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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Then under what cause would you release him?"

"That depends on what the king decides," says the blue.

1 hour ago, Nathrangking said:

The quick version is like this. To have even created such an illusion means that some trace of Aridith's magic must be in Baalhan's mind. This gave him access to the smallest part of Aridith's power. Baalhan used this in combination with power he had stored in in the Aether. It was primed to only react to his expanded mind. He expanded it so that it was no longer solely contained in his avatar. He cast a spell which granted him Aridith's powers. He enthralled the greens with the piece of his mind which expanded beyond the confines of his body. He had them lower their hold and he banished Aridith and three of the greens. With them out of the way he stole the power of the remaining green using the same spell. Then he banished the final green.


Hmm. What does it mean to have an expanded mind?

Also, Aridith didn't stick any of his power into Baalhan's mind- the illusion stuff is purples.

How exactly does a spell to give him the powers of others work? And why didn't he use it on the first holed they encountered?

Dr. Jeffery Larue sighed as he watched Vapor run off.

"Such trouble, are they not?" murmured a voice behind him. Jeffery spun around.

"Children, I mean," said the speaker, an older man. "Always wanting to do their own thing..." He chuckled. "Believe me, you were the same."

Jeffery's eyes widened. "F-father?"

His father spread his arms. "In the flesh."

Jeffery took an unbelieving step forwards, then wrapped his father in an embrace.

"How...?" he asked, a smile stretching across his face. "You managed to escape?"

The old man chuckled. "Dirty nullies set me free themselves by mistake, if you can believe it."

Jeffery laughed. "I bet they regret that now."

"Oh, yes," drawled his father. "They're just begging me to come back. Practically half the force is on my tail." He winked. "But I gave them the slip."

Jeffery's smile faded. "This universe is blocked off. Sealed in. You think...?"

His father waved it off. "Don't worry. I've got it under control." He walked over to one of the cabinets on the walls and opened it. Inside, a number of purple gemstones hung on chains of various metals. He looked through them, examining each one with a careful eye. "You have blue ones of these, right?"

"Uh... yeah," said Jeffery, blinking. "Next cabinet over."

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The expanded mind entails the removal of the limits on his mind. In the Physical avatar form his mind is limited. It can handle far more than most mortals, but it has its limits. By expanding it he takes the compressed mind and unfolds it to the point that any enthralling you would try to do would require infinitely more power than Aridith and an army of Holid could manage. If that is the case I can revert to a fall back. Despite it being unsuccessful Aridith I believe did touch Baalhan's mind which would leave a phantom impression. This he can exploit. The spell draws a line from Baalhan to the being in question. He is only able to do so obviously once a large enough portion of the consciousness exited his avatar. The spell reaches into their spirits and strips the other of the powers and transfers it to the other consciousness  instantaneously. The powers may regenerate if that is the nature of the power. Baalhan retains the power forever. Baalhan does not just randomly steal powers it's not in his nature. 


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1 hour ago, Nathrangking said:

The expanded mind entails the removal of the limits on his mind. In the Physical avatar form his mind is limited. It can handle far more than most mortals, but it has its limits. By expanding it he takes the compressed mind and unfolds it to the point that any enthralling you would try to do would require infinitely more power than Aridith and an army of Holid could manage. If that is the case I can revert to a fall back. Despite it being unsuccessful Aridith I believe did touch Baalhan's mind which would leave a phantom impression. This he can exploit. The spell draws a line from Baalhan to the being in question. He is only able to do so obviously once a large enough portion of the consciousness exited his avatar. The spell reaches into their spirits and strips the other of the powers and transfers it to the other consciousness  instantaneously. The powers may regenerate if that is the nature of the power. Baalhan retains the power forever. Baalhan does not just randomly steal powers it's not in his nature. 


Hmm. If Baalhan were to be able to take Aridith's enthralling power, he would poses a serious and urgent threat. Aridith would not allow Baalhan to escape if he did not consider the situation handle-able; losing his enthrallment would likely be a guaranteed loss for him.

Asides from the fact that it doesn't really fit to have the villain get completely wrecked at this stage, :P the blue holed ability means that Aridith would know exactly what Baalhan's capabilities are, and plan accordingly.

1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I'm sure we can convince the king to free him." Fadran replies. "Kindly direct me to him?"

"Those who wish to see the king may direct themselves to the royal hall. You know the way, I believe; if you get lost, you can ask a worker. Or just follow Eric." The blue gave one final smile. "I look forwards to seeing you there."

With that, his image disappeared.


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That may be so. The blues can tell him every spell Baalhan is capable of and every power that he holds (That will be a very long list hope that you have a long long time:D). I only sent him away to the other end of the compound he can return whenever he wishes. All he must do is walk. I think though that despite your knowledge no decision was made until just before it happened. So unless they reacted to tell him at that split second then your preparation will not help. Also, if Aridith makes up for intelligence with OP powers I'm unimpressed. I'm not declawing you, but being stuck in this RP with nothing to do is tiresome.


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6 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Cassandra turned pale at the words. Jaxevist chuckled darkly. "Pray he won't be," he said.


Aridith raised an eyebrow. "I think it is you who has made a fool of himself," he said impassionately. 

In Baalhan's mind, the invisible threads he'd thought connected him to the holed began to vanish, one by one, revealing them for what they were- illusions. At last, Aridith's disguise fell away as well.


"You wanted something and you offered something in exchange," said the blue "Of course you are bargaining. Not very well, but I'm not going to hold that against you."

"Whyever not? My friends need him back for our escape!"(Then the stuff under happens and she is speechless)

6 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

"I must say Aridith,  you profess to be a strategist, but have you ever wondered why it was so easy for you to enter my mind. Perhaps my spell did not accomplish my goal, but then I did not need to sow chaos. All that I needed was for you to make an error." Baalhan retreats into his mind and at the same time expands it so that his presence fills the room. In the language of creation that bore the original universes he quickly chants. The room goes still and in his mind the faintest remnant of the illusion reappears, becomes solid, and like an arrow it flies. It pierces Aridith and goes black instantly. It is made from a combination of the power that held the illusion together and the smallest modicum of power that he held in reserve unfrozen in the aether. In a rush Aridith's powers rush into Baalhan. In a moment it is done and the spell vanishes. Grinning he turns his new found power on the greens. Using his expanded consciousness  he enthralls them and his bonds fall. In a flash he banishes Aridith and 3 of the greens to the far end of the compound. He grabs hold of the green and repeats the spell. An arrow penetrates the green and in a flash it's powers were his. The spell vanishes and then it is banished.  With a grin Baalhan called his blade, he steps up to the observation window, draws his blade back, and in two blows which sends glass flying and splintering the window is reduced to fragments. He pushes past Cassandra and Jaxevist wordlessly. He turns and mutters a quick spell which causes the building to shake. The walls and ceiling begin to crack. Sensing the barrier on the doorway he mutters another curse which reduces the whole of the wall to dust. He enthralls the Orange Holid who ran in while his back was turned and had delivered several useless blows which had not phased Baalhan. Gathering in his consciousness he send the Orange on a rampage it exits as it starts to run amok. The walls begin to crumble as Baalhan exits the room.


Herate watches wordlessly as all of this happens, awed at the sheer power of the war god. She shakes herself out of it and follows Baalhan down the hallway to go find the others and escape.


Enter, that spaceship better be ready :)


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1 hour ago, Nathrangking said:

Also, if Aridith makes up for intelligence with OP powers I'm unimpressed. 


Nath, I'm sorry, but you’re complaining about OP powers? :P 


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I mean, to me it’s way better for the plot character to be OP because he’s OP in a specific few ways that we’ve known all along. Your characters being vaguely OP in ways that have so far let them do essentially anything is less fair. If you’re using your powers to just do whatever you want in any situation, it’s not very interesting or fun, and your characters have been appearing - at least to me - to act in that manner so far. I think Xino is totally right to call out this use of a power which you didn’t define before you suddenly used it to get out of a situation you didn’t want to be in. It comes off as just giving your characters the ability to do anything, which leaves us with a plot that consists of “Nath and Balhaan destroy all their enemies.” And that, to me, is the opposite of a good story. 

But that’s just my two cents :mellow: 


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If we are that point then I have no choice, but to withdraw from the RP. I tried to build in clear limits to the characters. Nath has only ever been in control of light, heat, and meteorological phenomena. I never gave him any other powers and he never acted as such Baalhan is looser in some senses, but I did not believe more so than Fadran or Queen. However, If my actions are breaking the RP and preventing it from being enjoyable then I have to do something about it. I'll see you all around elsewhere on the shard just not here.

Baalhan looks around as he is transported into an unfurnished stark cell. With a sigh he turned his power in on himself. His form faded away and nothing remained.

I cast the spell and kill  the Holid. My whole world goes dark as my body is consumed by the spell. I vanish with out a trace.

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11 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Those who wish to see the king may direct themselves to the royal hall. You know the way, I believe; if you get lost, you can ask a worker. Or just follow Eric." The blue gave one final smile. "I look forwards to seeing you there."

With that, his image disappeared.

"Well... let's go guys. Hopefully we can get the king to free Eric."

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11 hours ago, AonEne said:

I mean, to me it’s way better for the plot character to be OP because he’s OP in a specific few ways that we’ve known all along. Your characters being vaguely OP in ways that have so far let them do essentially anything is less fair. If you’re using your powers to just do whatever you want in any situation, it’s not very interesting or fun, and your characters have been appearing - at least to me - to act in that manner so far. I think Xino is totally right to call out this use of a power which you didn’t define before you suddenly used it to get out of a situation you didn’t want to be in. It comes off as just giving your characters the ability to do anything, which leaves us with a plot that consists of “Nath and Balhaan destroy all their enemies.” And that, to me, is the opposite of a good story. 

But that’s just my two cents :mellow: 


3 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

If we are that point then I have no choice, but to withdraw from the RP. I tried to build in clear limits to the characters. Nath has only ever been in control of light, heat, and meteorological phenomena. I never gave him any other powers and he never acted as such Baalhan is looser in some senses, but I did not believe more so than Fadran or Queen. However, If my actions are breaking the RP and preventing it from being enjoyable then I have to do something about it. I'll see you all around elsewhere on the shard just not here.

Baalhan looks around as he is transported into an unfurnished stark cell. With a sigh he turned his power in on himself. His form faded away and nothing remained.

I cast the spell and kill  the Holid. My whole world goes dark as my body is consumed by the spell. I vanish with out a trace.


I haven't minded. This last part is a bit unexpected and maybe too much, but it's an amount that's fine with me. I'm fine with most of what you've done so far.

I want to say that "knowing everything" is an extremely overpowered ability, especially in combination with the other holed abilities. 

If, for instance, T snaps with frustration and starts trying to stab all of the holed with fields (not who she is, though) the blues could just have been like, "Oh, at this time, you need to step to the left." Or, Aridith could enthrall her. Or, he could send her to space. Or, he could send her to a cell already full of greens. Or, they could just do an elaborate atium dance. Or, the orange could rapidly run up and smash her fields. Or run faster around the fields. Or just before she would stab, some greens appear and freeze where her fields would be. Or, some yellows could broil her the instant before she starts. Or, ... .


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Enter a username dug through his backpack, finding some strange device. It was about one inch by three inches by half an inch, black, and it had a screen that said, awaiting test. on the other side, there was a small depression with a tiny hole in the very middle, labeled "test blood here." He does so, and the screen it said "Grand." Enter a username was mildly confused by this. "Grand? I'm no Grand. I'm not even from Sel."

Edited by Enter a username
How the heck was there so much empty space?!?
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Just now, Enter a username said:

Enter a username dug through his backpack, finding some strange device. It was about one inch by three inches by half an inch, black, and it had a screen that said, awaiting test. on the other side, there was a small depression with a tiny hole in the very middle, labeled "test blood here." He does so, and the screen it said "Grand." Enter a username was mildly confused by this. "Grand? I'm no Grand. I'm not even from Sel."









See, this is an old and dirty writing tactic called "massive paragraph breaking."


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23 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

"I must say Aridith,  you profess to be a strategist, but have you ever wondered why it was so easy for you to enter my mind. Perhaps my spell did not accomplish my goal, but then I did not need to sow chaos. All that I needed was for you to make an error." Baalhan retreats into his mind and at the same time expands it so that his presence fills the room. In the language of creation that bore the original universes he quickly chants. The room goes still and in his mind the faintest remnant of the illusion reappears, becomes solid, and like an arrow it flies.


The line of power stretches towards Aridith, ready to suck away the power in his core and leave him an empty husk. A dangerous threat, to be sure. Death was never pleasant, and the consequences stemming from it even less so. Even worse, potentially, was the subsequent empowerment of Baalhan, which would make him that much more difficult to defeat. Overall, a quite powerful attack, and one the war god had high confidence would succeed.

But Aridith hadn't become the King by making mistakes.

A impossibly bright flash of black light exploded in between the spell and Aridith. When it cleared, Jaxevist stood in front of the King, eyes ringed in deep rings of black. In his hands, he held a steel sword shot through with veins of azure, crackling with angry black lightning. Around him, the last flickers of Baalhan's spell fizzled out of existence, having been cleanly cut by the red holed's swing.

"Last chance," said Aridith calmly. "Join me or die."


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I don’t think you need to leave the RP, just rein in the overpowered activities. 

I haven’t had any problems with the blues so far - I generally don’t consider potential to be OP, only how it’s used - but then to be fair I haven’t really interacted with them myself. Xino, do you think you’d be okay toning them down a bit, if people want you to? 


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