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I think this is a new character, an incipient Dustbringer. Don't Dustbringers have the ability to burn things and blow them up? In the Prelude, as Kalak passes through the carnage, he sees "Smoke curled from the occasional patches of growth or heaps of burning corpses...The Dustbringers had done their work well."

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I think that this could a Herald we haven't seen yet, Chach perhaps, she's the Herald of the Dustbringers, whose essence is "spark" and whose soulcasting properties is "fire




Restares talking to Amaram. I've long suspected Restares of being a Ghostblood, and maybe by Amaran taking his advice he's put himself in his power.


Maybe he's threatening to tell Dalinar about killing Kal's men and making him a slave so that he could steal his Shards if Amaram doesn't do something that Restares demands of him.  




A Dustbringer spren talking to the person they've bonded to. (I like the idea of it being this)

Edited by Duskshard
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Doesn't seem like Hoid's MO though. He fancies himself a fly in the ointment, only now threatening war on--someone. He hasn't left much destruction in his wake that we know of up to this point--unless the Shattering of Andolnasium was his doing somehow.


I'm on the same page as WEZ; having trouble placing the voice of this Glimpse with any of the current characters.

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This one definitely sounds either sarcastic or in jest, so I'm betting it's said by either Shallan, Wit, or Renarin himself. If it's Shallan, it means that Renarin actually starts some sort of combat training, and possibly just did something impressive. I can't see her making fun of him for any reason.


I can see Shallan being interested in what this boulder looks like when it's been slice by a Shardblade.  The artist/natural historian perspective.  Though I guess she could do that herself.

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Taking the glimpse literally, Jasnah did actually set someome on fire...well actually soulcast him into flame...and then watched him burn. However, I don't think it is well know that she uses her "soulcasting fabrial" in such a violent way...and it just doesn't sound like Jasnah unless she goes on a burning people spree in WoR, starting in chapter 7 when shallan wakes up to screams and smoke.

Yeah, I'm scratching my head on this one.

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Actually, if attacked by pirates... I could totally see her justifying that. It's not a huge leap from some thugs in an alley to some organized seagoing thugs. Or from that to some organized landgoing bandits, and from that to some organized unfriendly soldiers, etc.

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With all the speculation that's been going on here. I would love to see the look on our faces when we actually read the glimpses from the book. 'I sooo called it' moments with fist pumpings, 'This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules!! How did I get that wrong?' Moments, 'Holy rust!! I didn't expect that' moments and the sheepish smile moments 'lol.. Did I think that' moments. Will make this book a very special one indeed. Sorry for being off topic.

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Stupid move, putting yourself in my hands. Everyone knows i like to set things on fire and watch them burn."

"It's funny how we all interpret it in different ways. I think it sound maniacal in my opinion. The way the person says "Everyone knows" makes it sound like they have a reputation for cruelty. I f i have to guess i will say Shallans father in a flashback. He doesn't seem to friendly from what we've seen or a Ghostblood something down that road!

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With all the speculation that's been going on here. I would love to see the look on our faces when we actually read the glimpses from the book. 'I sooo called it' moments with fist pumpings, 'This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules!! How did I get that wrong?' Moments, 'Holy rust!! I didn't expect that' moments and the sheepish smile moments 'lol.. Did I think that' moments. Will make this book a very special one indeed. Sorry for being off topic.


Yeah, the reason I haven't contributed to the speculation here is that I already learned my lesson not to think too much about tiny out-of-context excerpts of unreleased books. I remember when J.K. Rowling posted a scene on her website from the then-unreleased Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, depicting the introduction of a new character. Everyone assumed he was the titular Half-Blood Prince and was all excited to finally learn what he looked like. Then it turned out he wasn't, and was in fact just some relatively unimportant character.


I have a feeling that the Tor people are much bigger trolls than Rowling, so I'll just enjoy reading everyone's guesses while I wait for the book. :P

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Yup, this one had me scratching my head a bit... It doesn't sound like the voice of anyone we have met (at least out of context as it is)


My guess:


It is Shallan's Father, Lord Davar talking. Possibly before one of the scenes of devastation in Shallan's past.

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The souls of the people he had murdered lurked in the shadows. They whispered to him. If he drew close, they screamed.



This one sound like Szeth's tortured mind.




Amaram perhaps, maybe he really was an honorable guy and now feels haunted by ordering the deaths of Kaladin's men? 

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I think Szeth is way too easy for this one, personally.  (We've all seen how Tor.com likes to troll us and Carl from Tor.com especially has had all kinds of fun showing his amusement at the different guesses.)  


I like Taravangian as a guess.  I also could see Amaram as a possibility.


I just don't think it's the obvious choice.

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"The souls of the people he had murdered lurked in shadows. They whispered to him. If he drew close, they screamed"

This is definitely Szeth! I cant imagine anybody else dwelling this much. 

His guilt is getting harder for him to manage and sending him crazy!

The first book already said he could hear them screaming sounds like it's getting worse pushing him to breaking point.

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I think Amaram is overrated; why should he bother about a handful of soldiers who died for a -in Amarams view- good cause. I really don't think he gives a damnation; and that makes it improbable, that he is bothered by the dead.


Seth seems much more plausible. Mr.T close 2nd.


edit: Typo

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