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You're just doing that to survive Elbereth. That's positively coldblooded of you.

Elbereth, Elbereth. :P 

...Well, I would like to not die twice within two hours, yeah. But also, I really don't want a last minute vote frenzy. Those are not useful in showing the opinions of anyone but you, or generating discussion. Plus they're not fun for Alv. And, to a lesser extent (since we do only have 20 minutes left in the day now), it's unfair to the people who aren't on at turnover. So let's not, okay? :)
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Vote Tally:

Elb(2): Mark{1}, Joe{1}, Sheep{2}

Hael(0): Arraenae{1} Sheep{1}

Mark(3): Ripple{1}, Elb{2}, Hael{1}, Arraene{2}

Ripple(0): Elb{1}


Mark. I thought I needed the 3rd vote to tie the votes

Edited by Haelbarde
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Day Six: Seppuku



Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/14/2016; 1715 by

Inspector Ryotaro Sakajo
4 Chome-8-1, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-9800 (FAX 3-3680-9900)

Investigative Agency: Kanagawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876655

Name: Joseph Busshu
Date of Birth: September 15, 1981
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: European - French
Body Identified by: <Classified>

Location of Subject:
Subject walked into the Kanagawa Regional Police Bureau and confessed his crimes before taking his own life.

Evidence Collected:
Seventeen (17) photographs
Nine (9) swabs from various body locations

Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Tantō blade

Ryotaro Sakajo

Shiori Akino
Tomomi Tsuchiya

Time of Death: 1700
Cause of Death: Disembowelment.  Subject performed Seppuku rather than be taken alive.
Manner of Death: Suicide


Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/14/2016; 1030 by

Inspector Ryotaro Sakajo
4 Chome-8-1, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-9800 (FAX 3-3680-9900)

Investigative Agency: Kanagawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876654

Name: Gylf
Date of Birth: October 22 1999
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Unknown
Body Identified by: Student ID card

Location of Subject:
Subject was located at their dormroom. 5529 Ōba, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken 251-0861

Evidence Collected:
Twenty eight (28) photographs
Thirteen (13) swabs from various body locations
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Wallet, empty
One (1) Student photo ID card


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 0130 and 0330
Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest
Manner of Death: Homicide


Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/09/2016; 1730 by
Inspector Tomomi Tsuchiya
6 Chome-6-13, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3687-8021 (FAX 3-3687-8021)

Investigative Agency: Kanagawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876658

Name: Mitai
Date of Birth: July 6, 2001
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Race: Oceanic - New Zealander
Body Identified by: Mother

Location of Subject:
5584-4 Ōba, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken 251-086

Evidence Collected:
Fourteen (14) photographs
Seven (7) swabs from various body locations
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Black school bag

One (1) Pizza Box - empty

Elbe Oniel


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 1500 and 1700
Cause of Death: Blunt force Trauma
Manner of Death: Homicide


RippleGylf - Gylf has been written out of the game.  He was a Civilian.
The Only Joe - Joseph Busshu has been written out of the game.  He was a Death Note Holder.
Mark IV - Mitai was lynched.  He was a

Vote Tally:
Elbereth:(1): Mark
Mark(2): Ripple, Elbereth, Arraenae, Joe

Player List:
1: Metacognition - M Corrupt Police Officer
2: Elbereth - Elbe Oniel
3: The Only Joe - Joseph Busshu Death Note Holder
4: Mailliw73 - Maokani Civilian
5: Master Elodin - Alexander Notlimah Police Officer
6: TheMightyLopen - Frank B. Ingram Police Officer
7: Burnt Spaghetti - Sumiko
8: Haelbarde - Hal Heatherlocke
9: AliasSheep - Kai Lo
10: Cloudjumper - Huko
11: Conquestor - Con L
12: Trelagist - T
13: Amanuensis - Yushi Kurimura Corrupt Police Officer
14: ThatTinyStrawMan - Straw
15: DeathClutch19 - Mello Civilian
16: Hellscythe - Ryuzaki Death Note Holder
17: Weaving Webs - Near Civilian
18: Mark IV - Mitai Civilian
19: Arraenae - Rikku
20: LUNA - Tsuki Serial Killer
21: Bugsy6912 - Akiyama
22: RippleGylf - Gylf Civilian
Edited by Alvron
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So we have 9 living players, of which three are eliminators. We are at the point, basically, where we have to get things right. Unless I'm being expertly played, which could well be possible, there's three other players I trust right now. Joe's death was unexpected, so i might have to reevaluate my assessment.

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Well. This isn't great. We have to worry about conversions again. Which is irritating. On the other hand, no more last minute vote changes! That's nice, at least. Ryuk/Rem/Holders will have to actually provide evidence and such in order to control the lynch. Hopefully, we can actually catch them. The old-fashioned way, with discussion.

EDIT: I'm going to be gone for a good deal of tomorrow, by the way. Maybe a bit of time in the morning, but it's very likely that I won't be around until around four hours before turnover. I have a math competition. Woo...

Edited by Elbereth
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So I just spent the best part of an hour and a half going through Hael's posts, summarising them and writing up my thoughts.  This is going to be a bit different from what I did for Elbe, as this time I annotated the posts with my thoughts inline, instead of writing up everything afterwards.  Anyway, 42 posts of summary and thoughts, 4 whole pages, here for you to see (the BB code for this thing is going to be a monster, I am so sorry 17th Shard server that you had to deal with this):


1 - Asks what Joe means by Ryuk only having one voice; points out that Ryuk starts with a teammate Not sure why Hael would be so certain about this rule; perhaps indicator of being Ryuk?


2 - Hael points out that Joe could just be a Holder and baiting villagers into roleclaiming


Asks Alv is Ryuk/Holder shows up as guilty if they haven’t killed anyone


Would prefer is L scans someone and uses them as a rep.  


Prefers to Lynch day 1, says we can’t rely on a scanning role.


3 - Asks Alv the same question as before


4 - Asks Alv the same question but about a new Holder Hael is incredibly interested in all these details; I’d think that Ryuk would definitely want to know this stuff - it would be important to their strategy.  On the other hand, I don’t see why the villager would worry about a new Holder, given no Holders had been killed yet


Has a problem with Joe’s plan because there’s no proof of anything Joe says + people could fakeclaim as L to see reactions.


5 -  Says that if the claimer was Mail, Aman or Dc, he’d assume that they’re fakeclaiming.  Meta and Scythe too.  Asks if me and Joe know the identity of each other’s claimer - suggests we don’t disclose that info to each other.


6 - Makes vote tally <3 Love vote tallies


Thinks that me and Joe not revealing to each other makes it less likely that Ryuk knows who L is.

Asks me if L contacted me before or after Joe claimed to be contacted.


7 - Goes and gets a sceptical emoticon for Mail


8 - Says not everyone knows they should be sceptical.  Says there’s a lot of people who don’t know not to roleclaim to randoms.

Provides pretty swaggy sceptical emoticon. Instant suspicious ofc /s


9 - Asks for thoughts on providing scan cover for L - everyone pretends to have scanned someone and posts fake results, then when L dies, we look at their scans and see who is confirmed.  Says that everyone would have to act as if they believe that their scan is true. This would make it quite easy for the eliminator team to close down on the number of possible suspects for L - they’d know who fake claimed them as innocent etc.


10 - Says the conversion role is fortunate as it makes it harder for the village to mess up scans and let the eliminators know who L is.


11 - Says that eliminators have cover under the plan Which would be convenient if he was an eliminator


Says the possibility of everything going wrong by people getting incorrect fakescans is about the same as Joe’s plan.  Says the thing that will win for the village is them catching it themselves without relying on L.  This is a strange thing to say, given that a view like that kind of makes his plan seem ridiculous, especially given the risks.  He also fully acknowledges the risks and then goes on to espouse the plan anyway.


12 - Says there are probably better options than his plan due to PMs. This seems like a reluctant concession to me, to be honest.


Is wary of Joe because of QF7 and MR13


13 - Says Lopen made a PM with him, they had 10 messages, discussed when they started forming opinions, Lopen asked if they wanted to share roles, discussed wariness of Joe, thought he’d be able to spot evil!Burnt


14 - Suggests that no secret rules means the secret roles are just for flavour


15 - Thinks Alv and him have different definitions of rules


16 - Will kill Joe in any subsequent games where he tries to be an info centre.


Wants to get murderers to kill Joe.  Asks who roleclaimed to Joe, thinks that since Ryuk knows already, it’s worth telling the village. Honestly, I can’t see a good reason for the village to need to know roles.  I think it’s likely at this point that Hael is Ryuk trying to get the village to give him their roles since he knows that Joe, a different Shinigam’s holder already has them, and is using that to his advantage.  Not sure why he wouldn’t just contact Joe about this, though, but it’s worth considering.


17 - Thinks that killing Joe will keep him quiet and also make Ryuk waste a turn - however he thinks that keeping Joe alive is better elsewise. I’m not sure why Ryuk would want to keep Rem’s holder alive, but at the same time, I can’t see why Ryuk would want to kill Rem’s holder either, so I’m split on this one and whether it’s suspicious.


Asks if they get to say they can read evil!Joe now


18 - Says to people who rolerevealed to Joe that if they didn’t want to publicly roleclaim, they could roleclaim to two other people, then they’d be sure that at least one villager knows. This isn’t true if there’s 4 eliminators, but this hadn’t been confirmed in the thread yet, so it isn’t too telling.  That being said, I still don’t know why he wants the village to know everyone’s roles


19 - Asks murderers to kill Luna in a cycle or two, asks if Luna had roleclaimed to anyone. Why would Hael want to do anything based off of information from Joe, information which we know is probably false.  This would be a good way to steer suspicion in a certain way, by playing along with Joe.  This feels like quite a suspicious move.

Says we don’t have to worry about how to deal with “the cop” now. I have no idea what this means, Hael would you mind explaining please?


Suggests that Joe is Ryuk trying to psyche us out.  Expects Ryuk to be a new player such as Elb, Araenae, Burnt or Ripple.  Has to go.


20 - Says they’re not entirely sure about Mark claiming Hael’s actions to be misdirectiony much like the behaviour I described in my analysis of Elbe when trying to fend off true accusations says that it’s him trying to guess what kind of person Alv would let be Ryuk given Joe is a holder.  Says he’s going to analyse those four as a starting point.


21 - Randomly quotes Luna - some sort of mobile bug going on


22 - Says that he hadn’t considered that Joe would still have a vote and that that makes him lean towards killing Joe.


23 - Asks Joe if he’s doing science Oh the references, the beautiful references


24 - Links to Still Alive Only an eliminator would reference GLaDoS, Hael must be Ryuk /s


Says that Joe is trolling.  Says the village that kept Aman alive got burnt by fake info. Given he knew this, makes me wonder why earlier on he said we should get Luna killed based on Joe’s info.  It seems to contradict earlier statements.


25 - Says he died N2, so didn’t follow it too closely. Why would he use this kind of information that he didn’t know enough about to try and get Joe lynched?


Asks if anyone else got a PM from Joe asking if they wanted to be the next Holder. I did


26 - Explains Still Alive to Luna


27 - Puts out another vote tally Yay vote tallies


28 - Isn’t a fan of Alv’s definition of rules.


29 - Asks Joe if he shares a doc with all the shinigami and holders This is a point in favour of his innocence - Ryuk would already know this.  Could be feigning though - though I don’t want to go too many steps down the absolute paranoia road. Then again, this is SE.


30 - Says that rules almost imply there’s more than 1 shinigami.  Doesn’t think there’d be more than two. I’d like to know when Hael realised this.  If he realised it earlier on, it would contradict his statement earlier about if people messaged at least two others than Joe, they could be certain they’d message at least one villager.


Says Mail roleclaimed as murderer (and lied) in PM.  Says Mail was a murderer who roleclaimed to Joe.


Says any villagers with kill roles should use them.  Says they should take out Joe or try and hit an eliminator (due to 27% odds). Personally, I’m not a fan of villager kill roles blindly attacking - it seems worse for the village than good.  This is another instance of him saying we should kill Joe now, despite thinking it would be better if we didn’t kill Joe earlier.  I’m confused about the switch in opinion and/or contradiction.


31 - Asks Joe if he knows the identity of the other eliminators


32 - Says we need to vote.


Wants more activity from Burnt, Trel and Ripple.


Is suspicious of Bugsy and Mark.  Thinks he could see a Strawman-Joe team working nicely Not sure where this came from, Hael could you clarify?

Says Weaving Webs probably isn’t a shinigami as they haven’t been on for a week.


33 - Says he checked and misread some of Mark’s posts.  Says it serves him right for being distracted.  Asks Mark for his thoughts. I can’t really tell if this is because he actually misread some of Mark’s posts, or is just retracting the vote he thought he’d be able to get easy, but in reality couldn’t.


Asks Strawman for thoughts and maybe an updated suspicions table.


34 - Removes vote for Strawman, votes for Trelagist


35 - Removes vote for Trel, votes for Cloud


36 - >: D


37 - Agrees that the weird voting last night was fun, and telling Not sure what it tells,  Hael, care to clarify?


38 - Says he was doing his weird voting to see if Joe would follow and also to see who Joe was willing to vote on.  Says he’s willing to soft clear Trel and Cloud on being Rem.  Semi-clears Mark as there was still half an hour left on the clock.  Says either of the pair could be Ryuk as Joe claimed not to be contacting by Ryuk. This was beneficial to the village, yet it was quite minor.  I also pointed out in the thread that I thought it was possible that this was just a show put on by Joe and Hael.


39 - Puts out another vote tally.  Votes on Mark as he doesn’t have a good read on him.  Says he leans towards Elbe being village.


40 - Puts out an updated vote tally


41 - Says he thinks Alv’s vote tally looks off; amends this when Burnt points out two of Mark’s voters died.


42 - Says we have 9 living players, three of which are eliminators (until we get a new Holder for Rem).  Says we are at the point where we have to get things right.  Says that there’s three players he trusts.  Says Joe’s death was unexpected.

And with that, Haelbarde. Interested in seeing if I got this right.
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Yes.  Two.



Guys, can we get some more discussion going?  I think that at this point in the game, we need a lynch every day. 


So we have 9 living players, of which three are eliminators. We are at the point, basically, where we have to get things right. Unless I'm being expertly played, which could well be possible, there's three other players I trust right now. Joe's death was unexpected, so i might have to reevaluate my assessment.


Hael, which are the three people you trust?

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From my few interactions with Burnt, it seems unlikely she's evil (although in saying this, chances are she's most definitely evil). I trust that cloudjumper is what he says he is, and Joe basically confirmed with the way he followed my vote that Cloud isn't Rem. Trelagist i reckon is also cleared from being Rem.

I'd also tend to think Elb and Arraenae aren't Shinigami, for a couple of reasons that I can go into next cycle.

That leaves you, sheep, as well as Bugsy and strawman.

At the moment, I reckon that one of straw and bugsy is Rem. So I'm going to vote bugsy

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From my few interactions with Burnt, it seems unlikely she's evil (although in saying this, chances are she's most definitely evil). I trust that cloudjumper is what he says he is, and Joe basically confirmed with the way he followed my vote that Cloud isn't Rem. Trelagist i reckon is also cleared from being Rem.

I'd also tend to think Elb and Arraenae aren't Shinigami, for a couple of reasons that I can go into next cycle.

That leaves you, sheep, as well as Bugsy and strawman.

At the moment, I reckon that one of straw and bugsy is Rem. So I'm going to vote bugsy


Can I get reasoning for clearing Burnt and Trel?

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Burnt has sounded like a bored villager in my PM with her. Trelagist was voted on by Joe at last minute the cycle when I jumped my vote around.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Finally making a post! Here is what I think of the people remaining:

Elbereth: Elbereth is probably not a shinigami because she has been examining people's posts. However this makes it extremely easy to feed the village misinformation.

Burnt: Can't really get a read on her. Probably a bored villager or a newly recruited holder.

Haelbarde: Hard to get a read on. Probably Ryuk or a murderer.

AliasSheep: Something just feels off about their posts. Probably Rem or a police officer.

Cloudjumper: Hard to get a read on. Probably a villager.

Trelagist: Hard to get a read on. Probably a murderer or villager.

Arraenae: Something feels off about Arraenae. Ryuk, Rem, Holder, or murderer.

Bugsy: Hard to get a read on. Probably a Holder or villager.

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Arraenae: Something feels off about Arraenae. Ryuk, Rem, Holder, or murderer.


I'm a murderer (kind of). Somehow I've displeased the RNG machines, so I've never gotten the kill... 


A lot of the time, the people who were killed were ones who voted on someone, such as Ripple and Joe this cycle. Not sure if this means something.

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I'm back! And I got an Honorable Mention in my math competition! :D


So there's been less talking today than normal, which is a little sad (although unsurprising with LG21, of course). But unlike LG21, we have turnover in 2 hours, and we need to figure out who we're lynching.


Sheep, your comment about how the fakepeek strategy would help the eliminators is interesting. Particularly given that in the Championship, the person to suggest them was in fact an eliminator... That said, I do have good reasons to trust Hael, which are more telling than this. Still, it's a good thought.

Strawman. That list and nice and all, but again, it'd be nice if we had reasoning behind it. It seems fairly random if you just put it out there. For instance, you say that Burnt and Hael are both difficult to read, and from that you produce very different conclusions with no explanation given.

Hael hasn't responded to my analysis of him, my questions or my accusations.  I can only assume this is because he wants to avoid discussion that would get a second vote on him?

Or, perhaps, because he's Australian and went to bed. :) He'll probably be on soon, though.

Also, a thought I had. Looking back through the cycles, we've never had a murderer kill. Not one. We thought Meta was for a while, but Alv confirmed that was just a mistake. And Luna killed Aman. So... where are the murderers?

My best guess is that Alv didn't put any in. Which makes perfect sense, since it'd be perfect cover for the serial killer to kill without anyone suspecting it. And that explains why Corrupt Police Officers had to be in the game, to balance out L's scans. Since the Murderers wouldn't be there to scan as Guilty, that is. And thus... how is Rae a Murderer? One who's never even had the kill, to boot?

So... I do have some reasons to trust Rae, but I think this is likely enough that it at least deserves a vote for now. Sorry, Rae.

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Hael hasn't responded to my analysis of him, my questions or my accusations. I can only assume this is because he wants to avoid discussion that would get a second vote on him?

I've been at "church" (and still am for another half hour). Will respond when I get home and access to my pc.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Also, a thought I had. Looking back through the cycles, we've never had a murderer kill. Not one. We thought Meta was for a while, but Alv confirmed that was just a mistake. And Luna killed Aman. So... where are the murderers?

My best guess is that Alv didn't put any in. Which makes perfect sense, since it'd be perfect cover for the serial killer to kill without anyone suspecting it. And that explains why Corrupt Police Officers had to be in the game, to balance out L's scans. Since the Murderers wouldn't be there to scan as Guilty, that is. And thus... how is Rae a Murderer? One who's never even had the kill, to boot?

So... I do have some reasons to trust Rae, but I think this is likely enough that it at least deserves a vote for now. Sorry, Rae.


At the start of the game, I decided that I would pretend to be a murderer, to attract the eliminator kill, because I'd always died in the past, and I wanted to make myself a juicer target for the eliminators in order to take fire away from others with useful roles. I told a few people I was a murderer, including Joe, but the eliminators didn't kill me. Then Joe revealed, and promised to give up a few secrets if we let him live. I tried to extract information out of him by threatening to kill him if he didn't answer questions non-trollishly.


I'm not a murderer, but I've been thinking and playing like one. And I'm pretty sure Alv's RNG machine hates me.  :P

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So I just spent the best part of an hour and a half going through Hael's posts, summarising them and writing up my thoughts.  This is going to be a bit different from what I did for Elbe, as this time I annotated the posts with my thoughts inline, instead of writing up everything afterwards.  Anyway, 42 posts of summary and thoughts, 4 whole pages, here for you to see (the BB code for this thing is going to be a monster, I am so sorry 17th Shard server that you had to deal with this):


1 - Asks what Joe means by Ryuk only having one voice; points out that Ryuk starts with a teammate Not sure why Hael would be so certain about this rule; perhaps indicator of being Ryuk?


2 - Hael points out that Joe could just be a Holder and baiting villagers into roleclaiming


Asks Alv is Ryuk/Holder shows up as guilty if they haven’t killed anyone


Would prefer is L scans someone and uses them as a rep.  


Prefers to Lynch day 1, says we can’t rely on a scanning role.


3 - Asks Alv the same question as before


4 - Asks Alv the same question but about a new Holder Hael is incredibly interested in all these details; I’d think that Ryuk would definitely want to know this stuff - it would be important to their strategy.  On the other hand, I don’t see why the villager would worry about a new Holder, given no Holders had been killed yet


Has a problem with Joe’s plan because there’s no proof of anything Joe says + people could fakeclaim as L to see reactions.


5 -  Says that if the claimer was Mail, Aman or Dc, he’d assume that they’re fakeclaiming.  Meta and Scythe too.  Asks if me and Joe know the identity of each other’s claimer - suggests we don’t disclose that info to each other.


6 - Makes vote tally <3 Love vote tallies


Thinks that me and Joe not revealing to each other makes it less likely that Ryuk knows who L is.

Asks me if L contacted me before or after Joe claimed to be contacted.


7 - Goes and gets a sceptical emoticon for Mail


8 - Says not everyone knows they should be sceptical.  Says there’s a lot of people who don’t know not to roleclaim to randoms.

Provides pretty swaggy sceptical emoticon. Instant suspicious ofc /s


9 - Asks for thoughts on providing scan cover for L - everyone pretends to have scanned someone and posts fake results, then when L dies, we look at their scans and see who is confirmed.  Says that everyone would have to act as if they believe that their scan is true. This would make it quite easy for the eliminator team to close down on the number of possible suspects for L - they’d know who fake claimed them as innocent etc.


10 - Says the conversion role is fortunate as it makes it harder for the village to mess up scans and let the eliminators know who L is.


11 - Says that eliminators have cover under the plan Which would be convenient if he was an eliminator


Says the possibility of everything going wrong by people getting incorrect fakescans is about the same as Joe’s plan.  Says the thing that will win for the village is them catching it themselves without relying on L.  This is a strange thing to say, given that a view like that kind of makes his plan seem ridiculous, especially given the risks.  He also fully acknowledges the risks and then goes on to espouse the plan anyway.


12 - Says there are probably better options than his plan due to PMs. This seems like a reluctant concession to me, to be honest.


Is wary of Joe because of QF7 and MR13


13 - Says Lopen made a PM with him, they had 10 messages, discussed when they started forming opinions, Lopen asked if they wanted to share roles, discussed wariness of Joe, thought he’d be able to spot evil!Burnt


14 - Suggests that no secret rules means the secret roles are just for flavour


15 - Thinks Alv and him have different definitions of rules


16 - Will kill Joe in any subsequent games where he tries to be an info centre.


Wants to get murderers to kill Joe.  Asks who roleclaimed to Joe, thinks that since Ryuk knows already, it’s worth telling the village. Honestly, I can’t see a good reason for the village to need to know roles.  I think it’s likely at this point that Hael is Ryuk trying to get the village to give him their roles since he knows that Joe, a different Shinigam’s holder already has them, and is using that to his advantage.  Not sure why he wouldn’t just contact Joe about this, though, but it’s worth considering.


17 - Thinks that killing Joe will keep him quiet and also make Ryuk waste a turn - however he thinks that keeping Joe alive is better elsewise. I’m not sure why Ryuk would want to keep Rem’s holder alive, but at the same time, I can’t see why Ryuk would want to kill Rem’s holder either, so I’m split on this one and whether it’s suspicious.


Asks if they get to say they can read evil!Joe now


18 - Says to people who rolerevealed to Joe that if they didn’t want to publicly roleclaim, they could roleclaim to two other people, then they’d be sure that at least one villager knows. This isn’t true if there’s 4 eliminators, but this hadn’t been confirmed in the thread yet, so it isn’t too telling.  That being said, I still don’t know why he wants the village to know everyone’s roles


19 - Asks murderers to kill Luna in a cycle or two, asks if Luna had roleclaimed to anyone. Why would Hael want to do anything based off of information from Joe, information which we know is probably false.  This would be a good way to steer suspicion in a certain way, by playing along with Joe.  This feels like quite a suspicious move.

Says we don’t have to worry about how to deal with “the cop” now. I have no idea what this means, Hael would you mind explaining please?


Suggests that Joe is Ryuk trying to psyche us out.  Expects Ryuk to be a new player such as Elb, Araenae, Burnt or Ripple.  Has to go.


20 - Says they’re not entirely sure about Mark claiming Hael’s actions to be misdirectiony much like the behaviour I described in my analysis of Elbe when trying to fend off true accusations says that it’s him trying to guess what kind of person Alv would let be Ryuk given Joe is a holder.  Says he’s going to analyse those four as a starting point.


21 - Randomly quotes Luna - some sort of mobile bug going on


22 - Says that he hadn’t considered that Joe would still have a vote and that that makes him lean towards killing Joe.


23 - Asks Joe if he’s doing science Oh the references, the beautiful references


24 - Links to Still Alive Only an eliminator would reference GLaDoS, Hael must be Ryuk /s


Says that Joe is trolling.  Says the village that kept Aman alive got burnt by fake info. Given he knew this, makes me wonder why earlier on he said we should get Luna killed based on Joe’s info.  It seems to contradict earlier statements.


25 - Says he died N2, so didn’t follow it too closely. Why would he use this kind of information that he didn’t know enough about to try and get Joe lynched?


Asks if anyone else got a PM from Joe asking if they wanted to be the next Holder. I did


26 - Explains Still Alive to Luna


27 - Puts out another vote tally Yay vote tallies


28 - Isn’t a fan of Alv’s definition of rules.


29 - Asks Joe if he shares a doc with all the shinigami and holders This is a point in favour of his innocence - Ryuk would already know this.  Could be feigning though - though I don’t want to go too many steps down the absolute paranoia road. Then again, this is SE.


30 - Says that rules almost imply there’s more than 1 shinigami.  Doesn’t think there’d be more than two. I’d like to know when Hael realised this.  If he realised it earlier on, it would contradict his statement earlier about if people messaged at least two others than Joe, they could be certain they’d message at least one villager.


Says Mail roleclaimed as murderer (and lied) in PM.  Says Mail was a murderer who roleclaimed to Joe.


Says any villagers with kill roles should use them.  Says they should take out Joe or try and hit an eliminator (due to 27% odds). Personally, I’m not a fan of villager kill roles blindly attacking - it seems worse for the village than good.  This is another instance of him saying we should kill Joe now, despite thinking it would be better if we didn’t kill Joe earlier.  I’m confused about the switch in opinion and/or contradiction.


31 - Asks Joe if he knows the identity of the other eliminators


32 - Says we need to vote.


Wants more activity from Burnt, Trel and Ripple.


Is suspicious of Bugsy and Mark.  Thinks he could see a Strawman-Joe team working nicely Not sure where this came from, Hael could you clarify?

Says Weaving Webs probably isn’t a shinigami as they haven’t been on for a week.


33 - Says he checked and misread some of Mark’s posts.  Says it serves him right for being distracted.  Asks Mark for his thoughts. I can’t really tell if this is because he actually misread some of Mark’s posts, or is just retracting the vote he thought he’d be able to get easy, but in reality couldn’t.


Asks Strawman for thoughts and maybe an updated suspicions table.


34 - Removes vote for Strawman, votes for Trelagist


35 - Removes vote for Trel, votes for Cloud


36 - >: D


37 - Agrees that the weird voting last night was fun, and telling Not sure what it tells,  Hael, care to clarify?


38 - Says he was doing his weird voting to see if Joe would follow and also to see who Joe was willing to vote on.  Says he’s willing to soft clear Trel and Cloud on being Rem.  Semi-clears Mark as there was still half an hour left on the clock.  Says either of the pair could be Ryuk as Joe claimed not to be contacting by Ryuk. This was beneficial to the village, yet it was quite minor.  I also pointed out in the thread that I thought it was possible that this was just a show put on by Joe and Hael.


39 - Puts out another vote tally.  Votes on Mark as he doesn’t have a good read on him.  Says he leans towards Elbe being village.


40 - Puts out an updated vote tally


41 - Says he thinks Alv’s vote tally looks off; amends this when Burnt points out two of Mark’s voters died.


42 - Says we have 9 living players, three of which are eliminators (until we get a new Holder for Rem).  Says we are at the point where we have to get things right.  Says that there’s three players he trusts.  Says Joe’s death was unexpected.

And with that, Haelbarde. Interested in seeing if I got this right.



Not sure why Hael would be so certain about this rule; perhaps indicator of being Ryuk. I was curious before the game started, because I was curious how the game would be balanced. So I read and reread the rules, in which it does spell it out. 
Hael is incredibly interested in all these details; I’d think that Ryuk would definitely want to know this stuff - it would be important to their strategy.  On the other hand, I don’t see why the villager would worry about a new Holder, given no Holders had been killed yet
Again, because I read the rules, the rules never explicitly say that L scans Shinigami and Holders as guilty. It explicitly says Murderers scan guilty. Otherwise, it only says people who were involved in the murder would scan guilty. It wasn't clear if Ryuk/holder would be scanned guilty turn 1, although it was likely. But when a new holder is made, have they been involved in a murder yet? No, so as far as the rules are concerend, they'd in theory scan as Innocent. And this was relevant Cycle 1 - I wanted to be sure that L wouldn't get a 'Innocent' result if scanning a Shinigami or Holder.
The Cover Plan
Yeah, it wasn't a good idea,  necessarily. But I really didn't like where Joe was going (and I was justified, mind you). So I eventually decided to at least suggest the idea. I see your point though, but there's not much I can say. It was genunine.
I’m not sure why Ryuk would want to keep Rem’s holder alive, but at the same time, I can’t see why Ryuk would want to kill Rem’s holder either, so I’m split on this one and whether it’s suspicious. At this point, we didn't know of Rem's existence. My concern was that Joe would be an agent of chaos, making everyone second guess themselves, and somone wouldn't die that turn. I hadn't realized yet that Joe would still have his vote.
Wanting to know village roles:
Why do villagers usually not tell everyone their role? Because then the eliminators know for sure, and either that exposes them to the eliminator kill, or helps the eliminators narrow down where the village power roles are. But anyone who claimed to Joe had already told the eliminators what those roles were. They are then better off telling the village, so that the other villagers can plan/protect them, as needed. More informationthe village has, the better.
Re: AMan: I knew enough that it ended up being a bad idea, and trusted that someone who actually played would correct me if I was wrong. 
Re: Rules implying >1 shinigami: Because I read that the game had 'No Secret Rules'. To me, rules are the things you read in the initial post. The rules include a list of the roles, and how those roles work. So 'No Secret Rules' is a stronger statement than 'No Secret Roles'. So even though I saw that the rules used Shinigami in some cases, when you'd expect Ryuk, given the 'No Secret Rules' clarification, I ignored it. Until Alv clarified that he had a different idea bout 'No Secret Rules'
Having lunch. More later.
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