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Fortune Cookies Sold Here!


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On 11/07/2018 at 1:18 PM, Cadmium Compounder said:

I would like to purchase a cookie!

*hands over a fortune cookie*

When you open it, the fortune reads: Hufflepuff! But be sure to tell everyone that you're in Gryffindor, it will save you from a lot of pitying looks and embarrassment. 

P.S. There's a small chance a popular movie will be come out with a main character from your house that will revive people's interest in y'all. Here's hoping. 

Your lucky number is 20, which is coincidentally the highest score you'll ever get in a quidditch game. 

1 hour ago, Gancho Libre said:

I would like a cookie without any spikes or even a prediction. 

I'm just hungry.

*passes Gancho a cookie* 

It's a chocolate chip cookie, made with sticks of chocolate and potato chips. Enjoy! 

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49 minutes ago, Wyndlerunner said:

I believe these cookies to be chromium...

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Because they store Fortune! Get it? Thank you I'll be here all night.;)


Thats kinda the point. But yeah. Puns!

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  • 4 weeks later...


Here you go!

*you take the cookie*

*you open the cookie* 

*you read the paper inside*

Soon... very soon...

*thats all it says*

*you turn it over*

Your lucky numbers are: 7, 35, 2048, a box of Captain Crunch, a small yo-yo, and the back half of an american penny.

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*You take it*

*You open it*

*it explodes*

*You heal*

It says:

My favorite color is blue.

*You turn it over*

Your lucky numbers are the Feruchemical Nicrosil symbol and 28.

1000 posts! Ahhhh

Edited by BitBitio
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  • 6 months later...

This may be a slight necro, but now that I'm actively TUBA and able to promote this, I figured it was about time. :P

We have cookies galore, cookies upon cookies! We might even be developing a few new types...

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The young man currently behind the counter glanced over, boredom clear in his eyes. He had no reaction to the scene other than to say, "This isn't Alcoholics Anonymous, nor is it All Arcanists or Alleyverse ASAP. Don't spill any of that on the floor."

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, this is my first intentional double-post in, like...ever, but it's theoretically allowed if it's been long enough and you have something to say, and I've seen tons of people post that way, so here goes. Hopefully the mods don't decide to strike me down.

We're having a sale! Buy a box of cookies and get another one free! A box is five, so that would be SIX SPINNER COOKIES!

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