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My vote on Araris was more facetious than anything, and I wound up not on Coop since his claim read very honest to me- I distinctly remember what it felt like to be new and how he reacted seemed exactly how one would.

I'll add that I'll vote for Steeldancer, since it's a common eliminator ploy to talk a lot without saying much, and that first post of this cycle feels that way.

Edited by phattemer
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So both D1 bandwagons turn out to be village. Not surprising, considering. 

Today my top suspects include Kidpen, Sart, and Rand. In that order. I'll c/p the summary of last cycle's vote from my notes for reference: (sorry if it's a little vague)



1.    On WfY from Sart: poke (RETRACTED 4)

2.      On Steel from Araris: poke (RETRACTED 1)

3.      On Kidpen by Alv: poke (RETRACTED 7)

4.      On Rath by Coop: poke (RETRACTED 2)

5.      On Stick by WfY: newbie misunderstanding (?) (RETRACTED 6)

6.      On WfY by Coop: due to unjustified vote on Stick, presumably (RETRACTED 5)

7.      On Xinoehp by Elandera: poke (RETRACTED 3)

8.      On Coop by Rand: for Coop jumping on WfY’s vote

9.      On Araris by Phattemer: I’m…actually not sure why (RETRACTED 8)

10.  On Itiah by Sart: Synod comment, no vote, don’t put in kills advice, & advocating for bandwagon lynches

11.  On Itiah by Araris: jumping on wagon

12.  On Itiah by Elandera: jumping on wagon

13.  On Itiah by Stick: jumping on wagon

14.  On Itiah by Xinoehp: jumping on wagon

15.  On Coop by Snip: lack of explanation for WfY vote

16.  On Coop by WfY: Self-preservation (?)

17.  On Coop by Itiah: part self-pres, part suspicion

18.  On Coop by Kidpen: jumping on wagon

19.  On Coop by Steel: jumping on wagon bc Coop > sus than Itiah

20.  On Itiah by Alv: jumping on wagon

21.  On Itiah by Phattemer: jumping on wagon

Looking at the above, and keeping in mind that elims seldom aim to lynch the player on whom they're the first to vote on, my suspicon of Kidpen comes from the time of their vote on Coop (see 18). The Coop bandwagon was started by Rand and Itiah's by Sart, which is literally the only reason these two aren't higher than kidpen on my suspicon list. Anyway, back to Kidpen. Below is the post in which they voted for Coop:



  • Mustached
  • Kidpen
  •   King's Wit
  • 1,635 posts

Well, I'm very torn between Coop and Itiah. But if I'm being honest, I feel like Coop is being too vague about his role, while also seemingly trying to hint at being the copper ferring? I just think that if he's going to hint anyways, he wouldn't need to be so secretive. Not super sure, but it's a D1 lynch, so I'm not sure about anything.

This post feels really off to me. I can't put my finger on it, so maybe it's just everything about it :ph34r:: They're trying to sound neutral, confused, and understanding coop's situation all at once. Not to mention that this vote tied the votes and was placed in like the last 30 mins of the turn.

Moving on to Sart. So uh I think it's clear who killed off Itiah, eh? :P Honestly, suggesting the night lynch idea and then using that to publicly send in a kill order on a player isn't a move half bad for an elim. Because if not for your night vote, there would've been a lot of suspicion on you for being the one pushing for the itiah lynch last the turn before itiah was killed. But because that's all I've got right now, no vote for you from me today. :[

Now Rand. I've got no reason. I can never get a read on you, so you'll always be suspicious. No vote for you either.

Kidpen it is, then.

Also, hey nobody talked about elim numbers this game :0 Inconceivable. We started with 19 of us so it would make sense to have a 4-persons elim team. And I have strong suspicions at least one of them is hiding among the inactives/barely-actives i.e. Xino, Jond, Snip, Bort

16 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

Oh, and I'm disappointed no one opened any PMs. 

I actually did attempt to open up a PM with Itiah ;_; I knew there was a chance he'd die and idk why but I honestly didn't expect my order to go through so I risked my action on the slim chance of Itiah surviving the night. Which he didn't. But no one else apparently send orders for PMs so my action would've otherwise been successful. I realise I've got no way to prove this so eh

11 hours ago, randuir said:


@_Stick_, why did you mention Coop being part of the Synod? That's a role, right, and nothing of the sort has been revealed about him.

What CadCom said.

1 hour ago, randuir said:

Next was stick. She expresses some worry about the wagon, but also states that she was going to vote even if the wagon hadn't been in place. She makes no real attempt to unload the 'blame' on others, but I am curious to know if she had anyone else in mind as a suspect at the time ( @_Stick_)?

Yeah...I kind of wanted to vote for Araris for no particular reason but like he already had a vote on him so it didn't feel like the nicest thing to do. But I've always thought that casting a vote is my *duty* (especially on D1s) as a villager you know? And of course I have to keep up with that even when I'm not a villager but that's besides the point. Not voting just seems wrong. So I picked itiah to vote on, because Sart pointed out things that kind of made sense at the time. so yeaa

It's 2 AM so I should sleep

Why are all my posts at 2 AM this game. What a mystery.

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@Fifth Scholar and @Devotary of Spontaneity, I greatly dislike you both at moment.  Do you have any idea what your write up did to me?  I have spent the past 20 hours wondering how sacrificing different animal crackers affects the Gods of Luck and Chance.  I just brought five boxes of them to try out different combinations.  Fair warning, if the Gods of Luck and Chance are offended by what I'm going to do tonight, I'm pointing them in your direction! :P 

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We're sorry about that Izzy. On the bright side, Tathwingden has a large supply of animal crackers. So you have plenty of crackers to continue experimenting on. 

On another note, I'm not sure I completely agree with anyone's suspect list. It seems like everyone is entering into TWTBAW areas, and Feels like areas, and feels off areas, etc...

I am still waiting to hear from @Snipexe before I start making any decisions.

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Current vote count (since we haven't had one yet)

  • Rand (0) - Steel, Wfy, Araris
  • Araris (1) - Steel
  • Xino (1) - Sart, Rath
  • Wfy (2) - Rath, Ark
  • Steel (1) - phattemer
  • Kidpen (1) - Stick

I guess the one good thing about the current vote distribution is that we'll be able to tell anyone who's filling vote-manip metal minds.

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Rath, the downside of that distribution  being that it'll also mark everyone filling alignment detection metalminds and distribution detecting metal-minds...

I'd been planning on doing another big analysis post today, but I'm pretty tired, so you guys'll have to do with some incoherent rambling instead.

WfY is in the lead again. If she wasn't a new player, I could see the case against her. Her first post this cycle in particular seems like an elim overcompensating with empathy towards the village plight. If this had been her 3rd or 4th game, I'd definitely be up for lynching her on that, but its fairly NAI (non Alignment indicative) on someone's first game. @Worldhopper From Yolen, could you maybe share your thoughts on a couple of players. Seeing a  bit more of your thought process and opinions will make it easier for everyone to read you.

@xinoehp512 has yet to post today (as have some others, but I've got questions for him in particular). I'll speak more on him once I've seen his response to my question.

Araris...just ninja'd me. I might as well wait till I see his analysis before I say more on him.

Steel and Kidpen probably qualify as my two main suspects right now, for pretty much identical reasons (extreme hedging of votes during D1). One thing I note is that steeldancers last post of N1 looked really uncharacteristic for him. IIRC he's managed to win as a serial killer at least once, and has been an elim a number of times so I doubt its a sign of him cracking under pressure or something telling like that, but it still stood out to me.

Rath had been staying to the sidelines for the first cycle, he had a couple of largish posts, but those mostly consisted of compilations of infromation without much real analysis attached to it. That having said, his post about the vote order was useful and easy to read. He's also been sahring some more actual reads during this cycle and has provided some interesting insights (his suspicion about me chilling on the lynch D1 points to him paying close attention, even if there was a different reason for my silence during the end of D1).

...Okay, I'm really not in the mindset for coherent analysis. In conclusion: Rathmaskal seems to be paying close attention to stuff, so he's maybe village. WfY is neutral, steel and kidpen look suspicious, and I need a larger sample size of posts from Xinoeph to get a read on him.

Edited by randuir
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As far as the D1 lynch goes, since both candidates were village, that means that the elims were probably evenly distributed between them, as has already been mentioned. It also means that the elims didn't really have any stake in the result, so that suggests to me that votes later in the cycle are more likely to be village aligned. I'm going to look in detail at the players that placed the first 3 votes on each of the players as given in Sart's vote tally, minus myself (someone else can analyze me if they want :D):


Vote Count for Cycle 1:
Worldhopper from Yolen (0): Sart, Coop772
Steeldancer (0): Araris Valerian
Kidpen (0): Alvron
Rathmaskal (0): Coop772
Stick (0): Worldhopper from Yolen
xineoph512 (0): Elandera
Araris Valerian (0): phattemer
Coop772 (6): randuir, Snipexe, Worldhopper from Yolen, I think I am here, Kidpen, Steeldancer
I think I am here (7): Sart, Araris Valerian, Elandera, Stick, xineoph512, Alvron, phattemer

Randuir mentions that we should try and have a large vote margin because of vote manipulation, which makes me a little uncomfortable, but I guess it's a valid village opinion. My preference would be that people whose votes are going to be erratic refrain from "voting to lynch" during those cycles, so that we don't end up with bandwagons to solve this problem. He gave a list of game mechanic thoughts, which is NAI, although I disagree about the roleblock. I think this is much more useful for the village than for the elims, since if even a single elim gets roleblocked, then that's a quarter of their night actions gone. A successful roleblock could even be used to catch an elim if the night kill doesn't go through.

Snipexe and WfY are responsible for the counterwagon on Coop. Snipexe says he is fine with either lynch, which seems off to me. As an elim, you wouldn't care which of two villagers died in a lynch too much, but you would stand to gain from a counterwagon placing suspicion on someone else. Snipexe hasn't posted since. @Snipexe

WfYseems to assume that Coop is the only other legitimate option to lynch besides Itiah. I'm going to hold off on too much analysis into WfY, because I tend to disagree with some of the things new players do, and consequently read them as elim. I'll need to see how her progression of thought develops though the game to get a better read.

I have a village read on Sart, because he suggests the village killing Itiah during the night with the village kill. That's not something I would do as an elim, since usually a close D1 lynch (especially between two villagers) ends with both people dead pretty quickly, regardless of who actually got lynched D1. I also agree with Sart's reasoning for voting on Itiah, which I mentioned in my vote post.

I don't have much of a read on Elandera, but if I'm assuming that early votes in the bandwagon are more likely to be elim, of the players voting on Itiah she is the most suspicious. I'll have to watch more for a better read though.



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56 minutes ago, randuir said:

Rath, the downside of that distribution  being that it'll also mark everyone filling alignment detection metalminds and distribution detecting metal-minds...

I'd been planning on doing another big analysis post today, but I'm pretty tired, so you guys'll have to do with some incoherent rambling instead.

WfY is in the lead again. If she wasn't a new player, I could see the case against her. Her first post this cycle in particular seems like an elim overcompensating with empathy towards the village plight. If this had been her 3rd or 4th game, I'd definitely be up for lynching her on that, but its fairly NAI (non Alignment indicative) on someone's first game. @Worldhopper From Yolen, could you maybe share your thoughts on a couple of players. Seeing a  bit more of your thought process and opinions will make it easier for everyone to read you.

@xinoehp512 has yet to post today (as have some others, but I've got questions for him in particular). I'll speak more on him once I've seen his response to my question.

Araris...just ninja'd me. I might as well wait till I see his analysis before I say more on him.

Steel and Kidpen probably qualify as my two main suspects right now, for pretty much identical reasons (extreme hedging of votes during D1). One thing I note is that steeldancers last post of N1 looked really uncharacteristic for him. IIRC he's managed to win as a serial killer at least once, and has been an elim a number of times so I doubt its a sign of him cracking under pressure or something telling like that, but it still stood out to me.

Rath had been staying to the sidelines for the first cycle, he had a couple of largish posts, but those mostly consisted of compilations of infromation without much real analysis attached to it. That having said, his post about the vote order was useful and easy to read. He's also been sahring some more actual reads during this cycle and has provided some interesting insights (his suspicion about me chilling on the lynch D1 points to him paying close attention, even if there was a different reason for my silence during the end of D1).

...Okay, I'm really not in the mindset for coherent analysis. In conclusion: Rathmaskal seems to be paying close attention to stuff, so he's maybe village. WfY is neutral, steel and kidpen look suspicious, and I need a larger sample size of posts from Xinoeph to get a read on him.

I said I wouldn't bother to defend myself, but I might as well explain my thought process. My usual play style (which I am trying to curb) tends to include overreacting to suspicions, both as an eliminator and as a villager. That post was me reminding myself that I don't need to be overly defensive, which I was becoming. I have always found it fun that people will lynch me happily for being over defensive and for deliberately not being over defensive, though. It's really not a tell, its me trying to reform my playstyle, and I view it as something I could truthfully post as either elim or village.
Anyway, new update on my suspicions. I'm not sure I like phatteners vote on me, a common eliminator ploy to talk a lot without saying much? Especially paired with them being one of the last to vote on the Itiah bandwagon, I can easily see it as an elim ploy to get me lynched, because I am admittedly one of the more suspicious individuals right now. So, Rand and Araris have been moved down the suspicion ladder, and I'm going to vote on Phattemer. Also, ninjad by Araris. 

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45 minutes ago, randuir said:

Rath, the downside of that distribution  being that it'll also mark everyone filling alignment detection metalminds and distribution detecting metal-minds...

Yeah, I wasn't really saying it was a real upside...  More just commentary on the fact that we don't have a ton of votes...and there's no concentration so far.  That whole text > tone thing escapes me sometimes.

For now, I'm going to cede to the multiple comments noting that WfY may just be having some erratic first-game play (much as I did a mere 2 games ago...and will probably still display on occasion).

We're getting down near the end of the cycle and it's making me thing (obviously) that we're either going to have a late-cycle bandwagon again...or a garbage truck full of abstentions.  Also, the fact that we already have multiple people calling out Snipexe as suspicious is making me wonder about that as well.


Snipexe says he is fine with either lynch, which seems off to me. As an elim, you wouldn't care which of two villagers died in a lynch too much, but you would stand to gain from a counterwagon placing suspicion on someone else. -Araris

Snipexe, I'd like to hear an explanation on this as well.

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Shoot, I thought that this cycle was going to be three days, but nope, tomorrow. Better get my vote in.

Current vote count:

  • Rand (0) - Steel, Wfy, Araris
  • Araris (0) - Steel
  • Xino (1) - Sart, Rath
  • Wfy (2) - Rath, Ark
  • Steel (1) - phattemer
  • Kidpen (1) - Stick
  • Snipexe (2) Araris, Rath
  • Phattemer (1) - Steel

Between the two primary lynch targets (Wfy and snipexe) I feel that Wfy's behavior is more elim-y... for now at least. I'll see if I can get back on to change this.

Looking back over the thread, I realize that Snipexe is probably a more valid lynch target. I agree with the people more astute than me on this.

Randuir, there was no other option when I voted. All the others had only one vote on them.

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Yeah, my lack of posts makes me pretty suspicious, and it makes sense. I would be suspicious of me too.

First an explanation of my lack of posts: I’ve been really busy with school starting and cross country. That doesn’t really excuse me, but it’s contributed to my lack of posting.

Second, a response to the suspicions of me: When I said that while I agreed with the ITIAH lynch, but then voted for Coop, it was a situation of (in my mind) the greater of two evils, and an evil that I felt I could see. People had made logical posts connecting some of ITIAH’s posts that caused me to have an elim read on him. However, Coop’s sudden jump on WFY, and then saying they had a reasons for it, but holding it back, seemed much more suspicious to me. Obviously I was wrong, and now I’m forming new reads.

So, once again, sorry for my inactivity, and I hope this post will appease those who have voted for me. 

Edit: (I know I just posted, but I got a chance to relook at @Araris Valerian‘s post, and have a response): I never intended to start a counter bandwagon, but instead to simply get my vote on the record that I thought that Coop was an Elim. I wasn’t expecting the bandwagon to start, but it did, and now obviously Coop is dead. I know this probably doesn’t clear me in your eyes, but I figured I go ahead and make a response.


Edited by Snipexe
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Man, I'm really terrible at not waiting until the end of the cycle to place my vote. I think there are a lot of people who haven't posted much, which is mildly suspicious. I also kinda have a gut read of Steel and Phattemer, but nothing worth voting for.I at least mostly agree with the Snip lynch, so I suppose I'll just go that way.

Also, still a bit of a newbie, what does hedging your votes mean?

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Braize it all!  The internet ate my post!  It was nice and long too.  :(  I don't have time to type it all out again so here's the cliff notes.

First the funny:
@Araris Valerian, I don't know about you but I'm getting a very strong village vibe from Elandera.  Mostly due to her being dead and flipping village. :P 

Now the serious part:
Voting for Phatt, welcome back, great to see you playing again, going to lynch you now, I feel he's evil.  Gut mostly but his vote reasons on Steel is something I've noticed elims from past games using.
Bandwagon on Snip forming too fast when thread so quiet beforehand.  Smells like Elims trying to control lynch.
Let's tie the vote again. :)  Will be fun. :P 

Let's not leave it to the last minute next cycle.  I love a good mad rush in votes as much, if not more, than the next person but if we want to find the Spiked, we need to talk more at the start and middle of cycles.


<RP here about how Izzy is ticked that first they were talking and not taking action and now they not even talking but just standing around.  It was really good and it played up her lack of humour while hopefully still giving people some laughs.> :angry:

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I'd like to hear from @Alvron and @Steeldancer about Phatt. While it would probably be hard to lynch someone besides Snipexe, I'm curious as to why the two of you voted on him. Next cycle I almost certainly will not be so slow to participate. Also, @Snipexe, who would you lynch this cycle if it was entirely up to you, and why?

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Dang it, I hate when stuff like this happens...  I feel like I'm being set up as a fall guy for the elim team right now.  If Snip turns villages it's going to be, "Well, there wasn't really a bandwagon until Rath voted on him"...  I'm going for a short run.  Hopefully someone gives me a good counter-bandwagon target when I get back.  If not, I guess I should stick to my guns.  (Although I'm somewhat tempted to switch over to phatt just because I think Alvron has magic powers.)

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9 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I'd like to hear from @Alvron and @Steeldancer about Phatt. While it would probably be hard to lynch someone besides Snipexe, I'm curious as to why the two of you voted on him. Next cycle I almost certainly will not be so slow to participate. Also, @Snipexe, who would you lynch this cycle if it was entirely up to you, and why?

Didn't I explain my vote in my post? I said I find the reasoning for his vote on me to be suspicious. 

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A full day had passed and the village was no closer to finding the Spiked. The death of an innocent Synod member had made them cautious; with few ferrings willing to commit and stick to their decisions. After an initial flurry against Zihel was quelled by his appearance, the villagers instead decided to go after the quieter inhabitants. Even if their chosen target was innocent, at least they could avoid a repeat of the previous day’s fiasco. They would not have to face the shame of ripping into the flesh of a man who had strenuously declared his innocence until his last breath. Instead, they went after Snip, a ferring who worked all day in the local embroidery shop. The rumors began to spread again. Perhaps the Spiked among them weren’t pierced with massive pieces of metal like the Inquisitors were. Smaller spikes would help the infiltrators escape detection; smaller spikes like the quilting needles present in abundance at Snip’s place of employment. With no particular leads, a few of the braver ferrings walked over to Reap What You Sew and found Snip finishing up a quilt depicting Irion’s bloody demise. Despite his protestations that he was doing it for an anonymous client, Snip was dragged to the village center, the quilt in tow.

    Marne and the Synod had gathered up the village by this time, and the accused was led up to a stage, well away from any potential mobs. “We don’t want any preemptive violence this time,” Marne announced. “Snip will be thoroughly checked for spikes, and he is not to be harmed unless any are found. We cannot afford to continue killing our own.”

    From the midst of the crowd, a lone voice shouted out, “Be sure you search every last part of him. For all we know, he could be tainted by a sewing needle hidden under his metalminds.”

    “Rest assured,” Marne intoned, “if Snip is spiked we will find out.” He turned to the hapless prisoner and began removing his metalminds. They were iron, he noted, largely in the form of rings, with the large bracers being the obvious exception. Tapping sight, Marne began to examine Snip’s exposed flesh. He frowned as he examined Snip’s earrings. He reached out and grabbed one. Yes, that was indeed made of iron. While Marne didn’t know how the details of how spikes worked, he recognised the earring as a metalmind.

“Oh!” said Snip, panicking as he realized what Marne was holding. “That’s not a spike, I just like to keep some of my metalminds attached to me. Wearing iron rings on my fingers makes it hard to sew sometimes. You know how it is.”

Instead of responding, Marne ripped out the pair of earrings, then turned to the rest of the Synod. “Do any of you know whether pieces of metal this small could be enough to turn him evil?” Leidene nodded. “I have done some rudimentary study of the Inquisitors, and I have found no reason they couldn’t use an earring as a spike.”

    Still on the stage, Snip paled and started to run, obviously filling iron to make him light on his feet. The attempt was doomed to failure. A brief burst of steel enhanced speed allowed Marne to catch him, and pewter sufficed to pick him up and drag him back to the stage when Snip tapped iron. The villagers was murmuring now. Surely, only the guilty would run. Even as Marne resumed his attempt to methodically  find and remove every last metalmind, the crowd surged towards the stage, intent on performing the same actions in a decidedly quicker, and bloodier, way. They found no spikes except for the ones in the man’s tote bag, but by the time the mob dispersed Snipexe had been pierced more times than an Inquisitor.


Olaf resented the Terris congregation. He resented the veiled looks of malice almost every man shot at him as he walked through the streets. He resented the mumbled words and hushed conversations as he passed by, with or without Marne. And he resented that he had nobody but himself to blame for it all.

Sighing heavily and hefting Snip’s quilt, letting the fabric pass through his spindly fingers, Olaf contemplated how he might help the Terris, and more accurately Marne, stop the insanity that was running through the congregations. The public trials, reminiscent of witch-hunts, and the constant paranoia would reveal them to the Lord Ruler, regardless of whether or not the Spiked escaped Tathingdwen. Them. Olaf realised he had come to include himself in that “them.” Perhaps it was the work of Marne, who Olaf saw an upstanding and good man in, much like he viewed in Hadrian so long ago. Perhaps it was his lingering guilt, left over from before and tinged with the bitter remembrance, or lack thereof, of his brief time as a Spiked. Or maybe it was the feel of a group that actually had the best interests of its members at its heart. Not his circle of book-hoarders, which had endeavoured to protect a dead age with the vigour and persistence of a sect with lost importance, caring not for the members it used to achieve such a purpose; nor the Luthadel nobility, a careless and cannibalising lot that would rather kill themselves than the evils roaming in their midst. But these Terris seemed to genuinely fear for the destruction of their Synod, and want to protect each one from the tyrannical grasp of the Lord Ruler, even if that protection made him resent the distrust he received. That is what would make Olaf follow Marne in keeping this group alive.

The slain man, Snip, was quite ordinary, from what Olaf had been able to find out from the Synod helpers he had been assigned. He had laboured in the quilt shop for most of his life, and had several pieces to his name, even though he was ostensibly just a fabric cutter. Turning over the half-finished quilt, Olaf was surprised at the level of detail the man had achieved with only a day to work. The blood was vivid, the sun was outlined in a garish red, and only Irion’s condemners were missing from the portrait of his death. Looking at it for a minute, Olaf took a sewing needle, turning it over in his hands. His helpers began to fidget, and he sighed again. “I’m not going to stick myself with this and kill all of you. Now, will one of you tell me how this thing works?” He held up the thimble and the grey thread, which dangled off the half-finished outline of a townsperson.

One of his helpers stepped forward, a man with pink leather gloves. An odd choice, but at least the man would help. “I can!” he exclaimed, rubbing his hands excitedly. “Here, poke this part through the hole there, and pull it back up. Oops—that ripped it a bit. No big deal, just keep doing that until you have a rhythm, and keep going until you’ve made the outline.”

The other helper frowned. “Darrel, I’m...not sure that’s how that works.”

Darrel grinned. “Well, at least the man will be sewing plenty of chaos! Plus, I’m sure he’ll get it after a few hundred attempts. Here, man, you should actually wear that thimble.” Olaf accepted the advice with gratitude—his forefinger was already bleeding slightly from the sewing motion. Olaf sighed again. The Synod was on the verge of extinction, and he was spending his time in a quilting shop, finishing a masterpiece with skills he had just learned, aside two helpers who chatted more than assisted him. Yet Olaf felt that what he was doing had fundamental importance. Finishing this quilt was a way, maybe the only way, to make the others realise what they were doing, and for he himself to see the full extent of the situation before him. Only then could he help Marne to stop the violence spreading like poison through the Synod.

Snipexe was lynched! He was a Village Iron Ferring (Skimmer)! Thanks again to Devotary for doing his death scene. Please shower her with upvotes. 

Night 2 has begun! It will end in about 24 hours at 9 PM EDT on Thursday, August 16. 


Player List:

1. Rathmaskal as Laksam, an ash sweeper from the Eastern streets
2. Xinoehp512 as Ereheman Tresni, a man with his priorities backwards
3. Steeldancer as Steel, the fastest sculpture of a squid wrought entirely in steel in all of Tathingdwen
4. Randuir as Zihel, a worldhopper looking for his twin brother
5. I think I am here as Itiah VI, a missionary on a mission Village Steel Ferring
6. Bort as Tee Mai, a tailor specialising in offensive clothing
7. Cadmium Compounder as Ethin Hallil, a cadmium Feruchemist and SCUBA diver
8. _Stick_ as Stick, President of the Tathingdwen Tautological Society of Tautology
9. Jondesu as Remart, a man back from vacation armed with vaguely ominous statements
10. Kidpen as HanTor, a lonely Kandra that’s definitely not Spiked, nope
11. Elandera as Era, an old woman who claims to have been alive before the reign of the Lord Ruler Village Pewter Ferring
12. Snipexe as Snip, a fabric cutter in the local quilt shop Village Iron Ferring

13. Worldhopper from Yolen as Tarin, a Sparker with a wonderful, awful idea
14. Alvron as Izzy Dedyet, who is not dead, feels happy, and thinks she'll go for a walk
15. Phatterner as Citona Vinid, a seemingly faithful follower of the Lord Ruler
16. Ark1002 as Kardik, a Full Feruchemist
17. Araris Valerian as Valwyn, an honest rug merchant
18. Coop772 as Irion, a Full Feruchemist with hidden potential Village Copper Ferring

19. Sart, a stuttering Nameless

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"Um, that could have gone better."

Xineoph (1): Sart
Worldhopper from Yolen (1): Ark1002
Kidpen (1): Stick
Phattemer (2): Steeldancer, Alvron
Snipexe (6): Araris, Rathmaskal, Worldhopper from Yolen, Xineoph, Kidpen, phattemer

Edited by Sart
Messed up vote count slightly
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5 minutes ago, Sart said:

"Um, that could have gone better."

You are correct, of course. Rollover could have gone much better had I remembered to add a vote count. So here it is: 

Snipexe (4)
phattemer (2)
Xinoehp512 (1)
Kidpen (1)
Worldhopper from Yolen (1)


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