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Re: music in schools, I was in marching band 3 out of 4 years in high school and by Harmony, after that experience I will fight anyone who says marching band isn't a sport! I have never gotten as much exercise in my life as I did the 2 years I was on the drumline.

Also I find it very sad that the arts are so often discounted as not valuable and are usually the first thing to go during budget cuts.

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2 hours ago, Erunion said:

@maxal - I've noticed the same on this coast too: without the drive for scholarships (and the money made from high school/college sports) there's much less of an emphasis on sports in high school, and a much greater emphasis on art.

You see, in Canada, when we cut funding we cut all funding equally ;) 

I am not sure we are cutting anything these day, more like spending like crazy :wacko: It is completely insane to see Quebec cut down all of its expenses, get massive surplus while Canada does... the opposite :o The world has turned upside down.

Our schools have sports, but never as in the States, we aren't as... patriotic. Higher education also is ridiculously cheap.In the States, I get the sad feeling if you aren't born rich, then you never truly have a chance. Over here, at least, even if you are downright poor, you still have the same access to the same Universities. Expensive private schools also aren't a must.

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2 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

Re: music in schools, I was in marching band 3 out of 4 years in high school and by Harmony, after that experience I will fight anyone who says marching band isn't a sport! I have never gotten as much exercise in my life as I did the 2 years I was on the drumline.

Also I find it very sad that the arts are so often discounted as not valuable and are usually the first thing to go during budget cuts.

oh nice :D 

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35 minutes ago, maxal said:

I am not sure we are cutting anything these day, more like spending like crazy :wacko: It is completely insane to see Quebec cut down all of its expenses, get massive surplus while Canada does... the opposite :o The world has turned upside down.

Our schools have sports, but never as in the States, we aren't as... patriotic. Higher education also is ridiculously cheap.In the States, I get the sad feeling if you aren't born rich, then you never truly have a chance. Over here, at least, even if you are downright poor, you still have the same access to the same Universities. Expensive private schools also aren't a must.

The US might be a mess in many ways, but we aren't a storming dystopia. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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6 hours ago, Mestiv said:

Ok, my curiosity has been satisfied. You just have much more music/art in general in schools. In Europe kids have some basic drawing and music lessons, but not enough to actually teach anyone how to properly play an instrument. 

Also marching/school bands are a thing. We don't have those. 

I don't really agree with this, at our school, if we chose music as one of our subjects (it's mandatory for the first three years) we learn quite a lot about playing instruments, especially the piano. In the final year we even do an entire show, were everybody needs to do play at least two instruments (voice counts as an instrument). We also get a lot of theory, and if we wanted to we could even join in on an composer contest.

Edit: the country I'm talking about is The Netherlands.

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6 minutes ago, maxal said:

Not what I meant, you are extrapolating my words over one topic of discussion up to every single sphere of the American life. I never said you were a dystopia, you did. 

I would also like to point you (the Americans) are the ones always complaining over your schools putting too much emphasis on sports: this hardly is the first this topic comes around. Why do you need to act offended because people living elsewhere tell you things are different and, from their perspective, perhaps better elsewhere? 

Well. I was ready to discuss this with you, but if you're going to be so rude, I see no value. 

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Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Well. I was ready to discuss this with you, but if you're going to be so rude, I see no value. 

That's too much angst for a Saturday morning, I haven't even had my first coffee yet :o We appear to have run into a misunderstanding as see I read your post as rude, hence I responded in a rude manner. I honestly didn't know how else to respond: it is too early to come up with great line openers, but I might better as I keep working on this coffee.

Since I seem to have gotten it wrong, allow me to start again by erasing my other post :)

So huh, I am still left with trying to answer to other one... I really didn't say anything about a dystopia and rest assure our schooling system has its own problems up in the North, but there are different. I understand however the desire to prefer dealing with known problems than another country's problems. 

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Yesterday went just about as badly as possible.

First, before I even got to school, my brother crashed our car. Third accident I've been in in the last 6 months.

Then, I get to school, find out when I lent my school laptop to someone else, they put it on the the admin network. So I got chewed out for something I hadn't even known about.

And to top it off, my laptop was taken because of said thing, and I couldn't print my homework and couldn't turn it in.

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3 hours ago, Clockwork said:

Yesterday went just about as badly as possible.

First, before I even got to school, my brother crashed our car. Third accident I've been in in the last 6 months.

Then, I get to school, find out when I lent my school laptop to someone else, they put it on the the admin network. So I got chewed out for something I hadn't even known about.

And to top it off, my laptop was taken because of said thing, and I couldn't print my homework and couldn't turn it in.


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5 hours ago, Clockwork said:

Yesterday went just about as badly as possible.

First, before I even got to school, my brother crashed our car. Third accident I've been in in the last 6 months.

Then, I get to school, find out when I lent my school laptop to someone else, they put it on the the admin network. So I got chewed out for something I hadn't even known about.

And to top it off, my laptop was taken because of said thing, and I couldn't print my homework and couldn't turn it in.

eesh, that sounds terrible.



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5 hours ago, Clockwork said:

Yesterday went just about as badly as possible.

First, before I even got to school, my brother crashed our car. Third accident I've been in in the last 6 months.

Then, I get to school, find out when I lent my school laptop to someone else, they put it on the the admin network. So I got chewed out for something I hadn't even known about.

And to top it off, my laptop was taken because of said thing, and I couldn't print my homework and couldn't turn it in.

Three accidents in six months? :blink: That must've frayed your nerves. 

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22 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Three accidents in six months? :blink: That must've frayed your nerves. 

Two totaled cars, because we t-boned another car, and the third was us spinning three times before finally hitting a fence. I no longer trust cars.

EDIT: Two separate crashes in which we t-boned another car. First time, we flipped the other over.


Oh, I also officially have depression. <_< Friday was, quite possibly, the single worst day of my life. Became paranoid, depressed, and lost a friend.

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2 hours ago, Clockwork said:

Oh, I also officially have depression. <_< Friday was, quite possibly, the single worst day of my life. Became paranoid, depressed, and lost a friend.

I'm here if you need to talk/rant about it. Just shoot me a Pm :) 

What do you mean, officially have depression? Like, you just got diagnosed with it?


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2 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

I'm here if you need to talk/rant about it. Just shoot me a Pm :) 

What do you mean, officially have depression? Like, you just got diagnosed with it?



Yeah, I got diagnosed with depression, but one of my friends, who used to have depression, (not the one that got me in trouble) has thought that I had depression for a while now.

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6 hours ago, Clockwork said:


Yeah, I got diagnosed with depression, but one of my friends, who used to have depression, (not the one that got me in trouble) has thought that I had depression for a while now.

I speak from experience here: depression sucks. I'd say don't believe the negative thoughts in your head, but I know I'm horrible at actually achieving that myself, so mostly I hope you have people there for you. That literally saved my life.

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storm I just want to die.

Absolutely massive workload to be completed in these two days, storming thyroid is playing up so I'm getting random chills/sweats/fevers. I didn't get any sleep last night due to a strange reaction where I spent 8 hours scratching and itching and taking lots of showers. I have a migraine and my head feels like it's in an oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius, and someone is repeated slamming the door on it. My throat is one fire every time I take a storming breath

Not to mention the fact that I have an absolutely massive workload to complete by Wednesday  >> storm storm storm storm storm.

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33 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

storm I just want to die.

Absolutely massive workload to be completed in these two days, storming thyroid is playing up so I'm getting random chills/sweats/fevers. I didn't get any sleep last night due to a strange reaction where I spent 8 hours scratching and itching and taking lots of showers. I have a migraine and my head feels like it's in an oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius, and someone is repeated slamming the door on it. My throat is one fire every time I take a storming breath

Not to mention the fact that I have an absolutely massive workload to complete by Wednesday  >> storm storm storm storm storm.

Aren't your parents doctors? O.o they should tell you to rest, not work :/ *hugs*

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