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36 minutes ago, Tani said:

nope, that was there on purpose


Cinni just means cause we were doing that last page lol

Lemme try

I'm just

A teen

With hair that i'm gonna cut short and dye either bright pink or sage green

Who really wants to go to a lemon demon concert

And who's way to obsessed with little gay podcasts

And Maggie Steifvater

And Heathers the Musical

did i do it right

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55 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Cinni just means cause we were doing that last page lol

Lemme try

I'm just

A teen

With hair that i'm gonna cut short and dye either bright pink or sage green

Who really wants to go to a lemon demon concert

And who's way to obsessed with little gay podcasts

And Maggie Steifvater

And Heathers the Musical

did i do it right

yes good job good job


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after a 3-year-long questioning crisis

i finally figured myself out

*deep breath* i am:

nonbinary female-presenting lesbian homoromantic demiromantic asexual who goes by they/she/xe


that’s a mouthful lol

y’all didn’t really need to know that but i’m happy because yay no more panic attacks and anxiety and nightmares and depression about not knowing who the scud you are (questioning amirite) so yea lol

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2 hours ago, Shadowed said:


after a 3-year-long questioning crisis

i finally figured myself out

*deep breath* i am:

nonbinary female-presenting lesbian homoromantic demiromantic asexual who goes by they/she/xe


that’s a mouthful lol

y’all didn’t really need to know that but i’m happy because yay no more panic attacks and anxiety and nightmares and depression about not knowing who the scud you are (questioning amirite) so yea lol

That is indeed quite the mouthful, but well done figuring yourself out!

4 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

And who's way to obsessed with little gay podcasts

But little gay podcasts are amazing, so therefore, you can't be too obsessed 

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On 3/29/2023 at 8:43 AM, Tani said:

im simply

a tomboyish girl

with long hair

who doesn't like having long hair


despite being a book nerd

has a favorite book

that's not by Brandon Sanderson

Wow just Wow the disrespect

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Ahem well, for me I still don’t know if I’m gender fluid or agender or Demi-something but one way to tell may be that sometimes you feel more masculine, sometimes more feminine, sometimes neither. A good thing to remember is that gender is a spectrum and there are so many places you can slide along that spectrum and it change minute to minute, day to day. Just choose whatever feels right now because that is probably right for you now. Maybe in a years time (or less than that) it might be different, but that is totally fine, that doesn’t mean that you were wrong before, you’ve just changed. Above all remember that you are you no matter what you identify as, no matter what you look like, or what your personality shifts to,: your core, your soul, is still the same. Good luck :).

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4 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

Ahem well, for me I still don’t know if I’m gender fluid or agender or Demi-something but one way to tell may be that sometimes you feel more masculine, sometimes more feminine, sometimes neither. A good thing to remember is that gender is a spectrum and there are so many places you can slide along that spectrum and it change minute to minute, day to day. Just choose whatever feels right now because that is probably right for you now. Maybe in a years time (or less than that) it might be different, but that is totally fine, that doesn’t mean that you were wrong before, you’ve just changed. Above all remember that you are you no matter what you identify as, no matter what you look like, or what your personality shifts to,: your core, your soul, is still the same. Good luck :).

what they said ^

also, for me, i identify as any gender, along with the fact that i dont mind what pronouns people use for me; some days i have preferences, other days im cool with whatever. usually, I will dress to where you couldn't really safely assume a gender for me based on the outfit. i suppose that could be counted as non-binary, but i dont really have a preference on pronouns. that's my side of being genderfluid

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4 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

hey, all you genderfluid peeps, how do you know if you are? Cus I've been thinking I might be genderfluid or maybe agender.

Advice pls?


Agender here. For me, it's just that i don't feel gender-y at all. Ex: if i wear a particularly feminine or masculine outfit, or if i put on makeup or something else that should feel gender-y, i just don't. Like, i'll think "ooo these pants are nice" or "oooo i like that mascara" but it doesn't give me gender euphoria. I do get dysphoria... but i don't really wanna talk about that ahaha. What does make me feel good about gender is when people use anything other than she/her and he/him for me. Neopronouns feel so good you guys omg but none of my friends who i'm out to ever use them for me :(((( he/him feels ok but that's just cause i'm afab and all my family uses is she/her ;-; i really prefer any neopronouns and they/them.

Another reason i identify as agender is just that gender as a thing just doesn't make me feel good. Thinking about how oppressed and discriminated against people can be because of their gender and thinking about toxic masculinity/femininity makes me feel icky. Identifying as agender isn't gonna fix that obviously but it just makes me feel a lot better.

And also i identify as agender because it makes me feel good. When i use that as a label i feel comfortable and i think that's reason enough. That's part of the reason i generally use the label bi for my sexuality, even though it's very complicated and technically it might make more sense to just use the label gay or lesbian. But i just like bi and i like the feeling i get when i use it for myself, and so i use it. 

(I am very very occasionally romantically attracted to guys, and slightly more often i am aesthetically attracted to guys, but usually it's just girls. They're so prettyyyyyy >^<)

Hope that helped a bit ahaha

(I put this stuff in spoiler boxes so it's not the first thing people see when they go to my profile lol)


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On 3/31/2023 at 8:28 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:
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Agender here. For me, it's just that i don't feel gender-y at all. Ex: if i wear a particularly feminine or masculine outfit, or if i put on makeup or something else that should feel gender-y, i just don't. Like, i'll think "ooo these pants are nice" or "oooo i like that mascara" but it doesn't give me gender euphoria. I do get dysphoria... but i don't really wanna talk about that ahaha. What does make me feel good about gender is when people use anything other than she/her and he/him for me. Neopronouns feel so good you guys omg but none of my friends who i'm out to ever use them for me :(((( he/him feels ok but that's just cause i'm afab and all my family uses is she/her ;-; i really prefer any neopronouns and they/them.

Another reason i identify as agender is just that gender as a thing just doesn't make me feel good. Thinking about how oppressed and discriminated against people can be because of their gender and thinking about toxic masculinity/femininity makes me feel icky. Identifying as agender isn't gonna fix that obviously but it just makes me feel a lot better.

And also i identify as agender because it makes me feel good. When i use that as a label i feel comfortable and i think that's reason enough. That's part of the reason i generally use the label bi for my sexuality, even though it's very complicated and technically it might make more sense to just use the label gay or lesbian. But i just like bi and i like the feeling i get when i use it for myself, and so i use it. 

(I am very very occasionally romantically attracted to guys, and slightly more often i am aesthetically attracted to guys, but usually it's just girls. They're so prettyyyyyy >^<)

Hope that helped a bit ahaha

(I put this stuff in spoiler boxes so it's not the first thing people see when they go to my profile lol)



Thanks Facepalm, that definitely cleared some stuff up. Most of the time I feel fine presenting as a boy, but, I don't really know how to explain this, when I'm attracted to guys, I don't feel like it's ok unless I pretend I'm a girl in my head. That probably sounds really weird, sorry. Idk if that actually has something to do with gender identity or if it's just some weird delusion caused by heteronormativity. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Funny story 

we went on this school trip thing and we were at the Liberty bell in Philadelphia and there’s a plaque with some facts about it. At some point the plaque says something like “the liberty bell is a symbol for everyone, male or female, young or old.” My friend is non-binary so when we read the male or female part all of us just started laughing and looking at them

i don’t know if that’s as funny as I think it is but yeah 

Edited by Friendly Cremling
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I just realized no one knows about the Hat! Okay so @TheGreatSnail, a few of friends (like 7), and I all share 1 hat out between all of us. So among the pins on it are "How dare you presume I am straight", "NASA", "Steamboat", A massive paperclip, a Windrunner Pin, A pride flag, an Ace Frog, soda can tabs collected by Snail, Trans flags, a Pan flag, "You're just jealous because the little voices talk to me", Another frog, Jiji pin, a bookstore pin with cats, and a modeling clay S'more made by Snail. Also the "torture device" it dangles and used to hit you in the eye.

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Guyssss, one of the kindergarteners asked me if I was a boy or girl yesterday. So validating for my genderqueer heart. 

Also, this conversation happened between my siblings this morning:

10 year old: Freddie, you’re wearing girl shoes 
5 year old: Girl shoes aren’t a real thing

Friggin 5 year old understands so much more than a lot of adults.

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12 hours ago, The Last Fæ said:

I just realized no one knows about the Hat! Okay so @TheGreatSnail, a few of friends (like 7), and I all share 1 hat out between all of us. So among the pins on it are "How dare you presume I am straight", "NASA", "Steamboat", A massive paperclip, a Windrunner Pin, A pride flag, an Ace Frog, soda can tabs collected by Snail, Trans flags, a Pan flag, "You're just jealous because the little voices talk to me", Another frog, Jiji pin, a bookstore pin with cats, and a modeling clay S'more made by Snail. Also the "torture device" it dangles and used to hit you in the eye.

Can we have photos? This sounds like a soul healing object, a hat worthy of Wayne.

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On 4/18/2023 at 9:17 AM, The Last Fæ said:

I just realized no one knows about the Hat! Okay so @TheGreatSnail, a few of friends (like 7), and I all share 1 hat out between all of us. So among the pins on it are "How dare you presume I am straight", "NASA", "Steamboat", A massive paperclip, a Windrunner Pin, A pride flag, an Ace Frog, soda can tabs collected by Snail, Trans flags, a Pan flag, "You're just jealous because the little voices talk to me", Another frog, Jiji pin, a bookstore pin with cats, and a modeling clay S'more made by Snail. Also the "torture device" it dangles and used to hit you in the eye.

Who's Jiji? 

"You're just jealous because the little voices talk to me" I love/relate to this so much XD

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On 4/18/2023 at 0:17 PM, The Last Fæ said:

I just realized no one knows about the Hat! Okay so @TheGreatSnail, a few of friends (like 7), and I all share 1 hat out between all of us. So among the pins on it are "How dare you presume I am straight", "NASA", "Steamboat", A massive paperclip, a Windrunner Pin, A pride flag, an Ace Frog, soda can tabs collected by Snail, Trans flags, a Pan flag, "You're just jealous because the little voices talk to me", Another frog, Jiji pin, a bookstore pin with cats, and a modeling clay S'more made by Snail. Also the "torture device" it dangles and used to hit you in the eye.



also you forgot some:

suicide prevention charm made by ME

the magical frog sticker that had to have legit packing tape over it because it wouldn't stick

also i think i put a frog pin on there. if not, be prepared for tomorrow, Fae!




i gave it to the human with long, dark, straight hair and an awesome sense of style. usuallly weaars black and white. has the AMAZING carmen sandiego trenchcoat


i would say their name but thats an INVASION OF PRIVACY, PEOPLE!


Fae and Snail know who im taking about








scud, i hate being the 7-9th wheel



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