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10 minutes ago, Archer said:

One more thing I thought about last night. We should make it good form not to engage someone in multiple fights at the same time. With the dying system etc,it would just be confusing at the end. I suggest that the mediators highly discourage an assassaination if they know the person is already being assassinated at the time. Same with duels

Are you talking about engaging in two different fights? Or people ganging up on each other.

I think that being in two different fights can be avoided by asking people to remember to keep their character in one place at a time, and not to meta-game. I definitely think that they should be forbidden.

Maybe we implement a rule that which ever thread you last posted while in character, that's where your character is.

Ganging up is allowed for assassinations. Because duels are pre-arranged I think anything can go, except for two different ones at the same time.

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33 minutes ago, Mraize said:

@MacThorstenson I think your list is great! I also think that keeping in character will be important for this to work properly. Maybe we can implement something similar to D&D stats and bonuses in stats will depend on the guild?

I want to stay away from getting too D&D like, with stats and the such. Making those sheets are annoying and I think the fights would have the flow broken. I think we should build the list of rules before we settle on stats.

In terms of guild benefits, I want to provide something more substantial. Not a stat bonus in certain areas, but something more. Again, lets make the list of rules first, then we can provide the benefits. Ideally, the benefits wouldn't center around combat, (except for CoC) because that would allow people to choose different guild based on what they like.

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9 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

I want to stay away from getting too D&D like, with stats and the such. Making those sheets are annoying and I think the fights would have the flow broken. I think we should build the list of rules before we settle on stats.

In terms of guild benefits, I want to provide something more substantial. Not a stat bonus in certain areas, but something more. Again, lets make the list of rules first, then we can provide the benefits. Ideally, the benefits wouldn't center around combat, (except for CoC) because that would allow people to choose different guild based on what they like.

Alright. I am guessing we are going to do this with Archer throughout the day or later tonight.

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2 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

Are you talking about engaging in two different fights? Or people ganging up on each other.

I think that being in two different fights can be avoided by asking people to remember to keep their character in one place at a time, and not to meta-game. I definitely think that they should be forbidden.

Maybe we implement a rule that which ever thread you last posted while in character, that's where your character is.

Ganging up is allowed for assassinations. Because duels are pre-arranged I think anything can go, except for two different ones at the same time.

(I just want to avoid someone being in 2 fights at once, dying in one permanently, there've ruining the 2nd fight.) 

Agreed. That makes a lot of sense. But what if you're last post is in the intro threads? Or does that count as in character? 

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7 minutes ago, Archer said:

(I just want to avoid someone being in 2 fights at once, dying in one permanently, there've ruining the 2nd fight.) 

Agreed. That makes a lot of sense. But what if you're last post is in the intro threads? Or does that count as in character? 

I would think so, unless you are currently in a fight then no. But you can still say hi to new members.

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I agree with all of this, unfortunately I am notoriously lazy and can't be bothered to type this into a more concise version which I can edit into the OP, so if someone else could do that for me, that would be FANTASTIC

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You guys did a lot while I was asleep. I like where this is going.

Also, there should be a way similar to D&d skills. (You have a die and you roll it to see what power level you can have(1=1 spike or 1 heightening, 2=2 spikes, or surgebinding...) this to make it so no players can be too OP.) 

Also having a set of powers for fighting, (You can still use the normal persona you created for greeting and general RP. ) So, you can keep the flow of your life on the general stuff, (IE the random talking on the DA/Canton of combat/LA/Liebrary/Ghostbloods page.) 

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24 minutes ago, ElephantEarwax said:

You guys did a lot while I was asleep. I like where this is going.

Also, there should be a way similar to D&d skills. (You have a die and you roll it to see what power level you can have(1=1 spike or 1 heightening, 2=2 spikes, or surgebinding...) this to make it so no players can be too OP.) 

Also having a set of powers for fighting, (You can still use the normal persona you created for greeting and general RP. ) So, you can keep the flow of your life on the general stuff, (IE the random talking on the DA/Canton of combat/LA/Liebrary/Ghostbloods page.) 


I like this. But I think that you should have to fill it out.

Just have the skills and attributes of your character.

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Hi. As a D&D player, I know how that system works pretty well. I'm going to type up the proposal for the hp style fights with really structured turns,  so we can get a sense of how it would work. I'll post it when I'm done. If someone wants top put together one for the more looser structured style that would be great

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I think we should try to avoid creating a too stat based combat system/RP because of the nature of the cosmere and the fact that it’s still coming out. 

We don’t have a complete set of knowledge about it and my fear is that when a new book or WoB comes out, the entire balance could be shifted if we have a stat based system. Suddenly certain resonances create OP players, or another change causes people to be nerfed. 

To give an example, let’s say someone tries to build a character who’s a savant, a concept that Brandon is currently working through/changing right now. Once he comes out with more information, that play style may turn out to be much to difficult to achieve, or not worth it. 

If a certain resonence makes certain powers more powerful, then fights with those powers will be more unbalanced. With a numbered based system, it would be very difficult to change the numbers around to make it balanced again. With a narrative based system, people can tone down their fighting or change something about their character to make it more evenly matched. 

I think that on top of our first goal. ( to have everything increase the fun of the 17s). We need to make sure that the system is adaptable, and easily modified for more books and information. 


On a separate level, I don’t don’t we should think about types of investiture as stats, they should be classes. Something you can choose. 

Maybe you choose metallic arts, then role for your powers. Or you could choose elantrian, or Awakener.


Edit: ninjad by archer. 


16 minutes ago, Archer said:

Hi. As a D&D player, I know how that system works pretty well. I'm going to type up the proposal for the hp style fights with really structured turns,  so we can get a sense of how it would work. I'll post it when I'm done. If someone wants top put together one for the more looser structured style that would be great

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that DnD couldn't work. As a DnD player myself, I think it works great. But that with the fact that more information it always coming out, I don't want to re-balance the game after every WoB or book is released.

I can work on a looser style for combat. Though depending on how things go in the next few hours, I may be posting it a bit late. If anyone else wants to work on another looser style in the event that I don't pull through, please go ahead.

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This system is primarily driven by the narrative. 

Whatever magic that you have is up to choice, except for metallic arts and maybe KR.

Combat is pretty free form, so long as fights progress at a good pace, and impossible things aren't happening, (like an awakener surviving decapitation, or someone pulling previously known Magic powers out of their back pocket.)

The trick to making this work, is to follow the three simple rules. (No, not the ones from SfSitFoH)

No god-modding. That's easy, and is also a rule is most other RP's.

No meta-playing. Also pretty easy.

And no making your character OP. In order to avoid making your character too op, you first have to get a character to be approved, second, you have to write it that way in fights. Getting a character approved is done by the mediators (Maybe by the house?). The way you make sure you're not writing your character to be OP is two fold, the first is be realistic. If you have a trained monkey, sitting on your shoulder, then you hear someone shout explode, you are screwed. there is no way you are getting far enough away, before the money taps his metal mind, drawing Billions of Kilo-joules into him, creating a giant bomb. Its not possible.

If you try to do this, the mediators will stop you, tell you that's not how physics work, and have the consequences of the action happen.

This is all I have right now. I got to go.

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19 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

And no making your character OP. In order to avoid making your character too op, you first have to get a character to be approved, second, you have to write it that way in fights. Getting a character approved is done by the mediators (Maybe by the house?). The way you make sure you're not writing your character to be OP is two fold, the first is be realistic

So only one system of magic?

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@Archer @Nohadon@Mraize @Kidpen

Guys I would like to make a huge announcement. Like really huge announcement.

The DA is going to remove itself from this new Role Play. We have too many members and are too OP for this to make a fun RP. Also I can truly be unbiased now, so YEA. Sadly, this leaves up with 4 guilds. I suggest TUBA Joins in its place. True, that would leave no room for conflict, but I'm sure y'all will figure something out. 

For @Kidpen watch out for tuba. They are a organization that is the back of the LA. They control the LA the GB's, the CoC, and everything. Sorry to leave yu like this, but me and lopen are the only remaining members of the DA that Are loyal.

RP coming later.


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I can neither confirm nor deny details of any operation without the Secretary's approval.

For what it's worth, here's what I had for the system:

Combat is cyclical [turns are taken in a regular series of rounds, each player going one after another].

On their turn, the combatant may do any action that would realistically take less than 10 seconds to complete from the viewpoint of an observer [Note: speed bubbles would allow you to do more]. For almost all purposes, there is no relevance to the end of a round or the beginning of a round.

On their first turn, each member is unaware of their adversary unless they have reason to be [eg. prearranged duel] (and thus has not prepared any actions or items beyond what they normally would have in the course of their day-to-day activities/what their base character has). On their first action, the members become aware of each other.

The initiator of the violence goes first, followed by their opponent. If there is more than two members engaged, then the order alternates between the initiator’s team and their opponent’s team until every member has taken a turn, at which point the round ends.

A character who successfully surprises another gains a surprise advantage. This advantage halves the damage of any attack the surprised member attempts until the surprise advantage ends (after the first round, but it may be extended at the leisure of the mediator). An attacker with a surprise advantage also gains an extra turn immediately following their first turn, if the mediator thinks it logical and needed given the circumstances.

During a member’s turn they may choose one or more of the following options (or another if the mediator allows it). The mediator keeps a running tally of the effects of all actions on player’s health. Health is determined using a hit-point system. Each player starts with 100 HP, and has HP subtracted from their total until they reach zero or less, at which point they die. A player can not lose more than 90 HP in a single round. Any actions effect on HP is determined by the mediator.

a.       Attack. A player that attacks another may use any reasonable means at their disposal to harm another player. They describe their attack and their intended outcome. If the mediator disagrees with the suggested outcome, they may change it. No godmodding is allowed. If an attack also damages the attacker, then their HP may be modified accordingly. For example, a bomb blast where both members are within range.

b.       Defensive action. A player may use reasonable means to prevent themselves being harmed. Examples include modifying their HP through healing, or preparing defenses like shields.

c.       Sense. A player may attempt to use their senses to discover new information. The success of the sense action is determined by the mediator, who will use a random die roll to decide how well the player does. The mediator will then tell the player their results.

d.       Other action. A player may choose to complete an action that has no effect on their opponent or them. For example, moving.

You can do more than one type of action if it’s still within the time restraints of the round. For example, run 20 meters and shoot your bow.

A player may not act on knowledge that they have no logical reason to know. For example, they can not diffuse a bomb hidden in a monkey if they do not know about the bomb to begin with. They can however attempt a sense action, which if successful would give them access to the knowledge that they seek.

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7 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

*Gasp!* Mraize, you are part of tuba? And how did @MacThorstenson even get those screen shots?


I wanted to Combat the DA, it was before I knew they had a Non-hemalurgic division. I decided to stay and collect info for when I started the Ghostbloods. The Ghostbloods is a Guild of its own and does associate with TUBA.

As for the later question it was @The Potato Tuba assumes

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Dang it.

I was having fun!

Also, just so you all know, The Knights of the Cosmere had and have no part in this.

Whatever. I made some good friends.

I'm still sad. And TUBA shall still exist. We'll just be a nice little peaceful bakery. And a group of very strange teens.


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Mac stood from the Duel of the Ages. He had been thinking. Why were things so quiet? This made no sense. None of his spies were responding, did he miss something?

Turning he made a gateway to the Lab. Checking through the latest spy reports he found what he was looking for, Here it was! That last message from @The Forgetful Archivist.

I have uncovered some new info about LA recruitment, it looks like Archer has ben PMing people to ask if they want into the LA, however this has proved fairly ineffective thus far. The last recorded instance of this happening was about a month ago. Gak, how did I miss this? 

He never used the word Gak, or made mistakes. Plus repeat interrogation wouldn't yield anything. This is a website, interrogation is pointless, no harm can come to the person being questioned, Wait, where did that thought come from? The storm was a website? Nevermind. Quickly he began to walk out trying to find someone to council with him, when a new message came in. From an old reliable. he sent him sketches of a meeting, he said that "this was deeper then he ever thought. They have infiltrated the DOCI, Everyone's a traitor. Run." 

Storms, My house of cards is collapsing. Sprinting through the Dark alleys, he ran to find someone to gather an army with. Sadly they were all gone, either to science, selling cookies, or spending their centuries of accumulated leave. Why did we think giving people twice as many vacation days as they worked was a good idea? 

Staring at the drawing, He realized he had spent far to much time on the Ghostbloods, and creating laws. Staring at the drawings, he realized he had trusted the wrong people. Staring at the drawing, he saw the end come into sight. Staring at the drawing, that there was no body he could call or help. Unless, Wait, what if I ask the dead? With a new enthusiasm, Mac sprinted through the Alleys, snagging his Essence spikes. He began to think that maybe there was a way through.

Carefully placing all of the spikes, he found the newly inserted disembodied souls in his mind and began to ask them questions.

About their organizations, who they trusted, how to respond to traitors, best cookie recipes, and how to destroy your enemies. The important things.

After two hours he came to a conclusion. These guys were no help. They had all been stupid, or killed by inside men.

In addition, over half of them like White chocolate chip. Those uncultured swine. He carefully pulled all the spikes out, and placed them in their containers, tapping gold the entire time. 

Mac sat down defeated, realizing that the Department of Counter Intelligence was finished. 

"@Voidus, @LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian anyone?" He shouted. No response. He realized he had to whether this himself. He checked his ghost blood spanreed's. Mraize was asking for him to come in. "I will say that something BIG is coming. But beyond that, I can not say." Glancing at the list of members in TUBA, he saw Mraize was onto it. Storms! they were on to him. 

It was over.

Nobody was left.

They were all gone.

Mac began to channel.

He needed space to think.

He made a gateway to the peak of a mountain, in a long forgotten land, where history repeated itself and the Wheel of Time turned and turned. Here, those who remembered him had died, and their memories became legends, spoken of around fires, to scare children. Stories of a Channeler with spikes in his eyes. Who stole and murdered, and plundered. A man who killed without reserve. Those were the days, He thought sadly, when I was respected, when I was feared. 

Sitting down, he thought, the One Power and the Taint it contained flowing through him. He thought back to where he went wrong. He realized it was a month or two ago, where he thought that everyone was traitor. He had almost killed everyone then an there. Bitterly laughing, he imagined what their faces would look like if he had done it. Out of the blue. No warning, no provocation, just killed them all.

"Ha, that would have been funny," He muttered. "Back when the LA was young, back when the people were unsuspecting. If only we figured out time travel." Standing up, he began to pace back and forth across the peak. Muttering, reliving all of his mistakes, times when he played it safe instead of murdering everyone in the vicinity. "HAHAHA!" Mac screamed over the Mountain, "Archer thought he could take ME?! I'll show him, He wanted to destroy the DA? Fool, the DA will never disappear. We will only hide, until the time is right. Hibernation, yes that is the key. But how to- YES, he wont trap me, not in a set of rules. I may have tied my own noose, but I won't tie the Dark Alley's." He realized what was happening, he had to get the DA out of the new set of laws. They were planning to trap him the entire time. Nohadon had stuck the fracturing guild clause into the initial proposal so he could destroy the DA, That was it. "I knew it!" If the DA hid, they could regain power. In the past, the DA had been silent many times, for months. Years even. Now it have to happen again.

Quickly, he sent a message to the Lawyers, and the people making the rules. Exposing TUBA, and withdrawing the DA from the not yet completed contract. Tossing it through a gate way, Mac began to prepare. I need to die. That is how it must happen, if I live, Archer can win. 

The question is, do I kill my self, or end it with science? Mac turned and reached through a gateway. He pulled out a coin. His lucky coin. He began to tap all the fortune tapped in his metalminds, using every last drop, as he flipped the coin. Heads is science, tails is death. The coin spun in the air. Slowly, because he made a cadmium bubble around it. He let the bubble drop, and the coin fell. Landing on heads.


Carefully he began to prepare for the experiment. He made a gateway to his home planet. Nalthis, to his field lab there. He opened the folder entitled:


- Mac from the Past

He opened the folder and ate the copper bead inside of it. Burning the copper bead, he regained all the memories that were contained inside, permanently. Without discovering the effect of compounding copper, this experiment wouldn't have worked.

With the flood of new information, he set up the lab.

Sitting down on a solid gold chair, he began to tap the health, while removing each and everyone of his spikes. He counted them as he removed them. 31 for all of the metals, 3 dozen for Elantrian traits, 2 for Sand Mastery, 20 for each of the surges and each of the void surges, and an additional 6 for the One Power.

Placing them in the blood vials, he rose and walked to the corner where he reclaimed all of the breaths he left here for this occasion. He brought himself to the 11th heightening. Take that, 10th heightening Archer.

He stood in the center of the room and dropped a cage around him, locking the door from the inside with a simple puzzle lock, one however, that only he could solve.

He stood there, with hundreds of thousands of breaths, and his copper burning. It was funny. With all of the powers he had, his Misting mom, and Awakener dad gave him a single breath and copper Allomancy. From that he became a god, and hopefully he would become a god again after he died. 

He put the note on the ground. Then started the timer. After 30 seconds, it would shoot him with an arrow, huh, that's ironic. Killed by arrows, when my enemy was archer. Quickly he grabbed a copper bead from a pouch on the inside of the cage. Hopefully I can reflexively burn copper if I Return. He then stored all of his memories in the bead, except for one, put the bead in the bag, and stood up.

He looked lost and confused, but followed his single memory, he needed to put the bead in the bag. Placing the bead in the bag he turned around, asking for someone.

"Hello? Anyone home? HELLOOO-" thunk. A perfectly fired arrow flew from the wall, through the bars of the cage and into his heart. Killing him. He collapsed on the ground. Nothing happened for a few seconds, then he began to grow in size, and glow. His wounds healed and the arrow disappeared. The colors around him becoming more vibrant. He stood up, confused, and looked around.

All he saw was a cage, with a leather pouch and a note on the ground. The note read:

Open the bag, and eat the bead if you want to escape.

Confused, He tried the door. It was locked with a confusing puzzle. So he reached into the bag and pulled out a copper bead. Plucking it into his mouth, he swallowed it. Instinctively, he began to do something to it. Then BAM!!! He started to remember things, as he continued to burn the bead, he remembered his entire life, and when he reached the end, he shouted:

"I'M BACK WORLD! Y'ALL ARE SCREWED." Jumping with joy, Mac the Insane Unbiased One opened the cage and walked to the blood vials, then hesitated. "Do I want to do this?" He asked himself. "No, I will be better. I will be unbiased. No hemalurgy. " Standing there, he realized he was screwed without the One Power. He grabbed the a spike from the last 6 vials. Stabbing himself so that he could channel. He then stopped and recorded his results in the lab notebook. Experiment was a success. I have Returned and retain all my memories. There goes the Iridescent tones thought that only the worthy can Return. He unlocked his door and went out into the world to go brag to Archer.

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GG folks. Thanks for playing. Also, I know that Mac in the RP said things that are wrong. He is supposed to be insane, I apologize for the bad writing, I'm not insane myself so I don't really know how to write such a character.

Also, Killing Potato because he told me the info? Twice? Wow. That's mean. Whatever happened to not shooting the messenger? I didn't even kill spies.

Also, in case you are wondering, Much of that post is based on my thought process these last few hours, but not the suicide, or the dying for science. Everything before the experiment is kinda accurate though.

RIP the division of counter intelligence. @LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian and @ElephantEarwax and @The Potato are members of they want to be.


I hope we will continue to build this RP. But I am skeptical any more work will be done tonight. See y'all tomorrow.


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