time to think about all of it.



I decided to place a vote on Gears. It's more a strategic vote on my part, not one because I'm convinced he's elim. I think that we need a lynch, and I also think that we spend far too much time discussing him and his claims. Lynching him will clear the situation and hopefully give me/ us something to work with next cycle. I won't be able to take a look later on and with no new information, that's the best I came up with.

Edited by Sorana
added my vote as announced earlier
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9 hours ago, Sorana said:

I decided to place a vote on Gears. It's more a strategic vote on my part, not one because I'm convinced he's elim. I think that we need a lynch, and I also think that we spend far too much time discussing him and his claims. Lynching him will clear the situation and hopefully give me/ us something to work with next cycle. I won't be able to take a look later on and with no new information, that's the best I came up with.

I find it strange you voted on someone you had read as 'very, very slight village', and the reasoning above doesn't make too much sense considering Gears was already ahead 4-2. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for now, as it's possible you didn't know the vote count. However, this makes my vote even more stable. I won't be switching to Gears.

23 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Geez, I don't want to see Gears lynched. I also don't want a tie- so instead of switching my vote, I'll tag the people who haven't to see if we can do something about the lack of votes in the last little bit. Sorry I lost track of time, otherwise this would've been posted an hour ago...

Okay, now this applies :P There won't be a tie even if I switch my vote (not going to), here is the vote count:

Araris Valerian (1): xinoehp512 

Illwei (2): Matrim’s Dice, Gears 

Elkanah (1): Araris Valerian 

Gears (5): Sart, STINK, Vapor, A Joe in the Bush, Sorana 

@Lord_Silberfarben @Elkanah @Illwei, you have not voted at this point. If you are planning to, I suggest that be done soon :P 

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Oh look it's the elim team from QF46 haha

I mean it doesn't really matter if I vote or not, It seems like Gears is going to get lynched. I mean, I get why I guess. I honestly am not sure why people were really voting on him from the beginning because I thought it was about the Elim claim but after re reading it seemed to be mostly about the claiming village. I guess a mix of both. Anyways-


P.S. Are the Elims called Elims because they want to eliminate the village or because the village wants to eliminate them?

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4 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I mean it doesn't really matter if I vote or not, It seems like Gears is going to get lynched. I mean, I get why I guess. I honestly am not sure why people were really voting on him from the beginning because I thought it was about the Elim claim but after re reading it seemed to be mostly about the claiming village. I guess a mix of both. Anyways-

That's fair, I guess. Even if everyone I tagged votes on you- which won't happen as you'd have to vote on yourself- it would be a tie. At that point I'd switch off to guarantee a lynch over another tie, but either way there aren't enough people to change it off Gears, unfortunately. @Gears, farewell, and take comfort in that regardless of your alignment, I trusted you.

4 minutes ago, Illwei said:

P.S. Are the Elims called Elims because they want to eliminate the village or because the village wants to eliminate them?

I assumed the former but I suppose the latter also could technically work. The Eliminators want to eliminate the village, and the village wants to eliminate the Eliminatees? :P 

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4 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I assumed the former but I suppose the latter also could technically work. The Eliminators want to eliminate the village, and the village wants to eliminate the Eliminatees? :P 

I mean, If someone is Eliminating you then you are the Eliminatee, so technically the village could be called Elims too, as they are the Eliminatees, no?

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7 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

That's fair, I guess. Even if everyone I tags votes on you- which won't happen as you'd have to vote on yourself- it would be a tie. At that point I'd switch off to guarantee a lynch over another tie, but either way there aren't enough people to change it off Gears, unfortunately. @Gears, farewell, and take comfort in that regardless of your alignment, I trusted you.

I thank you Matrim. Look for elims in people who are behaving strangely, slipping under the radar, null reads, et cetera. People who have tunnelled on me are probably not elims, but look for those who voted on me C1 and not C2. I shall ramble in the dead doc without you. I've only won when I've died on C2, so hopefully the village will win. Fair fortune, my faithless friends. Destroy them for me. 

Also, message for next cycle for the general populace: That was me. I did it because I can't use it when I'm dead and they were a mild sus. If they are a villager, sorry. I must have irritated Straw with my constant changes. 

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2 minutes ago, Elkanah said:

The lack of a counter swing leads me to believe gears is village, but I'm not going to vote illwei as @Araris Valerian will undoubtedly switch over and tie it again :P

If you really wanted to vote on me then I'd just add my vote to gears, so less worry of it becoming a tie :).

EDIT: I would vote on someone else, but unfortunately the only other person with more than one vote is me :).

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This time you were a little more productive! When you were done, three new bodies were on the ground. Unfortunately, none of them were Skaa.


[Death RP by Gears, go upvote them!]

Malcolm Anerchis was an ordinary fellow. He swallowed metals and “burned” them, he killed people for fun, and he was really looking forward to being spiked. However, his class of soon-to-be Obligators was infested with skaa. He personally had nothing against the skaa, but they were preventing him from being spiked. Inciting a revolution would be fun though… Too bad he wasn’t skaa. Maybe he could pretend to be skaa and incite the revolution anyways! 

In hindsight, that was probably a bad idea. Bantering with his would-be killers was also a bad idea. They genuinely thought he was skaa now. While being a jazz musician sounded pretty sweet, he didn’t know how to play an instrument despite his best efforts, and dying for being a musician peasant when he wasn’t a musician peasant wasn’t his idea of enjoyment. At least he had swallowed his steel. One of his attackers would be brought down as they slaughtered him. 

They grabbed him and held him down as they tried to kill him, but before the light left his eyes, he tossed a coin into the air and pushed it into someone’s skull. He tried to confirm the kill, but his body went limp before he managed it. They kept pummelling his lifeless body for a few minutes, but he wasn’t skaa.  Stealing a few saxaphones didn’t make him a musician. Starting a few revolutions didn’t make him a downtrodden individual, trapped by the caste system.

The Cognitive Realm was empty of all but mist and a half-dead god. Then a Coinshot stumbled out of the aether and waved to the god. “I heard about this part!” he said jubilantly. “You’re Preservation, right?”

“Yes,” the god said. “Though you weren’t supposed to be here. My futuresight is limited, but you left this world soon and lived on for many years, doing what you loved.”

Malcolm laughed as his form stretched towards the realm of light. “Gods can be wrong, Pres. Remember that.”

And then he was gone. 

Gears has died! They were a Steel Ministry Coinshot!
Illwei has died! They were a Steel Ministry Lurcher!
Matrim's Dice has died! They were a Steel Ministry Thug!
Vote Count:
Gears (5): A Joe in the Bush, Sart, Sorana, STINK, Vapor
Illwei (2): Gears, Matrim's Dice
Araris Valerian (1): xinoehp512
Elkanah (1): Araris Valerian
GM Notes:
-The cycle will end on August 21st, at 1:00 PM EST.
Player List:

1. @A Joe in the Bush
2. @Araris Valerian
3. Elandera Steel Ministry Thug
4. @Elkanah
5. Gears Steel Ministry Coinshot
6. Illwei Steel Ministry Lurcher
7. @Lord_Silberfarben
8. Matrim's Dice Steel Ministry Thug
10. @Sart
11. @Sorana
12. @Vapor
13. @xinoehp512

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Hmm. Well, that gave me less off hand information than i was hoping. Three pretty active people died. I'm going to relax on Araris as i suspect he's the next elim target. I think I'll place a vote for Xino for now. I don't remember him being a big part of the action so far, but maybe i wasn't paying enough attention.

More to come when I'm not at work


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So I’m guessing that Gears shot Illwei, since his vote was there, and the elims killed Matrim. I’m still mildly suspicious of Elkanah from D1, and for no vote last cycle, but I do like the early vote this turn. I’d guess Sorana is village for thinking Elandera was a lynch rather than an elim kill, although that could be a ploy. Of the people that voted on Gears last cycle, I probably find STINK the most suspicious, followed by Vapor. Sart and Joe both had the same reasoning as Sorana, who is one of my stronger village reads. STINK said that claiming elim D1 when you said you would do so in an unrelated game, which seems flimsy to me. I’m also a little worried about Silber lurking, so I’d like to hear more from him. 

Hey! Pretty sad to have only 2 posts in 8 hours of the thread being up. Some other folks should speak up.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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ooooof... that's bad.

Anyway I still have no real idea what to do with Silber or Xino as neither posted a lot. Vapor is the same than last cycle, I really dislike the vote throwing somewhere and then vanishing and I'm still suspicious, but they didn't offer anything else for me to go off. So I kind off have to leave the three aside for the moment.

@Elkanah could you explain a little more your reasoning for voting on Xino? Or was their low level of activity the sole reason?

I'm more inclined to file both Elkanah and Araris as village for now, than I am with Sart, Joe and STINK so that's what I'll do for the moment. Sart and Joe used the same reasoning I did, but Joe at least considered other players like Illwei in their post while Sart focused solely on Gears. That doesn't mean that much given that both Illwei and Gears flipped village but at least Joe appeared to consider someone else, which is a plus point in their regard.

For now I'll vote for STINK, their reasoning for Gears was flimsy at best, focusing only the part where Gears claimed elim and neglicting the part that he announced it before the game and that he also claimed village one post earlier.

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Here are the Day 1 Votes:










































So Gears, Sorana, and Araris all caused the vote to be tied, (So did Matrim, but I don't think a 1-1 vote is really a tie.)  and Stink and Illwei broke the tie. Of the original Gears six, Illwei and Xino didn't vote for Gears again last turn, and Sorana switched to vote for Gears.

Honestly? I'm a bit more suspicious of Vapor now. three villagers voted for them ( @Vapor, what are you pronouns?) and every time they got in danger of a lynch, the tie was broken in their favor. Xino, the last person to vote on Gears, is currently voting on Araris, the last person to vote on Vapor. That could imply that the Elim team includes Vapor, Stink, and Xino, but that theory is hurt by Illwei also breaking a tie. I also don't think that Stink or Xino are elims, which would imply that Vapor isn't, as otherwise, they weren't helped by anyone on their team.

Who does that leave?
2. Araris
4. Elknah
7. Silber
10. Sart
11. Sorana

Right, I'm going to ignore @Lord_Silberfarben until he has time to say something analyzable. Which leaves Araris, Elknah, Sart, and Sorana. I'm feeling good about Sorana, no alarm bells in her posts, so that leaves Araris, Elknah, or Sart as my suspects from this very shoddy, gut based analysis.

None of them have a vote on them. kay. Araris and Elknah were both semi-responsible for the tie. Araris said he was expecting Elknah to break the tie, and Elknah said he forgot the time zone. This could be them working together to force a tie to prevent any village information. 

Araris and Elknah, you've both already given defenses for your cases. Either of you have anything else to add? 

But I just realized that Araris voted on Elknah last turn. Checking back, he did that before any of the Gears voters, so it seems legit as a vote. maybe distancing, maybe legit? I guess I'll stick with [ Elkanah ] as my vote.


Vote Count:
Xino (1): Elkanah
STINK (2): Araris, Sorana
Elkanah (1): Joe

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
Added Vote Count.
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On 8/17/2020 at 0:23 PM, Araris Valerian said:

To be honest, I didn't expect the lynch to end in a tie. There were still around 90 minutes left in the cycle when I posted, and I thought at least Elkanah was going to retract if there was a tie. I also was pretty against the Gears lynch, which is probably what would have happened had someone broken the tie. Not because I necessarily think Gears is village, but because Gears had explicitly mentioned doing this exact thing in a previous game. Since his claim is totally unrelated to anything going on in this game, lynching him gives us rather little information, especially if he flips village.

I will also say that I'm more in favor of D1 lynch discussion with explicit threat of death, rather than someone actually dying. Usually the distinction is irrelevant, but it does mean I'm comfortable with no lynch given that I don't like the options available.

I'm going to vote on Elkanah. You voted on Vapor (bringing the vote closer to a tie), but then said you would probably retract if the vote became a tie (which would require either an extra vote on Vapor or a retraction from Gears). So you can't really have wanted to lynch Vapor, since anyone bringing Vapor closer to getting lynched would have led to you retracting.

Defending me, attacking Elkanah

On 8/17/2020 at 2:35 PM, Araris Valerian said:

I'm assuming that Elkanah was being honest about not wanting a tie. I find it suspicious someone would vote with the intention of retracting their vote if it became relevant, which is how I interpret what Elkanah said.

Defending Elkanah

On 8/15/2020 at 11:27 AM, Araris Valerian said:

Guess we need to get some votes down. Let’s lynch Elkanah.

Attacking Elkanah

On 8/17/2020 at 9:25 AM, Araris Valerian said:

The problem is that it is a ploy, and everyone who voted on him fell for it. If we find elim claims annoying (and I sort of do), then the best thing is to just ignore them. 

I am not a fan of lynching either Gears or Vapor right now, and it doesn’t seem like Elkanah is getting any votes. I suppose I’ll vote on Vapor, although I know it causes a tie. I’m sort of okay with that because I don’t like these wagons, but I guess if I had to pick I’d prefer a lynch on Vapor over Gears.

Defending Elkanah, attacking me.


Araris, you've switched back and forth all game. I'm not sure why. You've been very suspicious a lot of the time. Araris

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21 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Of the people that voted on Gears last cycle, I probably find STINK the most suspicious, followed by Vapor. Sart and Joe both had the same reasoning as Sorana, who is one of my stronger village reads. STINK said that claiming elim D1 when you said you would do so in an unrelated game, which seems flimsy to me.

Same reasoning as your village reads mean they get trust, sure. Your sentence that explains your reasoning for voting me I genuinely can't comprehend, don't know if it's my brain being funny or something but maybe my english just doesn't understand what you're getting at. It's flimsy because Gears said he would do it in another game? 

15 hours ago, Sorana said:

For now I'll vote for STINK, their reasoning for Gears was flimsy at best, focusing only the part where Gears claimed elim and neglicting the part that he announced it before the game and that he also claimed village one post earlier.

Man if I could use people saying they're village in thread this game would be great fun now wouldn't it. Also if he announced it before the game started, it has no meaning on the game because he didn't have his alignment yet. It's not an RP thing. 

Araris for tying and then C3 voting someone (who does just happen to be me) because I didn't read the other game Gears played? 

I'm genuinely kinda shocked I'm being voted on for this ngl

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All right. Here are some thoughts:

A Joe in the Bush - voted to lynch Gears both days. NAI. Suggests Araris and I may be on a team... I guess that could make sense. From my own perspective, I think we would've made something work in the elim doc to make sure a lynch happened. I don't believe I stand to gain much if I was an elim by stopping a lynch. I don't really gain much as a villager either. Huh. that's something to consider. Who actually benefits from failed lynches? The village definitely gains from thwarted elim kills, but that's because they are most of the time pointed at villagers or at least have a very slim chance of hitting an elim (in weird cases). Their best post is the one this cycle and I'd prefer to keep playing players alive.

Araris - I've really gone back and forth on Araris all game. I was worried at first that it was just his stab vote that made me suspect him so I haven't really pursued it. Tied up the lynch between Vapor and Gears... for reasons I can agree with. I said the same thing a little while before in that I thought the lynch on Vapor would have been better. The difficult thing is neither of us got on to retract and ensure the lynch. Voted Stink this cycle. I'm not sure what to do with that. Similar verdict to Joe.

Elkanah - always good. always right. ;)

Lord Silberfarben - has posted three one liners. not currently in danger of the filter, but skating right up against it. The trouble is I suspect he'd try to do this to avoid attention as an elim. It may be time to call a new crusade. 

Stink - a son of honor windrunner. went pretty hard after Gears. Seems more like a village thing to do. I don't know if elim Stink would have been as aggressive, but it has been a while since I played with them. mild village.

Sart - Has two posts. Both times he votes for Gears. He makes an interesting comment defending Vapor in his most recent post. It's very possible they are on a team together. (I can't wait to see the doc where someone points out how far off I have been.) I think Sart is another good lynch candidate with Lord Silberfarben.

Sorana - Has been pretty active and feels village to me. It won't let me ping you right now, but in answer to your question my vote is mostly based in his low activity. I will be switching to Lord Silberfarben, though.

Vapor - Looking back through, I feel like a smarter person would be able to tell whose team they would work on. Every person I tried pairing with them is dead and confirmed village. Even so, their posts seem to me like an elim. I'll say mild elim for now and we'll see where we go from there.

Xinoehp - good RP. otherwise not really anything to go off of. I hoped the pressure of a vote would do something, but everyone seems pretty busy.

I'm going to switch from Xinoehp to Lord Silberfarben, but I'd like to hear thoughts from both of you. I'd also be willing to move over to a Sart lynch if that takes off. While I'm far from convinced about Araris' villageriness, I think we have at least one inactive elim. If not, we're in big trouble.

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So my whole post got deleted, due to my computer giving up in between, so here's what I can remember.


13 hours ago, STINK said:

Man if I could use people saying they're village in thread this game would be great fun now wouldn't it. Also if he announced it before the game started, it has no meaning on the game because he didn't have his alignment yet. It's not an RP thing. 

Your whole post feels a bit sarcastic to me, maybe? That's a little confusing. Anyway. I never refered to anything Gears said before the game, mostly because I didn't pay that close attention to specific playstyles or annoncements in that regard and therefore don't feel as if I can rely on that at all. In short: we obviously don't really agree that Gears claims were NAI, and I disliked that you completely neglected the fact that he also claimed villager this game, nor considered anybody else until your post above. That felt like someone looking for an easy way to participate, without offering a lot for others to go off. That's why I voted for you.


14 hours ago, Vapor said:

Defending Elkanah

(You quoted Araris post where he refered to the fact the thinks it's suspicious to vote if you plan to retract your vote again.)

I have to admit I felt, as if Araris' wasn't defending Elkanah with that post, but rather throwing some suspicion his way, especially with his second sentence. I could interpret it the wrong way, but it feels a little off that you put it here like that, as if you try to find arguments for something that isn't actually true. I'm not quite sure what to make of it, but it does strike me as add.


Okay, so here is the current vote count (unless I missed something):

Vote Count:
Silber (1): Elkanah
STINK (2): Araris, Sorana
Elkanah (1): Joe
Araris (2): Vapor, STINK

In short:

Xino/ Silber: both are pretty much inactive, posting just enough to avoid the filter. I have no idea how to read them, as there isn't enough to go off. While they could be elim's hiding behind their low activity, lynching them won't reveal that much information either.

Joe: your post cleared up a lot of things, and while I don't agree with all of your reads, it was a relief to read it as it gave me something more to work with. mild village for now

Vapor: been torn about them ever since the game started. Still dislike the way they voted for gears and their reasoning posted above feels off to me. Mild elim.

Sart: hasn't posted at all this cycle, but at least left some reasoning behind for last cycle's vote. Didn't offer any thoughts at all on any other players apart from gears which is a little suspicious in my eyes. I wouldn't be opposed to a lynch, should one take off. Neutral, tendency slight elim

STINK: their post above left me confused, I'm not sure what to make of it. For now my vote will stay where it is, despite the fact that we've got another tie. I hope I'll be able to check in later and see if something changed (but no promises here, not even something close to that. I suspect I won't be able to.)

Araris/ Elkanah: I filed both of them as "mild village" in my head a while ago, but I'm starting to doubt myself here. Can't quite pinpoint the exact reason, so nothing to put down here. I think I maybe would prefer an Araris lynch over an Elkanah one? I don't know. Consider me confused regarding the two of you.


So thinking about it, I think I would be the most comfortable with a Vapor lynch, or maybe Sart, despite the fact that they don't have any votes on them at the moment and given the hours left in the cycle I'm not sure if that can change quick enough.


@xinoehp512 @Lord_Silberfarben @Sart

It would be awesome to hear your thoughts on the game!


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On 21/08/2020 at 3:31 PM, Elkanah said:

I'm going to switch from Xinoehp to Lord Silberfarben, but I'd like to hear thoughts from both of you. I'd also be willing to move over to a Sart lynch if that takes off. While I'm far from convinced about Araris' villageriness, I think we have at least one inactive elim. If not, we're in big trouble.

that is my curse, i get lynched as a village.


i really dont have much to say, i am of no great use actionwise

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7 hours ago, STINK said:

people will just not let that go huh :P 

haha, sorry. I thought it was funny then and still funny now ^_^. I'll refrain though. You probably get it from a lot of people. Your comment on Gears' playstyle from day one reminded me of that game.

2 hours ago, Lord_Silberfarben said:

that is my curse, i get lynched as a village.


i really dont have much to say, i am of no great use actionwise

Ha, I think we all do.

Would you be willing to look through the thread and place a vote? As much as I sometimes complain about low activity, this game has been a little nice as I haven't had a ton of time. There are few enough posts that I read the entire thread a few times last night. Sure there's less to analyze, but now there is the opportunity to do it in less time. 

As far as actions, there are only a few that have game ending potential and they're probably heavily restricted. It's very possible that Gears was our only coinshot and Illwei our only lurcher. That being likely, I don't think any of us have especially potent actions. All we can do now is lynch an elim who will troll us into finding the rest of their team. 

4 hours ago, Sorana said:

Vote Count:
Silber (1): Elkanah
STINK (2): Araris, Sorana
Elkanah (1): Joe
Araris (2): Vapor, STINK

another tie huh? is this the part where I promise to break it and fail again? :P 

I'm not particularly interested in lynching either of these two at the moment. @Sart defend yourself! You claimed on day 2 that Gears was an information lynch. What information have you gained? You also said spreading the votes was an elim tactic so they could get a bandwagon going on anyone. Do you stand by that? It seems like spreading the votes a little bit allows us to place pressure on several people, but the pressure I am able to exert feels a little weak. @Sorana, would you help me apply some pressure? Sart Silberfarben for now

On 8/20/2020 at 1:07 AM, A Joe in the Bush said:

Honestly? I'm a bit more suspicious of Vapor now. three villagers voted for them ( @Vapor, what are you pronouns?) and every time they got in danger of a lynch, the tie was broken in their favor. Xino, the last person to vote on Gears, is currently voting on Araris, the last person to vote on Vapor. That could imply that the Elim team includes Vapor, Stink, and Xino, but that theory is hurt by Illwei also breaking a tie. I also don't think that Stink or Xino are elims, which would imply that Vapor isn't, as otherwise, they weren't helped by anyone on their team.

I read your post more carefully this morning with fresh eyes. Just because not every player that voted to save them was an elim doesn't mean that no one that voted to save them was an elim. This is a really interesting jump in logic that you made. Especially since I really doubt there are four elims. If Vapor is an elim, a max of two people could have come to their rescue. It wasn't Illwei because they were village, but it doesn't make Xino or Stink less likely to be an elim. If it was a village-village lynch (and there isn't a lot of reason to suspect otherwise given Gears was the one who was saved and not Vapor) the only person whose alignment may have been indicated was Araris and he saved a villager. I don't know why elim Araris would have saved village Gears... unless he knew we'd work this out and in that case I say well played sir

(rereading your post to make sure I analyzed your argument correctly)

right, so I agree with your first half actually. Reading through your analysis, I realize Joe, Stink and Illwei are the three who actually broke ties in favor of Vapor. Xino is still suspicious as he made sure that Vapor was safe, but he never actually broke the tie. This implicate you, Joe as one of the people who helped protect Vapor. Then again reading your reasoning for voting gears, it looks like you were voting for his posts and not to save Vapor. I'll file that away for now. 

Basically it boils down to if Vapor is bad, Stink and either Joe or Xino is probably also bad.

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Okay, @Vapor’s post makes me pretty suspicious. Those posts have been misinterpreted/taken out of context and it seems pretty deliberate to me. I have been consistent in my suspicion of Elkanah (from C1 activity) and in my belief that Vapor was a better lynch option than Gears.

@STINK, during C2 I posted this:


Not because I necessarily think Gears is village, but because Gears had explicitly mentioned doing this exact thing in a previous game. Since his claim is totally unrelated to anything going on in this game, lynching him gives us rather little information, especially if he flips village.

And you responded. So before the end of C2 you were definitely aware that Gears had mentioned claiming elim outside this game. So your second reason for voting on me is just false. You didn’t have to read another game to be aware of the fact since I plainly stated it. Gears also said C1:


I forgot about my plan to mislead and confuse the village by claiming elim.

Which isn’t as overt as my post, but definitely is in line with the fact that Gears’s intent to do this was unrelated to the game in particular.

I’m also going to retract from STINK for now. I didn’t think I would ultimately cause a tie C1, and I don’t want one now. I’ll replace my vote if someone else gets 2 votes that I agree with lynching.

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