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Random Stuff VII: The Admins Awaken

Young Bard

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Just finished Over the Garden Wall. So much for taking it slow so it'd last longer. 

You are welcome. -_-


I do have some recommendations...


I second Stephen Universe and Avatar The Last Airbender. You could watch Twilight Zone, because Twilight Zone is amazing. You could listen to Welcome To Night Vale...


Now you'll get Anime recommendations because my knowledge about western television ends about here.


Serial Experiments Lain - There is something about the internet and time travel and other things. I dont know, but I like it.

FLCL - A young boy gets hit in the head with a bass guitar and ends up growing a horn. Then things only get weirder from there.

Paranoia Agent - A boy with a baseball bat is hitting people and then disappears without a trace. Two cops tries to catch him, then things get strange.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - *Keeps self from going on a fanboy rant*

Monster - A skilled surgeon decides to save a young boy instead of the mayor of the town being tired of the hospitals political bias. Then people start dying.

Cowboy Bebop - Bounty Hunters, in space! With a bit of a noir atmosphhere and awesome jazzy sound track.

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Also, I recommend Wonderfalls to everyone.  Because it was an amazing, perfect little show, and it deserved way more than 13 episodes.  But they still managed to wrap up that season's storyline so beautifully in those episodes, so it has a very satisfying ending.


Oh, and the DVD set is only $15 on Amazon!


(Seriously, they're great.  The DVD art makes them all look like those old circular Viewfinder cells.)

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What do you mean? They finished it...


Not very well, but they finished it...

Such a shame that it was NEVER FINISHED.  :mellow: 

But then in a way I'm glad because if they did finish it they might have done something stupid like rushed the ending and ruined several seasons of character development in a single episode.

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Talking to my grandmother about my upcoming move. 




Plus all of the "You'll have to pay for utilities and rent, and you'll be driving by yourself, and I wish something would open up here in the Northwest so I could see you once in a while" stuff. <_< Seriously, is everyone in my extended family part of the "Scare Twi Out of Major Life Decisions" task force?


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Talking to my grandmother about my upcoming move. 




Plus all of the "You'll have to pay for utilities and rent, and you'll be driving by yourself, and I wish something would open up here in the Northwest so I could see you once in a while" stuff. <_< Seriously, is everyone in my extended family part of the "Scare Twi Out of Major Life Decisions" task force?


Uhh.. 17th Shard Family! We are not!

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Uhh.. 17th Shard Family! We are not!


No, you guys have been awesome, and so have my siblings. It's just the rest of my family that's been all down and mopey about it, reminding me about the bad areas of town and the fact I'll be paying for all my own expenses and the fact I'll be so far away and they wish they could at least see me for Christmas…..and on and on and on. And I get it—they're worried, they'll miss me, but I wish they could just be happy for me too. 

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Congrats on finally get out Twi, New Orleans (or "Nor-lins" as you will quickly find out) is a really fun city.


With that said, I'll just leave this here...



Are you trying to make us feel the pain of their deaths again?  :(

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Are you trying to make us feel the pain of their deaths again?  :(

I was actually super stoked at Dumbledore's Death. Not because i didn't like him, he's awesome, but because that whole scene was spectacular, and Snape is so great. Dumbledor's death has never saddened me because of that. 


Unrelated, but everyone needs to go type loser.com into their URL boxes and see where it takes you. It's great.

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This is a guide to Doctor Who by someone who doesn't watch the show.

It is hilarious. :lol:


Wow, that moment when you have another thing to post on random stuff, but no one is on there right now and you can't do it without double posting. :mellow:

I'll just edit this post. I find this true:


Edited by The Honor Spren
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Yes. Reminding each other of the soul-crushing pain Rowling caused us is an integral part of the HP fandom. :ph34r:









Unrelated, but everyone needs to go type loser.com into their URL boxes and see where it takes you. It's great.

How did that happen?

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This is a guide to Doctor Who by someone who doesn't watch the show.

It is hilarious. :lol:


Wow, that moment when you have another thing to post on random stuff, but no one is on there right now and you can't do it without double posting. :mellow:

I'll just edit this post. I find this true:


"This is also Doctor? Maybe his parents named him something really ugly and now he doesn't want to admit it?"

And that comic should be called "Real Life vs. the Shard."

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