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Long Game 44: Shadows of Elantris Redux


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8 hours ago, Bort said:

As has already been said, your grammar isn't great. I'm sorry to say this if English isn't your first language, but that could be what caused any misunderstanding.

Yep I know that my English is horrible, but that's not going to stop me from playing SE, don't hope on it :P. I don't think that my english is so big problem for understanding of my posts, bigger problem it's how I jump from one thought to another and  that I'm checking SE in late night(mess in head mess in post).

Also I probably should apologise, because I was a bit too aggresive at the start of this turn, because I really dissapointed that Rand was lynched. Hope no offense?(I still would prefered if Bort was lynched than Rand :rolleyes:. But oh well... we can't change it).

45 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:


Aman don't murder me, I know that couple times I'm almost caused lynches(in previous games I mean) on you without good reasons for this but that surely not reason to murder me ;)

Edited by Arinian
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9 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Yep I know that my English is horrible, but that's not going to stop me from playing SE, don't hope on it :P. I don't think that my english is so big problem for understanding of my posts, bigger problem it's how I jump from one thought to another and  that I'm checking SE in late night(mess in head mess in post).

Also I probably should apologise, because I was a bit too aggresive at the start of this turn, because I really dissapointed that Rand was lynched. Hope no offense?(I still would prefered if Bort was lynched than Rand :rolleyes:. But oh well... we can't change it).

Don't worry about it, I'll get used to it pretty quickly :)

No offence taken, but I would like to point out, I didn't choose Randuir to die. I will admit to being grateful to surviving though. We'll see how long it lasts :)


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Wow, this is one of the busiest Nights I've ever seen. I guess that happens when a scanner is revealed, who also has a kill/scan item... :o

Okay, so I looked over all of the vote changes when the lynch switched from Bort to Rand, and here are the changes:

Me, Wilson, Seonid, and Pyro switched from Eternum to Rand. HH switched from Badger to Rand, Straw and Araris simply removed their votes from Bort and Devotary switched from Bort to Rand. I feel like there's got to be at least one eliminator in this group, but not more than 2. As for which ones I think could be evil...that'll have to wait until after dinner sadly. Just in case I die, gut feeling reading over things were that HH and Araris were a little shady looking.

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Ok, I don't fully see what's going on, but as of Amanuesis' post earlier, it seems someone is dying tonight. On Cycle 2, I'm not too sure about village kills, but it's definitely better than waiting it out. If they retracted their action of a kill, I have yet to read it. So I'm going to continue reading through this cycle and hopefully see something that I can analyse and post on, or make something analyzable of my own.

Edited by Walin
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I don't have much to contribute that others haven't already said.

Please, keep in-thread claims to a minimum: in addition to telling the Jeskeri who is what, it also narrows the field of possibilities for power roles that they'll want to kill. As for the vote switch at the end of last cycle, I find that the first 1-2 votes in a major switch like that are usually village. Elims don't want the attention that comes from leading something like that.

@Arinian English is a ridiculous language to learn as a second language--taking Spanish in high school was hard enough for me--and you're coming through very clear.

Jindo warrior(s), protecting Aman would be a good thing to do unless you have a very strong reason not to. Keeping 2 of our scans in play is not critical but it would be very advantageous if we could, and we don't lose anything if he's protected but not attacked.

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I came to The Door. If I knocked on the door, I was liable to be stabbed, kicked, or kissed. There was no predicting the whims of this contact. 
So I knocked. And she opened the door. She took one look at me- and what a gorgeous look it was- and slammed the door in my face. 
Well, it seemed she was still sore about last time. Whoops. 

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7 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Anyone who's here want my Pendant? I feel guilty enough about Rand and I'm not sure I want more blood on my hands :P

*raises hand* *realizes it'll make me a target* *lowers hand* I value my life, thanks. :P

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"What're you drawing?" someone asked.

ArSuun looked away from his sketchpad. A little girl stared expectantly back at him.

"Oh, just some people practice," he said. "This is of Fenot, a Hrovellian potion seller, if you know him? He got a lot of customers earlier today." He set down his pen and showed her the page.

What ArSuun didn't mention was that Fenot had a habit of talking to himself, and grinned a lot, and held an air of confidence that almost bordered on recklessness. He didn't mention that Fenot had a nose that bent in like so here and hair that went in this direction there. No, that was information ArSuun kept to himself. Even if he was only here to practice his observation skills, there was no need to broadcast that out to the whole wide world.


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Just now, Arraenae said:

"What're you drawing?" someone asked.

ArSuun looked away from his sketchpad. A little girl stared expectantly back at him.

"Oh, just some people practice," he said. "This is of Fenot, a Hrovellian potion seller, if you know him? He got a lot of customers earlier today." He set down his pen and showed her the page.

What ArSuun didn't mention was that Fenot had a habit of talking to himself, and grinned a lot, and held an air of confidence that almost bordered on recklessness. He didn't mention that Fenot had a nose that bent in like so here and hair that went in this direction there. No, that was information ArSuun kept to himself. Even if he was only here to practice his observation skills, there was no need to broadcast that out to the whole wide world.


(I love how Arranae isn't even playing and still feels the need to RP)

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When Sheodan returned to his quarters that night, he took out the healing potion he had purchased from the Alchemist. Supposedly, this concoction had the ability to heal any manner of burns, no matter how old they were. Sheodan still dreamed of that morning thirteen years ago, when he’d had a different name.

Eshen had been 12 years old when his brother became an Elantrian. For as long as Eshen could remember, Kanedo had been the only family he'd had. When the Shaod hit, filling Kanedo with Devotion's power, Eshen had been ecstatic. "You're glowing silver! You're going to be a god, and we'll get to live in Elantris, and!"

Kanedo had interrupted Eshen's excited rant. "We?" he asked in a quiet voice.

Eshen frowned, confused. "The families of Elantrians are allowed to live in the city".

Kanedo nodded agreeably. "In general, that is the case. As you say though, I am a god now. Your usefulness to me is at an end." He began to to trace the horizontal line, concave vertical connecting line, and the dot that made up Aon Aon, then followed up by completing the quadrilateral and inscribing a diamond at a 45 degree angle. It wasn't until Kanedo began to trace a glowing circle originating from the bottom of the concave curve that Eshen realized he was serious. He turned and bolted out of the alleyway, just hitting the ground as the column of flame engulfed him.


The Aon Ehe had been drawn without any modifiers, so it had weakened enough that the fire merely seared the flesh off his back rather than incinerating him. The distant part of Eshen’s brain that wasn’t focused on screaming in agony awaited the second blast of fire that would consume him. It didn’t come. Kanedo headed off to Elantris, leaving his brother to smolder.

Once the acute pain had subsided to a constant agony, Eshen got up and stumbled over to the river. The frigid water soothed his burns, but did nothing for his hatred. He would take a new name, and he would find his brother and…

Back in his room, Sheodan shook his head to clear away the memory. The old hatred was still so strong, even though it had been ten years since his brother had died when Elantris fell. The only thing that remained off him was the lattice of scars on Sheodan’s back. It was time to end this, Sheodan decided. He would no longer be burdened with the memories of his brother. He drank the potion in three gulps, then went looking for something to eat.

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Day 2: Dao


After barely diverting the crowd gathered early in the morning, intent on killing someone, Daoate felt a drink was in order. His near-death ordeal had left him terribly drained, and he knew a good bottle of spirits would set that to rights. Rounding a street corner, he spotted the alchemist, Fenot, packing up his stall for the night. This will do, Daoate thought. The alchemist probably keeps a strong liquor on him, for personal use if not for his strange concoctions. Probably beats bar hopping all night, anyway.

“Hey!” Daoate cried, approaching Fenot. “Do you have a bottle on you? ‘Sbeen quite a day, and some alcohol would do me good right about now.”

“Sure,” the alchemist replied, smooth as always. He slid a bottle of brandy from under his cloak. “One silver piece.”

“You’re a lifesaver,” Daoate said with a sigh of content, flicking the alchemist the coin and picking up the bottle. Moving into an alleyway, he uncorked the bottle and took a deep swig. He breathed contentedly, then collapsed, asleep.


Daoate woke up, blinking his eyes to clear the bleary tiredness from them. Where was he? The sky, from what he could see, was not an open-air night sky that he had fallen asleep under, but a gently curving ceiling, that curved into sloped walls. If I didn’t know better, Daoate thought, I’d say that I’m in a pipe. As he thought this, he drew in a breath, and the repugnant stench hit him instantly. With a flash of realization, Daoate realized he was in the sewers. His eyes then began to pick out other details, previously hidden. The wooden surface of the altar he was lying on. The ropes binding his wrists and ankles, immobilizing them. The robed figures in the distance, watching silently. And the single robed figure, walking towards him, his face veiled with cloth. Finally, Daoate saw the long knife in the man’s hand, and at long last released the scream that had been building inside him. It did no good though. No answering footsteps thundering towards him. No divine intervention, by Jaddeth or Domi. Just him...and the Jeskeri Mysteries.

Idos Domi, thought Daoate. I’m actually dying.

The robed figure finally reached him. The knife ascended, tip glistening in the dimly lit cavern, and descended.

A brief flash of agony; darkness.

The Gyorn in the red armor left the courtyard after Saoir was hanged, walking quickly towards the Derethi chapel. The facemask still obscuring his identity, the man stopped at the doors of the chapel, and paused for a brief prayer. He then looked up, regarding the ornate doors serenely.

And kicked them open.

Confidently striding down the center aisle, the Gyorn paid no heed to the startled gasps of the small flock the pathetic local preacher had managed to collect, instead making straight for the podium. The startled arteth there gave way amazedly, too stunned to speak. The Gyorn lifted his voice.

“Arteth Fjon, I relieve you of your station as arteth. Your laxity in dealing with these, your brothers in following Holy Jaddeth, is reprehensible, and you are unfit to lead this congregation. Return to the monasteries for reassignment, and you will perhaps reinstate yourself in Jaddeth’s favor.” The former arteth looked up, a glint of defiance shining in his eye, then bowed submissively and resignedly. “Yes, my lord hroden,” he mumbled, and walked red-faced down the aisle and out of the chapel.

The Gyorn looked around at the remaining people in the congregation. “As for the rest of you lot… your arteth has led you astray. You have not earned the title of a true follower of Jaddeth. But Jaddeth forgives all the sincerely repentant. Rededicate yourselves to his holy will, and you shall gain the power you need to triumph in your life, and to extinguish the vile Elantrians roaming among you!” There was a murmur of assent from the back of the congregation, and the Gyorn realized that a few other people by the door had come to listen to his sermon. All for the better, he thought. In a manner of days all the citizens of Arelon will realize the truth lies in Shu-Dereth alone, and the heathen nation shall at last be mine.

Bort was killed! He was an Arelish Citizen with a Jeskeri Pendant and a Seon (The Seon has passed to an heir)

The Shaod took Amanuensis, Hemalurgic Headshot, and Arinian!

A Jeskeri Pendant was used!

Convert tally:

4 / 24 players are Shu-Dereth Converts!


Special thanks to @Fifth Scholar for providing the writeup again. Please shower him with upvotes. 


Player List:



Edited by Herowannabe
Added player list and countdown timer
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Looks like Aman got his wish! But it's too bad Bort died. This removes any lingering suspicions of Aman I had in my brain.

Edit: Oh, and I guess Aman probably knows who a cultist is now.

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