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Mid-Range Game 17: Hic Sunt Leones


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Time for showing off...

I've found this website a great resource - you can search up all the libraries in your area that have any given book by location. I thoroughly recommend it - same goes for anyone else looking for a book that's they're trying to get a hold of... I can personally guarantee it's accurate when it comes to books in Sydney, at least, but I'm not sure how good the service is internationally.


I'm curious which library would have the second and third books but not the first and why... Maybe the first copy got lost or stolen? Strange...

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12 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

Time for showing off...

I've found this website a great resource - you can search up all the libraries in your area that have any given book by location. I thoroughly recommend it - same goes for anyone else looking for a book that's they're trying to get a hold of... I can personally guarantee it's accurate when it comes to books in Sydney, at least, but I'm not sure how good the service is internationally.


I'm curious which library would have the second and third books but not the first and why... Maybe the first copy got lost or stolen? Strange...

I've been using that site for over a year and it's been awesome. And I'm American, so, it works good here too! :lol:

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Nyanah got up from where she had fallen onto the ground. Shadesmar at last! After weeks and weeks of pestering the Stormfather to pretty-please-with-a-rockbud-on-top show her the Cognitive Realm, he had finally agreed to her request.

The Cognitive Realm looked surprisingly ordinary. Nyanah was in some sort of box-like corridor with white walls and a white roof.

Nyanah frowned. This looked so ... ordinary. Where were the spheres? Where were the spren? She tapped a wall and found that it was just as solid as a normal wall.

Then Nyanah noticed a window. She ran over to it and pressed her face up against the clear surface that covered the window. "Woooooow! It's so green! There's so much grass everywhere. It's like Shinovar!"

YES, IT IS. The Stormfather said hesitantly.

Nyanah spotted a woman walking through the grass. Another Radiant? She seemed to be working in the fields.

"Hey, the grass isn't retreating. That's weird. Wait... EEEEEEEK SHE'S NOT WEARING A GLOVE!" Nyanah quickly turned away from the window to check on her own glove, which was still there. Then she pressed her face against the window again to gape at the grass. It really wasn't reacting to the woman's presence at all!

"Shadesmar is so weird!" Nyanah said. "It's not like what the Elsecallers and Lightweavers describe it at all!"

THIS IS NOT SHADESMAR, the Stormfather said.

"You're not serious, are you? If you are, I am so calling it," Nyanah said.

THIS IS NOT SHADESMAR, the Stormfather repeated gravely.

"Where are we then?" Nyanah asked.

She felt the Stormfather hesitate for a moment. After a long pause, he spoke. I DO NOT KNOW, he admitted.

"Looks like we get to find out then," Nyanah said. "Let's find someone and ask them!"

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1 hour ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Hi, Jefry!

@STINK, Jefry is the person you've been waiting for. You know the one.



1 hour ago, STINK said:


Welcome to SE! 

I feel like I'm missing something... :P 

Also, I'm hoping to post some more RP before the game starts, but I'm afraid I won't have the time. In case I can't, I want to say that my OOG goal this game will be to help Darrow if he's a character, since it seems like that'd be Sevro's goal. My primary goal still takes precedence, of course. (I'm only posting this now so that it's not used in analyzing my alignment. It's just something I think will be fun, but I don't want to get lynched for it)


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23 minutes ago, Bugsy6912 said:


I feel like I'm missing something... :P 

Also, I'm hoping to post some more RP before the game starts, but I'm afraid I won't have the time. In case I can't, I want to say that my OOG goal this game will be to help Darrow if he's a character, since it seems like that'd be Sevro's goal. My primary goal still takes precedence, of course. (I'm only posting this now so that it's not used in analyzing my alignment. It's just something I think will be fun, but I don't want to get lynched for it)

Jefry is a friend of Chaos's. Stink met him on Discord.

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I finished Red Rising, but I'm still waiting for Golden Sun to be available to borrow from the library.  In the meantime, here's my first attempt at some RP.

Edit: Whoops, I just reread the original post and realized you asked us to not provide a house name. Shall I simply edit that out of these posts and go with simply "Quintus"?

Quintus au Tribellius groaned and rolled out of his soft bed.  Despite the comfortable sheets, his back ached and spasmed.  Another perceived insult had lead to another beatdown, and had this time even led to a knife in his back.  While it hadn't hit anything vital, and repairing the damage was easy, he'd had too many similar injuries to simply shrug it off.  No one was offended enough to kill him, usually, but he wasn't physically fit enough to fight off the other Golds when they took offense to him; that was an all too common occurrence.

Slipping out into the hallway from his modest rooms (he was still a Gold, albeit a very lowborn and dull Gold), he trudged out to find something to eat, perhaps some fun (no Pinks today, not with that back, except perhaps a massage), and nearly ran into several highborn Golds, including one he thought was one of the cousins of the Bellano family.  He wasn't about to give them a reason to add to his pains, and spun down another corridor to take a different path.  He sighed heavily, hoping that he wouldn't pass any haemanthus patches on the way.  Golds shouldn't have to deal with things like allergies, but apparently he was the exception to the rule in more ways than one, and he didn't want his nose to swell up and turn red again.  That was gory embarrassing.

Edited by Jondesu
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Ssshhh, sssshhhh. The room was austere and cold, with only the gold trim of the black rug bringing in any hint of color. Lumina would’ve removed that too, if she could, but gold had to be included somewhere, unfortunately. She made up for that by covering as much of the edge as she could. In one corner was her bed, very nearly a cot by most standards, but comfortable enough for her needs. Bookcases lined one wall, mostly filled with philosophies and military histories. Along another was a rack of weaponry, holding everything from medieval-style swords to razors hanging down in a row, with a few daggers arranged parallel to the floor hanging above the hilts. The swords were sheathed, of course. They were made for use, not for showcasing. But the black razor gleamed in the sunlight from the only window in the room, looking out into the isolated corner of a garden modeled after a forest in winter. The window was cracked open at the moment, letting occasional flurries of snow into the room to melt on the rug. 

Lumina had heard that it was a room fit only for Blues, but she liked it. The room was plain and simple and cold. Just like her. She’d never really gotten back used to proper luxury after the Institute. Didn’t see a point. 

She sat in the only chair in the room, wrought iron mixed with blackwood. If anyone else came in they could sit on the bed, but no one ever did. 

In her lap lay a simple stone, white against her black trousers. One hand held the whetstone. The other gripped the only unsheathed sword in the room, a classic rapier (slightly too large to be historically accurate, in order to fit a Gold’s height and weight) that she’d named Wit. A rapier wasn’t as flexible as a razor, no, but it was different. People were generally bad at adapting to different, she’d found. That was why she liked it.

The sword slid softly over the slick stone. Sssshhh, ssshhhh. Lumina’s hands automatically drew the sword along the stone precisely and carefully, as she’d done a thousand times. Ssshhh, ssshhh. 

Lumina the Silent, they’d called her at the Institute. Because she didn’t go into battle with insults and yelling like all the rest. Different. She’d learned how to use that. 

Ssshhh, sssshhh. There were noises outside. Yelling, running footsteps. Lumina frowned and set aside the stone, rising with the bare sword still in her hand. 

Hopefully just a glare out the door would do the trick. She hadn’t been planning to actually deal with anyone today, and was not pleased at the prospect of doing so. If the quiet she'd been enjoying wasn't restored soon, someone was going to bleed.

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A door opened in Khazad's path, swinging out into the hallway and nearly braining him. His hand again went to his sword, but he suppressed the reflex before he could draw it. Out of the door appeared a face: Lumina's. She didn't say anything, as usual, but gave Khazad a glare that would have melted an ice cap.

Oh, it's her! Are you going to let her beat you again?

Khazad did not reply but rather focused on not crashing into Lumina's door. He succeeded, barely. Lumina's glare intensified.

Last time she did that was after you tried to...

Khazad ignored the rest of what the voice said and instead continued his dash down the hall. He didn't want to be more than ten minutes late, after all.

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‘Spartacus’ wasn't as lucky as Khazad, unfortunately. The large man he had been following jerked sideways just in front of him, leaving his field of vision occupied by a large, rather ornate door.


Spartacus reeled back, rubbing his – fortunately very resilient – skull. “Ow…” He groaned.
The door retreated from his field of vision, a face poking out from the edge, gazing at him with an exasperated disinterest.


It was a rather severe looking girl, giving him a look which clearly communicated the fact that he was an idiot and should feel bad. Spartacus gave her a sheepish looking grin, then looked confused for a moment. The girl looked…extremely familiar.


The girl arched an eyebrow. “Lumina au [redacted], and you are?”

Spartacus rose to his feet, watching her. This girl, Lumina, she was one to be watched. Her eyes swirled with plans and strategies, seemingly analyzing him already.  He offered his hand. “Spartacus, at your service.”


Edited by Doctor12
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When Lumina pushed the door open, Khazad narrowly avoided running into it. He glanced at her as he ran by. She could practically see him deciding whether to stop or not, and she smiled slightly as he continued running. While dealing with him could be entertaining, she wasn't in the mood today. 

A second man followed him, and didn't manage to avoid the door. His face was vaguely familiar, but Lumina couldn't quite place it. 

After moaning for a moment, the man stared back at her with a similar expression of confused recognition. "Elentari?"

Lumina arched an eyebrow. "Lumina," she corrected. "And you are...?"

The befuddled-looking man held out a hand as he introduced himself. "Spartacus, at your service." Lumina absently shifted her rapier to her left hand and shook his right, staring at him. 

"Spartacus? The same Spartacus in the Moon Lord Rebellion?" Well, of all the people she'd expect to run into her door, this wasn't who she'd expected. "It's an honor to meet you."

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Chapter 1 will close on Wednesday, October 12th at 8PM EST! Chapter 2 will begin two hours later!


Chapter 1: A Day to Remember

Several hours before the break of dawn, the great Aerie of Agea, palace and fortress for the ArchGovernor of Mars, was alive with motion. LowColors swarmed its endless corridors as if they were ants, eager to make the lancers of House Bellona return a celebration that no Gold could ever forget. While Browns swept through the halls with dustBusters to ensure every ledge and surface was devoid of imperfections, Pinks were lifted onto the shoulders of titanic Obsidians to hang grand depictions of battles, both ancient and modern, where everyone could see them on the ballroom's walls. In the kitchens, Violet cooks prepared enough food to feed a large village for a week, while Oranges trimmed away at the ArchGovernor's immense garden's displays of fauna so that not a single leaf or branch or petal was out of place.

Only Pliny knew how much this grand celebration would cost, and yet credits were the last thing on his mind. Although he was the one who first suggested that Tiberius recall his lancers from their missions across the system, he never intended for them to be welcomed like this. If he didn't know any better, he would think the ArchGovernor had no idea about the war he was fighting with the Reds. Surely there were better things to do with his time than get drunk off scotch, like discuss strategies with his warlords on how to annihilate the Sons of Ares once and for all.

Approaching Tiberius, who now looks over the ledge of his chamber balcony, Pliny glimpses the first light of day pierce the horizon. "And so it begins," the ArchGovernor mutters to himself, his voice monotone from a practiced hollowing of emotion. With a heavy sigh, Tiberius spins away from the ledge, just seconds before the first curve of the sun inches in the sky, and storms past his Chief Politico as if he weren't even there, the sheer force of his presence enough to make the smaller man step back with fright. It's then Tiberius grabs a decanter of his Lagavulin, this bottle at least 600 years old, from a table in the center of the room. With a casual twist of his mighty hand, he breaks the lid and takes a large swig, sloshing his tongue and relishing in the sensation of alcohol stinging his taste buds. After an exaggerated swallow he looks over his shoulder at Pliny and to his surprise, dares to wink. "Want some?" he smiles.

"No thanks."

Tiberius is, of course, the first Gold to reach the Gardens. It's hard for Pliny to judge how long it would take for all his lancers to gather here. Disciplined as they were, this was an informal celebration, one with no real history or meaning, which allowed them plenty of leeway for when they had to arrive. Pliny knew better to assume that Tiberius hadn't scheduled the day's events on purpose. It was a test of their allegiance, to see who cared more about renewing their vows to their lord than getting a few extra hours of sleep.

At the foot of his High Chair, a massive seat carved from an ancient stalagmite, flanked by a crescent-shaped wall of redwoods with a lush canopy that flourished with the symphony of tropical birds, Pliny stood, resisting the urge to lean against it despite the burn in the soles of his feet. When the first lancer arrived, and every lancer thereafter, they would be expected to climb those precarious steps to have a private word with the ArchGovernor. He would then ask them to kneel and swear their vows to him once more, putting themselves at his mercy as, without effort, he could easily kick them in the chest and send them tumbling down the stairs or, if they were especially unlucky, over the edge entirely.

And so he waited, occasionally humming a melody that harmonized with the bird's, hoping that Tiberius' lancers would not take too long. He had missed breakfast, after all, and his stomach was already beginning to grumble. Only when the last one descended those steps would the true festivities be allowed to begin.

I won't bother going into details about the Aerie - just imagine a combination of Kredik Shaw and Elantris, with the former's massive domes and spires and the seconds mystical glow, and you'll be able to picture the fortress pretty easily. Feel free to kick things off saying your vows to Tiberius again, but know that it isn't required; it will be assumed that everyone did by the time they begin socializing in the gardens or dancing in the ballroom. For those who are unaware, Golds have a bit of an obsession with Greco-Roman culture. So, if you're having trouble imagining what sort of things they'd wear to an event like this, or what kind of music they'd be listening to, do some searching there. Ultimately they're your characters, however, so it's up to you whatever you want to wear.

Note that there will be no duel today, so do not bother accusing one another just yet. This turn is primarily meant to kick of the RP, but feel free to discuss tactics.

Also, a note on Rath's. If a Rath changes sides, they cannot be protected by a Telemanus, and their win con changes so that they must be on the winning team AND survive. Also, I'll give everyone on both team's a friendly reminder about exercising caution in revealing information. For all you know, there might be a serial killer out there who can only win if a specific House is annihilated... soo, have fun.

Additionally, you are free to send PMs now, but each one you create will cost 1 Merit, so use them wisely.

Dramatis Personae

  1. Darkness Ascendant as Brown-Piercing
  2. Daniyah as Danii
  3. Doctor12 as Spartacus
  4. Assassin in Burgundy as The Jackal
  5. Magestar as Lucius
  6. Wonko the Sane as Sanis
  7. Jondesu as Quintus
  8. AliasSheep as Nirgal
  9. I_am_a_Stick as Stick
  10. livinglegend as Rylos
  11. Bugsy6912 as Sevro
  12. The_Lady_of_Chaos as Tenebrum
  13. Elenion as Khazad
  14. The Young Bard as Gregor
  15. TheMightyLopen as Priam
  16. Burnt Spaghetti as Tia
  17. Arraenae as Nyanah
  18. Elbereth as Lumina
  19. Straw as Morsde
  20. jefrywlfersn as Jefry



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It is a great honor to meet you, Tiberius. 

Hello dear guests, I'm Tenebrum for those of you who i have yet to meet, happy to see you all! I would like to hear all of your stories about the places you've seen since and if we last met. It's especially nice to see you again Lucius. Oh, and i greatly look forward to all of the stories you have to tell Stick! The places you've been must be simply astonishing. And i have no idea what you've been up to since we last met Brown-Piercing! And i must say that you all look simply wonderful. 

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I have no idea what my vows would actually be, so I'm just going to make them up.

"My lord," Sanis began with a practiced smirk on his lips, "I do swear to serve you in all things."

He gave the barest shadow of a bow and continued, smiling all the while. "I swear to you my heart, my mind, my body, and my soul. I swear to you the works of my hands and my lips. All this I swear in service of the Sovereign, may she reign for a thousand years."

His tone was very carefully calculated to obey the letter of propriety, whilst making it clear to all present what he thought of his "lord".

From anyone else, the disrespect would have been intolerable. But Sanis was too useful, and he was fully aware of it. It was an open secret that Sanis had served as Tiberius's personal assassin on at least a few occasions now.

Rumors about him flew. He could kill anyone, anywhere. He knew horrible secrets. He was a madman who drank the blood of his victims.

Sanis's smile grew. Some of those rumors weren't far off the mark.

He chuckled quietly as he turned to join the ball, leaving Tiberius to scowl in his wake.

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