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Fortune Cookies Sold Here!


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Get your tasty fortune cookies here, baked fresh by TUBA!*

Spinner Cookies are always delicious, and always come with an interesting fortune printed on a slip of paper within.

So far, we have served {77} cookies and helped customers with a few other things too!

*No Hemalurgy was used in the making of this product. We do have staff members on hand to check and see if the Dark Alley or any other groups/individuals slip some spikes in.

Edited by AonEne
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18 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Get your tasty fortune cookies here, baked fresh by TUBA!*

Spinner Cookies are always delicious, and always come with an interesting fortune printed on a slip of paper within.

So far, we have served {0} customers!


*No Hemalurgy was used in the making of this product. That we noticed.

Fixed that for you.


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On 6/11/2018 at 9:32 PM, The Forgetful Archivist said:

TFA chuckles at the erroneous non-hemalergy disclamer as he crawls out from under a table and capers out the door.

Ene chuckles at the assumption that such a disclaimer could ever be erroneous. She also chuckles at the spelling mistakes, because you can do fun things with grammar errors. Especially in the Nightwatcher Boon/Bane thread.

On 6/11/2018 at 9:37 PM, Voidus said:

Fixed that for you.


It's fine how it is, but I appreciate the effort. Thank you for trying! ;)

On 6/12/2018 at 6:22 AM, Niteshado said:

*Slides out the side door, whistling, with a half empty bucket of spikes*

*wonders why the bucket is only half full* *knows that none of the spikes are in her products, because those have been thoroughly checked*

On 6/11/2018 at 9:43 PM, Apollyon said:

May I have one? What does the fortune say?

Why, of course! The fortune says,

You will enjoy something you are a fan of today.

On the back it says,

Lucky Numbers: 1,000-8-Google-546.

We hope you like the Spinner Cookie !

Edited by AonEne
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Not a very good one, need a contained space and have the flour be very very spread out, needs a lot of surface area.
Now if you want something a little more interesting, we've finished working on a Harmonium based explosive device that explodes solely in the Spiritual realm.

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On 6/14/2018 at 10:22 PM, Archer said:

*nods in approval of Ene's leaving decoy cookies around*

Thanks! I mean, really, it was all because of the help I got from *mumbles* and *whispers in ear*. I couldn't have set up this ploy without them.

We still have cookies aplenty, enough for anyone who wants one or even more.

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Yes, you can! Thank you for choosing us!

The fortune says,

You will read multiple books in the next year.

On the back it says,

Lucky Numbers: 9-9-9-9,999.

We hope you like the Spinner Cookie !

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Thank you, and I hope you enjoy it!

The fortune says,

You will soon notice something confusing.

On the back it says,

Lucky Numbers: 6-876-33-Image result for infitity symbol.

We hope you like the Spinner Cookie !

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45 minutes ago, Life&Death said:

I'll take a cookie


Alright. I am a certified TUBA spinner/fortune cookie seller

your fortune is:

the road to success is a bumpy, winding one, but it is the one you must take.

your lucky numbers are:

1. 1. 2. 3. 5. 8. 13. 21. 34. And 55.

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@Gancho Libre

Here is your cookie.

You will feel sharp pain in your mouth and digestive tract*.

Your luck Bindpoint is: The 5th subconjunctival vein, as close as possible to the iris*.

*DA Disclaimer applies.

I swear I grabbed one out of the pile, no modifications or anything.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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