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What is your Wildest Cosmere Theory??


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8 hours ago, Criggleworth said:

2. Lerasium creates turbo charged Connection to Shards. By itself, it gives Connection to Preservation which grants allomancy. When alloyed with atium, it grants feruchemy. Now, if that second part is true, it would mean that lerasium alloyed with other god metals would give someone a metallic art that is half Preservation and half that other Shard, essentially allowing for 16 different metallic arts.

This WoB explicitly supports what you're saying here:


If Hoid was to get his hands on "bavadinium," could he alloy it with lerasium and get Sand Mastery?

Brandon Sanderson

This is theoretically possible.

FanX 2018 (Sept. 6, 2018)
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On 11/20/2019 at 0:39 AM, Brightness Warrior said:

I have a theory that's not that far-fetched... at least, it makes sense to me. 

[Words of Radiance/Oathbringer]

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Kaladin's point of view.

I don't know the chapter.


Kaladin narrates when he and Bridge 4 go to a tattoo artist. It might be during this chapter when he notes that stormlight had healed old wounds and scars; the slave brands of the other men were removed, but not his, and he wondered why.

It seems reasonable that he, being Kaladin, absorbed the hits dealt to him and retaliated when possible. The scars of his enslavement are the reminders of a horribly tragic and traumatizing event, a turning point in his life. He has come to identify himself with them and their meaning, a major part of his personal identity. Basically, the brands haven't only marred his flesh, but his soul. They are imprinted on his being. Even as a sign of damage, they resisted healing because they are his - they are him.

I don't know if anyone else understands my explanation, as weird things tend to come out when I get tired. Goodnight, friends and fellow fans.

This has indeed been confirmed, cool you figured it out yourself. WoB:



 Why can Stormlight heal Lopen's arm, but can't heal Kaladin's scars?

Brandon Sanderson

Because *photo pause* a lot of the healing in the Cosmere works on principles of expectation and how you envision yourself. 


So Kaladin has accepted the scars.

Brandon Sanderson

Kaladin has accepted the scars, and Lopen never accepted the one arm. It's a good question, it's one I am hoping people will ask. [...] It's one of these ties when I built the magic systems that I wanted certain threads to run through them, so when I eventually have them being used in the same books, that there will be consistency among them, that so they won't feel like everything's just thrown together. So, for instance, the intention and expectation, for instance, in Warbreaker-- What you want to have happened influences what does happen, the expectation, the way you are thinking about things. Very important for most of the Cosmere magics.

Words of Radiance Chicago signing (March 22, 2014)


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3 hours ago, Thanatos said:

Im also of the opinion that Uncle Andy is a Shard of something else, and other galaxies have there own Uncle Andy. Most stronger some weaker. 

Maybe the fain life is from one of these 'G'od Shards. Their magic system.

But im 99.9% sure Brandon will leave it up to the reader.

I believe you can add another 0.09% to that - it's very possible that you're right, but it's outside of the story's field of interest, so to speak:



Cosmere is a dwarf galaxy. Does Investiture exist in other galaxies? Do those galaxies have their own Adonalsiums?

Brandon Sanderson

That is beyond the scope... that's a RAFO, but not a RAFO I'm going to answer, that is a RAFO that we are concerned only with the cosmere.

Skype Q&A (Oct. 8, 2018)


Edited by Elegy
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On 11/12/2019 at 0:59 PM, Lunu’anaki said:

I like the core of this idea. The cosmere sometimes feels like a video game, or a virtual reality simulation, especially when it comes to the magic and things like the Cognitive realm! If Adonalsium were the Internet, it would explain how he was the god of such a thing.

There is an incredible sci-fi short story that follows the development of artificial intelligence throughout time until the AI becomes so powerful that it consumes the entirety of the universe. The story ends with the AI starting the Big Bang and creating the universe again, from the beginning, exactly as it was before. I unfortunately can’t remember the name of the story or find it on google :(

Your idea reminds me of that!

The last question by Isaac isimov ? Although the computer doesn't destroy the universe there 

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Well, I've had an interpretation of God Beyond that is apparently quite out there:

What if the God Beyond is from beyond the Cosmere? An Adonalsium class being



Yes, I'm aware of the counter-arguments to this and the idea of comparing the God Beyond with the Beyond: capital G-God and afterlife, neither of which are questions Brandon intends answer definitively


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5 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

The last question by Isaac isimov ? Although the computer doesn't destroy the universe there 

Yeah that's what I was talking about. I didn't really word that very well though as I hadn't read the story in awhile, I was thinking about how mankind assimilated with the AI

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The dawn shards are the Unmade. Each time one was used to win a desolation, an unmade was created. Some seem to think the heralds caused the unmade and the unmade stole a part of them; maybe these things are both true or maybe not. 

The last Dawnshard could be used to win, but then a Bondsmith Unmade would be created, and that is no es buenos. 

Edited by teknopathetic
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Adolin is going to be the next vessel for Odium, based only on two clues:
-at the end of WoR, Kaladin says to Moash that he don't want to be a man that kills someone in a dark alley only because of hate or contempt-> Adolin kills Sadeas in a dark alley only because of hate or contempt;
- Adolin is going to be angry with Dalinar for the truth about Evi's death

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3 hours ago, Krafl said:

Adolin is going to be the next vessel for Odium, based only on two clues

I worry for Adolin because he's been stacking up the "grieve later" moments but we haven't seen him have time to mourn. Don't think it'd go as far as a new vessel for Odium but it's another point for that theory.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is a Shard of Glory (Shechina). That is possibly Endowment.

Dominion and Devotion united is Kingship. (Well, Malchius, but that’s the best English translation I could think of.)

Another is Awe (Yirah). And another is Secrecy (Sod.) Another is Peace (Shalom). And another would be Compassion/Kindness (Chesed and Rachamim)

Autonomy may be Tzvaos - Hosts, but that isn’t the particular attribute it represents (more likely represented by Dominion). It probably represents Echad, the singularity of God, specifically in that God has no equal and no one can control him. Except, of course, that this is NOT true of the Shard Autonomy.

Preservation probably equates to Yesod - Foundation. Or Eternity- Olam/Netzach. Though I actually think that is Ruin; the Eternity of God is noted in that he existed before anything did and he will continue to exist when everything is gone. Although I can’t find a name regarding that particular aspect directly. Just the concept. Probably because we don’t use it if we have one.

Cultivation is probably Borei - Creator. Honor is Justice/Judgement (Dayan Emes- the True Judge). Odium is Vengeance/Divine Wrath (Nikamos).

Or: I think all the Shards can linked to an attribute of God in Judaism. (Yes, all of the above are names/attributes of God.) Which makes sense, since a lot of those names were ‘borrowed’ by our little sisters. (Christianity and Islam, in case that wasn’t clear.) And Brandon is a Mormon, so he probably has a lot of these unconsciously floating about in his mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, here's my theory

Stormlight is just a hallucinogenic drug and whenever you breath it in nothing magic happens, but you see a lot of really weird visions.

This would also explain why only the sprens bond is the only one who can see the spren.

Also the Allomantic metals could be some sort of other drug. It couldn't be hallucinogenic though.

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New Wild Theory! The 16 Shards of Adonalsium will fight the 16 Daedric Princes!

Odium vs Boethiah! Ruin vs Mehrunes Dagon! Dominion vs Molag Bal! Ambition vs Mephala! Cultivation vs Azura! Wisdom(?) vs Hermaeus Mora! Autonomy vs Sheogorath! Preservation vs Meridia! Honor vs Namira! Devotion vs Vaermina!

Who will win?

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8 hours ago, Feruchemical Skybreaker said:

Ok, here's my theory

Stormlight is just a hallucinogenic drug and whenever you breath it in nothing magic happens, but you see a lot of really weird visions.

This would also explain why only the sprens bond is the only one who can see the spren.

Also the Allomantic metals could be some sort of other drug. It couldn't be hallucinogenic though.

But everyone sees the average spren when they manifest...shared mass delusion?

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13 hours ago, Feruchemical Skybreaker said:

Ok, here's my theory

Stormlight is just a hallucinogenic drug and whenever you breath it in nothing magic happens, but you see a lot of really weird visions.

This would also explain why only the sprens bond is the only one who can see the spren.

Also the Allomantic metals could be some sort of other drug. It couldn't be hallucinogenic though.

Also the Forgery magic in "The Emperors Soul" could also be hallucinations, and in the case of soul-stamps they could delusionaly make you think you are someone else

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Here's another

A Skybreaker caused the shattering of Adonalsium. they became a vessel of adonalsium then breathed in a TON of stormlight (during a highstorm) then used all of the stormlight to Shatter adonalsium with the surge of division. And that is why they are called skybreakers, they broke the sky. 

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10 hours ago, Feruchemical Skybreaker said:

Here's another

A Skybreaker caused the shattering of Adonalsium. they became a vessel of adonalsium then breathed in a TON of stormlight (during a highstorm) then used all of the stormlight to Shatter adonalsium with the surge of division. And that is why they are called skybreakers, they broke the sky. 

And that would explain why the Skybreakers stayed in hiding while the rest of the Knights Radiant orders disappeared. It was all a plot by Nale to make his order the most powerful of the orders except Kaladin and the other people returned before his plan was complete.  

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1 minute ago, Ricocheting Windrunner said:

And that would explain why the Skybreakers stayed in hiding while the rest of the Knights Radiant orders disappeared. It was all a plot by Nale to make his order the most powerful of the orders except Kaladin and the other people returned before his plan was complete.  

How exactly would his plan have happened had kaladin and the other not interfered.

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