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Mid-Range Game 42: The Auction of Lord Winsting

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Lady Arielle prowled outside the perimeter of Lord Winsting's mention, assessing the area for weak points. The walls of the mansion were built out of small blocks of stone, interlaced so smoothly that it would be difficult for a common thief to climb up to the windows. The roofs were topped with forbidding spikes to discourage entering from the skylights. Guards patrolled at every entrance. For a common thief, this would be an unmanageable job.

But "Lady Arielle" was no common thief. She had an invitation. Had nicked it from the mail of Lord Hastings before he had even known he was invited. Now, she had a chance to take the Woman in Ash for herself.

Lord Winsting was rumored to be a fine painter, who frequently sold his works for thousands upon thousands of boxings. The art world was enthralled by him. He was compared to the Greats, and all other Lords & Ladies of the city clamored to buy his work. Arielle had never actually seen his paintings, since they all were sold to private collections, but she was sure that they were masterpieces. With one of Lord Winston's paintings, she could live the rest of her life and luxury.

A stranger passed by the street, one who Ariel hadn't seen before. They certainly looked rich enough to have been invited to Lord Winsting's auction. Perhaps she could start looking for more marks, once she finished her current job. She adjusted the opening of her overcoat, showing off a lavish dress with a tight bodice, then called out to the stranger. “Hello! Who is this that I have the fine pleasure of meeting today?”

Free for anyone to respond. Please quote or mention me so I can get back to you faster.


Edited by Arraenae
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1 hour ago, Arraenae said:

“Hello! Who is this that I have the fine pleasure of meeting today?”

"Lord Silberfarben, of the house Silberfarben, if that's not obvious enough for you"

"And you are..."

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Just now, The Young Pyromancer said:

Just so you know, it's cannon that he's mediocre at best.

He is, but probably a non-noble like lady Arielle doesn't know that. she just heard that the paintings sold with very high prices, and deduced he was a great painter

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1 hour ago, Arraenae said:

Lady Arielle prowled outside the perimeter of Lord Winsting's mention, assessing the area for weak points. The walls of the mansion were built out of small blocks of stone, interlaced so smoothly that it would be difficult for a common thief to climb up to the windows. The roofs were topped with forbidding spikes to discourage entering from the skylights. Guards patrolled at every entrance. For a common thief, this would be an unmanageable job.

But "Lady Arielle" was no common thief. She had an invitation. Had nicked it from the mail of Lord Hastings before he had even known he was invited. Now, she had a chance to take the Woman in Ash for herself.

Lord Winsting was rumored to be a fine painter, who frequently sold his works for thousands upon thousands of boxings. The art world was enthralled by him. He was compared to the Greats, and all other Lords & Ladies of the city clamored to buy his work. Ariel had never actually seen his paintings, since they all were sold to private collections, but she was sure that they were masterpieces. With one of Lord Winston's paintings, she could live the rest of her life and luxury.

A stranger passed by the street, one who Ariel hadn't seen before. They certainly looked rich enough to have been invited to Lord Winsting's auction. Perhaps she could start looking for more marks, once she finished her current job. She adjusted the opening of her overcoat, showing off a lavish dress with a tight bodice, then called out to the stranger. “Hello! Who is this that I have the fine pleasure of meeting today?”

Free for anyone to respond. Please quote or mention me so I can get back to you faster.


@Arraenae There, I quoted and mentioned you!

Shard was not a nobleman. There wasn't an ounce of nobility to be found in his body. Of course, he had enough money to be one if he wanted; but it was always so much harder to rob from nobles when you were noticed. And nobles were always noticed. Shard had been working for months on a plan to steal one of Lord Winsting's own paintings and tonight was the night it was going to happen. Shard knew that the paintings themselves weren't very good, but being able to say that he had stolen it from Lord Winsting himself was worth the risk. 

Everything had been going to plan, with Shard disguised as a lowly servant, when a noble turned the corner and stumbled to a stop in front of him. Normally Shard would have continued on, but there was no normality present now. There was a reason that Shard didn't like impersonating nobles. Because the only time he had been caught was when he was doing exactly that. 

Most nobles would never have recognized Shard, but Lord Hastings wasn't most nobles. He was the Lord that had caught Shard, and always remembered his face. Shard had to think fast, and did the first thing that came to mind. He punched Hastings in the face. It was a perfect punch, and knocked him completely unconscious. 

Shard was about to get as far away from the scene as possible when he had a brilliant idea. 

I few moments later, he emerged from around a corner dressed in Lord Hastings clothes, and with one of his disguises that would pass as the now sleeping Lord. Shard knew that Lord Hasting would not be at the selling, and therefore, no one would be able to recognize him. Just as Shard was about to walk up the sidewalk to the mansion, someone called out, “Hello! Who is this that I have the fine pleasure of meeting today?”

Shard had no choice but to answer to the call, for a nobleman would never ignore the call of a lady. He took a deep breath and turned around, walking towards the lady who had called him. "My lady. What is it that you need?"


I think she would recognize him as Lord Hastings because he is pretty well known. 

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@Lord_Silberfarben and @Experience

"Lord Silberfarben, of the house Silberfarben, if that's not obvious enough for you. And you are..." the man said.

Arielle dipped in a curtsy.  It was as up-to-date to current social rituals as she knew it, one of the many things that she had practiced before putting on her costume. “I am lady Arielle DuPont, of the house DuPont,” she said. 

At the exact same moment, another man said, "My lady. What is it that you need?"

His clothes looked extremely familiar, reminding her of a scam that she pulled just a few days ago. Could it be… Arielle swore internally. Not Lord Hastings! What if he recognized her? 

She had to get out of here. Arielle forced a vapid giggle. “So many gentlemen,” she said, leaning back and fanning her face a little. “Why, a lady might be overwhelmed at such attention. I am honored to make your acquaintance. I seek nothing today but a little direction. You see, I hail from New Seran, and have become a little lost on the streets. Mayhap you gentlemen know where I might find Dampmere Park?”

Edited by Arraenae
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I'm interested in being a bodyguard for the game!


Julius walked down the street, watching some lord leave an alley. He glanced again. Was that lord Hastings? Or someone that looked like him? That seemed strange. Going over there, he cleared this throat. "Hello? Is this a good time to talk sir?" Julius waited for an answer, hoping this stranger was more interesting than his job.

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Julius stood straighter. Lying never was his strongsuit. "Its about business sir! Very important matters to discuss. And only us!" He made his voice slightly higher pitched.

"I apologize, but this matter cannot wait!"

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At this moment, the moment of conversation between the Julius fellow and the other one- Matrim was slinking down the other side of the adjacent street. He didn't know about their conversation. He knew about his invitation, however.

He had been surprised to receive it- though in hindsight he shouldn't have been, even if he barely remembered if he was a lord or not. He certainly wouldn't prefer to be, if he ever got to decide. Either way, he was planning on attending- the prize of the Woman in Ash was too much to resist. 

He wore ordinary clothes as to blend in. He didn't care for pomp or extravagance. He also tilted his head down, as people tended to try to talk to him, a feat at which he was not very good at. This led to some difficulty navigating, as the streets of Elendel weren't exactly the finest in the world, and so he happened to bump into another pedestrian wearing relatively expensive clothes. Of course.

Thinking he would avoid confrontation, he tipped his hat and continued on, but not before the pedestrian called "Matrim? I wasn't aware you ever left that home of yours!" Cursing quietly to himself, Matrim turned. He wasn't about to be rude.

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13 minutes ago, Hammond42 said:

Can I join?

Yes! Says the not GM :ph34r:

Read through the rules forum, if you haven't already to get a feel for how it works: 


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1 hour ago, Hammond42 said:

Can I join?

You sure can!

9 hours ago, Dot said:

I'm interested in being a bodyguard for the game!

To be clear, people don't generally get to choose their role in Sanderson Elimination. You're free to RP as a bodyguard, but your ability might not be that.

I'll be honest people, when I made this game Role Madness, I was expecting to have around 16 players. We already have 24, and we're barely halfway through signups. I'm trying to decide if I need to add more Roles, or have the game *not* be Role Madness. What does everyone think? And does anyone have any suggestions for roles?

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43 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

You sure can!

To be clear, people don't generally get to choose their role in Sanderson Elimination. You're free to RP as a bodyguard, but your ability might not be that.

I'll be honest people, when I made this game Role Madness, I was expecting to have around 16 players. We already have 24, and we're barely halfway through signups. I'm trying to decide if I need to add more Roles, or have the game *not* be Role Madness. What does everyone think? And does anyone have any suggestions for roles?

IMO, making it not role madness makes the most sense to me.

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2 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

You could also make roles that let you have more PM's, but only with a specific person. Kind of like those pen fabrials.


that would be interesting.

perhaps make something like a watcher(Just vanilla player) who is working for a smuggler/tycoon.

the watcher can make a free PM with a smuggler.

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11 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

I think this party is the one where Wayne pretended to be the professor guy, and there was that girl. Maybe she could be a role?

You could also make roles that let you have more PM's, but only with a specific person. Kind of like those pen fabrials.

Nah, this is the party at the beginning of Shadows of Self. You can read it here. Canonically, no one except Bleeder survives this party.

19 minutes ago, Straw said:

IMO, making it not role madness makes the most sense to me.

Honestly it does.

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