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Did anyone else hate Warbreaker at first?


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Warbreaker was one of the first Sanderson books i read. I had heard so many good things about it. But i only get a hundred or so pages in before i got sick of it. All the characters were annoying. The plot was pointless. And it wasn't written vary well. I tried a few times to read it, but couldn't do it.  Only after reading and loving most of Sanderson's other book  was i able to make myself read Warbreaker.   By the end i was totally  in love with it. And was thinking it was one of the beat books I'd ever read.  The two things that really blew my mind were:


Denth turning out to be a bad guy. And Blushweaver getting killed. 

i don't think there's any other book that i've hated so much to start with, but ended up loving.

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I think it took me three tries. I didn't find any of the characters annoying, in fact I always felt a connection with Lightsong, but for the most part it didn't seem that interesting. Some of my favorite books took more than one try to get into Lightbringer, The Expanse, and a few others. I ended up really enjoying Warbreaker (also known as the red headed step child of the Cosmere. No mention in Arcanum Unbounded; are you kidding!).

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I liked Warbreaker since the first read, but I only liked it. It’s the only Sanderson book that I don’t love completely along with Elantris. I’ve always considered SA and Mistborn to be the best books, while Elantris and Warbreaker were the good ones. Sometimes, I even forget that they exist, since they are the ones that are less important to the Cosmere as a whole, but maybe that could change after Brandon has written the sequels for them.

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On 12/11/2017 at 11:16 AM, Talanelat'Elin Stonesinew said:

I liked Warbreaker since the first read, but I only liked it. It’s the only Sanderson book that I don’t love completely along with Elantris. I’ve always considered SA and Mistborn to be the best books, while Elantris and Warbreaker were the good ones. Sometimes, I even forget that they exist, since they are the ones that are less important to the Cosmere as a whole, but maybe that could change after Brandon has written the sequels for them.

Arcanum Unbounded and Stormlight Spoilers:


Given the recent appearances of Aonic folk in both SA and Mistborn, and the presence of Vasher and Vivenna in Stormlight, I think it's pretty much a given that they are or will get more important.


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I actually find it to be not so likeable as well, even if it is a good book that I... somewhat enjoyed. That's mainly because I'm turned off by the strong emphasis the book puts on sex and how relevant it is to the story. It just... really bothers me. I feel like Sanderson should know better, or at least keep it at higher standards.

So I'd say that yeah, it's my least favorite cosmere novel (with the exception of White Sand, but I haven't even read the whole thing, so that doesn't really count).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked it during my first read and even more in additional reads. I'll admit it is not SA or MB caliber but I think the magic system is really cool and I mean it has Nightblood. The only downside I felt was an ending that was not as tight as his other books clearly Brandon meant for there to be a sequel which has been a long time coming. I know others probably want Elantris sequel first but I really hope he does Nightblood (the book) first for reasons I wont mention in this forum.  One thing I will say is it is even more enjoyable reading it with the annotations if you have not yet. It is really interesting peaking behind the curtain and getting a glimpse of Brandon's thought process. 

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On 11/27/2017 at 1:18 AM, Ookla the Rusty said:

I actually find it to be not so likeable as well, even if it is a good book that I... somewhat enjoyed. That's mainly because I'm turned off by the strong emphasis the book puts on sex and how relevant it is to the story. It just... really bothers me. I feel like Sanderson should know better, or at least keep it at higher standards.

So I'd say that yeah, it's my least favorite cosmere novel (with the exception of White Sand, but I haven't even read the whole thing, so that doesn't really count).

That summed up my thoughts perfectly.

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I LOVED Warbreaker from the beginning. I loved the theme of breaking out of who others (or even you yourself) expect you to be. I loved the journeys that the main characters made, especially Vivenna as she learned that outside of the expectations of everyone else, she wasn't who they thought she was. She wasn't even who SHE thought she was. I thought the ending could've maybe played out a TINY bit longer, but I loved Warbreaker. Much better than Elantris in my opinion, and in the same league as his other work, though not in first place. 

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You are definitely not alone here. It started... very slow for me and I had to be really patient, until the action took off and grabbed my attention. It wasn't my first Sanderson book though. So, that was probably one of the reasons I stuck by it, because I had faith that Brandon would make it all worth it. 

He managed it! Halfway through the book I couldn't put it away, until I was done.

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This seems to be a somewhat common reaction, from amongst my BS-reading friends. But I really liked Warbreaker from the first time I read it. I identified with the sisterly interactions and the quest for meaning and identity, and I felt it moved quickly and well. It's not a typical BS story in its involvement and length, but I liked it as a fun read. Vivenna and Siri were two of my favorite characters, and I totally wanted to name my in utero daughter Vivenna. But, we just found out we're having a boy. haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is definitely a little different story compared to most books you will find out there, but I liked it.  I think some of its shortcomings are the fact that Brandon had a lot less experience when he wrote that compared to what he has now.  I think it has one of the most unique and creative magic systems you can find.  And I felt like all of the main characters ended up having satisfying story arcs.   

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On 12/11/2017 at 10:03 AM, StormingTexan said:

I liked it during my first read and even more in additional reads. I'll admit it is not SA or MB caliber but I think the magic system is really cool and I mean it has Nightblood. The only downside I felt was an ending that was not as tight as his other books clearly Brandon meant for there to be a sequel which has been a long time coming. I know others probably want Elantris sequel first but I really hope he does Nightblood (the book) first for reasons I wont mention in this forum.  One thing I will say is it is even more enjoyable reading it with the annotations if you have not yet. It is really interesting peaking behind the curtain and getting a glimpse of Brandon's thought process. 

annotations?  how do I get these? :)

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On 11/26/2017 at 8:18 PM, Firerust said:

I actually find it to be not so likeable as well, even if it is a good book that I... somewhat enjoyed. That's mainly because I'm turned off by the strong emphasis the book puts on sex and how relevant it is to the story. It just... really bothers me. I feel like Sanderson should know better, or at least keep it at higher standards.

So I'd say that yeah, it's my least favorite cosmere novel (with the exception of White Sand, but I haven't even read the whole thing, so that doesn't really count).

I felt like the Blushweaver scenes could've definitely been toned down.  I suppose the only purpose they served was to show that Lightsong had iron will against great temptation.

However, the Siri / God King scenes that involved sexual themes (none of which were explicit), I felt were appropriate and quite likely inspired by Sanderson's wife's input about what a woman's fears/hopes/expectations were regarding sex.  They felt genuine to me.  I've been married for 13 years.  The way Siri and the God King connected emotionally first (before connecting physically) felt familiar and real to me.  I don't think Sanderson added that stuff to be pornographic or gratuitous.  I think it was more showing that a] Siri was in one of the most frightening situations that a woman could be in when she entered the God King's chamber on the first night, and b] Siri and the God King ended up having a healthy, caring relationship which was rather ironic.

I wouldn't let my kids read it.  And when I was single, I don't know if it would've been appropriate for me personally.

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On 11/11/2017 at 7:03 PM, AngelDeath said:

Warbreaker was one of the first Sanderson books i read. I had heard so many good things about it. But i only get a hundred or so pages in before i got sick of it. All the characters were annoying. The plot was pointless. And it wasn't written vary well. I tried a few times to read it, but couldn't do it.  Only after reading and loving most of Sanderson's other book  was i able to make myself read Warbreaker. By the end i was totally  in love with it.


It was exactly the same for me, except I still haven't finished Warbreaker. After reading Oathbringer, though, I feel like I have to read Warbreaker. Your post makes me feel better about that - I hope I end up loving it too :) Thanks!

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I started with Mistborn, then Stormlight. then I circled back to Elantris and Warbreaker.  I loved both Elantris and Warbreaker obviously they are not as massive and intricate as MB and SA and maybe inconsistencies here and there.  But the overall concepts are completely original. Sanderson's ability to write from the female POV  is phenomenal to me.  So I think that Warbreaker is nice break away from SA, given we know some of characters.  And the magics have some similarities.  The focus on spiritual light, harmonics, mathematics, and the ability to imbue or entrap light within objects and/or souls is mirrored in both worlds. It seems obvious why the worlds will become connected over time.  As far as the sexual bits, sorry but some of you sound like complete prudes to me.  The flirting between Lightsong and Blushweaver was awesome, it reminded so much of the banter between Zeus and Hera in the Illiad, complete with tragic greekiness.  And the Godking and Siri were so adorable and sweet.  To me after marathoning thru this book in the past 3 days, couldn't set it down, I feel it is very underated in the Sanderson lineup.  I thought it was engaging, with an original magic related religious and political struggle, with a classic action filled fantasy plot. It was pretty great. 

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27 minutes ago, Mutantspicy said:

I started with Mistborn, then Stormlight. then I circled back to Elantris and Warbreaker.  I loved both Elantris and Warbreaker obviously they are not as massive and intricate as MB and SA and maybe inconsistencies here and there.  But the overall concepts are completely original. Sanderson's ability to write from the female POV  is phenomenal to me.  So I think that Warbreaker is nice break away from SA, given we know some of characters.  And the magics have some similarities.  The focus on spiritual light, harmonics, mathematics, and the ability to imbue or entrap light within objects and/or souls is mirrored in both worlds. It seems obvious why the worlds will become connected over time.  As far as the sexual bits, sorry but some of you sound like complete prudes to me.  The flirting between Lightsong and Blushweaver was awesome, it reminded so much of the banter between Zeus and Hera in the Illiad, complete with tragic greekiness.  And the Godking and Siri were so adorable and sweet.  To me after marathoning thru this book in the past 3 days, couldn't set it down, I feel it is very underated in the Sanderson lineup.  I thought it was engaging, with an original magic related religious and political struggle, with a classic action filled fantasy plot. It was pretty great. 

Yeah, I agree.  It was great.  I couldn't put it down after about halfway through.  I gave it 5/5 stars in my review.  the worst part was the first 3 chapters or so, and it just kept getting better.

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  • 1 year later...

I really was just trying to get through it the first time. Really liked lightsong. However I had already read whatever cosmere books were already out at the time and it didn't live up to mistborn or stormlight. But later when I was reading all of the cosmere again... I really enjoyed it. And then read it a third time later and loved it even more. 


So to everyone that didn't care for it, try it again. I don't know what it is about warbreaker that makes it more likable each time. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

I just started reading it this month after a break from the Cosmere to catch up on some other series. I really like the book so far but Vivenna had really been getting on my nerves.


I really hated Vivenna and her attitude towards color and the people of Hallandren in general. I understand that she was brought up to be the God King's spouse and detested their government and way of life but she was so close minded. Once she spent some time as a beggar though I feel like I'm coming around to her.

I really liked hearing Hoid tell the history to Siri and Lightsong. When I first started reading the Cosmere, I had been reading the first Mistborn era. I didn't know about the Cosmere and how things crossed over since it was my first Sanderson  series so I wasn't looking for Hoid. Since then, I've read everything except for the Stormlight Archive and have been watching for him and anything else I can find that crosses over.

I'm almost done with it and after reading one or two other books, I'm going to be starting on the Stormlight Archive finally!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/25/2019 at 6:47 AM, Starseeker said:

I just started reading it this month after a break from the Cosmere to catch up on some other series. I really like the book so far but Vivenna had really been getting on my nerves.

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I really hated Vivenna and her attitude towards color and the people of Hallandren in general. I understand that she was brought up to be the God King's spouse and detested their government and way of life but she was so close minded. Once she spent some time as a beggar though I feel like I'm coming around to her.

I really liked hearing Hoid tell the history to Siri and Lightsong. When I first started reading the Cosmere, I had been reading the first Mistborn era. I didn't know about the Cosmere and how things crossed over since it was my first Sanderson  series so I wasn't looking for Hoid. Since then, I've read everything except for the Stormlight Archive and have been watching for him and anything else I can find that crosses over.

I'm almost done with it and after reading one or two other books, I'm going to be starting on the Stormlight Archive finally!

I think Vivenna is the perfect example of the dark side of religious piety- almost a cautionary tale. I think it's all well and good to hold strong to religious convictions, to believe that you have found the one truth, but it's another thing entirely to let that lead to hatred. Vivenna has crossed that line, and I feel it will be a major point for her character arc going forward

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Well, since this has been bumped I might as well add my two chips worth.

I'm another of those people who really liked it from the first read, though I did find Vivenna somewhat grating at first. By book's end that whole journey became worth it though. And on a purely personal level I found her/Brandon's commentary on seafood weird, but mostly because I love seafood and grew up eating it all the time. I think that's the one time I haven't shared his characters' views on how delicious the food and drinks are or are not. xD

And on a meta level, I really liked Warbreaker for being (more or less) self-contained amid some of the other works, and because it's something I can point to as a great introduction to his Cosmere writing for friends who don't necessarily want to leap into a multi-volume series but want something longer than one of his novellas. There's also Elantris for that but I like Warbreaker a lot more. Also, some of the twists make it feel especially like an entry from the Kiseki/Trails game series in the way your expectations get played with, so it's also a great book to use as a go-between for people who I know like one or the other. Like the feel of Warbreaker? Like RPGs? Here, try this game! Like this series? Like to read? Here, try this book! :D

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