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  1. Okay that's what I thought. I was actually confused about that, because in the fan translation, there was never a suggestion like that. That's a mistranslation. Here's what it was actually talking about.
  2. Most of the Chaos options aren't really mean. Van is not a bad person so he won't do something outright evil, and iirc there are less Chaos options in the game than the others. The Chaos options are usually extreme, but he's not gonna like break someone's kneecaps if you choose it. At absolute worst, he threatens you in some way. In general, it's trying to make things better but through a morally dubious means.
  3. There are NOT different endings. The ending is the same no matter what. The alignment system changes two things. If you get it to level 3 before a certain chapter, you get an extra decision in that chapter (its very easy to do, just balance them), and if you max it out you get a unique hollow core for Van (Chaos is the best). Just balance them all to level 3, then focus Chaos.
  4. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to my favorite LPer. He has FINALLY started Trails in the Sky. I have honestly never been as giddy about anything as I was watching this video. I'm so excited.
  5. Oh hey. My copy of Daybreak arrived. I wasn't expecting that at all. NISA never sent out an email or updated the order status or anything, it just.... arrived. I was ready to be angry at them because my copy was seemingly stuck in limbo, but hey, they actually delivered it on release date. The only reason I didn;t get it yesterday was because of USPS telling me I needed to sign for it (they can't deliver to my door cuz I live in an apartment that blocks elevator access to non-residents and they never called me to tell me I needed to sign)
  6. Ah, Bern's game. It's very fun. I couldn't do it. This isn't talking about the number of culprits, but the method of murder. Anyone considered a culprit must commit murder directly, by their own hands. No traps, no proxies, no accidents. If someone is dead, then the method was perfectly straightforward. Correct. By the end of the game, if someone committed murder, then they are alive. Don't worry too much about Shannon and Kanon. Their dual identity is irrelevant to Bern's game. This is because it was written by Bern. She has no love, and she doesn't care. Everyone talks unnaturally because Bern doesn't care enough to write them as people, she writes them as props, things to move the story forward and nothing else.
  7. Get it in whatever you want. PS5 will look the best and have the best load times, obviously, but if you want the portability then do Switch.
  8. Daybreak 2 announced for early 2025. I was worried we'd have to wait for Summer
  9. Here it is. My best guess is maybe you accidentally made a wrong choice, or maybe didn't use the combo craft enough? Or maybe the math was wrong on the guide for Randy. Do you need Wazy's as well?
  10. Okay so. Something really god damn annoying about the bond events in this game. You miss Randy, Rixia, and Wazy's backstories if you don't get their bond events. This is especially insane for Wazy, because it's his ENTIRE backstory, we never get any backstory about how he got his Stigma or anything outside of that scene. It's absolutely BAFFLING! It's like missing the Millium bond event in CS2, where she says she's a homunculus. Or like missing the CS2 NG+ scene with Thomas.
  11. Welcome to one of the hardest fights in the series. In the original game, the reward for beating her is basically learning her identity. Since you already know it, it's less of a reward. But yeah, it's a tough fight The strategy is basically to have Lloyd evade tank, and have Elie, Tio, and Eazy nuking her with Spark Dyne the whole time. And shes still not easy doing that.
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