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  1. Taln's wasn't in Shinovar because it went with him to Braize. The location of the blade is unknown since he came back to Roshar. Moash has Jezrien's, which was previously held by Szeth. Nale's used to be in Shinovar but he took his honorblade back at some time in the past. And Ishar's was taken by Neturo, and now Ishar has it back. I'm not sure what the timeline is for the 9 shardblades, but we do know that Szeth practiced with all ten surges.
  2. Do we know the timeline of when Ishar's honorblade was taken? I like the theory a lot. Are we thinking that the knife Shallan's mother used was the honor blade in question?
  3. You did not get nearly enough love for that X of Swords panel. Absolutely wonderful. Anyway, I wonder if TOdium is bound to the "spirit" of the deal like Odium is, or if his personality or because he hasn't been a god for that long if he's able to do word of the law foolery like this.
  4. Yeah, this thought experiment is a bit much.... because of how much of a dead end it leads to. I'd think for the sake of logic and storytelling, Ruin would want cycles of growth to eventually ruin, but the plan from the getgo was to create life so Ruin could destroy ALL life and not do cycles. Unless this hypothetical changes what we know about the shard's intent or maybe if there was a different vessel we could stipulate that'd change the outcome, I got nothing.
  5. I'd love to have Wayne and Lopen meet on-page. Or Lift with Wayne. I'm not sure if they'd be best friends or if Wayne would have serious beef with an eleven year old because of her hot takes on hats.
  6. He doesn't have to go. I think he has to stick around to prove the thesis of the series. Furthermore, I can think of a few storylines where I actually think you NEED Moash. I could easily see him being the big bad of the back half of the stormlight archive. I don't think so. I think there's been plenty of set up of finding a way to restore deadeyes and the mystery surrounding the causation of the deadeyes. Adolin is the best vehicle to explore that idea because he's spent so much time with Maya and Maya is the closest character we have to do that. _______________________________________ I think Kaladin and Shallan are VERY safe storywise. Kaladin has spent so much pagespace wanting to die and do a heroic sacrifice. I think Brandon could write him out of the story but I don't think he's going to die. Adolin would be an incredible disserve to get rid of so I hope Brandon doesn't.
  7. I don't think it would be that tough. Especially if you're delusional + memory degrades over time. There's even cases where the power of suggestion can completely change someone's memory. I think as coppermind technology progresses on Scandrial, and as the people on Scadrial learn more about psychology, that's going to be used. A beat I think could be used, is, dude puts a memory of an incident in the coppermind. They might visualize it and imagine it over and over. Then person reads and hears stories about the incident, by the time they take the memory back into their brain, would those impressions contaminate the memory? Would it cleanly overwrite it? That'd be a cool noir story. I could see Brandon writing a story beat where someone with a crazy amount of affirmations completely warps the memory before putting back into a coppermind.
  8. I've recently beaten Life is Strange 1, Earthbound and I'm wrapping up the last case on Phoenix Wright 1. I think the next game I'm going to beat is Omori.
  9. I don't think I was that surprised to find out he was Mormon. The only thing that really surprises me is when his books get surprisingly horny which I don't expect from a Mormon writer. Like any scene with Blushweaver.
  10. House of Dragon S2- really good stuff! The Boys just finished its fourth season finale. A bit meandering this season but I love the shocking stuff they always put in into the show. My adventures with superman - really cute show and its a refreshing optimistic take on Supe.
  11. Oh I want to thank the staff for following my suggestion and making more appropriate socials! If I can make a recommendation, I think a goodreads is a MUST! And maybe Storygraph or similar competitor. I don't use storygraph but I think Brandon would appreciate an Amazon-alternative.
  12. I think that would be OK in the short/medium term. I'm not sure what OP intended, but if we care about "appearances" would that just be on a book basis or would we want to be specific and catalogue the chapter appearances?
  13. “It's easy to believe in something when you win all the time...The losses are what define a man's faith.”
  14. Eh, I don't think Harry Potter is overrated, they're really good mystery books. However I'm kinda irritated on the STRANGLEHOLD they have on millennial culture. Also one time I was meeting up with some high school friends, and I noticed they had these tattoos that looked like the AA symbol. So I thought they struggled with alcoholism in the interim period since i last saw them. I did this whole speech where I said I'm glad they're getting help and got on the right path. Made myself look like an IDIOT because it wasnt the AA symbol but the deathly hallow symbol. Apparently deathly hallow symbols are INCREDIBLY popular so I watch out for those. LOTR..... I can't say its overrated because its such an influential part of the fantasy genre but I think it's mad boring. Maybe my attention span isnt the greatest or its a product of the time, but I don't like it. Probably not overrated.
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