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On 3/26/2023 at 8:56 AM, Szeth's Facepalm said:

This is so funny my dad is literally the bishop how are they just sleeping through church

Lol, my dad is the bishop of my ward too :D

I really Elder Allen Haynie's talk for the first session. It really stood out to me when said that we can always trust in the Lord's prophets and their revelations. I had actually been questioning this before I had heard this; the prophet is human too, and will therefore make mistakes just like the rest of us.

However, Elder Haynie reminded me that Heavenly Father chose the prophet to receive revelation for all of us, all of the world even. I should listen to and trust him in all things, because Heavenly Father uplifts him to fulfill his calling, just as he does to all of us as we seek to fulfill and magnify our callings.

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4 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Should I tag Shadowed?

I think this may be a good idea...

And you're right, there were a lot of really good talks.

To bad we're missing Elder Holland....

We miss you, Elder Holland....

Also, Elder Uchtdorf didn't compare raising children to flying an airplane, which was surprising.

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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@Shadowed, there's a thing in this church going on where our prophets speak to all the members on live TV. It's called General Conference, and you can find the previously aired ones here. The first talk is around 1:04:10, if you're interested in listening to some of it.

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8 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

@Shadowed, there's a thing in this church going on where our prophets speak to all the members on live TV. It's called General Conference, and you can find the previously aired ones here. The first talk is around 1:04:10, if you're interested in listening to some of it.

Thanks, I will definitely check that out!

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I absolutely loved the Russel M. Nelson's talk.

He said that even when we disagree with someone, we must be civil and polite. Contention only distances us from the Savior, and it has no room in his church.

I actually have seen that others having a difference in opinion can be a good thing if taken correctly; There have been people who have challenged my beliefs, and it was difficult for me for a time. However, instead of immediately doubting my beliefs, I instead decided to research the church's doctrine more deeply. Because of this, I was blessed to learn more doctrine than I had previously and I was able to the knowledge that I already had.

Honestly, people challenging what you believe can be a blessing in disguise if you respond in a good way.

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22 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

I absolutely loved the Russel M. Nelson's talk.

He said that even when we disagree with someone, we must be civil and polite. Contention only distances us from the Savior, and it has no room in his church.

I actually have seen that others having a difference in opinion can be a good thing if taken correctly; There have been people who have challenged my beliefs, and it was difficult for me for a time. However, instead of immediately doubting my beliefs, I instead decided to research the church's doctrine more deeply. Because of this, I was blessed to learn more doctrine than I had previously and I was able to the knowledge that I already had.

Honestly, people challenging what you believe can be a blessing in disguise if you respond in a good way.

Yeah, I really liked what he had to say too.

I also like how he said that it was possible to disagree without being angry. I often find that I understand not just myself but the world better when I am in disagreement with someone, but letting anger cloud the conversation not only takes away that understanding it also hurts us.


I'm actually thinking about making a "Finding Common Ground" thread where people with disagreements can go to find things they agree on, because of his talk.

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26 minutes ago, Frustration said:

I'm actually thinking about making a "Finding Common Ground" thread where people with disagreements can go to find things they agree on, because of his talk.

Sounds like a very reasonable idea to me.

I also have found, at least for myself, that when I have an idea on the forums with someone that I will state my opinion, give proof for my reasoning, and then be open to others' opinions and their reasoning. If their proof is sufficient, I change my previous standing to fit the evidence. If not, I politely disagree and try to show them how I see things, and if that does not work, I simply let it go since it doesn't make me feel any better when I argue.

Sometimes, it can be really hard though, because I'm human.

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28 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Sounds like a very reasonable idea to me.

I also have found, at least for myself, that when I have an idea on the forums with someone that I will state my opinion, give proof for my reasoning, and then be open to others' opinions and their reasoning. If their proof is sufficient, I change my previous standing to fit the evidence. If not, I politely disagree and try to show them how I see things, and if that does not work, I simply let it go since it doesn't make me feel any better when I argue.

I made it.


28 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Sometimes, it can be really hard though, because I'm human.

That's the unfortunate truth isn't it.

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Elder Oaks’ talk was really interesting and outstanding! His messages always speak to me, as if he knew what I personally needed to hear.

EDIT: Also, I need to flex on y’all that I am distantly related to Elder Rasband. You could say he’s my gancho!

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17 minutes ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

When president Nelson said "I'm sure all of you are thinking of someone whom this talk could benifit" (or something to that degree), everyone in my family turned to look at someone, it was like the spiderman meme lol

That was a great talk, by the way.

 @demiblob and I raised our hands, both thinking "Yep. It's me."

Edited by Tani
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Ok I saw two awesome themes, especially on Saturday, of consistency and loving others, which were both so needed and so incredible. I’m so excited to go back and read through all the talks again!

Oh also this is the thread where we were talking about the weather, right? Utah’s weather is so bizarre, it’s literally April and where I’m at there’s about 4 feet of snow. :P

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and now the weather...


I liked the talks about patriarchal blessings. I decided to read mine again, and there was just this sense of peace that I got that I haven't felt in a long time. It was only for like a minute, but it was definitely a really special moment

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