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Long Game 30: Journey Before Destination


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The other orders must be returning as well. We need to find those whom the spren have chosen. Quickly, for the Everstorm is upon us, and it is worse than we feared.


Kaladin thought the words over and over again, hoping to drown out the guilt he felt with his sense of duty. Dalinar was right. Storm the man, but he was. As much as he wanted to... no, needed to go home, to make sure his parents were safe, he just couldn’t. He had accepted what he was and declared it to the world, which meant he had a great deal of new responsibilities to worry about beyond his own selfish concerns.


“They’ll be alright,” Syl assured him, glowing softly as she paced the length of his shoulder, in a noticeably unassuring way. What did she have to be nervous about, anyway? It’s not like she had to make the tough choice of abandoning her family for the sake of the world.


For the Everstorm is upon us, and it is worse than we feared.


Storm Dalinar, and storm Shallan, too!


The Oathgates are using too much Stormlight. She said as soon as Kaladin mentioned his plan to return home. Already we run low on infused spheres. Would you have us condemn all the warcamp refugees to weather a highstorm in the middle of the Shattered Plains, just so that you have a small chance of saving your parents? I get how hard it must be to accept, but we’re Radiants now; aren’t we? We’ve got to think for more than just ourselves.


Easy for her to say, with her family safe and on their way. But still! Storm her for being right, too.


Seeing Dalinar nod in agreement, he almost yelled right then. But suddenly Renarin was there, touching his arm gently. Not to reassure him like Syl was trying now, but to let him know if the situation were reversed, he would feel exactly the same.


Kaladin would be too late, anyway. Deep down he knew that. He might own the winds, but he could not outrun the storm. A voice in the back of his head - not Syl, but something else, something foreign - told him that if he tried, he’d end up miles outside of Hearthstone, stranded on foot with no Stormlight to spare. By the time he reached home the streets would already be empty, some houses crushed to rubble, others cast aside, as if they hadn’t already stood for centuries against raging winds and torrential downpours.


But this storm was different, of course. It belonged not to the Stormfather, but to who Syl called the One Who Hates.


Kaladin had seen what the Everstorm was capable during his battle with the Assassin in White. An entire plateau got tossed in the air, had nearly splattered his foe before gravity could drag it back down to where it belonged. What resistance could a little town like his put up against a tempest like that?


He was thinking too much. Always thinking too much. Where the Braize are they, anyway? It wasn’t like Bridge Four to be late. Perhaps they got lost? Kaladin supposed he couldn’t blame them. It’s not like they could fly like him - not yet, at least - and this tower-city-whatever was practically a maze. Still, the man was bothered. Ever since his time in that cell, it sickened him to be alone. Usually Syl was sufficient company, but whenever she was like this, she only worsened his mood.


“What’s wrong with you?” he asked, finally.


“Hm?” Syl responded, finally still now that she was drawn out of her thoughts. “Oh, nothing.”


“Oh? So what, you’re lying to me now? I thought you were a spren of honor, not lies.”


“I’ve said it once before, Kal-a-din, but I’m no cryptic! You asked what’s wrong with me, and the answer is nothing! But something is wrong, of that much, I am certain.”


“What, then? Is it Him again?”


“No… I don’t think this feeling is His doing. It doesn’t reek of His touch. Not directly, at least. But it might be just as terrible.”


Great, Kaladin groaned internally. As if there weren’t enough obstacles in his way already.


“Someone comes,” Syl said, suddenly turning into a ribbon of light and zipping towards the stairs that lay behind him. “Hello Skar!” she shouted, surprising the man as he rose from the steps below.


“Woah!” Skar yelled, startled by Syl’s enthusiastic welcome. The man could see her ever since becoming Kaladin’s Squire, though he still wasn’t used to her presence. Once she calmed down and landed on his shoulder, however, he settled down. Over the other shoulder, Drehy poked his balding head, a wide grin parting his face.


“Good morning, Syl. I trust your day is going well?”


“Better now that you’re here, Lanky!” she said, becoming a ribbon of light once more to greet him as she did Skar. When she landed on his shoulder, though, a pang of jealousy resonated in Kaladin’s heart. But why? These were his friends. More than that, now, what with the Bond they shared. Why did it matter if Syl became friends with them too? She was friends with Rock, before, and Sigzil too, and he never envied the attention she gave them. And yet somehow this was different.


No matter. Skar was walking up to him now, Drehy trailing from behind. Stepping together, they saluted him, not in the Alethi way, but with their hands before them, crossed at the wrists.


The way he taught them. The Bridge Four way.


These were Kaladin’s brothers. His Squires. The envy dissipated from him even before Syl left Drehy’s shoulder for his own.


“At ease, men. What took you so long?”


“News, sir,” Drehy responded before Skar could open his mouth. “Important news. But before you ask, may I suggest we save it for after the demonstration?” Kaladin probed the taller man’s eyes, then glanced at his companion, who nodded in agreement.


“We have time. I’ll hear it now.”


Despite the frigid air at this altitude, Kaladin noticed the two men were sweating.


“Well,” Drehy dragged on, “if you really want to know-”


“Sadeas is dead. Assassinated, it seems.”


Kaladin’s face didn’t change, though in that moment, he thought it should have. He already knew, of course. Until now, he thought he was the only man who did know. Aside from Adolin, of course. The man who killed him, then out of desperation, confided not to his father, his brother or his lover, but to him.


“Do they know who did it?”


Drehy gulped inaudibly, but Skar simply shook his head.


“Don’t worry, I had nothing to do it with it,” Kaladin said, and Drehy relaxed. “If I did, I’d have broken my Oaths. Syl would be dead and you two would be ordinary men once more,” he explained, leaving out the rest of what he wanted to say. As much as he hated keeping secrets, he made a vow of silence to the princeling. Kaladin just hoped Adolin took his advice in return. If Dalinar found out his own son had murdered a Highprince, as traitorous a Highprince he might be, from any other source…


That was a storm not even Kaladin would dare face.


In his periphery a light flashed. It was distant, but large; a giant column of luminescence that quickly faded, leaving a brief afterimage in its place.


“Enough talk,” Kaladin told them, rolling his shoulders, as if he needed to stretch. “It’s nearly time. Are you two ready?”


Skar and Drehy began to glow, then nodded eagerly.


“Well then, let’s get this show over with, already.”


Despite his nonchalance, even Kaladin was a little bit excited.




Throughout his life, Lomot had seen many beautiful things. But looking at the shining tower that had just faded to life before him, they seemed nothing more than pallid glimmers in comparison.


He arrived with a crowd. Around him, men, women and even a few children gasped and glared as the curtain of light fell to reveal the City in the Sky, as their guides liked to call it. Looking at Urithiru now, Lomot decided to call it by a different name. Something simpler, and more accurate.




Stepping closer, failing to notice the youth he had to shoulder to get by, Lomot took a deep breath. After such a long, arduous journey across those blasted plains, he had finally reached his promised destination. A place of dreams. A place of wonder. A place he knew in his heart, he was always meant to be.


As he walked a gloryspren popped into existence, a golden sun among a sea of awespren. Like most spren he’d seen before, he ignored it. There were more important things to look at, after all. Eyes slowly climbing up the height of the tower, Lomot counted the number of ridges first, wondering if what they said was true. It took some time, but he smiled once he finished, glad that it was true.


A hundred floors. Ten by ten. Perfection.


Before he knew it, Lomot was nearing the end of a bridge, narrow unlike the fat disc on which he traveled. Behind him, a river of people tread in his wake, a few rushing past him, more eager to get close than to bask in the place’s majesty. Further back, some more still remained upon the magic platform, stunned by the sheer scope of what they saw.


Closer now, he could make out the wide variety of plantlife that comprised the garden’s upon each of the ninety-nine balcony’s leading to the top. He could see the tiny figures of people walking those same gardens, many of which seemed to be tending to them. For a moment his eyes lingered there, appreciating its beauty, as he so often loved to do, but then a blast like thunder rang from the sky, and everyone cast their eyes upwards at once.


Three men - glowing men - rocketed towards them from above. A few people shouted, scrambled to get out of the way, but Lomot was too amazed to move.


Several feet ahead of them, the first of them crashed, a glyph of frost expanding behind him like a pair of wings. The man had landed in a crouch unscathed, long, dark hair billowing behind him, his uniform a crisp, Kholin blue. Wisps of shimmering steam trailed from his mouth, seemed to leak from the pores of his exposed skin. His head snapped up, glacial ices locking with Lomot’s an instant before he spun to meet his attackers. Something like mist coalesced in the man’s hands, taking the shape of a silvery spear, it’s tip bearing azure swirls that shined even in the daylight.


They came upon him together, two luminescent comets with spears of their own. Their weapons didn’t glow like his, however. They looked like they were carved from wood and Soulcast into steel. His seemed to be made of the same material as a Shardblade. And yet when they collided with all the force of their descent, the two men’s spears did not break. A ripple of pressure burst from the impact, causing Lomot to stumble back, but not nearly as far as those two men were sent. They recovered midair, however, flipping and landing on their feet with unfathomable grace.


What happened next, Lomot could barely process. The three men’s movements were so fast, so incredibly precise. In their hands, their weapons were a storm. Miniature tornadoes, caught in a never-ending dance. Despite being outnumbered, the man with the long hair held them back. In fact, he even seemed to be winning. While his opponents began to slow, his movements only became swifter, stronger. They tried to get around him, to divide his attention, but it was almost like their opponent had eyes on the back of his head. They couldn’t best him. They knew they couldn’t best him. And yet they still tried with every bit of power they had left.


Were these the Knights Radiant? The men Lomot sought to join?


As he watched their fight unfold, up until the very moment that it came to a stunning end, he not once doubted himself. Not once lost his resolve in coming here.


The whole time, he only had one thought.


Throughout his life, Lomot had seen many beautiful things. But looking at the shining knights that just battled gallantly before him, they seemed nothing more than pallid glimmers in comparison.






The Stormfather’s voice was as loud as thunder, but as usual, only one man could hear it. If not for the youth bowing on the platform before him and the large procession of people watching from below, Dalinar might have responded to the god’s taunting just then. But alas, he had more important matters to attend to.


“Speak the words,” he told the boy.


“Life before death.” He began, a tint of fear coloring his voice. He knew the words, sure, but Dalinar could tell he didn’t believe them. At this rate, he was never going to find any Initiates - the term he had been using for those who were spiritually ready for a Bond, but lacked a spren to Bond with.


“Strength before weakness,” the boy said, firmer now, though he could not hide the trembling of his hands. Idly, Dalinar wondered what brought this young man here today. The boy was thin in his fashionable - albeit dirty - garbs. His hands seemed tiny, frail. Barren of calluses and scars. Something told him that this child had never known true hardship until his journey to Urithiru; not the kind that created Knights, at least.




Dalinar almost sighed.


“Journey before destination,” the boy finished, then looked up, eyes pleading. Dalinar could see the desire there. So then it’s glory he seeks. Power, perhaps. Or maybe something more innocent. Maybe he just wants to be a hero. Either way, the Highprince - no, Bondsmith - knew what the result would be.


Still, he held the diamond broam out in the palm of his hands.


“Breath deep, and we’ll know if your heart is true.”


The youth breathed.


Nothing happened.


“I’m sorry,” he whispered before the boy began his sulky descent.




“I’ll be done when they’re done,” Dalinar said, nodding to those whom still remained down below. Already another climbed the steps to him. Another noble by the look of his clothes. He didn’t even move out of the way as the lad got near, the boy’s head too low to see him coming. Of course, why should a man of his stature move for a mere child? Bah! By the look of his gait, that man was almost as bad as Sadeas.


Sadeas he thought with sad regret.


To Dalinar’s surprise, the noble stopped before reaching the boy, looking at him curiously, as if noticing him for the first time. He squat low so that he could look him in the eyes, then with a finger, tilted the boy’s chin up so he could look in his. Words passed between them, their conversation concise, but when they parted ways, the boy held his head a little bit higher. Could it be that Dalinar misjudged him?




When the blonde nobleman reached him, there was no hesitance in his bow. It wasn’t practiced, Dalinar could tell that much, but the man was confident. Taking a knee, the noble looked up at Dalinar, dark orange eyes peering unwaveringly into his. Something about them stood out, too. Was that eyeliner? And his cheeks... they were abnormally red, even for the cold, and dusted with glitter, his lips painted a deep shade of violet. Just who was this man? Darkeyed and dressed like a noble, his face accented with make up...


Dalinar had never seen no one like him in his life. Nevertheless, he would allow him the same chance.


"Speak the words," he told the man.


“Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.”


After twelve failures, Dalinar finally met a man who spoke the words as if they were own. There was a rumbling in the distance, one that only the Bondsmith could here. The Stormfather, it seemed, wasn't very happy. But just to be sure, Dalinar held the diamond broam before him.


“Breath deep, and-”


The man breathed deep indeed, nostrils flaring, stormlight flowing from the sphere to him, alighting his eyes, his skin. He smiled, revealing two rows of teeth, sheathed in gold, streams of light leaking from the cracks between them.


“What is your name, Initiate?”


“Lomot. ‘Tis the only name I have that matters.”


“Very well. Then turn, Lomot, so that I might declare you to the world.”


As Dalinar commanded, Lomot obeyed. Above them, something flew by, a gust of wind following close behind. A moment later, a cloak drifted down, solid gold silk with the symbol of the Knights Radiant stitched on the back in black.


Like thunder, Dalinar’s own voice boomed throughout Urithiru.


“Before you stands Lomot. He has spoken the First Ideal, and light reveals that his heart is worthy of the Oath. Thus an Initiate is sworn to serve. For the good of Man, and for the good of Roshar.”


As Dalinar tied the cape around the Initiate’s shoulders, he couldn’t help but grin. A fool, am I?


It felt good proving a god wrong.


Once finished with the knot, Dalinar grabbed Lomot’s shoulders and turned him so that he could look into his eyes once more. “That boy. What did you tell him?”


The Initiate smiled. No, he beamed.


“The boy? Why, I simply told him the truth.”

Edited by Alvron
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One does not simply join the Knights Radiant. Nor does one simply join this game.

Signing up for LG30 will require you to roleplay at least two hundred words to introduce your character. If you haven’t read the Prologue already, I’d recommend you do so now, as I’ve not only provided you guys with some decent material to react to, but even created a character of my own to serve as an example.


The reason why is because Journey Before Destination is meant to be more than a game of mafia. Sanderson Elimination IS a subforum of Roleplaying, after all, and as both a player and a game master, I’m trying to find ways to encourage that. So if you don’t believe you can handle writing two hundred words every three days, I’d recommend you ask to spectate this game rather than play it. That being said, you might be surprised at what you can accomplish if you try.


If you haven’t been scared off already, then it’s time I introduce you to the mechanics of this game.




Each Chapter of Journey Before Destination will last for 70 hours, with a 2 hour break for STINK and I to prepare the results and produce the write up.


Each Chapter will have a distinct setting, and the write up will provide players with a roleplay prompt. For example, Chapter One will take place at a gala to welcome the new Initiates, so for those of you attending, you may want to start preparing your finest attire (or not, if you’re feeling particularly rebellious).


During each Chapter, players can vote for who they want to interrogate. We will count the most recent name written in orange by each player, so there’s no need to retract past votes. The player with the most votes at the end of the day will admit their past crimes and be promptly arrested. If a tie occurs, nothing will happen.


While arrested, players cannot post in thread, although they can still communicate with others privately. They will also be added to a group message with their fellow prisoners (note: this is the only group message allowed in this game). If an arrested player is capable of using an action, they can only use it on their fellow prisoners.


Free players can also vote to execute or pardon a currently imprisoned player. Executions need half of the free players to agree, while pardons require at least three-fourths. Only one of each type of vote can occur in a single Chapter.


Only upon death a player’s role and alignment will be revealed publicly.




No matter who you are or where you came from, your intentions for joining the Knights Initiate were pure. Sure, you might have had a bit of a… troubled past… but your tale is not so different than Highprince Dalinar’s or Captain Stormblessed. Still, you are not perfect, and you certainly have your regrets. At one point in your life you committed a horrible crime, or perhaps many petty ones; enough that if people knew, some might wish to see your head on a pike. If only they knew that it was your tragic history that shaped you into a Radiant in the first place.


Alas, regardless of your inherently good nature, there are those whom aim to slay the Radiants before they can return. Though you know not the motivations for their unjust cause, it’s clear that someday, they’ll be coming for you. And thus it is your duty to find and kill them before they get to you first.


In Journey Before Destination, the Honorable are the innocent, uninformed majority. By default, they are unable to take any actions, however, like the Unjust they can form a Bond with a spren.


In order for the Honorable to win, all of the Unjust must be imprisoned or executed.


Regarding crimes. When you sign up, send me a private message with LG30 and your forum name as the title: this will act as your GM PM. Include within it a list of crimes your character has committed, or if you’ve got the time, detailed info on what happened exactly. The more information you give me, the more powerful the reveals will be in the write ups.




They call you Unjust. Hah. What do those fools know of justice? Nalan’elin, the Herald himself, has selected you - yes, you - to prevent the True Desolation, either because of your affinity for equity or your relentless sense of righteousness. As such you were given this task; infiltrate the Knights Initiates in Urithiru and tear them apart from within. Only then will the world be saved from destruction.

Of course, accomplishing your mission will not be easy. You’re not some honorless assassin, after all, but an executioner in service of the divine law of man. And thus you must obey by a certain set of precepts, such as kill noone without the proper writ in hand. Discovering those fools worst indiscretions will take a great deal of time and effort, but fortunately for you, you won’t have to do it alone.


Opposite the Honorable are the Unjust; the evil, informed minority. As such, they know who their allies are and are allowed to communicate with them via a google doc, so long as they are alive and free.


Each Chapter, the Unjust are can perform one of two actions: investigate a single player to discover their most heinous crimes, or attempt to execute a player whom they know the crimes of. If a player is free, two Unjust must attack them at once (note: in the case of an inactive Unjust, I will allow them to be ordered by their active teammates). If a player is imprisoned, only one Unjust will need to put in the order, due to the Honorable's inability to fight back.


Like the Honorable, the Unjust can work towards Bonding a spren. In doing so they are unable to use any of their faction actions. If an Unjust Radiant attempts to investigate or execute an Honorable, their spren will abandon them.


In order to remain competitive in the case of succumbing losses, surviving Unjust without any Bonds may become a Skybreaker, thus strengthening them enough to kill a player on their own.

In order for the Unjust to win, they must outnumber the free Honorable.




Journey Before Destination will be utilizing an Honor system that allows players to gain and maintain powers so long as they are actively participating both in the game’s discussion and narrative. If a player makes 3 discussion related posts in a single Chapter, they will earn one Honor, which they can spend to attract a spren of their choice. If a player also posts at least 100 words of roleplay twice in a single Chapter they will earn an additional Honor to spend. Players can work towards forming multiple Bonds at once, although once a Bond is established, you will not be able to gain another. In order to keep a Bond, you must provide your spren at least one Honor per Chapter, or else they will abandon you. Some spren may be harder to Bond than others, and may leave you of their own accord in specific circumstances. Only one Radiant of each order can exist at a time.


Bonding an honorspren makes you a Windrunner. With the Surge of Adhesion, you can prevent another player from performing any actions that Chapter.


Bonding a valorspren makes you a Dustbringer. With the Surge of Abrasion, you can set a player on fire, killing them. In the event that you kill two Honorable with this power your spren will abandon you.


Bonding a cultivationspren makes you an Edgedancer. With the Surge of Abrasion, you can make yourself slick, allowing you to avoid a random action if free, or to escape custody if imprisoned.


Bonding a reflectionspren makes you a Truthwatcher. With the Surge of Illumination, you can discover if another player has a spren, and if so, what kind.


Bonding a liespren makes you a Lightweaver. With the Surge of Illumination, you can turn yourself invisible and spy on a conversation between two other players.


Bonding a inkspren makes you an Elsecaller. With the Surge of Transportation, you can switch two players places, causing actions that would affect one to affect the other, and vice versa.


Bonding an adventurespren makes you a Willshaper. With the Surge of Transportation, you can change another player’s vote (note: it can be any type, but only one at a time) to anyone of your choice.


Bonding a trustspren makes you a Stoneward. With the Surge of Cohesion, you can fight alongside another player to prevent an attempt on their life (note: this includes public executions, although in this case, you will be revealed).

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  1. Amanuensis as Lomot

  2. A Joe in the Bush as Jonly

  3. Assassin in Burgundy as Araon Darkblade

  4. Jondesu as Kintas

  5. randuir as Ranatar

  6. Hemalurgic_Headshot as Sareth-son-Erneth

  7. TheSilverDragon as Rea

  8. Ecthelion III as Fifth Nameless

  9. Arinian as Arionium

  10. JUQ as Hess

  11. Quiver as Veriq

  12. Shqueeves as Leif

  13. Doc12 as Hithon

  14. Magestar as Balthazar

  15. Arraenae as Ralaani

  16. TheMightyLopen as Shinon

  17. Drake Marshall as Teresh

  18. AliasSheep as Ashetvl

  19. The lazy anarchist as Lyna Telavalet

  20. Alvron as Naihar

  21. DroughtBringer as Petrik

  22. Darkness Ascendant as The Phantom Stranger & Hashiv

  23. Elbereth as Tintallë



  • When does the game begin, and when does turn over happen?
    • For now the game is planned to begin on February 1st at 2200 EST, and new Chapters will begin every three days following it's start date, at the exact same time. Note that the previous Chapter will be closed 2 hours prior to the new Chapter's posting. If necessary, I am willing to move the start date forward, but not back, in order to nurture maximum participation of players interested. Update: Sign ups have been extended an extra 3 days, and may need to be extended again, depending on numbers. Update Deux: A change in turn over time has been decided upon to further convenience the GMs, which consequently will extend the sign ups by ten hours. The new countdown timer can be seen below.





Edited by Alvron
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Storms, Aman, that was an amazing write up and sounds like an awesome game. I got so mixed up last time I played two games at once, but you've hooked me. I'll join when I get time to write up my character intro (it'll likely be Quintus, but someone else might come to mind).

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I'll keep it there until I write RP and signup info into this post. Then I'll delete it.

Part one:

Gladium rose to his feet with the holy cloak of the order of the Knights Radiant fluttering on his back and raised his fist to the sky as he watched as the other knights rise with gold and black capes fluttering in the wind and armored feet clanking on the stones of this city. He wondered what sins they had committed, he had caused no crimes except for the slaying of those who would not bow and serve the righteous. But that was a discussion for a place other than here, in this holy city where the gods watched over the just and blessed those who served them. He turned and laid eyes upon the high Knights, those who had won glory through the virtue of their actions. Kaladin. Shallan. Dalinar. All names holy to him. And now he joined their ranks. Truly, this was a day for glory.

Part two:

Once he had climbed to his chambers Gladium lay on his bed and dreamed... Of blood and dust and ashes. In his dreams Gladium rode his horse in shardplate as red as blood and swung a shardblade that glowed like the ashes after a fire. He swung his blade and footmen fell dead at his feet as they fled the dread light of his blade. Gladium rotated quickly, swinging out of his saddle and cutting through a line of infantry. At the end of his dream he stood alone in a wasteland and walked, his boots making a endless trail across the ash. awoke and walked slowly across his balcony, noticing the lack of sound in the courtyards below and the lack of his armor in its rightful place. He thought of how he could bring justice to this forgotten land, surely there was no way but the path of bloodshed and death. Suddenly, Gladium stopped, raised his head slowly to view the rising sun and thought,"Justice comes with the dawn. So I shall come."

Edited by Straw
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Perhaps one of the other games will end before this starts. -_- Fine, I can't resist this game! :lol: I will join as Willifer Chaon, The High Prince of Information. He is very intelligent, but as you might guess, not very strong. He has an amazing mustache though!

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How I want to join this game! The action, excitement, unblemished RP! Oh, such things are not known in such a small town as mine... but is my word as true as I say? Will my oaths be true as the sun? Will the hand of justice be unflinching in all prospects it pursues?! I cannot say, for my answer comes not today.

I am seriously contemplating joining. I enjoy the challenge of 200 words--bring it on. However, I have to get my character together and write up something as an introduction... so wait a day or so?

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Jonly is signing up as the second initiate!


“Before you stands Lomot. He has spoken the First Ideal, and light reveals that his heart is worthy of the Oath. Thus an Initiate is sworn to serve. For the good of Man, and for the good of Roshar.”

Dalinar looked proud. Lomot looked confident. Jonly, skulking in the crowd, looked hateful. He had hoped that no one else would have been able to pass Kholin’s test. He had hoped that no one else would prove able to breath in Honour’s bloodlight. But he had been wrong. He hadn’t expected to be right. But it still hurt to be wrong.


Jonly breathed in just the smallest bit of bloodlight from the sphere’s in his pouches. Just enough to revitalize him without making him glow. He didn’t want to attract attention, not yet. He wanted to be lost among the Initiates. He wanted to get in, learn their knowledge, get their training, and get out.


Sure, he agreed with the Radiants in General, and especially with Kholin. Save the world. Right the wrongs. Protect the weak, and bring down the Strong. He just disagreed on how. He disagreed on who the strong and the weak were.


“The thirteenth shall lie among them, and the thirteenth shall signal the God.” Jonly quoted. A Death Rattle he had heard from a friend he had killed. Was this what it meant? Lomot, the thirteenth to attempt the test? Or was the Rattle completely irrelevant to Jonly. It would be bad to assume that. Better to watch Lomot and the Thirteenth to pass the test.


No one else had succeeded in the test yet. A dozen more had tried and failed, and a dozen more were in front of Jonly. He was almost to Kholin. Mentally, he considered what he would do. Interrupt Kholin, as Lomot had done? Wait patiently? How should he appear? Brash and confident? Pious and hopeful? No. . .


Intuitively, Jonly knew he could not fake his way in. Kholin would know just by looking at his eyes. He would know what Jonly was. A necessary Monster. The one who would put the fear of the Radiants into their enemies, and into themselves. Look, and behold, this is the man who will destroy you, who wants to destroy you even now, as soon as you step out of line.

A dozen more tried and failed. Jonly’s turn. He walked up the stairs before Kholin and Lomot. The Bondsmith held out one gauntleted fist, revealing an infused Diamond Brome. Jonly did not speak the first oath. He had done that already. Nor did he inhale the bloodlight in the Diamond Brome. He inhaled his own as he walked up the final step. He glowed like a storm before them.


His blood was light, but he felt no need to move. He had read the opposite, but for him, bloodlight stilled him, made him watch, not act. And so he waited, staring into Kholin’s eyes, and the Bondsmith stared back.


Jonly saw the moment Kholin finished his gaze, saw the moment Kholin decided that Jonly was a monster, but redeemable. Fool. Monsters were not to be redeemed. They were to be utilized. No, not a fool, a Wise man. Kholin had been a monster himself once. But The Bondsmith was far more effective than the Blackthorn ever had been.


“What is your name, Initiate?”


“Jonly, Lord Bondsmith.”


Kholin did not react to the odd form of address, as Jonly had expected, but nodded. “Then turn around Jonly, that I might announce you to the world.”


Jonly grinned, and obeyed. A Monster was always welcome somewhere.

Is 600 words too many? =P

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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7 minutes ago, Shqueeves said:

This sounds really exciting! I'll join, (you accept inexperienced people, right?) I'll add character details after I come up with one

Of course :rolleyes: any and all are welcome! Just make sure you read the official Sanderson Elimination General Rules & Etiquette Policy first, and if you have any questions on what's discussed there, or any of the rules regarding this game in particular, ask them here and myself or one of our many wonderful players will help you out.


On that note...

@randuir, you still keen to play? :D

Edited by Amanuensis
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Oooooh, this looks like fun! I'll try to RP the living crap out of this whole thing. 


Araon Darkblade finally knew what hopelessness was. 

He had seen it before; in prisoners who knew they would die, in the sick who realized their time had run out, and in the people who could do nothing to protect those they loved. But this was different. These were people born into a life of luxury, noble and powerful. And yet, they fell before the Highprince like wheat before a scythe.   

Most knew their cause was hopeless, but they tried anyway. They all failed, except one. 

Araon was not worried. Royalty were pampered creatures of fluff, or at least from what he saw here. He was different. Born into a peasant's family, he rose the ranks in Elhokar's army. He didn't do it for the glory, or the loyalty he owed to his country. He did it for the spheres. He was a mercenary, and very, very good at what he did. Highprince or peasant, friend or foe, it didn't matter. He killed. 

And yet inside, he fought for a purpose. In his hometown, Storm's End, people died off like flies. Bandits lived in the hills, and sickness ravaged the hamlet. The Citylord was corrupt, and sent soldiers to demand ludicrous taxes. He was a tyrant, but had the ear of Highprince Ruthar. He could do whatever he wanted.

For now. Araon Darkblade would return. The people there had raised him and protected him, while many were killed. He promised he would repay them, and now he knew how. With weapons. With money. But most importantly, with the power of a Knight Radiant. 

I'll probably do some more RP in this thread specifically, but not yet. 

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2 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Storms, Aman, that was an amazing write up and sounds like an awesome game. I got so mixed up last time I played two games at once, but you've hooked me. I'll join when I get time to write up my character intro (it'll likely be Quintus, but someone else might come to mind).

Thanks Jon :P I spent a whole week reading all of the Kaladin and Dalinar chapters in WoR to prepare me to write it, then most of last Sunday fleshing it out. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope people continue to enjoy my write ups this game. I plan to put a lot of effort into these little stories, and will even try my best to roleplay with the players throughout the course of the game, using various characters from the books, some originals like Lomot, and even a few monsters, here and then ;). I look forward to reading your character intro as well. Always enjoy reading your RP!

1 hour ago, Conquestor said:

Perhaps one of the other games will end before this starts. -_- Fine, I can't resist this game! :lol: I will join as Willifer Chaon, The High Prince of Information. He is very intelligent, but as you might guess, not very strong. He has an amazing mustache though!

With the current start date, I don't think any other game will end before this one begins. However, I am willing to push the start back, if necessary, as the last thing I want to do is divide people's attention between AG3 and this, especially since this game in particular requires activity to remain balanced. My hope is that people will understand that and push themselves a little harder than usual, but of course not too much that they make sacrifices in others parts of their life.

I'll add you to the playerlist as soon as you roleplay a character's introduction, as required ^_^ can't wait to read it. Willifer sounds like he'll be a very interesting addition. Good too have you, since the Assassin in White managed to kill old Highprince Roion, and Sadeas killed by only-Culty-knows-who. Someones got to manage their responsibilities after all... right? :P

1 hour ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

How I want to join this game! The action, excitement, unblemished RP! Oh, such things are not known in such a small town as mine... but is my word as true as I say? Will my oaths be true as the sun? Will the hand of justice be unflinching in all prospects it pursues?! I cannot say, for my answer comes not today.

I am seriously contemplating joining. I enjoy the challenge of 200 words--bring it on. However, I have to get my character together and write up something as an introduction... so wait a day or so?

No worries! Take your time. There's a reason why we give people a week to sign up at least, and why I posted this a teensy bit early anyway. I can't wait to read what you have in store.

1 hour ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Jonly is signing up as the second initiate!

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Great RP - Aman

Is 600 words too many? =P

Not at all! The more words the merrier, I always say :P

17 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Oooooh, this looks like fun! I'll try to RP the living crap out of this whole thing. 

  Hide contents

Great RP - Aman

I'll probably do some more RP in this thread specifically, but not yet. 

I look forward to seeing it! More RP is always better than less.

Just remember to send me a PM title "LG30 Assassin in Burgundy", and put inside it what crimes your character may have committed in the past. They don't necessarily need to be a secret to the players, since the Unjust will have to research player's to find out their crimes IC regardless, but it's still an important aspect of the game, and will add some unique flavor to the write ups, if I manage to do them right.

This goes for everyone else too :D I'll put your name on the character list as soon as I see the requisite RP and the PM.

Thanks all <3

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One Week Earlier:

Quintus, Returned of Nalthis, stood in Shadesmar looking at the Perpendicularity that would lead him to the world of Roshar. He recalled what he knew of the world before he prepared to make the transition.

His story was unusual, to say the least. He had been killed in an incident back on Nalthis, though he of course didn't remember that happening. Apparently his body had been turned into a Lifeless for several days, before the Awakened House he had been in (was that even possible?) came crashing down and he died again. 

Then, impossibly, he awoke. He'd had to force his way out of the beams and ruined walls of the house, but he was alive again. Returned. That usually took place in a matter of hours, a day at the outside, but he was living proof that it could happen much later, with some divine and not-so-divine intervention. 

His master, Hoid, had met him when he died, in the shimmering colors of Shadesmar on Nalthis. He'd managed to do something with a liquid he carried that had enabled Quintus to remain there, not fully cognizant, but unable to be pulled to the Beyond. 

Then Edgli had come, Endowment herself. Hoid had called in a favor, it seemed, and Quintus' own actions prior to his death had helped spur her to Return him, with a mission, though he had yet to discover it exactly.

He only knew this from others, though, primarily Hoid. Like all Returned, he had no memories of his prior life. Hoid, somehow, though, had crafted a set of false memories and imprinted them into his mind using a curious copper medallion, or maybe it was a coin, he wasn't sure. He knew they memories were created for him, but they were so lifelike and natural, he'd come to accept them as part of who he was now. Hoid assured him that they were true memories as best as he could create, simply recreated from what Hoid knew, some experienced by the two of them together. Now, he carried with him a treasure of both Breaths and other forms of Investiture that would keep him alive, and Hoid had told him he would be able to use the Stormlight on Roshar to preserve himself as well.

Now he just needed to fit in.

He'd been taught how to hide his Divine Breath, but now he applied some special mental gymnastics that Hoid had drilled into his mind. He pictured the Alethi people, so different physically from himself, but no; he was one of them. He had the same narrow eyes and tanned skin, and eyes that were a dark purple. He knew it.

And then it was.

In a moment's time, his body had changed shape to match the image of himself he'd crafted. He would pass for an Alethi darkeyes now without suspicion. He needed a name to match, though.

And so it was that Kintas stepped through onto the soil of Roshar and began the journey to Urithiru.

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59 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

No worries! Take your time. There's a reason why we give people a week to sign up at least, and why I posted this a teensy bit early anyway.

When do we have to be signed up by? 

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53 minutes ago, Shqueeves said:

When do we have to be signed up by? 

It depends on your time zone, so there isn't a set day/time that I can name. The clock in Aman's third post is counting down to it, so it's whatever is listed on there.

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niiiice one @Amanuensis  

i have exams until the  29th  so i ll do my RP then considering that it is not overflowing by then 

P.S. i kinda want to become a wind runner so that i can spam someone :D:P

P.S.2. i just looked up what your name means , double nice

P.S.3. is there a reason why the symbol under "THE FIRST IDEAL"  is like the rotated alomatic symbol of duralumin?..... illuminaty confirmed 


Edited by Manukos
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Ooh. You have very much piqued my interest and intrigue!

(Looking back at my rather shoddy history in this forum, I am much more interested in the role play side of things, so,. You have hit right up my alley.)

I'm actually working for the next couple of days, but I'll bounce some character concepts around and try and get something up within the dedline, if'n ya'all don't mind me joining. 

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6 hours ago, randuir said:

Huh, that's really weird. I see you've already created a thread in tech support. Hopefully the problem gets resolved by this time next week. If not, attached word documents are fine with me. A moderator could probably even edit the contents into your posts, if necessarily (I think). I would just hate for you to miss out on a game due to technical difficulties.

4 hours ago, Manukos said:

niiiice one @Amanuensis  

i have exams until the  29th  so i ll do my RP then considering that it is not overflowing by then 

P.S. i kinda want to become a wind runner so that i can spam someone :D:P

P.S.2. i just looked up what your name means , double nice

P.S.3. is there a reason why the symbol under "THE FIRST IDEAL"  is like the rotated alomatic symbol of duralumin?..... illuminaty confirmed 


Thank you kind sir :D

People seem to be busy lately, so I don't think this game will be overflowing xD I look forward to reading it.

Personally I want to become a Windrunner so I can fly :P

Thanks again. It's got significance in my own book series I'm working on.

I do find it interesting how similar Kaladin's symbol is to Allomantic symbols in general. Likely a coincidence, but I did always wonder why that half-circle was there. Besides, those spears do look particularly... spiky.

1 hour ago, Quiver said:

Ooh. You have very much piqued my interest and intrigue!

(Looking back at my rather shoddy history in this forum, I am much more interested in the role play side of things, so,. You have hit right up my alley.)

I'm actually working for the next couple of days, but I'll bounce some character concepts around and try and get something up within the dedline, if'n ya'all don't mind me joining. 

Don't mind? Heck, I'd love to have you Quiver :) best of luck at work. Can't wait to see what you cook up

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The Truth shall be made known unto all, bound and free, male and female. For the Truth is all, and with it brings salvation. Join the Truth, and all will be well.


Sareth-son-Erneth crested the mountain ridge, casting thick handfuls of his native soil on the unholy stone. Each step was planted firmly on the dirt piles. He smiled, thinking of how his neighbors had thought him mad. To cross Roshar on foot was to step on unhallowed stone! Yet to find truth, answers come to those who seek it. Sareth paused and looked out on the vast world stretched out before him. Stone and earth and sky and cloud. Truths, each one. And there, among it all, was the holy city. Urithiru. It stood, immensely high, among the stone field surrounding it. Holy stone. The wind blew his cloak, marked with colorful bands, into a frenzied dance, the ends flapping madly. Sareth clutched his staff more tightly.  Then, reaching within the sack he tied to his waist, cast a clump of dirt to the ground. It hit and dispersed. He stepped on it before the wind could blow it away. He didn’t want to waste any soil; he was running low. So he slowly, handful after handful, made his way towards the massive tower.

Urithiru was more impressive up close than it was from the ridge. From the ground, it appeared the city would lean and fall upon him and crush him into the stone. However, the holy city was built to last any storm. That was the Truth. That was what Sareth sought, the Truth.

What is the Truth? There is truth, and then there is the Truth. The Truth is eternal, never flinching. A truth can change, as all things change. All things change but the Truth. Right will triumph, that is the Truth. The sky is blue, that is a truth, for what color is the sky during a highstorm? The Truth is above all. And the greatest sin is lies.

Sareth watched the streaks of light circle the tower. These were the Knights Radiant, bearers of Truth. So long as the Knight holds Truth does he have power, for if he succumbs to lies he will fail, as did the Knights of old, on the Day of Recreance. He saw eager men awaiting their turn to be tested and join the holy order. Sareth shook his head. Only those with Truth may pass. Ordinary men may see truth, but extraordinary men see the Truth. As a Truthseeker, Sareth was such a man. He stepped forward, cloak trailing and staff swinging. The startled crowd shifted aside, making way for the Truth. The man, the Knight, dressed in a royal blue, turned to see him approach. This was an older man, a wiser man. He had seen many things, Sareth could see it in his eyes. The man examined him. He would see the truth of Sareth, a man of Shinovar, a man of middle age and a man of hard work. The man nodded and shrugged slightly, simultaneously, then extended a diamond broam. It glittered. Sareth breathed deeply and spoke.

“Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

This is the Truth.”

Sareth inhaled, drawing the stormlight from the broam and let it fill his body. The light floated from his body like mist. He placed his fist in his open palm and nodded to the Knight, then departed, his staff striking a rhythm on the stone floor.

I have joined. Seek the Truth.

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@Manukos, what does Amanuensis mean?

Now for some RP. 

Four. Three. Two. One.

The hopeful faces of the nobility fell before Dalinar. Only one had made it, and the rest were shambling down the hill towards disgrace.

Inside, Araon knew he wouldn't be one of them. He stepped forward, and met the Highprince's eyes. He really was as intimidating as people said.

"Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination."

Confidence was key when dealing with those more powerful than you. You could lie, bluster, and be unsure as long as you pretended like you knew what you were doing. And it worked. Dalinar's brow furrowed for a moment, then returned. He held out a sphere, and said "Breath deep," as he had with many others. 

This was it. Araon would succeed or fail. There was no in between. 

He inhaled, and felt the powers of creations flow through him. 

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