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I finally dusted off my patriarchal blessing and gave it a read.

It’s amazing how they’re specifically tailored for us. It was a lot of the things that I had specifically been thinking about, even to the exact wording. I really do need to read it more…

take this as a reminder to either read yours again or pray about whether if it is time to get yours or not! They’re an enormous blessing.

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I bore my testimony yesterday. I forgot how strongly you can feel the spirit when you do. I didn't even say everthing I wanted to and I was almost crying.

Take the chance to bear your testimony.

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Y’all something interesting happened today.

So, I’m going on a performing arts tour to NYC in…10 days. Choir and band are both performing multiple times, but theatre isn’t performing at all, so we basically get to go see a bunch of shows on Broadway. I have friends who will be seeing…6 shows? Woah that’s a lot. 

Anyway, something got messed up with the schedule, and today they said that the theatre students have to make a choice. We can either go to an LDS sacrament meeting and the 9/11 memorial, or we can go see Sweeney Todd. A lot of you probably don’t know what that is, but it’s a fantastic musical. And a really, really dark musical. 

I already made this choice once for this trip. I had the option to see Six on a Sunday, and I decided not to. It kills me inside, though, because most of my friends are going to choose Sweeney Todd, even religious ones. It’s one thing that happens so much in Utah; people who claim to believe in and love the same God that I do are just…well, following their families. Because so many people are religious here, it’s not as much of a personal choice to care. And it hurts to care, sometimes, especially when you have to avoid things you love and watch others enjoy them without seeming to have any bad results (be it things you choose to do on Sunday, books you choose not to read, music, or so many other things). 

Anyway, I made that same choice again. I knew it was what I was going to do, but…it hurt a lot more than I thought it would. But then I realized something. I didn’t make this choice for me. I probably won’t get anything out of the sacrament meeting, and they’ll probably love the show. But this is a choice I make for God. It’s a choice I make now so that when harder choices come up later, I can make them knowing what comes first. And it’s a choice I make to show Him that He is what matters most to me. 

…sorry this got way longer than I thought it would, but uh moral of the story, when you recognize that you’re doing things for God rather than yourself, there is a whole new meaning to them, and it makes sacrifices that you would otherwise regret completely worth it.


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12 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

Y’all something interesting happened today.

So, I’m going on a performing arts tour to NYC in…10 days. Choir and band are both performing multiple times, but theatre isn’t performing at all, so we basically get to go see a bunch of shows on Broadway. I have friends who will be seeing…6 shows? Woah that’s a lot. 

Anyway, something got messed up with the schedule, and today they said that the theatre students have to make a choice. We can either go to an LDS sacrament meeting and the 9/11 memorial, or we can go see Sweeney Todd. A lot of you probably don’t know what that is, but it’s a fantastic musical. And a really, really dark musical. 

I already made this choice once for this trip. I had the option to see Six on a Sunday, and I decided not to. It kills me inside, though, because most of my friends are going to choose Sweeney Todd, even religious ones. It’s one thing that happens so much in Utah; people who claim to believe in and love the same God that I do are just…well, following their families. Because so many people are religious here, it’s not as much of a personal choice to care. And it hurts to care, sometimes, especially when you have to avoid things you love and watch others enjoy them without seeming to have any bad results (be it things you choose to do on Sunday, books you choose not to read, music, or so many other things). 

Anyway, I made that same choice again. I knew it was what I was going to do, but…it hurt a lot more than I thought it would. But then I realized something. I didn’t make this choice for me. I probably won’t get anything out of the sacrament meeting, and they’ll probably love the show. But this is a choice I make for God. It’s a choice I make now so that when harder choices come up later, I can make them knowing what comes first. And it’s a choice I make to show Him that He is what matters most to me. 

…sorry this got way longer than I thought it would, but uh moral of the story, when you recognize that you’re doing things for God rather than yourself, there is a whole new meaning to them, and it makes sacrifices that you would otherwise regret completely worth it.


I get that. I haven’t experienced the same thing, but I am experiencing something with a similar idea. When you do something for God, because that is what God would have you sand because you love him… it’s at that point that you are truly as Enoch, as Nephi and all the others. I’ve been struggling with something for awhile and that realization struck me in the head a few days ago. I’d been saying I was doing it for God, but I wasn’t really. The change from focusing on how it affects me to how it affects my relationship and love of God has been astounding. I may finally put it to rest within the month. We sacrifice for God, not the other way around. It’s a difficult thing for some, no, many to realize. 
before I go off on a tangent: Eddie, I’m so proud of you that you were able to make that choice. It’s difficult, especially when everyone else is choosing the other thing. But that’s why we have Christ to strengthen us to make the good choices. 
anither thing that I’ve realized recently is that submitting to god is not letting him make the choice for you. It’s him giving you either a path to find the solution or giving us the solution. It is us who has to make the choice, unfortunately. *hugs to everyone*

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12 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

Y’all something interesting happened today.

So, I’m going on a performing arts tour to NYC in…10 days. Choir and band are both performing multiple times, but theatre isn’t performing at all, so we basically get to go see a bunch of shows on Broadway. I have friends who will be seeing…6 shows? Woah that’s a lot. 

Anyway, something got messed up with the schedule, and today they said that the theatre students have to make a choice. We can either go to an LDS sacrament meeting and the 9/11 memorial, or we can go see Sweeney Todd. A lot of you probably don’t know what that is, but it’s a fantastic musical. And a really, really dark musical. 

I already made this choice once for this trip. I had the option to see Six on a Sunday, and I decided not to. It kills me inside, though, because most of my friends are going to choose Sweeney Todd, even religious ones. It’s one thing that happens so much in Utah; people who claim to believe in and love the same God that I do are just…well, following their families. Because so many people are religious here, it’s not as much of a personal choice to care. And it hurts to care, sometimes, especially when you have to avoid things you love and watch others enjoy them without seeming to have any bad results (be it things you choose to do on Sunday, books you choose not to read, music, or so many other things). 

Anyway, I made that same choice again. I knew it was what I was going to do, but…it hurt a lot more than I thought it would. But then I realized something. I didn’t make this choice for me. I probably won’t get anything out of the sacrament meeting, and they’ll probably love the show. But this is a choice I make for God. It’s a choice I make now so that when harder choices come up later, I can make them knowing what comes first. And it’s a choice I make to show Him that He is what matters most to me. 

…sorry this got way longer than I thought it would, but uh moral of the story, when you recognize that you’re doing things for God rather than yourself, there is a whole new meaning to them, and it makes sacrifices that you would otherwise regret completely worth it.


I’ve had similar experiences where church friends will sometimes choose the option of doing something else instead of church on a Sunday. You’ve probably already realized this, but church is always the right choice!

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14 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

I get that. I haven’t experienced the same thing, but I am experiencing something with a similar idea. When you do something for God, because that is what God would have you sand because you love him… it’s at that point that you are truly as Enoch, as Nephi and all the others. I’ve been struggling with something for awhile and that realization struck me in the head a few days ago. I’d been saying I was doing it for God, but I wasn’t really. The change from focusing on how it affects me to how it affects my relationship and love of God has been astounding. I may finally put it to rest within the month. We sacrifice for God, not the other way around. It’s a difficult thing for some, no, many to realize. 
before I go off on a tangent: Eddie, I’m so proud of you that you were able to make that choice. It’s difficult, especially when everyone else is choosing the other thing. But that’s why we have Christ to strengthen us to make the good choices. 
anither thing that I’ve realized recently is that submitting to god is not letting him make the choice for you. It’s him giving you either a path to find the solution or giving us the solution. It is us who has to make the choice, unfortunately. *hugs to everyone*


11 hours ago, Slowswift said:

I'm reminded of Elder Daines' excellent talk from this last conference, called "Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus". Specifically, this line:

I really needed to hear this, with stuff going on recently. Thanks so much for sharing.

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Pretty awesome. I'm glad that even though we disagree over some key points of doctrine, the community of Christ was willing to trust the church with the temple. I do hope the Cleveland Temple reflects the history of the Kirkland temple though.

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2 minutes ago, The Honorable One said:

I was able to go to the temple today, because mine is going to close soon. It was a very nice experience.

Temple trips always are :) it’s hard to go to the temple and not enjoy it

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One that I keep coming back to is 2 Nephi 9: 28-29.  It's an important reminder to be humble, particularly in our day when we always hear people say that the Gospel and its principles can and must be discarded as outdated nonsense, and that we have a far better understanding today with all our science and technology.  Because inevitably, if you wait long enough, you always see these "new and improved" ideas collapse and cause great suffering.  Well, those of us who paid attention to the Gospel, and anchored our souls to the Lord (Hebrews 6: 19) to not continue to be "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4: 14) ended up avoiding all that suffering.

I'll always remember, in the early 2000s, my stepfather's employer offered a new plan to invest their retirement savings in the stock market to help it grow more quickly.  Everyone thought this was awesome and jumped on board... except for him.  He thought back to President Hinckley's advice to get your houses in order and be cautious in temporal and financial matters, and he turned down the opportunity.  He missed out on a few rip-roaring years in the stock market, but he also missed out on the 2008 crash that wiped out his coworkers' gains.  In the end, the only one to profit was the one who listened to the Prophet!

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my favorite one is 3 Nephi 19:25


And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them as they did pray unto him; and his countenance did smile upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them, and behold they were as white as the countenance and also the garments of Jesus; and behold the whiteness thereof did exceed all the whiteness, yea, even there could be nothing upon earth so white as the whiteness thereof.

It's just really nice and comforting.

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