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2 minutes ago, Vargo Seldon said:

Kenoth has sort of the same abilities as a wise one.  Can do some abnormal things, but really doesn't channel.  I suppose you could say he's an extremely weak channeler, so weak that he can't access any weaves.

So basically Morgase level? Can see weaves (if he had the training) and might light a candle on a very good day but that's the limit?

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Name: Jared Kersey | Age: 26 | Gender: Male |

Appearance: Tall with a muscular build, Jared is about 5’8” with a ruddy complexion. Cold, almost emotionless blue eyes gave those around him the impression of a man who would kill on a whim. Grey stubble decorated his face which only added to his personality. Twin swords protruded from sheathes on his back above either shoulder. Rarely did he wear armor because of its bulk and he preferred freedom of movement.

Investiture: Dustbringer, First Oath.

Occupation: Mercenary.

Skills: Swordsmanship.

Equipment: Two Swords.

Weakness: Drinking, money.

Family: None.

Home Planet: Utar

Backstory: Born in Gerald, the capital of Yedean, Jared remembered little of his parents. Growing up, he harbored an immense hatred for his parents even though he never knew them. Abandoned on the streets of the capital city at a young age he did what he had to do to survive. By the age of fifteen he had already killed three other kids just like him. The only man he was ever fond of trained him for years as a swordsmen. Jared was forced to kill Gregor at the age of twenty when his only mentor attacked him in the streets of Gerald. Haunted by his mentors death, Jared sought out work as a mercenary. Six years later, Jared still hated killing but he had started keeping track of every man, women and child he killed no matter the reason. He was a skilled and highly feared man because of his imposing nature and he liked to be alone constantly except for when he killed.

Affiliation: Neutral

Personality: Brutally blunt at times, Downright dreary, Focused, Resilient, Never engages in relationships with others in an effort to never be abandoned again.

Theme Song: None

Fighting Style: Learned a Fighting Style in his youth from his mentor Gregor similar to that of Windstance.

Edited by Quibble Master
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10 minutes ago, Quibble Master said:

I haven't fully figured that out since in the books we only see two orders swearing the oaths, Kaladin and Szeth. But in the general sense my thought was that he is still learning about his powers and therefor doesn't know their full extent.

True, but even if he's still learning about them he'd still be part of a specific order. And even if we haven't seen that many oaths we've still seen a lot of examples of different surges. Given that he's still figuring things out you could say he's still at the first oath, since that's the same for every order. Other than that, we generally just make oaths up in the RP, though they do tend to be along the lines of the philosophy/description of the order in question.

Edit: Also, we've seen more that just Kaladin and Szeth. We also know the Lightweavers, Edgedancers and the second oath of the Bondsmiths.

Edited by kenod
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I've updated his bio, and cleared up the confusion about his channeling abilities @MacThorstenson.


Name:  Kenoth Moerevron

Physical Characteristics:  Short, stocky, close-cropped black hair.  Has a face that looks like it got punched one too many times.  Sort of a brutal-looking man.  Has the air of competence about him, and walks like he knows how to handle a sword.  Not especially broad, but he has a lean strength to him.

Investiture:  An extremely weak connection to the One Power.  To quote a phrase, "Basically Morgase level.  Can see weaves (if he had the training) and might light a candle on a very good day but that's the limit."  He has a slight affinity for the Earth.  Great at mining, guessing the location of tunnels and ores.  

Skills:  Is a blademaster, and competent dueler.  Knows how to handle himself and has street smarts.  Is not afraid to kill.

Equipment:  His only special piece of equipment is a heronmark sword.  

Weaknesses:  Very sensitive.  Not afraid to do damage himself, but hates it when others are hurt.  Has abandonment issues, and has a hard time getting close to people.  Is extremely claustrophobic, and hates any type of enclosed space.  Stems from a mining incident.

Family:  His father is Galvris Moerevron (Galvris has no memory of his son).  His mother is a woman named Lemia in Randland whom Galvris married and later left.

Home Planet:  Randland

Backstory:  Was born to Galvris and Lemia Moerevron.  Galvris wasn't a male channeler at the time.  Had a happy childhood, until Rand al'Thor's amnesty went out.  Galvris, who was struggling at the time with the One Power, was told of the amnesty by Kenoth.  Galvris left, taking his family with him.  They lived actually quite happily on the farm, where Galvris taught Kenoth to be a blademaster.  However, when Galvris went mad, spiked all the other channelers, and left, Kenoth's life changed.  The madness and epic darkness made Galvris forget he had a family.  Kenoth and Lemia were blamed for Galvris's atrocities, and they fled.  Years later, Kenoth was kidnapped by worldhoppers who wanted to use him as leverage against his father (Galvris was a tyrannical epic on Earth at the time).  He killed them both, but the incident traumatized him. The kidnappers had been using the Alleyverse as a waypoint, and Kenoth found himself stranded there.  He was enslaved by a rogue guild and forced to work in mines.  One day, a section of mine collapsed and he was trapped there for days.  His father unwittingly found his half-dead form as he was making his way out of Den of Thieves.  Galvris didn't recognize him, but created a tunnel so he could escape just in case.  He escaped, and is living as a bounty hunter in the Alleyverse.

Guild:  None

Psyche:  Quite sane.  Just a little bit sensitive and has abandonment issues.

Personality:  Is a hard man, used to having to kill, but also sensitive.  He's quite a paradox.  He's also intensely loyal, and will stand by you to the end if he says he will.  

Appearence:  Usually wears a leather vest over a white shirt and jeans.  Wears his sword beside him at all times.  


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Figured I should probably put up a bio for the Phoenix given everything that's going on, since some people weren't here during the SDW and the profile is buried in a PM somewhere.


Name: Phoenix

Abilities: Hemalurgic: Feruchemical Iron, Feruchemical brass(x10), Feruchemical gold(x10), Allomantic gold(x10), Allomantic brass(x10), Gravitation(x10), physical speed(x20).

Skills: Expert Flier, very practiced with all of her abilities, Intelligent.

Weaknesses: Prideful and an obsessive hunter. Very little can gain her attention while she is focused on a hunt.

Hemalurgy: Has a large number of spikes, enough to be manipulated by powerful emotional Allomancy, but has stability spikes to combat this weakness to some degree.

Physical characteristics: An enormous bird with large, amber eyes and reddish-gold feathers which burst into flame while she is utilizing her abilities. Her figure is often hidden entirely behind flames while she is in a serious battle.

Home planet: Unknown

Guild: Created by the DA, but is not a part of the Guild

Backstory: One of the few unique creations in the DA, the Phoenix has yet to be replicated beyond a single specimen. She was given a cave in a mountain near the Alleycity as a roost, where she slept for a number of years before finally being awoken during the Seven Days War by an immense Rioting. She attacked the city, destroying large sections of it and killing a number of fighters from the war, including Rashan who was the first that she ever dubbed the Enemy. Many years later she was called to the Oasis city when Max performed a large scale Rioting there, she believed him to be the return of her Enemy and attacked the city, eventually breaking the barrier down completely and spreading destruction before finally leaving, unable to find her Enemy.

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Name: Lita Attar

Physical Characteristics: Female, 24, average height (~64 inches), slender build. Long auburn hair, usually braided over one shoulder. Lightish skin, olive tones. Hazel green eyes, large, widely spaced. Her left pupil appears "broken" and drags downward to almost form a keyhole shape. Rounded face with pointed chin.

Investiture: Hereditary, Twinborn: A-Tin, F-Brass; Hemalurgic spike granting A-Pewter

Skills: Intermediate poison mixing (and other apothecary skills), Skilled at covert surveillance but never formally trained in true spycraft. She is Smart, above-average.

Equipment: Metal vials, brass arm-bands (2) worn constantly and three brass ear cuffs (not pierced), 2 on right ear, 1 on left. Wears glasses when not burning tin, keeps them on her person at all times. She stores warmth ambiently when not burning tin and is therefore always slightly cold. She is usually wearing a large thick coat or fur wrap. 

Weakness: Has very poor eyesight when not burning tin and she requires glasses. She taps brass when burning tin to avoid feeling cold, which means she is unaccustomed to temperature sensitivity while burning tin. Has zero combat skills. Lita has a severe prejudice against Terris people, stemming from her mother abandoning her. Has begun to exhibit Tin dependence. Her left eye now permanently takes in more light with or without Tin due to the deformation of her pupil. 

Family: Mother not in picture but is Terris, father is named Conrad, lives in Elendel, no siblings she knows of, no children or spouse

Home Planet: Scadrial

Backstory: Lita was born illegitimately to Conrad Attarre and her unknown mother in one of Elendel’s poorer Octants. Her mother, ashamed that she had conceived with someone who wasn’t Terris, refused to acknowledge her daughter and cut the both of them off. Conrad operated a Soothing parlour, and when Lita was revealed to be a Twinborn, her father enlisted her to keep tin-enhanced eyes and ears on the patrons without them knowing. No one knew she was a Tineye, believing her to be only a Brass Ferring, and her large spectacles kept everyone off their guard. After she caught one of her father’s patrons conducting illicit business in the Soothing parlour, she confronted him. When she realized he was rather highly placed in one of the Octant constabulary forces, she decided to offer her services as a Tineye to him, in exchange for pay (and silence). This worked for a while, but the man eventually decided to rid himself of this liability by trying to frame Conrad for the illicit business he himself was conducting.

Lita poisoned the man and made sure everyone knew it was her work, leaving her father free of accusation. She fled Elendel, heading south until she met a group worldhoppers, two of them Malwish, and unlike her father they found her Brass Feruchemy highly valuable. They offered to pay her to fill several heat Excisors, and invited her to join them if she wanted to. When the group passed through the Alleyverse she decided to stay. She changed her name from Attarre to Attar, hoping she could blend into the sea of faces and peoples in Alleycity and start over. Lita joined the Dark Alley after a chance meeting in a tavern and has since gained an A-Pewter spike. Her prolonged Tin flaring has begun to edge her towards potential Savantism.

Guild: DA

Personality: Friendly, charming, and power-hungry. She does not trust easily, but she does enjoy company, so she simply does not reveal much about herself. Not particularly empathetic, but not cold. After a childhood of relative scarcity, Lita loves the finer things in life. Because she grew up with her Soother father, she does not have an inherent wariness/dislike of emotional allomancy. Lita is always eager to search out and claim new secrets, and the power that comes with them.

Hi there, re-submitting Lita's character sheet taking into account her new spike and a few personality growth/change points. No rush as I know her new spike is already approved, just figured I'd do this before I forget :P 


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On 7/15/2019 at 7:44 AM, Voidus said:

Figured I should probably put up a bio for the Phoenix given everything that's going on, since some people weren't here during the SDW and the profile is buried in a PM somewhere.


Name: Phoenix

Abilities: Hemalurgic: Feruchemical Iron, Feruchemical brass(x10), Feruchemical gold(x10), Allomantic gold(x10), Allomantic brass(x10), Gravitation(x10), physical speed(x20).

Skills: Expert Flier, very practiced with all of her abilities, Intelligent.

Weaknesses: Prideful and an obsessive hunter. Very little can gain her attention while she is focused on a hunt.

Hemalurgy: Has a large number of spikes, enough to be manipulated by powerful emotional Allomancy, but has stability spikes to combat this weakness to some degree.

Physical characteristics: An enormous bird with large, amber eyes and reddish-gold feathers which burst into flame while she is utilizing her abilities. Her figure is often hidden entirely behind flames while she is in a serious battle.

Home planet: Unknown

Guild: Created by the DA, but is not a part of the Guild

Backstory: One of the few unique creations in the DA, the Phoenix has yet to be replicated beyond a single specimen. She was given a cave in a mountain near the Alleycity as a roost, where she slept for a number of years before finally being awoken during the Seven Days War by an immense Rioting. She attacked the city, destroying large sections of it and killing a number of fighters from the war, including Rashan who was the first that she ever dubbed the Enemy. Many years later she was called to the Oasis city when Max performed a large scale Rioting there, she believed him to be the return of her Enemy and attacked the city, eventually breaking the barrier down completely and spreading destruction before finally leaving, unable to find her Enemy.

It's also in one of the other pinned threads <_<

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Alright, it’s time I make another character for Era 4!


Name: Erizen

Physical Characteristics: Likes to keep his body an average height, with an average face, etc. He’s trying to avoid drawing attention to the fact that he’s a Sleepless.

Powers: Erizen has access to the One Power, the Saidin half of it anyway, despite the fact that the cremlings that make him up are both male and female. He’s confused about it, and does not really know why, though he suspects it’s because he views himself as a male. His strength in it is fairly, stronger than most, but not an insane level or anything. Each cremling actually creates a different weave, but when they combine their efforts they make a normal sized weave.

Skills: Erizen isn’t very skilled in most areas, but he is a good fighter.

Weakness: His weakness, of course, is fighting for his own sanity. It helps than many bugs die, and that his body is constantly shifting, but he’s still slowly going mad. Part of this means slowly losing control over his cremlings.

Family: He is his own family.

Home Planet/Backstory: Erizen was born on Roshar, and was part of a group of travelers in Shadesmar. He got separated, and eventually found himself in Andor. He eventually (Slight WoT spoiler)


received training at the Black Tower for a short time before leaving. He travelled in the Paths for a mission he was assigned, but when he left the Gateway, 

he found himself in a city he had never seen before, with massive buildings, and all different kinds of people, so decided to stay.

Personality: Erizen is an upbeat man, with a typically happy outlook. On the inside though, he’s beginning to grow tired. As a Sleepless, he’s old, and he’s growing tired of life.

Appearance: Erizen has nearly mastered blending his cremlings together to appear as a regular human, but you can still tell he’s just cremlings if you look closely. To hide this, he wears pants, gloves, a hat, and his black coat that he received from his training.

Fighting Style: He’s a smart fighter, doesn’t take many chances and plans beforehand. 

I looked at the index, but I couldn’t find the Sleepless in there, and couldn’t figure out the Saidin part, so I not for sure what his points are going to be like, but I can make him weaker if needed. I was also told to tag Dapper, so...


@Dr. Dapper

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What? Oh. I subbmitted a fixed version of the chart a while back, but I can grade it. You'll need to define the actual power level as a number so I can line it up with the chart. IIRC the wiki has a list of people with specific power levels, so look there if you need a frame of reference. (I should really make a better system)

Also, I'm pretty sure the One Power is genetic, so a Sleepless having it implausible, to say the least.

Also also, we've not finished with deciding the fate of the points system, so I'd wait to submit a character until we figure that stuff out.

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14 hours ago, kenod said:

For the Sleepless, both types of Aimians are listed as 45 points in the index (is this actually correct? I remember a Sleepless easily beating two Skybreakers that were at least Oath 2).

Yeah many parts of the Index are in need of some updating.

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Name: Grey

Age: 120

Appearence: Humanoid, however instead of a face has a variety of tentacles sticking out from where his face was, and in their center a singe eye. It’s unknown how he able to speak, even to himself, but his theory is that the tentacles create some form of telepathy. Wears a grey trench/lab coat, and one of those wool hats with the ear covers and the dangly bits, that has red stripes.

Backstory: Joined the Dark Alley as a boy, primarily for the Eldritch Horror side of things, and got in pretty deep. He was involved in Incident 7890 Codename: TETRA and Project Lovelace. His current appearance is a result of [REDACTED-Clearance Chocolate Chip or Oatmeal required].

Abilities: Besides a variety of spikes, his tentacles enable him to tune into various radio frequencies in this dimensions and others, and give him very minor psychosis.

Figured I should probably get around to posting this, even though I think it’s already been approved.

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