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@Seonid Like Calderis said, I'd definitely seek some legal advice from a professional. That doesn't sound OK at all. If there's something fishy about it, you and other tenants can go to court together (and when you work together you can probably hire a better lawyer).

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On 8/9/2017 at 11:49 PM, Calderis said:

@Seonid have you looked into the tenant laws where you live? That doesn't sound legal. Buying a property in most areas (as far as I'm aware) means they bought your lease. They should still be subject to the terms of your lease. 


20 hours ago, Mestiv said:

@Seonid Like Calderis said, I'd definitely seek some legal advice from a professional. That doesn't sound OK at all. If there's something fishy about it, you and other tenants can go to court together (and when you work together you can probably hire a better lawyer).

Thanks, folks. I looked over my lease agreement, and there's actually a clause in there that says that in the event of a change in ownership, they can give me 30 days notice to vacate. Unfortunately. But we're looking for new apartments now, and we've found a number of them that might work.

If there's one good thing that happened as a result of this, it's that I'm suddenly a lot more willing to take a lower-quality job than I was. Which is only good in the sense of: now I'll have a job instead of not. Sure seems like a waste of 2 4-year degrees to just go work on a factory assembly line, but it's much better than nothing at all.

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9 hours ago, Seonid said:


Thanks, folks. I looked over my lease agreement, and there's actually a clause in there that says that in the event of a change in ownership, they can give me 30 days notice to vacate. Unfortunately. But we're looking for new apartments now, and we've found a number of them that might work.

If there's one good thing that happened as a result of this, it's that I'm suddenly a lot more willing to take a lower-quality job than I was. Which is only good in the sense of: now I'll have a job instead of not. Sure seems like a waste of 2 4-year degrees to just go work on a factory assembly line, but it's much better than nothing at all.

 Contracts are not necessarily binding, just saying! 

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On 8/10/2017 at 8:30 PM, Silverblade5 said:

Scheduling only 3 people for a restaurant won't cause any problems. Nope, none at all. Since I decided to take extra hours, it thankfully become 4, and barely worked out. 


23 hours ago, Sunbird said:

@Silverblade5 Ouch. Understaffing is not cool. Sadly it seems that LOTS of different businesses are making a habit of it.

Heh. Just made a rant about this in another thread. Suffice it to say, I know the feel. -_- 

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@Pestis the Spider @Claincy @overlordjebus @StrikerEZ
I definitely know I'm late on this but.

I have horrible motivation problems myself, I'm not motivated to do anything, I don't distract myself, I don't do anything, I just sit and do...nothing. Just sit there listening to the noises of average day in our household , I can't motivate myself to do things that I love, not even do something like eat.

It's just

Everyone has food that they love, like, need to eat.
And sometimes.

The food just tastes like...sludge, bland tasteless sludge.

And you keep doing the things you need to do, you keep doing the things that you love to do.

But its not the same. You just...you don't get any enjoyment, or satisfaction, or well.


It's just bland and tasteless.

And then it gets to the point....where like me

Where you don't eat, sleep, read, write, well

Do anything.
Because really...what's the point.

You don't really derive anything from it, other than the ability to eat more sludge.

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@Darkness Ascendant yeah... 

This is the stuff that people who say "I'm so depressed" when they're sad about something don't get. 

Depression is far more than "feeling sad." it's the slow removal of enjoyment from anything. A slide into apathy, and lethargy, and complete lack of meaning. 

Sorry you have to deal with it. 

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14 hours ago, Calderis said:

@Darkness Ascendant yeah... 

This is the stuff that people who say "I'm so depressed" when they're sad about something don't get. 

Depression is far more than "feeling sad." it's the slow removal of enjoyment from anything. A slide into apathy, and lethargy, and complete lack of meaning. 

Sorry you have to deal with it. 


Did I actually post that o_O

well that's a surprise, there have been moments where I will be typing something up here and then I will delete it *shrugs

Yeah, I had a friend who's sister got scolded by his mother once, and she went to the bathroom and wrote "depression is fun". XD

It's alright *yawns, I try not to let it get in the way, but yeah its hard and extremely annoying, because I actually want to get stuff done lmao

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46 minutes ago, Draginon said:

Quick question: What kind of jerk goes around eating other people's food???!!! I had a couple of these premade smuckers pb&j sandwiches and someone ate one. Who does that anyway???

My work had to put up signs on the fridges expressly forbidding eating others' food. Their necessity appalls me.

Edited by Slowswift
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1 minute ago, Slowswift said:

My work had to put up signs on the fridges expressly forbidding eating others' food. Their necessity appalls me.

What made this worse is how there was maybe a couple other items in the fridge so no one was really using it which makes you wonder even more why they were rummaging in the fridge in the first place!

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On 8/5/2017 at 9:59 PM, StrikerEZ said:

Yeah, I know. I'm trying to work on that, but it's hard. But you know that, I guess.

And the thing is, when it comes to band and music, I really, really do want to do it. But the pressure to be good, to play as well as I possibly can (which isn't just something others pressure me with, but something I pressure myself with), makes it hard. Even when I performed my solo a couple months ago, I felt it wasn't good, there were several things I could've done better, if only I'd practiced more. That aspect of it is probably just the musical artist/perfectionist in me speaking out. :P

I know what my goals are right now. I want to be either a band director or an author. Two very different things, and it'd be really hard to be both. But I'd love to be either, but I'd be sad not to be the other one. My biggest problem is how others see me, and I hate not living up to the expectations. I'm definitely getting better at it, it's still just a problem though.

I'm late to the party on this, but...

In addition to the standard "smart kid coasts and coasts and then runs into a brick wall because none of the past teachers bothered to actually challenge you and teach you actual good study habits," I also have the inattentive form of ADD. For ADD brains, there are only two times: now and not-now. And it's very, very easy to keep pushing everything into not-now.

My advice: do you have a phone? Program alarms! Set an alarm at a specific time each day for practicing. When the alarm goes off, it's time to practice for X number of minutes. Then you can go and do something else. Next alarm goes off: homework time! It seems dumb and simplistic, but it's a way to trick your brain into changing "not-now" into NOW.

1 hour ago, Draginon said:

What made this worse is how there was maybe a couple other items in the fridge so no one was really using it which makes you wonder even more why they were rummaging in the fridge in the first place!

Workplaces are too often rife with food thieves. Which is why I never put my lunch in the fridge, but keep it in my insulated bag at my desk.

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17 minutes ago, Calderis said:

Extremely hot sauces are also good for food thieves. 

Only if they are things you legitimately intend to eat yourself. Setting nasty "traps" for food thieves is no more ethical than stealing the food in the first place.

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4 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

Only if they are things you legitimately intend to eat yourself. Setting nasty "traps" for food thieves is no more ethical than stealing the food in the first place.

I happen to like hot food. A lot. 

I also happen to think that as long as it's only disuasion and not lasting harm, there's no issue with traps. If you do something that requires medical attention then yeah, that's pretty messed up. 

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4 hours ago, Draginon said:

Quick question: What kind of jerk goes around eating other people's food???!!! I had a couple of these premade smuckers pb&j sandwiches and someone ate one. Who does that anyway???


Every once in a while, we get corporate emails kindly reminding all employees to not eat food which isn't yours into the fridge... We also get others to kindly remind all employees not to forget to bring back the cafeteria utensils they have inadvertently brought to their desk because the cafeteria is starting to run low on those :ph34r:

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Re: food thieves, I haven't had a problem with them at work so far, but my grandma is an unapologetic food klepto. If I leave chips or donuts or ice cream anywhere she can see and reach it, she'll just eat it and then "apologize" when I confront her about it before doing the exact same thing two days later. I finally started keeping my chips and donuts on top of the fridge where she can neither see nor reach them, and only buying ice cream containing peanut butter because she dislikes peanut butter. Now that she can't walk to the fridge without assistance, though, my food is safe once more.

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@Kaymyth @maxal The thing here normally I'm not at the campuses, kind of secluded in my own area where there's just one small fridge for two people, and this is the first time it's ever happened to me. Also I sometimes do stuff that requires the freezer segment, the campuses can have pretty nasty freezers where it's iced over with brown ice!, so I usually have no choice when I'm there for the summer.

 @Sunbird Okay, that's actually hilarious and reminds me a bit of my dad. Me and my mom have to get food for him when he's in town, he's a truck driver, and if we don't he eats everything. He stopped for a while after I had gotten jelly babies for the first time and told him it had strawberry juice made in them, and he claims to be allergic to them and the only thing he said about them was that it tasted funny so I'm not sure how allergic he is to them.

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6 minutes ago, SmurfAquamarineBodies said:

I don't understand how i'm supposed to live this life when I'm surrounded by the filth that is humanity. How do you lot do it?

Avoid the filth and wash regularly. Or embrace the filth and never wash again. I tend to choose the latter.

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23 minutes ago, SmurfAquamarineBodies said:

I don't understand how i'm supposed to live this life when I'm surrounded by the filth that is humanity. How do you lot do it?

Humans as a whole are pretty disgusting. 

Individuals can be awesome. 

Find a group of awesome and ignore the disgusting masses. 

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24 minutes ago, Extesian said:

Avoid the filth and wash regularly. Or embrace the filth and never wash again. I tend to choose the latter.

I tried embracing the filth but all that did is cause me to grab the back of a work mates head with the intent of pushing his stupid, lazy, entitled face into the deep fryer ( I didn't because I kinda wanna travel and I can't do that if I'm a murderer, or rather convicted murderer ). So I don't try to embrace anything these days.

So instead I look out at the world around me marveling that people are too stupid to look up from their insignificant lives and see what we are doing to the planet we call home.

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