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Ohhhh I was thinking that was like in canon. Weird. Okay, then that makes sense.

Edit: Archer, why the heck did you vote on this? :lol: Planning to join?


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Would people actually have to have investiture to be able to see anything? If someone believed strongly enough in magical stuff around them and is actively looking for it, would they see and then have a chance to try to hold onto those memories? Like if, say, a priest sees a glowing person. Would they interpret that as an angel or something, or would they just not see it at all?

Also, have any of you heard a song called Peanut Butter and Jelly? I heard it sung on a camp out awhile back, so that might be a suggestion for a campfire song.


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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

@Archer why the heck did you vote on this? :lol: Planning to join?




I'm no knight; a bit of a fan I guess. I liked option three of q. 3 you wrote. By chance, I saw it, and I was like, yes. I am sorry, Ene, disregard my vote.



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On 01/07/2019 at 8:29 AM, Hope Spren said:

"If it were evolutionary, then wouldn't people want to stay away from fire? Fire is dangerous. You would probably be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't been burned at one time or another. I've heard people say before that it's cool to look at though, so maybe that's the reason?" Evelyn followed Rob out of the kitchen, glad he had taken the lead. Who knew how long she would have been lost if Evelyn had tried to find it on her own?

@I think I am here.

“I guess,” Rob said. “But it’s also warm, and gives us light, so I wonder if that outweighs it?” It brought up a question, if something was good to you, but also bad, did they equal? How did one decide that the fire was good even if it burned people? How did one decide whether things like surges were good or bad, because they could be used for both? Rob’s father, was he good or bad? Or equal?

Finally they entered the backyard, and Rob held up the groceries. “Hello,” he said, finding a place to sit and unpacking the groceries. “Let’s see what’s in here.”

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57 minutes ago, Hope Spren said:

Evelyn followed Rob outside, and started pulling the ingredients out of the bags. "Flour, butter, marshmallows, garlic powder. What are all of these for?"

Shana got to her feet and walked over, two mixing bowls in her hands.

"I'm Shana."

She introduced herself and put some flour into the larger bowl.

"I plan to make a dough we can wrap around sticks and roast over the fire. And some garlic butter to go along. It's delicious."

Adding water, salt and some eggs she started to knead.

"And the marshmallows are there to be roasted as well."

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26 minutes ago, Hope Spren said:

"My name's Evelyn," she said, smiling. "Did you want any help?"

"Sure, gladly."

Shana took another glimpse at her, at the strange skin, but with Ashlyn here she kept quiet.

"You could make another batch of dough or prepare the garlic butter."

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Rob watched Shana and Evelyn get along well, which was nice, and he sat down.

Cooking. He was terrible in cooking. Everything he cooked ended up like a solid brick of the ingredients, which while it fitted him as a Stoneward, wasn’t too good for consumption.

Looking to the side, he saw the guitar. “Oh, are we playing music?” Music was something he wasn’t as bad at as cooking, but he was far from the best.

All of these creative activities: music, art, cooking, Rob wished he could be good at them. But his very nature seemed to contrast with them.

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6 hours ago, Sorana said:

"Sure, gladly."

Shana took another glimpse at her, at the strange skin, but with Ashlyn here she kept quiet.

"You could make another batch of dough or prepare the garlic butter."


Evelyn has her illusion on still.

"I'll work on the dough." Evelyn grabbed the other bowl and started copying Shana.



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"How about sea shanties, or something?" James suggested, looking over at Ashlyn. "I'd be lying if I said that I've never wanted to sing some." He added with an blushing grin.


I have recently noted that James blushes a lot. I think it's so adorably in character for him:P


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To be honest the intervention people want to do with Luther could take place during the plot after the prom - it could be triggered by another instance of what originally happened. Right now we're doing literally nothing besides our normal interaction, except I guess letting the two newest characters introduce themselves to our group, but Ashlyn doesn't need to find out about Investiture right away (I suggest that she accidentally walk in on the plot at the prom, or walk out as it were, and find out that way) and that's basically it. We can do a quick "we did stuff and interacted and ate Sorana's yummy-sounding dough" summary and timeskip to the prom anytime.

What do you guys think, have I read the situation accurately?


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There's a new poll up, with the information from the last one edited into the OP as usual. I'm not trying to rush anyone - if you genuinely want to finish an interaction, feel free to do it, but at this point I think most of us want to move on and are stalling for no big reason.


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Yeah, I want to move on - don’t get me wrong, but I would also like to finish up this last set of interactions, though given our history, that may take months.  

Even then, there’s still the matter of how we skip to prom. Day of? Night of? Dinner? 

And those pesky other details. Where is prom held? Who’s going with who? Will the great Flid-Rob-Leona drama be sorted out?


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Isn't it being held at the school? As for who's going with who, I believe that was already RPed earlier. I would say skip to them entering the building or slightly before that, or, if anyone wishes, the morning of.


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