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Mid-Range Game 17: Hic Sunt Leones


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1 hour ago, Magestar said:

They've been playing (big surprise) Doctor Who since game one. :P 

*cough*justthedoctor*cough* :P 

14 hours ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

 *Excellent RP*

Very nice job! It's probably better than most of mine will be :P 

I'm going to try to bounce RP off of you, since you're the Jackal and all. Know that my RP will have little to no relevance to the actual game, so ignore any faux enmity when I'm in character. It's not me actually trying to get you lynched, unless I take real action

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Having read part of the first book, I'm making a slight adjustment to my character. I'm now Quintus au Tribellius, a Bronze with a slight lisp, for which he is sneered at and is constantly in danger from a slip of the tongue and a misheard insult.


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26 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Having read part of the first book, I'm making a slight adjustment to my character. I'm now Quintus au Tribellius, a Bronze with a slight lisp, for which he is sneered at and is constantly in danger from a slip of the tongue and a misheard insult.


Oooh, what do you think of the book so far?

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9 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Oooh, what do you think of the book so far?

Quite interesting.  Taking a bit to understand all the world building, but that's just normal learning curve.  I'm enjoying it so far, and while I saw most of the plot points so far coming ahead of time, I feel like a lot of that is intentional.


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3 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Quite interesting.  Taking a bit to understand all the world building, but that's just normal learning curve.  I'm enjoying it so far, and while I saw most of the plot points so far coming ahead of time, I feel like a lot of that is intentional.


Yeah... in regards to this particular game, most of what it relevant you will learn in the second book, Golden Son. On the note of plot points being predictable, we just talked about this on our SE Discord chat recently; the first books got a good number of obvious ones, but the second throws a decent number of "wrenches" into the mix. 

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Just now, Amanuensis said:

Yeah... in regards to this particular game, most of what it relevant you will learn in the second book, Golden Son. On the note of plot points being predictable, we just talked about this on our SE Discord chat recently; the first books got a good number of obvious ones, but the second throws a decent number of "wrenches" into the mix. 

Cool.  I'll probably manage to read Golden Sun before we get too far into the game.


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1 minute ago, Jondesu said:

Cool.  I'll probably manage to read Golden Sun before we get too far into the game.


Happy to hear it :D the Red Rising trilogy is a great experience. Always am glad to see new people trek their way through it

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Aman, is RP before the game starts redeemable for merit? I'd like to post the RP I've written so far, but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to write, so I want to milk or for all its worth :P (I'm fine with waiting until the start, if you prefer)

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I was considering making it redeemable, yes... I will say that pregame RP will count for Chapter One... so basically if you earn merit here and now, you won't gain it until Chapter Two starts, however it will be counted among your 20 potential points for Chapter One

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3 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I was considering making it redeemable, yes... I will say that pregame it will count for Chapter One... so basically if you earn merit here and now, you won't gain it until Chapter Two starts, however it will be counted among your 20 potential points for Chapter One

Thank you! Without further ado, part one of my RP :P:

Sevro au Barca woke to a knock on his door, rising from his bed as he faced yet another tiring and mind numbingly dull day. Overseeing the developing colonies in the far reaches of the society's grasp was not what he had had in mind as his future profession when he had attended the Institute and come out a Peerless Scarred. Still, with all the powerful enemies he had made there, he supposed he was lucky they let him keep his life. He grimaced, yawning, as he yanked himself from the grasp of a tumultuous sleep. It was the only kind he had known, recently. He answered the door, scratching his crotch as the bureaucratic Copper waiting outside began reading off a list of what his responsibilities were for that day. 
      “Good morning, Primus. Today, you have some diplomatic duties that need your attention. Colony Omega, approximately 57 kilometers away, would like to expand its mining privileges into lands traditionally held by your colony. In exchange, they--”
     He looked up. “Bloody-- Primus, why aren't you dressed? You have to show up for the joint briefing in less than half an hour!” 
     “I'm not gory well dressed because I was sleeping until your gorydamn knocking woke me up. Slag off, Victus”
     “But, Primus, you-” the Copper began, only to choke off as Sevro flipped him the crux and swung the door shut.

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31 minutes ago, Doxis said:

I want to spectate 'cause i have no idea how to play yet.. .  XD 

Let me refer you to the rules thread here. But spectating your first game, particularly if you've never played anything like this before, sounds like a good plan to me. @Amanuensis can get you the link to the spec doc.

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Sevro sighed, exhausted. The Copper from earlier hadn't deserved the treatment he'd given him, but at this point he could barely control himself. His mangy golden hair, lacking the burnished glow that marked the most pure members of his gilded caste, stuck up rebelliously in every imaginable direction, as if he had been hit with a blast from a stunFist. Taming it would take more time than it was worth, so he left it as it was. I really need to cut that, soon. Maybe a mohawk or something
     Glancing in the mirror, he saw that his bloodshot eye seemed almost more red than gold, a testament to the many sleepless nights he had undergone in the past week. He couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Nothing he could do about it, though, especially because he wasn't certain what it even was. It took time for news to reach Pluto, especially with his aversion to hackable electronic communications. Sensitive information come covertly in the hands of some trusted Browns who managed the cargo shipments his colony depended upon, but those could take up to a month to reach him. All he could do at this point was keep working, trying to stay alive and unremembered by the powers that be. 

Slight Red Rising spoilers ahead:


    As he prepared himself for the repetitive bureaucratic work he was consigned to for what felt like it would be the remainder of his life, he reflected on what had led to the dismal situation he found himself in now. It was all the fault of that gorydamn Passage. They'd seen him as a weakling, as expendable, as less than that pricklicking Bellona, just because the Pixie’s mother owned 2 moons. What had they been thinking? Priam wasn't tough. He had been to pampered to handle the stress of real danger. He was a babbling mess when they were locked into the room. Sevro had ended it as quick and as clean as he could. What else could he do?  Bellona wasn't satisfied with his small degree of kindness to the poor boy, of course. He'd murdered their Golden Son, left him lying cold and still on the smooth stone floor of a dark cavern. They'd only have been happy with him has he accepted his assigned fate as meekly as a sheep led to slaughter. What had they expected him to do, curl up and die? It would have been better if I had, he thought grimly. I pissed off the Eagle, and now I have to deal with the consequences. Sometimes, it seems like it'd just be easier to have let it end then and there. I have no shot at a life on Mars, no way to even step foot on it. Especially when it's under Bellona control.

Edited to add: Sorry, Lopen! I just saw your signup. This could get confusing :P 

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