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I wanted to share smth here.

So the past few years I’ve been struggling with a pretty nasty sin… I’m not proud of it.

But, i’ve been clean of exposure to it for almost two weeks now, and I’m talking about it with my bishop tomorrow.

I just want to say,

No matter how long it takes, no matter what you’ve done, Christ is there to help you.

Always. I can say this with 100% bonafide confidence and faith, because i reached out, and He grabbed my hand firmly, and pulled me out of the dark.

Its been a while since I felt His warmth, and it’s so, so liberating to feel. I’m leaving this sin behind, and moving forward.

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5 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:


I wanted to share smth here.

So the past few years I’ve been struggling with a pretty nasty sin… I’m not proud of it.

But, i’ve been clean of exposure to it for almost two weeks now, and I’m talking about it with my bishop tomorrow.

I just want to say,

No matter how long it takes, no matter what you’ve done, Christ is there to help you.

Always. I can say this with 100% bonafide confidence and faith, because i reached out, and He grabbed my hand firmly, and pulled me out of the dark.

Its been a while since I felt His warmth, and it’s so, so liberating to feel. I’m leaving this sin behind, and moving forward.

You posted this at the exact right time, my friend. I needed the reminder.

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7 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I have a question for y'all.

What are some of the things you like about the new For the Strength of Youth pamphlet? 

I kinda liked the old one, but maybe that's because I haven't looked at the new one hard enough. Like @The Wandering Wizard said, I like how it's more based toward learning how to solve problems yourself instead of following "rules". There are still rules God has set for us to become perfect, but the new For the Strength of Youth pamphlet is (like I explained before) to help one make inspired decisions by themselves.

2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:


I wanted to share smth here.

So the past few years I’ve been struggling with a pretty nasty sin… I’m not proud of it.

But, i’ve been clean of exposure to it for almost two weeks now, and I’m talking about it with my bishop tomorrow.

I just want to say,

No matter how long it takes, no matter what you’ve done, Christ is there to help you.

Always. I can say this with 100% bonafide confidence and faith, because i reached out, and He grabbed my hand firmly, and pulled me out of the dark.

Its been a while since I felt His warmth, and it’s so, so liberating to feel. I’m leaving this sin behind, and moving forward.

I had a similar experience. My life is a lot better and I'm a lot less depressed with the sin gone from my life. Love seeing others having great experiences of recovery.

Edited by Lord Gregorio
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I feel like I should add stuff.

On 4/29/2023 at 6:31 PM, CalanoCorvus said:


I wanted to share smth here.

So the past few years I’ve been struggling with a pretty nasty sin… I’m not proud of it.

But, i’ve been clean of exposure to it for almost two weeks now, and I’m talking about it with my bishop tomorrow.

I just want to say,

No matter how long it takes, no matter what you’ve done, Christ is there to help you.

Always. I can say this with 100% bonafide confidence and faith, because i reached out, and He grabbed my hand firmly, and pulled me out of the dark.

Its been a while since I felt His warmth, and it’s so, so liberating to feel. I’m leaving this sin behind, and moving forward.

Thank you for sharing this part of your testimony, and I'm really proud of you for deciding on your own to leave it behind. 

I wasn't able to do that. I had to be caught by my parents before I started to stop. (one thing that simplified everything tho was that my father was the bishop at the time.)

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On 4/29/2023 at 10:49 AM, InfiniteInsanity said:

I have a question for y'all.

What are some of the things you like about the new For the Strength of Youth pamphlet? 

I really like that they included the temple recommend interview questions in the pamphlet for each section (I can't remember if they were in the old one). It really helps me figure how a decision will effect me and how it will make me feel in god's presence. I think its nice to be able to review and ponder them.

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9 hours ago, Justice_Magician said:

I really like that they included the temple recommend interview questions in the pamphlet for each section (I can't remember if they were in the old one). It really helps me figure how a decision will effect me and how it will make me feel in god's presence. I think its nice to be able to review and ponder them.

Oh ya. I forgot about that. Very true.

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3 hours ago, TheAlpha929 said:

My stake is doing this talent show thing. Guess what they’re calling it? Ward-Stock. Named after the hippie drug (and other things) convention. Yeah. I have to go though. It should be fun!

Oooh! That sounds fun! And slightly terrifying. 

I have a story! On Sunday was stake conference and I had to speak and there was a seventy there. It was honestly terrifying.

But I thought I did okay but didn't think I did very great. And then when the seventy spoke he complimented everyone's talk. He came and talked to me after the conference and he likes to talk... a lot. Which is kind of funny because according to my parents he said in the adult session on Saturday that he wife is really really shy.  But he talked a lot. And the stake president told me that the seventy had been really impressed which also made me feel better about it.

I think the coolest parts of that conference happened for me after it. For part of my talked I shared about deciding not to do any dance things on Sundays. And afterwards a lady who wasn't in our stake but was visiting just to stay in her other house that she has here. But she came and talked to me after and told me that my story had really touched her because she had been a professional ballerina and sounded like she was a convert but she told me that eventually she had to make a similar decision for the sake of her family. But that was really special to me to know that what I said really meant something to someone.

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32 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I have a story! On Sunday was stake conference and I had to speak and there was a seventy there. It was honestly terrifying.

But I thought I did okay but didn't think I did very great. And then when the seventy spoke he complimented everyone's talk. He came and talked to me after the conference and he likes to talk... a lot. Which is kind of funny because according to my parents he said in the adult session on Saturday that he wife is really really shy.  But he talked a lot. And the stake president told me that the seventy had been really impressed which also made me feel better about it.

I think the coolest parts of that conference happened for me after it. For part of my talked I shared about deciding not to do any dance things on Sundays. And afterwards a lady who wasn't in our stake but was visiting just to stay in her other house that she has here. But she came and talked to me after and told me that my story had really touched her because she had been a professional ballerina and sounded like she was a convert but she told me that eventually she had to make a similar decision for the sake of her family. But that was really special to me to know that what I said really meant something to someone.

That's funny. In other news. How are we still on page 49! After what feels like forever on this page.

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2 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Got to perform a baptism today.

It was my first one outside of the temple

Ooh, that's awesome. Was it a family member?

28 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

I got my mission call. I am going to Anaheim, California.

That's way exciting! I wish you well!!

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