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Origin of your username


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Mine is actually a fairly recent change, for the longest time I used SlimeKing45 as my username on everything. I originally changed it as sort of a joke, but I kind of got attached to it. besides, as The Lopen says "if you make the jokes yourself, you steal the laughter from everyone else." or something like that. Since then I have changed everything I can to this current one. My only problem is that for a lot of places it is too long. For those ones, I use The1stIdiot or just 1stIdiot.

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I have always been fascinated by contradictions and duality, Feruchemy is interesting in this regard because to be strong you must be weak, to heal you must hurt. I chose the name Forgetful Archivist. an  Archivist is a copper ferring capable of storing memories, but when the memories are stored they are forgotten. Memory and forgetfulness, a duality and a contradiction.

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I chose my name because I'm a nerd (as are many on this site-I'm also a geek, (as are most on this site) but I won't go into that or the difference between them). Anyway, that made the Nerd portion of my name easy. I also enjoy math (yes, I said enjoy) and for a while I was obsessed with pi, so I used as many digits as I knew at the time (I know more now, but I decided to just leave it.)

I know this isn't strictly relevant to the thread, but the profile picture was because pi=circle and Brandon Sanderson books+circles=rithmatic circles.I decided to go with the Basic Easton Defense-though I couldn't fit it completely onto my profile picture.

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  • 3 weeks later...

At first, I chose Rysn. I felt like she was going to become more of a major character later, and wanted to take the name before anyone else did. But then, I just decided to scrap it.

I chose Ashspren because even if I don’t like Malata, I thought Dustbringers were cool. 

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Caesura is the name Kvothe gives to his sword in The Wise Man's Fear, and also the name for a pause in poetry and music. Plus it sounds kind of cool.

I also use Sax Girl. I was the only girl in my high school saxophone quartet; one of the other guys from it was stoned one night and talking to my boyfriend. He forgot my name, and referred to me as "sax girl". It became a running joke, so I embraced it and used it as my gamer tag.

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Llarimar is my favorite character from Warbreaker.

On 3/20/2018 at 10:25 PM, Calderis said:

An original character from when I was like... 15 or 16.

S'Rai Ashara Calderis. 

An original character that you wrote?  If so then that's really cool, were you working on a book, or was it just a character you invented without a story?

On 5/7/2018 at 2:54 PM, Wax said:

I always wanted a three alphabet name...

I don't know why, but this is hilarious to me.  A '"three alphabet" name.  

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27 minutes ago, Llarimar said:

An original character that you wrote?  If so then that's really cool, were you working on a book, or was it just

A book that never went anywhere, and repetitively used afterwards in tabletop RP 

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I waited to join the Shard until I read all of  Sanderson's works, then decided to scout the place, so I called myself a Worldhopper scout, Felt. 

The story of the photo and quote is more funny : my first reread was Warbreaker, and while I was reading I joined the Shard. Offcourse I wanted some upvotes, but no matter how hard I tried, I wanted more to see what rank I would get, I didn't get many. So I changed my photo to Blushweaver and added her remark to Lightsong, "when all else fails use sexual innuendo", the upvotes poured in... I decided to keep it cuz it still makes me laugh 

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On 04/06/2018 at 7:55 AM, Llarimar said:

this is hilarious to me.  A '"three alphabet" name

I have a 5 alphabet asian name.  People still get it wrong.

A 3 alphabet name like 








all are easy and don’t result in too much of a job search issue.

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  • 1 month later...

I use this for all the Sanderson related sites I've recently joined.  I wanted something relating to SA, as it's my favorite of his books and Samantha is my first name hence BrightnessSamantha.  Helps that I have blue eyes but have blonde hair like the Riran. I was actually very surprised it wasn't already taken!

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‘Fanghur Rahl’ is a combination of the flying, dragon-like creatures from Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle (Fanghur) and the family name of the main hero of Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series (Richard Rahl), two of my all-time favourite fantasy series. And yes, it’s pretty much my go-to user name for anything on the Internet. :)

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I normally use Ellumous, who is my main OC (written stories about her, used her in D&D etc.) But I've started trying new things. I've been reading Squirrel Girls comics recently and I found her very relatable. But I also wanted a Cosmere related username. Lift is one of my favorite characters from Stormlight, and I like to think if I lived in that world Is be an Edgedancer. Obviously Edgedancer was taken, so I decided to throw Squirrel Girl in. Sums up my personality pretty well.

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The first account username I used for awhile was bubbaets9101. The bubba part is because I'm an older brother and my mom was like "we're gonna call you this" for the first account I ever made for anything (which was my first email, I think), ets is my initials, and 9101 is my birthday. I stopped using it because I didn't like how it sounded.

The next username I made was for the 39 clues website. I'd just read the first book, and Rick Riordan was my favorite author at the time, so I kind of mashed up his name and made Rickorio. I used it for a couple other places after that, one being darkSpyro, which I made an account for after discovering Skylanders, until I decided I didn't like how it sounded anymore.

I can't remember if it was for this website first or for SoundCloud first, but I felt that I needed a better, catchier username. I'm not exactly sure where Striker came from, though it might have come from one of my favorite beyblades, Ray Striker, since I always associate my username with green and that beyblade is green. I was gonna add ES, my initials, to the end but StrikerES doesn't look or sound as cool as StrikerEZ.

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Played Warcraft 3 like 15 years ago or so (back in my childhood rip) and there was this cheatcode called "greedsigood" which was the origin of it for sure. I'm can't remember exactly how it turned into "goody153" but pretty sure it involved in a phase in my life where i became a religious person(christian but i am an atheist now) so i just kept the ID in most of my accounts cause it was convenient to remember.

I have other usernames but i prefer this one.

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Sorana is my eldest rp Character, that I'm still playing. She is a LARP (Life Action Role Playing) Character, so I sewed her different robes, cloaks, hats and whateverelse I think I need. This year she's turning ten and I used to spend over 15 weekends a year on a convention playing her. the last few years that went down to 6-8. But still if you call me Sorana I react immediatly.
I use her name as my nickname, when I create an account that has a meaning for me and that I plan to keep and use, because Sorana definitly is a part of me, like no other RP Char.

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Singing is what I do so when I had to come up with a username, I figured it was a no brainer. A life where everyone just sings and speaks in rhythm to music makes perfect sense to me, that's opera and musical theater!

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Basically, I looked for an alliteration from Brandon's works that would also be an under appreciated, but pretty neat power. Cadmium Compounder. Stores breath, slows time. Imagine an entire metalmind full of breath. Jumping in a lake with a stomach full on cadmium, The cadmium is the metalmind. Compounds the breath, while slowing time by burning the metalmind. Survives underwater for months. Emerges king of the fish. I am now aquaman.

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Back in the dawn of the modern Internet when Screen names and user alias's where first becoming a thing I arbitrarily went with Quantum Traveler as a really vague Star Trek TNG reference for my early AIM/ICQ, and that eventually got shortened to Quantus around the time of Unreal Tournament LAN parties in my buddy's basement back in the late 90's.

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When my baby sister was first learning to talk, she always pronounced my name "Bit Bit." I was also very into the .io games back then, like Slither.io and Agar.io, so I thought it was a clever username. I first used it on Slither.io in 5th grade. Sometimes I add the suffix "the Mudkip" because i liek Mudkipz

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